We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Loobi didnt think it was too early for braxton hicks, not from what I have read hun. Cant believe they treated you that way.

Imogen, I have seen that travel system on ebay for around the same price, my sister has it in beige. I have been looking at a Hauck too on ebay there is tons of nice ones, Hauck do a bloody good range and I like all of theirs, but I want to wait until I know what I am having as I might get a pink/purpley one or a bluey/black one we will see. I think there is a package for £249 on there with an RRP of £799! Bloody bargain. There is a mamas and papas pilkio for £280 on their website I like but DH isnt too sure, grrr!!

Anyway thinking of you Jane, I am sure things will be just fine, bleeding is very very common. Chin up.

I had my 12 week scan today!! All is well and baby is growing perfectly!! Hiccupy baby but a sleepy one!! xxx
Thats great news, Hann! :hugs:

Bexx, ooh i could go on about babywearing all day! i love love love it. In my opinion, the best sling for a newborn is something like a Kari-Me or a Moby. Its just one long stretchy piece of material that you tie around a certain way (it looks complex but its SO easy once you've done it a couple of times). then baby can go in, either facing you cuddling, in the cradle position, or breastfeeding! As they get older you can even face them outwards (although there are some studies that dont recommend doing this as it could overstimulate the baby) or sit them on your hip. Or on your back! I used my Kari-Me until Jack was about 6-7 months old and then i switched to a Mei Tai baby carrier as the stretchy fabric wasnt really supportive enough as he got heavier. He lived in that thing until he was about 18 months old! I got my Mei Tai from a seller called jelliebabies09 (or jelliebaby09, i cant quite remember) on https://www.etsy.com and my Kari Me was from a local seller, but you can get them online or on ebay. their site is https://www.kari-me.com you can get them in loads of different colours. I really cant recommend them enough. Mainstream baby carriers just dont stand up to more traditional wraps or mei tais. i have back problems and i still managed to comfortably carry Jack until he was ready to walk everywhere :)

Oooh and i am dying to get a co sleeper cot too! makes life SO much easier. we didnt co sleep with Jack but i wish we had, and we are definitely going to this time around.

Laura im so sorry you had such awful treatment at the hospital :( are you going to make a complaint?

eep, Claire, shopping for baby stuff is so much fun!!
I went to the Asda baby event today Imogen, didnt get much gonna wait until next Wed when hubby gets paid but managed to get 12 packs of pampers wipes for £8, which is a bloody bargain, a huggies newborn starter kit which had nappies, samples, travel wipes pouch with wipes and coupons for £3, cheaper than one pack of nappies, and i got the Johnsons baby box with toiletries for £10, normally I spend £20 on an empty one from Mothercare, so well impressed! Woo hoo love it! x
Bexx, ooh i could go on about babywearing all day! i love love love it. In my opinion, the best sling for a newborn is something like a Kari-Me or a Moby. Its just one long stretchy piece of material that you tie around a certain way (it looks complex but its SO easy once you've done it a couple of times). then baby can go in, either facing you cuddling, in the cradle position, or breastfeeding! As they get older you can even face them outwards (although there are some studies that dont recommend doing this as it could overstimulate the baby) or sit them on your hip. Or on your back! I used my Kari-Me until Jack was about 6-7 months old and then i switched to a Mei Tai baby carrier as the stretchy fabric wasnt really supportive enough as he got heavier. He lived in that thing until he was about 18 months old! I got my Mei Tai from a seller called jelliebabies09 (or jelliebaby09, i cant quite remember) on https://www.etsy.com and my Kari Me was from a local seller, but you can get them online or on ebay. their site is https://www.kari-me.com you can get them in loads of different colours. I really cant recommend them enough. Mainstream baby carriers just dont stand up to more traditional wraps or mei tais. i have back problems and i still managed to comfortably carry Jack until he was ready to walk everywhere :)

Oooh and i am dying to get a co sleeper cot too! makes life SO much easier. we didnt co sleep with Jack but i wish we had, and we are definitely going to this time around.

Thank you so much for the recommendations! :thumbup: I've just done a little googling and I think I may end up going for the Moby D, there's plenty of them on eBay and the prices seem reasonable. I've never really liked the more mainstream carriers, they look like they'll kill your back and/or shoulders after a while and don't seem like the comfiest things for baby to be in.

I'll have to wait until our house sale has finalised before buying more stuff though as I splashed out on this co-sleeping crib yesterday:


It should arrive tomorrow and I'll let you know what I think of it. We nipped to Babies R Us this evening to get a crib mattress and some fitted sheets for it - you wouldn't believe how difficult it was to find stuff for cribs, but we got the essentials in the end. So that's the end of the health in pregnancy money lol.

Ella, I'd totally forgotten about the Asda event and we drove right past there twice today. If hubby doesn't mind taking me into town again, I might check it out tomorrow. We usually check out the Sainsbury's third-off events as they have some good deals there too.
Hey girls!

6ish DPO today for me.....I just can't wait until this TWW is over! It seems as if everyone around me is getting PG. It's getting to the point where I'm having more and more days that have me feeling like it's never going to happen. Although (and I'm probably grasping at straws) I'm having these AF like cramps, except they don't hurt, and sometimes it's like an itchy feeling, and other times it's just noticable. Hoping it's not just gas.

Seems like all your pregnancies are moving along so fast! Bexx, I hope I can join you all before you pop out your baby! Wow, 10 weeks to go. It seems like just yesterday when you were announcing your BFP.

All this talk about shopping for baby stuff sounds like a lot of fun. I do have to admit when i get bored I browse online at baby stuff. I would start stocking up but a lot of it is gender specific.

Alright, another long one at work today. Oh, and I found out my hubby has to go to Honduras for a week. If AF shows, it's during my fertile period, so i'll be out for a month.

Have a good one!
absolutely bexx, the mainstream ones are awful. we used a babybjorn for about 2 days and it killed me. not to mention that there have been studies that show that carrying a baby in that position is really bad for their hip and spine development. they just...hang there, suspended from the crotch whilst their own weight forces their hips apart and compresses the spine. a wrap keeps the baby with its legs in a froggy position which is optimal for their physiological development, and when they are in a wrap it actually counts as "tummy time" because just being in that position strengthens their back and shoulder muscles! amazing! :D

let me know how the moby turns out! :thumbup: and that crib looks beautiful!! we are planning on sidecarring Jack's cot to our bed (he's going in a big boy bed soon) with some bungee ropes, lol.
good afternoon girls... well, had my check up and scan this afternoon.... and i caved and asked the sex, actually wasnt going to, but i saw what i saw, and was dying to then ask if i was right.... and i was... its a BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
woohoo so happy....
hope everyone is ok..

hope you get your :bfp: this month then erin, keeping everything crossed for you sweetie, well everything except my legs :rofl: i should ovulate around the 1st may so my test day will be 15th may xxxx
wow laura, i didn't realise you had posted, thats fantastic, i had a feeling it would be a boy, i'm getting good at this guessing! any ideas on names yet? bet you are chuffed to bits,

lots of love xxxxxxxxxxxxxx
we have had a few ideas, but nothing definate yet.... thank you... got to try to stop stressing myself now... i worry every single day.... so worried something bad will happen, they did tell me ihave fibroids.... but thats not a prob for the pregnancy, but may cause me probs afterwards.... i knew i had one cs they spotted it after i had scan after miscarriage in 2002....

so.... I AM HAVING A BOY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! yahoooooooooo
Erin sweetie, I agree, it would be wonderful if I could hear your happy news before my little one comes along but don't let yourself feel pressured. You'll get your BFP, I know you will :hugs: Only having 10 weeks to go is bloody scary lol, though every day I look more and more forward to meeting him.

im_mi, the crib arrived this afternoon and it looks really nice. It wasn't cheap, but the build quality is good and it's very easy to adjust the height (though ideally you need 2 people to do it comfortably). It was making me all emotional seeing it beside the bed, so we've popped it in the nursery until our little man arrives.
I will get the Moby next month and have some practices putting it on. I'll probably use my best friend's 6-month old as a test subject if I can. :D I'm really looking forward to going for walks in the country with it on as there's no way my buggy can navigate some of the rough paths around here.

loobi, you're on the same team as me! :happydance: Looking forward to hearing your name ideas. I chose Zachary in my short-list way back at around 7 weeks, but we only really decided on it for sure about a month ago. Oh, I bet you're chuffed to bits! :D

Oh well, time to finish dinner now. Hubby's been out trimming all the hedges in the back garden today and is in need of a hearty meal lol.
oh loobs thats fantastic!!! congratulations!! :happydance:

that sounds like a fab idea bexx :) although your bump will get in the way of practicing with a baby. you could still quite easily practice the tie, though :) one tip: always tie the wrap tighter than you think you should and spread the fabric out evenly over your shoulders :thumbup:

hayley, i hope that may is a very lucky month for you :hugs:

omg my travel system is here!! :happydance: i only got the email today saying it had been dispatched and it was here when i got home from work at half 12!! DH didnt tell me when i called him because he wanted me to have a surprise. he's such a star.
:hugs: everyone xx

loobi im so :happydance: for you :blue::blue: :happydance:

hayley and erin wishing you loads of good luck and hope you get some good news soon :hugs::hugs:

im mi, bexx and clare love all the baby shopping :happydance: sounds really fun!! love the travel system and the crib is lovely too :cloud9:

hope your ok lisa :hugs:

well tomz is the day :sad1: after waiting a week and 3 days its been a nightmare waiting game appointment at 9.45 so not too much waiting around!!! trying to be really positive that everything is fine the bleed was only when i wiped and for 4 days no cramps!!! dont wanna sound to confident either but im still being :sick: and sore boobs!! really hope this little one is a sticky one and that i will be going to my 12week scan on the 11th may :cloud9:

have a lovely day xxxx
im_mi, I totally forgot the bump would get in the way lol. Thanks for the tips though, I'm looking forward to having a play with it. :thumbup:

Jane, I'm sure your bean is going to be fine and it's a great sign that you're still having symptoms. In fact, you're having exactly the same ones I did at that stage - if the ms is giving you grief, try plain ryvita crackers, they did wonders for me. :)
Oh Jane, good luck tomorrow!! like Bexx said if you are still having strong symptoms then im sure your bean is hanging in there! might just have been a breakthrough bleed. i dont know how you have managed all this time not knowing, you're so brave :hugs: make sure you update us asap when you get back from your scan!

Thats ok bexx! like i said, i could go on and on about babywearing all day lol.

I assembled my travel system today, hurrah! really didnt think it through though, i have absolutely nowhere to put it now! looks like it'll be living in our corridor for the next 5 months!! :dohh:
its good news :happydance: all is well, was moving around loads!! so looks like s/he just wanted to be a bugger and worry me :haha:
YAY!! :happydance: oh im so happy and relieved for you hun, what a fab piccy! :happydance: i cant believe how baby-like s/he looks already!

Went to the la leche league meeting this morning which was lovely :) we talked about helping toddlers cope with siblings etc, and ways to get them involved in breastfeeding to make it easier (like reading stories to them at the same time etc) and i feel much more confident about how we will cope now. Ive been so worried about how Jack will accept a sibling as he really doesnt tolerate babies very well (he likes them but if i try to hold one he cries heartbreakingly and wont come near me), but i feel much better about it now :) i wish the LLL meeting was more than once a month! I always leave there feeling so empowered :) although i feel sad that Jack isnt breastfeeding any more :( he weaned himself about two weeks ago now, i have offered but he's not interested any more! so glad we made it to 25 months though and i cant wait to feed another child :cloud9:

starting to get really excited now. i want my baby here!!

how is everyone today? Lisa, havent heard from you in forever!! get in here and update, woman! :haha:
aw jane, i was purposely looking in to check and see if there was news,i am so pleased for you.....

my little fella is kicking me all over now , i love it... he had hiccups last night when i went to bed.... just am so overwhelmed with love for the little man already.. hope he makes his arrival safely...

lots of love all round

Ahh Jane, fantastic hunnie, I cant imagine the relief hunny, how cute does the little one look. Do you still get your 12 week?

Loobi congrats on having a boy, how wonderful, there seems to be alot of boys about at the moment.

Imogen, I have been looking at prams too but gonna wait until after scan. I am getting excited too, nearly half way there, woop woop! Roll on 17 May for my scan, whens yours?

I fell over today, slipped up the stairs, yes up and not down!lol! My knees took the weight, I keep prodding my tummy to make the baby move, lol, I have had a couple of prods back. Phew, scary stuff! I remember I fell over in the snow with Ella, I marched straight down the docs, even the smallest of knocks etc worries me, I am still worried in fact!

I have had a busy day of shopping today, bought some cute maternity tops and a changing mat and bottle bag from Toyrs R Us today. I really dont need much more I have most of it already. Yay!!

Anyway have a scorching weekend. xxxxx

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