We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Welcome ladies, hope you enjoy yourself over here, we are a great bunch.

Wow Erin, I constantly had the flu until I was about 9 weeks, I got my BFP at 9dpo on an ebay cheapie 10miu, you might be better off using something like that at the moment to feed your POAS addiction. Fingers and toes crossed hun.

Imogen yes I will be finding out the sex, I am so desperate to know too that LO is doing fine. I am not awfully big but the MW at my 16 week appointment said I was measuring fine, with my last two pregnancies I was big as a house! Oh well shouldnt grumble!

My bloody washing machine broke yesterday,grrr, had to run to my mums and do 3 loads, back there Tuesday. I have ordered another and it will be here on Thursday thank God, with 2 kids I cannot be without it, more bloody expense! Can do without it after buying the car and a holiday to pay for.

Anyway, I hope the rest of you girls have enjoyed the weekend, Bexx, just checked your siggie out, not long to go now, the weeks will fly, one of my friends waters broke Friday if she hasnt had it by tomorrow she will be induced and my best friend has 2 weeks to go, its unfair I want my baby, lol! xxx
ooh erin that sounds really promising!! i had cold symptoms at the beginning with every single one of my pregnancies, in fact it was one of the first symptoms i had!! really hope this is it for you honey i can imagine how frustrating it must be for you <3

Aww claire sorry about the washing machine!! that sucks!! broken washing machines are a right pain in the ass. I totally know what you mean about finding out the sex, we decided at the beginning that we would stay on team yellow this time which im still really happy with, but it just occured to me this morning that in 3 weeks i could know!!!! im dying to go out and buy lots of little baby clothes but im not overly fond of a lot of the unisex stuff. although the things in gap and next are nice. shame theyre so expensive!!

Hope all is well with you loobi xxx

Bexx, ive PMed you! and im sooo jealous of you living in the country :laugh2: i mean, our town isnt very big at all but going shopping on a saturday is terrifying sometimes lol. im a country girl at heart!

Jane, i hope youre having a good weekend!

hope i havent forgotten anyone lol xxx
good luck erin, keeping my fingers & toes crossed for you sweetie xxxx

also sending a huge hug to my lovely laura :hugs:
loobi hun, I hope your day has improved since posting. Feel free to let off some steam in here if you want. :hugs:

Hi everyone just found this group and think it is a great idea, I would like to join, and hopefully meet some friends along the way :)

Welcome to the group hun! :flower:

Going to start testing tomorrow morning! Boobs are REALLY sore today!:happydance: Hoping this is my month!

Sore boobs were my very first symptom followed soon after by a sudden dislike of the smell and taste of coffee. I think I was only able to start drinking it again long after entering 2nd tri, I actually prefer tea now and I used to detest the stuff lol.

Anyway, I hope the rest of you girls have enjoyed the weekend, Bexx, just checked your siggie out, not long to go now, the weeks will fly, one of my friends waters broke Friday if she hasnt had it by tomorrow she will be induced and my best friend has 2 weeks to go, its unfair I want my baby, lol! xxx

I hoped I'd be on the 2nd from last box today, but not quite yet it seems. I'm at that stage where I'm starting to get tired of being pregnant, my sleep is really suffering this last week, the SPD is getting on my nerves and I would like to have my body back lol. Can't believe I'll be at term in just 6 weeks!

Bexx, ive PMed you! and im sooo jealous of you living in the country :laugh2: i mean, our town isnt very big at all but going shopping on a saturday is terrifying sometimes lol. im a country girl at heart!

I'll check out your PM in a sec. :flower: The town we used to live in is fairly big and I hate going back there at any time of week. Thankfully 2 of the supermarkets we use are on the outskirts, but we sometimes like to use Sainsburys which is slap bang in the middle. I was a bit nervous that I might not adapt to country life as I've always been a townie, but I've taken to it like a duck to water. Hubby thinks it's amusing when I do stuff like wander out onto the patio at midnight and marvel at how dark and quiet it is and how you can see the stars so clearly. He grew up in the sticks, so it's just like returning home to him. :D

We never got to have our BBQ after all this weekend. The weather was briefly nice yesterday, but it was getting a bit late and I'd stuffed myself with chocolate and wasn't hungry. :blush:
:bfn: this morning with FMU. Ah well, not giving up hope until AF shows. Boobs are still a bit sore today, so again all hope isn't lost. If AF shows this month, I'm probably out for next month too. Hubby's flying off to Honduras for a week. During my fertile period.

I can't believe it's Monday already! The weekend sure flies.

Alright, I'm off. I think the testing is going to have to wait until AF doesn't show. I'm working with FRERs so don't wanna waste them on nothing.
Bexx, my hubby is the same, he grew up on a farm in the middle of nowhere so he really doesnt like living here on an estate in a town, lol. i grew up in a little country village and it was always so boring, i was glad to move here at first but now i'd love to go back! hehe i can just imagine you out on your patio with your bump, marvelling at the lack of light pollution lol. Are you on facebook hun?

Loobi, how are you doing today honey? :hugs:

Sorry about the BFN Erin :( hope that AF stays away!!

Oh man i feel rough today :( just run down i think. last night at work was really hard. UGH they are all such a bunch of assholes there, excuse my language!! i mean, my colleagues are mostly sympathetic but i was basically left on my own all night last night to serve and clear up and everything, normally it would be fine but i cant manage like i normally can and it was so stressful. by 9pm i was in bloody agony and just wanted to cry. Ive finally got around to writing my official letter to tell them im pregnant (they all know already but ive not put it in writing yet) and when im taking my leave so now they will be legally required to do a risk assessment etc. not that itll make any bloody difference :( ive booked off a week in june, another in july and i leave in august so im hoping ill be able to get through it. got work again tonight, boo.
Oh, that doesn't sound nice im_mi, you'd have thought they'd have tried to make things a bit easier for you knowing you're pregnant. I can't remember what you do, are you in the restaurant/catering business?

I'll PM you my facebook details. :)
thanx for asking bout me girls.... i wont bore you with the whole thing... but i have spent basically he entire day in tears on and off..... i feel like i have the weight of the world on my shoulders... but its not my probs.... there is alot of pressure on DH and myself from dd and her pregnancy and all her dramas with the father of her child etc.... i kinda feellike my own pregnancy is tkaing a back seat.... i am so worried too, cos she is still going out and drinking, i know the odd glass of wine here and there isn ot a prob, but this goes beyond that, andi dont knw which way to turn to be honest.... but the stress and worry of all that is making me feel ill all the time , and not be able to enoy cooking my own little boy.... i need to try to take a step back a bit, but its so hard cos she liveshere with us and when she is stroppy the whole house is walkign on eggshells.....

sorry to go on..... i just feel so low.... i obvously have the pregnancy aches and pains etc.... but i dnt mind them, its all the other cack i am havinhg to cope with on top....

erin... still could be early i got :bfp: on 11dpo with a IC, but not with a frer til i was overdue AF...... they used to be the best, but these days i think maybe these little cheapies are better..... fingers crossed for you lovely....


bexx.... i would LOVE where you live i think.....

im_mi... the sooner you give up that job the better ay?/

lotsa love all round

hayley... if i were you , i would be getting them little swimming guys in there all week.... yahoo... come on the joyce swim team!!!!!!!!!!!!
aww loobi, I'm sorry to hear your DD is causing you such grief. :hugs: Do remind yourself that she's a grown-up and it's not your responsibility to make the right choices for her anymore. Concentrate on the little man you're cooking and take pride in the fact you're doing everything to ensure a healthy future for him. :flower:

Thank you BTW, I really do enjoy living out here. We went back to our old house today to move some stuff out of the loft and I can't believe I lived in such a tiny place with so much noise going on around. I've always imagined Ireland to be a beautiful place, are you in the countryside or a town?
we moved from Dublin, 3 years ago.. we lived there for 6 and half years.... ( i hated it from the day we arrived over here) we now live in the midlands.. and it is really country compared to where we lived before, but i really don tlike it, the little town turns out to be quite rough, we didnt look round properly, if i had known i woul dnever have come here....

i would move home to morrow if dh would... but he likes it here.. it astounds me ... cos it is sooooo expensive here, and he hates spending money hahahaha we drive into the north sometimes to shop in asda or tesco, and it is amazing how much cheaper things are up there, i literally get two weeks shopping for the price i spend on one weeks here and extras too......

moan over... ( i hope ) i must apologise for my moaning, to be honest, its whyi have been so quiet of late, cos i didnt want to come in and moan..

lotsa love

Always better to have a moan and get it off your chest hun. You don't want to bottle things up. :flower:
^absolutely. Thats what were here for hon! Hearing about people getting drunk when theyre pregnant makes my blood boil, i cant imagine how it makes you feel when its so close to home :hugs: im sorry you are dealing with this right now.

Bexx, i am a barmaid in a hotel!

im_mi... thats exactly my point,it makes my blood boil too.... and i can barely talk to her ...

i know i am ( successfully at the moment) pregnant , but after losing my baby last year , knowing i did everything right etc, ( and that not the only reason) really upsets me when anyone let alone my own child , who i know , knows better.... but also, there are peopl ein this world who deserve to have babies and were never blessed.... i amnot saying she does not deserve her baby... but i wish she were taking better care of it..
rant over.
xxxxx gotta run , to do lunches..xxxxxxxx
Thats exactly it, loobs. So many people would do anything to be blessed with a baby, and especially when you have had losses a life is just so incredibly precious and you feel it should be treated as such. Lets just hope and pray that she stops what she is doing before it causes any damage (if it hasnt already :( ). i would be so upset about it if it was someone i knew, let alone if the baby was actually related to me. *hugs*
Just nipping in before getting on with the mountain of housework that seems to have accumulated over the last couple of days. I am both sad and proud to announce the appearance of my first stretch mark. Let's hope it's the only one I get lol *wishful thinking*.

I've also just realised I'm on the second-from-last box in my ticker now! :happydance:
Well, the boob soreness has gone to almost nothing and I'm having AF cramps. I really hate to think I'm going to be entering yet another cycle. It's not over yet, I just am getting the negative vibes.

Loobi, I had a friend who did the same thing.....drank during her pregnancy....and worst of all she lied to me and said she had had a miscarraige and this was why she was drinking...I actually felt sorry for her, and then several months later her kid was born. Then she tried to contact me to come meet her child. I was pissed. Now she's 7 months pregnant with her second, and I wouldn't dare drink while I'm pregnant, and I've got nothing. It is unfair, but like Bexx said she's a grown woman. I think there's a point when talking to her is not going to matter. She just needs to make her own decisions, stupid or not.

On that note, I'll probably get drunk if AF shows.

Bexx..... your baby is already 4 lbs! Geez! That's crazy.

Immi..... I too have a job where I have to be on my feet all day. I'm the only woman on my shift and it's hard physical labor. I can only imagine what being pregnant and trying to do my job. I've also worked in a restaraunt before, so i can sort of imagine.

I'm still battling some sort of sickness. The head congestion won't go away, so i went and got prescription nasal spray and something to clear out my head. I just want AF to either show or stay away.

I'm off to get ready for work. Have a good day!
Oh Erin, don't lose hope yet. :hugs: The thing about pregnancy symptoms is that they often come and go causing so much worry. I remember my nausea practically disappearing overnight at around 7 weeks and thinking it must be all over. Then it came back a few days later, and disappeared again - rinse and repeat lol.

I was only 4lb 4oz when I was born so it's amazing to think my little guy could already be bigger than that. :shock:
Annnnnnnnnd, right after I posted I started spotting. I'm really hoping it won't last, but I have a feeling it's back to the drawing board. CD 26 seems too early for my AF to start, but it's started earlier before. Wish me luck!
aww erin, im praying its implantation! :hugs:

wow bexx, 4lbs already?? cant believe how fast your pregnancy is going. my son arrived at 36 weeks so you may not be waiting all that long now!! eek! your so lucky to just have one stretchy so far lol, by the time i was 31 weeks my belly resembled an AA road map :haha:

i set up a baby sweepstake, id love it if you guys would have a go :D dont worry its not one for money, just for funsies!


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