We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

Lisa! Wonderful to hear you're doing OK and things are sounding really positive. :happydance: I'm so sorry I missed your birthday hun, hope you had a fantastic day. I'll be 30 too in a couple of months, eek lol.

Bexxx.....The LAST BOX on the ticker:yipee: How are you feeling about the arrival of your precious lil man? Hope you're doing ok:hugs:

I'm incredibly excited actually. Thought I'd be terrified of labour, but I really can't wait. I know it's still a little early, but every time I have a braxton hicks, I wonder if it could be the day lol.

I have an appt with the MW this afternoon, I'm expecting her to say he's started to engage. I've had a growing pressure deep down in my pelvis over the last week and I'm needing to pee almost constantly. Wish me luck! :D
Ooooh Goodluck Bexx...certainly sounds like he has engaged:thumbsup:
No one can ever tell you adequately what labour is like hun cos everyone's experience is different but I will say....I hope this doesn't sound strange...it's a kinda satisfying pain, a pain with a purpose and that gets you thru....I actually quite enjoyed it...:loopy::haha:

No probs about the birthday hun...I didn't really do much on the day, it was the year anniversary of losing the twins so felt a bit all over the place. Went to Newquay, West Wales on the sunday thou for a week holiday and had a fab time:thumbup:

I'm so hopeful for O yesterday hun....keeping everything crossed....and with all the :sex: there surely to god must have been one lil guy waiting!:dohh::lol: If not thou it's not a problem...just gives me another month to lose a few more lbs...:yipee: I joined slimming world 3 weeks ago and can't get over how well it seems to be working at the mo...:cloud9:

Let us know how you get on sweets:hugs: xxx
Hi Lisa

I am glad you are back, you are sounding alot more positive and there has gotta be a swimmer waiting for your eggy, I am wishing you lots of luck hun.

Bexx, I am soooo jealous, my friend had her baby girl last week and she is gorgeous, I wish the weeks would hurry up so I can meet little Macy. I have practically bought everything now so good to go!!! I wish you all the luck in the world and you will cope fantastically.

I dont really have any news except my best friends baby was born after being induced last week, it took 20mins and she was born in the amniotic sac which means good luck. I am going away for the week on Monday to the Isle of Wight, really looking forward to that and getting away from it all. Then once I am back I have the midwife so I can apply for my health in pregnancy grant. My little lady is very active and had the hiccups the other day, which kept me awake. She is wacking me as I type, lol!! I cant believe I am nearly 23 weeks, it is flying by which is fab!!!

Loobi, you are sure moving along nicely now, are you ready now? How are you feeling about the birth etc?

Anyway take care girls, not sure where Imogen and Louise are but I am sure all is well.

Keep us updated Lisa on any symptoms and Bex any twinges I want to know.xxxx
Well, I had my MW appt this afternoon and good news - he has started to engage! Only 1/5th so far, but it looks like he's getting himself ready to come out. MW also said he was in the perfect position for birth (left occipital anterior) and she's fairly confident he'll stay that way as he's always been in that position at my recent check-ups.

She's got a student midwife shadowing her and it's fascinating hearing her point out things like how many fingers down from my sternum the top of my uterus is. I was so happy when she described me as having a "term uterus" lol.

Got another appt in two weeks, who knows it may be the last one! I've got a feeling this little lad is going to arrive early. :happydance:
yay... i remember with my first, it was so exciting every week going for my appointments towards the end , when they told me it was engaging, and seeing the 1/5 , 2/5 etc etc..

i had appointment today too, my little fella is th wrong way up for now, but dr isnt worried, says there is plenty of room,and time for him to turn....

everything else was ok...... weight gain isnt too bad at all.... thank goodness
Hey girls,
Bexx....so excited for ya!
Lisa, yes, I am in the least dishearted.....but what else can i do but try? I'm only 26, but having been married for 3 years and trying for a year, it's beginning to take its toll. I'm trying to stay strong, but TTC is being hard on our marraige as well. I've tried to get him to stop smoking, and he won't completely quit. It's like he doesn't realize how much this means to me. Ugh.

Loobi......you're moving along quite quick!

Hayley....how are ya girl....see I'm still here.

Sorry for not addressing everyone, but I'm a bit tipsy on wine. A bit....I'm drunk.

Goodnight girls, I'll check up tomorrow.
Morning Lovelys:hugs:
Just thought I'd pop in and check you're all ok:hugs:

Not a huge amount to report...I'm having a few symptoms but probably all could be explained by something else...you know how it is:winkwink::dohh: The major one today thou is dizziness. I woke up with room spin and it didn't even stop when I shut my eyes back up again. It's not quite as bad now but definately still in the background IYKWIM.
Roll on test day!:winkwink:

Enjoy your sundays:hugs:xxxx
hello hello...

well, lisa, dizziness was one of my first symptoms this time.... so i have everything crossed for you.....

i had a check up the other day and little man is upside down, which answers for why i have been getting sore kicks down in my 'bits' dr says there is still plenty of room and time for him to turn, i really hope he does cos i dont think i could let em do the turnign thing, would have to ask em to do c section....

how many days til testing lisa...?

erin, hayley, im_mi, clare, jane.. how is everyone????

evening ladies. not much going on here. i haven't used opk's this month so not sure if i've ovulated yet or not, and to be honest, i don't really care anymore. we are going to stop the clomid now, i just want a few months of normality coz the whole ttc thing is really getting to me.

can't believe how quick all your pregnancies are going, just flying by, wont be long & i'll be able to go all gooey over pics of your new additions :happydance:
hi girls well for some reason when i have been logging on and going in to USER CP its not told me there is any updates so didnt think anyone had left any messages lol even tho i have checked everyday!!
must keep in touch missed you all xxxxxxxxxxx
big hugs erin totally understand how you must be feeling but please keep in touch xx
thinking of you too hayley amd lisa on your ttc journey xxx
hope everyone else is good?? not long now bexx how exciting xx
loobi cant believe your heading to 30weeks, hows you daughter getting on? how old is her little one now?
im mi how are your lovely you on a team yet?? xx

well i have my 20wk scan 1st july but im staying team yellow really looking forward too a surprise for our last child!!! im getting movement which is really exciting andf makes it feel so real, at the moment im still in my normal clothes think thats due to be so sick and losing weight but my bump feels like its going to pop!! started buying a few things but really cant decide on pram!! what prams have you girls got or picked?

love to you all at lets up i get updates now xxx

Loobi...Hope your lil man takes up waving his arms and not kicking his lil legs...either that or do the hokey-cokey and turn around:winkwink::lol: How do they go about turning them? It doesn't sound as thou it would be very comfortable...have you had it done with any of the others? Callum was the right way up but back to back with me and I think the back ache in labour was the worst bit it was excruciating.
I'm trying not to get too excited by the dizziness but it was so strong this morning I couldn't really ignore it. I seem to have lost my appetite this week as well. Was really fancying jacket potato and tuna for dinner and then when it was ready to eat...I didn't fancy it at all and every mouthful was a struggle:dohh:
Test day well....the official one is supposed to be 16th June which would make me
15dpo...however it's hubby's birthday on the 13th...so I will probably do a sneaky one then:lol: I'll definately let you know either way thou:hugs:

Jane...:hi: Lovely! Awww now I'm jealous...feeling movements is the best!! I'm so pleased everything is going well for you sweets:hugs:...and I don't blame you for staying on team:yellow: It's the camp I'm determind to plonk my butt in...when the day comes:winkwink: Do you have any mother's instinct going on?

Hayley...I hope a relaxed approach will be just the thing needed for this month hun:hugs:

Where is everybody else???? Im_mi I hope you're ok sweetheart:hugs:

Ok Big Love til tomorrow....xxxxx
Just a quickie, Lisa good luck for test day hun, I did get dizzy and still do so fingers crossed.

I am off to the Isle of Wight for the week tomorrow so all packed up and ready to go, cant wait to get a way and then come back and start the big count down.

My little madam is always moving about,she is so strong. I am beginning to feel uncomfortable. My back hurts and when I sit down the weight of my tummy pressing on other things can be sore too. I am struggling with my number two's too, lol, oh the joys, but it will be all so worth it.

Loobi my little boy Callum was breech until 35 weeks and he turned at 37 weeks, I was very relieved as did not want a csection, you have plenty of time yet I wouldnt worry about it.

Louise, how can you not resist finding out the sex? I would of had aprivate scan if they couldnt tell me at my 20 week. I have got my pram its the cosatto cabi free as a bird pram in plum and pink, I hope the gender is not wrong, lol!!

Hayley I do understand how you feel, I was beginning to feel the same, obviously I hadnt been through what you had but it was so draining, I found the first half of them month fine but once it came to ovulation and the 2ww it was bloody miserable. You never know chick it might just happen now you have decided to take a break. Good luck with it all.

Anyway take care girls and enjoy your week. xx
lisa how exciting wishing you all the best for test day lovely got everything crossed you will be joining team yellow really soon!!!! xxxx im really thinking its a boy just coz im carrying the same as my corey all out front plus OH is one of 6 boys!!

clare have a lovely week a way hope the weather stays dry for you, its lovely just to get away. It will be hard not to find out for sure but really love the idea after finding out with the other 2 really wanna ringing people with out them knowing the sex already and love the idea of OH telling me the sex afterwards!!
luckly all the prams i like are red, green, black so pretty neutral, your pram sounds alovely colour xxx

well its a mad rush here for first day back at school speak soon xxxxxxxxxxx
Hi girls, it's amazing to announce I'm full-term today! :happydance:

I've had a stinking cold all weekend and the little guy has been quieter than usual so I've been a bit worried. Feeling better today though and he's perked right up! :D

Loobi, I believe when it's not your first pregnancy they can get into final position quite late. Please don't be worried, I'm sure your little one will be in the right place come delivery day. :flower:

Apparently, I was breech when my mum was in labour and they managed to turn me. I had other ideas however and partially turned again coming out arse first! :D

Lisa, I'm keeping fingers and toes crossed for you sweetie! :dance:
Just a quickie, Lisa good luck for test day hun, I did get dizzy and still do so fingers crossed.

I am off to the Isle of Wight for the week tomorrow so all packed up and ready to go, cant wait to get a way and then come back and start the big count down.

My little madam is always moving about,she is so strong. I am beginning to feel uncomfortable. My back hurts and when I sit down the weight of my tummy pressing on other things can be sore too. I am struggling with my number two's too, lol, oh the joys, but it will be all so worth it.

Loobi my little boy Callum was breech until 35 weeks and he turned at 37 weeks, I was very relieved as did not want a csection, you have plenty of time yet I wouldnt worry about it.

Louise, how can you not resist finding out the sex? I would of had aprivate scan if they couldnt tell me at my 20 week. I have got my pram its the cosatto cabi free as a bird pram in plum and pink, I hope the gender is not wrong, lol!!

Hayley I do understand how you feel, I was beginning to feel the same, obviously I hadnt been through what you had but it was so draining, I found the first half of them month fine but once it came to ovulation and the 2ww it was bloody miserable. You never know chick it might just happen now you have decided to take a break. Good luck with it all.

Anyway take care girls and enjoy your week. xx

clare no your on holiday so prob wont see this but i have just won the same pram as yours but the walk in the park colour!! brand new for 143.00 :happydance: it was a last min baragin then came on here to see any reviews and it showed you had it :haha:
Hi ladies, this challenge looks active and fun, can i join?
AJ Thomas, of course you can join.... this is a great group of girls..... welcome

how is everyone.....????
not much to say today, but i'm in the tww now, not testing until the 18th so got ages to wait still! argh how can 2 weeks drag soooo much lol

welcome AJThomas :wave:

hope everyones well xxxx
hiya hayley.... well, lets hope the good news in the joyce household includes this for you...

i have everything crossed for you......


i amnot in great form today, feeling very crabby, and down in the dumps.. i could really do with a bit of time on my own , just to relax, its near impossible round here.... i know its not gong to get any easier any time soon, with a baby arrivng soon. but i guess i get a bit stressed at not being able to get on with the housework that needs doing etc, i cant bend down to get to do some of the jobs i need to do , like the skirting boards etc.... Gary , says leave it. but i cant, co si get annoyed when the house is dirty... and with so many of us living here plus 2 dogs, it does get dirty, i cannot leave it....

i am sure when my little fella is here and i can bend in the middle more, i can catch up with it all........

sorry for the moan...
awww laura, i'm the same, i hate seeing things untidy & having a dog makes me hate it even more. but it wont be long until little man is here & between cuddles & pinching yourself that he's finally here, you can have a little spring clean lol

i haven't thought about testing until i posted today & now it's majorly playing on my mind! i think i may have to grab a superdrug one on monday just to cure my addiction, even though it will be quite early :blush:

i have the weekend off now :happydance: steve has been working in london this week so he's been leaving just after 5 & doesn't get home til 7! feel like i've hardly seen him so we are having a chill out night tonight :thumbup:

hope everyones well xxxx

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