We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

omg how exciting i hope by now she is holding her gorgeous bundle in her amrs...xxxxxxx
^that is great! Wish her all the best!!

AFM, had a lil bit of spotting yesterday but it stopped by the time i showered last night and no sign of it today, i also had a bit of cramping yesterday so i'm wondering if maybe it was implantation? Keeping hopeful. I took a test this morning and it was BFN but i guess if yesterday was implantation then it would be too early for the test to pick up any hcg so i'm still staying positive. My temps are still up too so i know i'm not out.

Her water went about 20 mins ago and contactions were coming stronger,fx'd it wont be long till she holds her beautiful boy in her arms:happydance:
xx xx
She must of had him by now, how wonderful, send her our love and please it goes without saying keep us updated. xxx

She had Zachary at 5.30 pm:cloud9:
He is utterly gorgeous :thumbup:
I'll let her fill you in with the details :flower:
xx xx
thats brilliant news....

not feeling great myself... just got news yesterday that my daddy has prostate cancer... he had tests 18 months ago when they told him he needed the prostate op to open it up and take the pressure off for him, and they said it wasnt cancer.... he then waited 18 months for the op.... and they took biopsy and it came back positive.... i am feeling very sad.....

hope everyone else is doing ok....
good luck girls..

yay, congrats bexx :happydance:

oh no laura, how crap :sad1: my father in law still hasn't got the all clear yet. he has dodgy cells or something & apar from loads of appointments he's getting nowhere fast.

as for me, not much to say really, all is boring on the ttc front, hmm going it alone could be costly without the clomid, i should ovulate around my birthday time but i have a feeling i will be in for a wait, we will see.

hope you are all ok, much love as always xxxxxxxx
well done bexx really pleased for you both cant wait to hear all about it and photos enjoy every min lovely it goes so fast xxx

loobi so so sorry to hear about you dad you poor thing thinking of you all xxx
Hi girls, sorry I didn't check-in with news yesterday but so much is going on here lol, parenting really does take up every minute of the day (and night!). :D

Thursday was an amazing day, I woke up with strong cramps and wasn't really sure it was happening until around mid-morning when the contractions were about 5mins apart though not particularly painful. Rang the hospital and was initially advised to wait until they were 3-4mins apart, but as I've been having increasing pain with my bowel movements I was invited in for a quick check-up with the understanding that I would probably be sent back home.

Arrived at hosp just after midday and discovered I was 2cm dilated and my cervix was fully effaced and very favourable. Sent home as expected but MW said I would likely be back later in the day. She couldn't have been more right lol, my contractions suddenly stepped up in intensity on the journey home and within an hour they were almost unbearable. Spent the next hour or so lying on the bed moaning lol, then suddenly, at just after 3pm, I felt a pop and my waters went - all over the bed much to the amusement of my hubby. He rang the hosp and informed them we were on our way back.

No idea how I made that car journey, had 12 powerful contractions in the 30mins it took to get there and then another 2 getting from the car up to the ward. I was taken straight to a delivery suite where all I wanted to do was rip my clothes off and get some pain relief, the contractions were so strong and intense I was almost delirious and nearly took hubby's hand off with me gripping so hard lol. I went on gas & air, fantastic stuff which didn't eliminate the pain but really helped me cope.

The MW left briefly just before 5pm at which point I suddenly screamed out to hubby that I wanted to push. He called her back in and she examined me and was stunned to find me at 9cm already.

A mere 40mins later, I delivered my beautiful little boy. I came off the gas & air for most of the pushing stage as MW said I would remember it better and to be honest it wasn't anywhere near as painful as the contractions had been the last few hours. Unfortunately, because everything was going so fast, Zachary was getting tired and his heartbeat kept dropping every time I pushed. The cord was around his neck and he had to be taken straight to the resus station - it seemed a terrifying eternity before we heard him gurgle and then cry and then he was brought back to me for skin-to-skin contact and a little feed. His apgar was only 4, but had increased to 10 at 5mins.

The placenta came quickly even though I opted for a natural delivery, however I was getting tired and had trouble pushing the last half of it out. I had to have the synctocin injection after all though as my uterus was producing too many clots.

I also had an internal 2nd degree tear as Zachary's shoulders came out. The senior MW stitched it up and discovered the aforementioned clots so had a sweep around my cervix - that part was so painful I had to go back on the gas & air lol.

As there were no complications and I managed to deliver early enough in the day, I was able to take Zachary home that night. It was an utterly incredible day and I still can't believe it happened so fast, the MW was truly stunned at a first-time mum labouring so quickly, as are all the support staff who've dealt with me since lol.

I initially had a problem with getting him to latch onto the breast without causing me quite a bit of pain, but some tips from the community MW have been fantastic and I'm finding it a lot easier. My milk started to come in today as well.

So, that's what happened in as short a form as I can say lol. The last 48 hours have been hard work, having a baby is a real culture shock, but I love him to pieces and feel so very blessed to have him.

Thank you all so much for your kind words over the last few days and I'll be looking forward to reading your own birth stories. :flower:
Awww congrats on your LO Bexx!!!

Just found this thread (I should really look around more) and I think I'm going to stick around here. I like the idea of having one place I can go that will always be the same even when my status changes. :D

How can I get one of those awesome group ticker things??
Hi girls, sorry I didn't check-in with news yesterday but so much is going on here lol, parenting really does take up every minute of the day (and night!). :D

Thursday was an amazing day, I woke up with strong cramps and wasn't really sure it was happening until around mid-morning when the contractions were about 5mins apart though not particularly painful. Rang the hospital and was initially advised to wait until they were 3-4mins apart, but as I've been having increasing pain with my bowel movements I was invited in for a quick check-up with the understanding that I would probably be sent back home.

Arrived at hosp just after midday and discovered I was 2cm dilated and my cervix was fully effaced and very favourable. Sent home as expected but MW said I would likely be back later in the day. She couldn't have been more right lol, my contractions suddenly stepped up in intensity on the journey home and within an hour they were almost unbearable. Spent the next hour or so lying on the bed moaning lol, then suddenly, at just after 3pm, I felt a pop and my waters went - all over the bed much to the amusement of my hubby. He rang the hosp and informed them we were on our way back.

No idea how I made that car journey, had 12 powerful contractions in the 30mins it took to get there and then another 2 getting from the car up to the ward. I was taken straight to a delivery suite where all I wanted to do was rip my clothes off and get some pain relief, the contractions were so strong and intense I was almost delirious and nearly took hubby's hand off with me gripping so hard lol. I went on gas & air, fantastic stuff which didn't eliminate the pain but really helped me cope.

The MW left briefly just before 5pm at which point I suddenly screamed out to hubby that I wanted to push. He called her back in and she examined me and was stunned to find me at 9cm already.

A mere 40mins later, I delivered my beautiful little boy. I came off the gas & air for most of the pushing stage as MW said I would remember it better and to be honest it wasn't anywhere near as painful as the contractions had been the last few hours. Unfortunately, because everything was going so fast, Zachary was getting tired and his heartbeat kept dropping every time I pushed. The cord was around his neck and he had to be taken straight to the resus station - it seemed a terrifying eternity before we heard him gurgle and then cry and then he was brought back to me for skin-to-skin contact and a little feed. His apgar was only 4, but had increased to 10 at 5mins.

The placenta came quickly even though I opted for a natural delivery, however I was getting tired and had trouble pushing the last half of it out. I had to have the synctocin injection after all though as my uterus was producing too many clots.

I also had an internal 2nd degree tear as Zachary's shoulders came out. The senior MW stitched it up and discovered the aforementioned clots so had a sweep around my cervix - that part was so painful I had to go back on the gas & air lol.

As there were no complications and I managed to deliver early enough in the day, I was able to take Zachary home that night. It was an utterly incredible day and I still can't believe it happened so fast, the MW was truly stunned at a first-time mum labouring so quickly, as are all the support staff who've dealt with me since lol.

I initially had a problem with getting him to latch onto the breast without causing me quite a bit of pain, but some tips from the community MW have been fantastic and I'm finding it a lot easier. My milk started to come in today as well.

So, that's what happened in as short a form as I can say lol. The last 48 hours have been hard work, having a baby is a real culture shock, but I love him to pieces and feel so very blessed to have him.

Thank you all so much for your kind words over the last few days and I'll be looking forward to reading your own birth stories. :flower:

:hugs::hugs::happydance::happydance: well done you bexx you didnt amazing and how cute is that picture really pleased for you lovely xxx
Congratulations Bexx, lovely story, he looks gorgeous and I want my baby girl now, lol!!! I had stitches with my first only 2 aswell but nothing with Callum, so hopefully this time round I wont need them again. I just hope I have a quick and easy labour, I want to be home the same day too, especially having the other two children I need to be at home. I did speak about a home birth yesterday to hubby but he's not having none of it, I think he would be too scared incase something went wrong.

Loobi, big hugs hunnie, what a worry, I totally understand how you feel, my dad is having heart problems at the moment and I just cant stop thinking about him. I just wish it would all go away.

Hey Jane, I see your ticker is coming on nicely, I am hoping I will go up a box very soon. Its all getting very imminent, 3rd tri this coming Friday, shite!!!lol!!! Its all too real now and this baby has gotta come out!!!!lol!!

To the lovely new lady, sorry didnt catch your name. Welcome hunnie, the sig I deleted mine by accident and dont know how to get it back Iam sure one of the other ladies on here will tell you or just go back through some of the pages and see if there is a link somewhere, I would say nearer the beginning. I see you are waiting to try, do you have any other kids? How many do you want? When is it you want to try?

As for me I am suffering terribly with hayfever, I look like I have been punched in the eye,lol!! So using drops and nasal spray and the odd dose of piriton if it gets too bad. Its bloody miserable having it when you are pregnant.

Phew its gonna be a hot one today, I really need a respite from this, hottest day today apprently so far this year. My ankles are proving that!!! grrr!!! By the end of the night they are very swollen and hurt. I am doing my best to keep off them, elevate them, etc etc but with a busy family its bloody hard. Then I worry if I am elevating them and I am laying on my back for half an hour is that safe for the baby.

Funny enough despite normally suffering terribly bad headaches, in this heat I have been OK, my body is so weird!!!!lol!!!!!

Not sleeping very well either, damn you heat!!! I have a fan on in the room but doesnt do much. Baby loves to play footie in the night, maybe England should sign her up!!lol!!! Its uncomfortable to turn over, weeing loads too, but hey wouldnt have it any other way, look at what I will have at the end of it. A gorgeous baby girl.

Anyway thats me and catch up soon COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx
Congratulations Bexx, lovely story, he looks gorgeous and I want my baby girl now, lol!!! I had stitches with my first only 2 aswell but nothing with Callum, so hopefully this time round I wont need them again. I just hope I have a quick and easy labour, I want to be home the same day too, especially having the other two children I need to be at home. I did speak about a home birth yesterday to hubby but he's not having none of it, I think he would be too scared incase something went wrong.

Loobi, big hugs hunnie, what a worry, I totally understand how you feel, my dad is having heart problems at the moment and I just cant stop thinking about him. I just wish it would all go away.

Hey Jane, I see your ticker is coming on nicely, I am hoping I will go up a box very soon. Its all getting very imminent, 3rd tri this coming Friday, shite!!!lol!!! Its all too real now and this baby has gotta come out!!!!lol!!

To the lovely new lady, sorry didnt catch your name. Welcome hunnie, the sig I deleted mine by accident and dont know how to get it back Iam sure one of the other ladies on here will tell you or just go back through some of the pages and see if there is a link somewhere, I would say nearer the beginning. I see you are waiting to try, do you have any other kids? How many do you want? When is it you want to try?

As for me I am suffering terribly with hayfever, I look like I have been punched in the eye,lol!! So using drops and nasal spray and the odd dose of piriton if it gets too bad. Its bloody miserable having it when you are pregnant.

Phew its gonna be a hot one today, I really need a respite from this, hottest day today apprently so far this year. My ankles are proving that!!! grrr!!! By the end of the night they are very swollen and hurt. I am doing my best to keep off them, elevate them, etc etc but with a busy family its bloody hard. Then I worry if I am elevating them and I am laying on my back for half an hour is that safe for the baby.

Funny enough despite normally suffering terribly bad headaches, in this heat I have been OK, my body is so weird!!!!lol!!!!!

Not sleeping very well either, damn you heat!!! I have a fan on in the room but doesnt do much. Baby loves to play footie in the night, maybe England should sign her up!!lol!!! Its uncomfortable to turn over, weeing loads too, but hey wouldnt have it any other way, look at what I will have at the end of it. A gorgeous baby girl.

Anyway thats me and catch up soon COME ON ENGLAND!!!!!!!!! xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

Thanks! :D Actually we aren't waiting anymore we have switched to NTNP we are still not actively TTC yet though as we haven't been together that long and would like to spend some more time just the two of us. We have decided that if we were to get pregnant through NTNP that would be great but it won't take long til we will be TTC for sure! Our original month for TTC is March 2011 but it might happen sooner!!! :happydance: I currently do not have any children no. The OH and I decided we would like 3-4 children and are really hoping for at least one set of twins.

Also if you are looking for the code for the sig ticker it's on page 4.
welcome laelani lovely to have you here wishing you all the best lovely xx

clare cant believe your off to 3rd trim already thats gone fast!! im 20 weeks friday so far way and got my scan thursday :happydance::happydance: really cant wait and def staying team yellow as hard as it will be i just really want a surprise for my last baby

hope everyone else is ok and you have had a good weekend, how rubbish about england oh has not been happy this evening :growlmad:

im mi where are you lovely has anyone heard from her via facebook or somewhere just want to know all is ok :hugs::hugs:
hmmm... the football.... my DH is not happy either.... but its not a good time to live in ireland, the irish are having a field day having thier say..... takes as much strength i have to not retaliate myself on fb ..... ah well....
we all could see for ourselves that they played s**t.... we dont need telling....


welcome laelani..... this is a nice place to be..

cantbelieve i am down to just less than 8 weeks

am actually so uncomfortable with his head pushing into m ribs....boo hoo

as ffor our Im_mi... i think she is having spd probs from what i could gather from her fb status theother day, i wish she would com eback to us too.....

as for me... i would justlove to come home to UK.... hated it here since the daywe came 9 years ago... a long time tobe unhappy with where you live ay???

sorry for the little moan.....

hope every one is well

lotsa love lou
20 week scan today so excited but worried at the same time!! just hope little one keeps its legs crossed x
well the scan was great he/she couldnt stop looking at us im totally in love!!
OH thinks he saw a willy and i think i saw 3 girly lines so we will just have to see!!

got to go back at 34 weeks due the placenta be low down and in front so thats why i havnt felt much movement which makes me feel better xx
jane thats brilliant.....xxxxxxxxxxxxxxxx

hope everyone else is ok, its fierce quiet in here ay??

hope all is well..


oh goodness me, girls, i am SO SORRY for not checking in here for so long! I feel terrible! I just didnt get a chance to come on for so long and i started getting overwhelmed at the thought of all the catching up i would have to do.... But i finally put my big girl pants on today lol and here i am!!! Will update quickly and then read back and catch up with you all :) I just had a sneaky peek back at your birth story bexx, what an experience!! so glad it all went well (albeit very quickly!).

Well, i'm nearing 3rd tri now which is incredible, i cant quite believe how fast things are going. Bump is pretty big now, although people keep telling me im "not that big" and "smaller than you were with Jack" which really bothers me actually lol, because i feel like a whale! i am carrying much higher this time and the bump is wider iykwim, with jack i was all out front and carrying low so its no wonder i looked bigger.

Anyway, i have been signed off work sick as i have developed SPD. It sucks, because we are skint, but its such a huge relief to not have to force my way through hours of agony at work with everyone thinking i am just being a pansy about it. Its reassuring to know that there is actually something wrong with me and that i am not imagining it or being soft. Its pretty manageable now im not working, although walking around really aggravates it, therefore my days of walking everywhere are done for at the moment. I even got stuck on the stairs the other day on the way downstairs to get jack a glass of milk before bed, got halfway down and just couldnt go any further! Had to get hubby to help me, it was quite scary as i dont know what i would have done if i had been on my own. I am trying to take it easy as much as possible because when the baby is born i want to train for the Ruby Run (an annual half-marathon held every June) and SPD can take a while to go back to normal, so i figure the slower i take things the quicker i will recover afterwards.

I am doing a little freelance writing (just articles and web content etc) online to earn some extra cash, its really not very much at all at the moment, just a few quid here and there, but it keeps me busy and I am hoping that by the time my maternity leave ends, i will be in a position to be able to stay home with the kids and work from home.

Other than that....not much to report really! baby is fine and growing well, we're getting all prepared for our home birth which i am WAY excited about. I have been reading Ina May's Guide to Childbirth and it's so empowering. I am actually really, really looking forward to giving birth and i have total faith in my body's ability to do it. Going to write a birth plan in case i end up in hospital (because i will pop a gasket if anyone tries to cut the cord before it stops pulsing, or gets rid of my placenta - we're doing placenta encapsulation) but other than that, i am just going to go with the flow. My midwife is amazing and although she wont be there for the birth (she is due her 3rd baby 2 days before mine is due!!) she has been very supportive and will make sure that the other midwives know my wishes and will respect them (like not bringing any form of pain relief to my home). I cant friggin wait, its going to be awesome!

Baby kicks all the time now, s/he is so active! Jack is totally in love with my bump, kissing it all of the time and making me sit there with my tummy out for a large portion of the day :laugh2: and he is starting to be much more accepting of other babies. my brother and his partner recently had their second and Jack is quite taken with him, and doesnt even mind me cuddling him, so i feel very reassured of how he will cope when our baby arrives. i mean, i know it'll be very different when the baby is here all of the time, but the way he is around babies now is so much better than it was a few months ago which is amazing.

Sooooo how are all of you?? ive missed you all so much, i'm so sorry ive not been around xxxxxxxxxxxxx

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