We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Lisa!! :hugs: its so great to hear from you :) i wish i could give you a real hug, though,not just a cyber one. it sounds like you could really do with one right about now. I cant imagine how frustrating it must be for you, all of this stuff going on and still no real explanation as to why :( Would IVF/IUI or similar be an option for you?

Loobs, i hope you had a good birthday and got spoilt rotten!

Hayley, i hope you are doing okay! how is your week going?

Hann, the time is flying so quickly! and movements already?? how exciting! :D so happy for you hun!

Not too much to report here! Baby's movements are getting more regular which is lovely, i can usually feel him/her wiggling at least once a day now :) its still more like shifting and rolling movements rather than kicks, but its so nice to feel them having a wiggle! :cloud9:

Also we converted Jack's cot to his first ever toddler bed he seems to like it so far. We've got a fabric-y bed rail thing up there which makes it seem more cot-like, and its a Godsend because he is such an active sleeper, there's no way he would stay in bed without it. so hopefully tonight will go without a hitch. Bedtime may be awkward because usually i lie on the floor (on a mattress) next to the cot and hold his hand through the bars for a bit, but i wont be able to now because of the rail. Ill have to sit up next to the bed maybe. He doesnt even hold my hand for very long these days but he does still like to for a little while. We'll figure something out im sure. Wish us luck, guys! I cant believe how fast he's growing up. Not nursing anymore, in a big bed, walking and talking... he's a proper little boy now. *happy cry*

anyway i hope you're all okay, its been ever so quiet in here recently! xxx
Hi girls, it certainly is quiet in here isn't it lol.

Not much to report here, other than I'm getting seriously annoying nasal congestion at night and have to get up and wander around for half an hour or so waiting for it to clear. Not fun when you're absolutely shattered and just want to go to sleep.

To make last night even more fun, Zachary decided it would be great to elbow me in the side over and over again for best part of an hour. I was curling my toes with how hard some of the movements were and to think he's only going to get bigger and stronger in the next few weeks....

Earlier, I was trying to catch my bump moving on camera. He was pushing right out to one side with what I think was a bum lol. As soon as the camera was on though, he disappeared and no amount of poking would cause him to make an appearance. Must be camera shy like his mum. :D

The stretchmarks are coming out in full force now all around the underside of my bump. They look like flames lol. Oh well, glad I made it to 30+ weeks before getting any.

Glad to hear all your pregnancies are going well and Lisa, it's so wonderful to hear from you hun! :flower:
Hey Girls...Hope you're all ok:hugs:

Im_mi: thanks for the :hug: hun...it would be fab if the land of the sheep and devon were a lil bit closer:dohh:
Hope you're doing ok. How is Jack liking his big boy bed?

Bexx...it sounds uncomfortable hun:hugs:....Not long now thou:flower:

Loobi...How's things with you?

Well news from this end....
I went in and had my hysteroscopy and D&C on thursday...no polypectomy as there weren't any:thumbup:
She's given me norethisterone for 3 cycles in an effort to reset things...I think that's what she's trying to do, she was telling me all this when I'd literally been out of recovery for 5mins and still very groggy:dohh:
She said that my sex hormone binding globulin in my blood tests that the GP done were low which points to PCOS even thou my ovaries have always been fine on u/s and high levels of oestrogen which she also says I have is supposed to increase shbg....confused??....Me to!!!:dohh:
So I started taking the norethisterone yesterday, only one 5mg tablet when she says to take 2-3 a day, I've taken 2 today. Took my temp this morning and look.....it's the highest ever....:shock:....I'm only hoping that my lil eggy did get released and 3/4days before O :sex: will have worked....FX'd.

Hayley and Erin how are you getting on?
Hope everyone is ok:hugs::hugs:
so nice to hear from you again lisa! im glad the op went well, and i hope that the pills do the trick. What are they supposed to do, exactly? regulate the cycle? i really really hope they work for you. :hugs: thanks for asking after Jack! he's done really, really well so far! he loves snuggling up for a last bedtime story in his bed, and on the morning after the first night he refused to get up :haha: just kept saying "more bed! more bed" until i eventually managed to bribe him out with promise of cheerios for breakfast, lol. He knows he can get in and out of it alone but he's not quite clicked that he can do it without my permission, lol. in the morning he always asks me if he can get out and i tell him of course he can, and he sort of giggles like he's just been given permission to do something naughty :haha: im sure it wont be long until he is wreaking havoc at bedtime and in the night but we'll cross that bridge when we come to it! he's got a stair gate on his door and he cant hurt himself in his room, so if he wants to get up and play for a bit before he goes to sleep i havent got a problem with that :shrug:

Bexx, oh man i totally remember those days!! its so miserable when you cant sleep towards the end. and its SO frustrating because you know that sleep will be few and far between when baby arrives, it seems so unfair that your body wont let you make the most of it! i used to really look forward to 6am when DH got up for work and i had the whole bed to attempt to get comfy in, lol.

right its 1am so i must go to bed. my little man is making noises like he's either awake or about to wake up so best creep up and try to get some sleep in case he needs some cuddles soon.
:hugs: hi lisa really good too hear from you i really hope the tablets work for you lovely :hugs: you totally deserve some good news thinking of you xx

bexx :haha: at zachary moving loads then as soon as the camera was out he stopped bless him, not long now :happydance: bet you cant wait!! hope you can get plenty of sleep in before he arrives :hugs:

im mi jack sound slike he is doing wonderful in his new bed bless him, love the fact about asking to get out :cloud9: how sweet is that. not long till your scan :happydance: cant remember did you say your staying team yellow?

well i have made it to 12 weeks :happydance: :yipee::headspin::wohoo: im so excited to have got this far, i have my dating scan on tuesday and really cant wait!! i have had so many odd strong pains going on but just hopeing if bits stretching and growing

hope all is well with the rest of you girls :hugs::hugs:
aww yay Jane, congrats on 12 weeks! one more week till 2nd tri!! Time is flying so quickly. Really cant wait to read your positive update on tuesday and see your new baba pic :)

yeah we're def. staying team yellow! im so psyched about having a surprise but at the same time im dying to know! I know ill regret it big time if we find out though so DH is going to have to put his foot down and be in charge :haha: Im so tempted to ask the sonographer to write it down and put it in an envelope just so i can torture myself over it for the next four and a half months :haha: will you be finding out?
thanks lovely its gone quite quick so far!!

:thumbup: for staying team yellow!! we are going to do the same as much as oh is dying to ask and know at the 20 week scan!! what with it being our last i want it to be a surprise
morning ladies,

my tickers a bit out, couldn't be bothered to alter it, i'm only 7-8dpo. i've got some ic's to use in the next few days, not going to waste my money on shop ones.

i'm back to work today after 4 lovely days off. we managed to get our hallway finished & they laid the carpet friday, looks lovely now.

i will let you all know the out come when i start testing tomorrow, hope its good news.

have a great day xxxx
Hayley, i really really hope its good news for you this month hun! have you had any symptoms? Aww, decorating is SO much fun, i loved doing our living room just after we got married. Nothing like making your house a home!

Thats just it, Jane, itll be hard not to ask but imagine how wonderful it will be to find out when your baby is handed to you! did you find out with your other kiddos?
im_mi... we werent going to find out, but i saw it full on , on the screen..... had to know then , if what i had seen was what i thought i had.... really glad we did find out now, we never knew with any of the others , apart from gut feeelings....

Oh hayley, i really really hope its your month this time....

oooh jane, you are getting there love............

lisa...woohhooooooooo great to hear from you love... got everything crossed that your temp spike was a good thing for you...

not much news here really, just plodding along...... still waiting or the weather to cheer up a bit, have been getting the garden done in spits and spurts.. my spd is quite sore, soi cant do alot in any one day.... just little bits... but its gettign there, lets hope we at least get some days to enjoy the hard work at some point.....

hope everyone is doing well otherwise....

lots of love
Hayley, i really really hope its good news for you this month hun! have you had any symptoms? Aww, decorating is SO much fun, i loved doing our living room just after we got married. Nothing like making your house a home!

Thats just it, Jane, itll be hard not to ask but imagine how wonderful it will be to find out when your baby is handed to you! did you find out with your other kiddos?

yeah we found out with th other 2 but like loobi with my 2nd i saw very cleary it was a boy so had to ask :haha:

all the best hayley :hugs: hope so good news coming your way soon xx

loobi glad all is well apart from the spd :hugs: i have heard loads about how painful it is

hope everyone else is ok!! hope i cant sleep tonight cant believe how excited i am even tho i have had scans before its still like having your first xx
aww loobs, i didnt realise youve got SPD! you poor thing :( i had a mild version of it at the end of my pregnancy with Jack and it was miserable, cant imagine how you feel! did you get it with the others, too?
just letting you all know that all went well at the scan today!! :happydance::happydance: little bean didnt wanna move tho and was upside down the whole time even after having to wiggle and move around to get him/her moving but no joy

here my picture of him/her "dancing on the ceiling" :cloud9::cloud9:

Hi Girls

Just a quick hello, things have been boring here nothing to report except the kids felt the baby for sure on Saturday, that was lovely. I see my belly move in the bath now, love it!! Have 20 week scan next Monday, so excited.

Great to see everyone else is doing OK, Lisa fingers crossed for you hunnie, what a bloody rollercoaster of a ride for you and fingers crossed for you too Hayley, I dont blame you for using i.c. I never used an expensive test to confirm my pregnancy.

Imogen and Jane everything sounds good your end, the scan pic Jan is fab, I bet you are so relieved and can finally sit back and enjoy it now.

Loobi and Bex your tickers are moving swiftly on and I bet you must be getting nervous now Bexx. Not long now. My friend is due on the 14th May, she is having a sweep Friday I so hope it works, need some good news.

anyway better run take care. xxx
not much news here really, just plodding along...... still waiting or the weather to cheer up a bit, have been getting the garden done in spits and spurts.. my spd is quite sore, soi cant do alot in any one day.... just little bits... but its gettign there, lets hope we at least get some days to enjoy the hard work at some point.....

I feel your pain hun, had SPD since 20 weeks though it seems to have stabilised a bit - some days I almost forget about it, others it's with me all the time, but it doesn't appear to have gotten any worse.

Are you seeing a physio about it? I had an appt today, but had to cancel as I've not been feeling well and didn't fancy stripping down to my undies and getting pulled about lol.

Loobi and Bex your tickers are moving swiftly on and I bet you must be getting nervous now Bexx. Not long now. My friend is due on the 14th May, she is having a sweep Friday I so hope it works, need some good news.

Yeah, I'm having a few panicked moments when I realise I am actually going to give birth in a matter of weeks. :shock: Glad to be approaching the end of the pregnancy though, I'm getting tired of the toll it's taking on my body and mind. Of course, when little one comes along I'll probably be begging for the simplicity and ease of just being pregnant. :D

Hope everything goes well for your friend. :)
aww jane what a lovely pic! lol, our little one was the same at our 12 week scan, in a really funny position but the sonographer managed to get him/her to move. soo happy for you hun :hugs:

so lovely to hear from you Claire! thats amazing that you're seeing movement already, im so jealous lol! :D

Bexx, i know what you mean about panicking about giving birth lol. I was totally psyched and excited about labour all the way through my pregnancy until i got to 34 weeks and it suddenly clicked that i actually had to do it, and soon :laugh2: you'll be fine though, giving birth is incredible and i strongly believe that its fear that causes a majority of the pain :dunno: i mean, if you are told from day dot that labour hurts then of course it will! its so deeply ingrained in your psyche its really hard to get away from it. If you want to feel reassured, just search "unassisted home births" on youtube. there are some really lovely ones on there and they always get me all tearful :laugh2:
Thanks im_mi, I know it will be alright but there's always a brief element of terror in there lol. I've never kidded myself about the pain, so I'm hoping I'm well prepared for it mentally. I watched the "One Born Every Minute" series and you could clearly see the women who were more afraid and resisted what their bodies were trying to do experienced the worst labours.

I've still got to read Ina May's childbirth book that hubby bought me for Christmas. Everyone who's mentioned it goes on about how empowering it is, so I want to make sure I get my head into it pretty soon.
It's very quiet in here - are you girls all OK?

I bought some stuff off eBay this week and most of it arrived today. Got my Moby D wrap and it looks fab! Also plumped for a Wallaboo infant car seat footmuff and matching changing bag, they look really nice on my travel system. Bought the infant car seat cover too as it will be too warm to use the footmuff when Zach is born, but that hasn't arrived yet.

Also got my parentcraft, breastfeeding and active birth classes arranged, all over the space of four days lol. They only places they had left for me and hubby were just over 2 weeks before Zach is due though, so in that respect, I hope he doesn't turn up early.

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