We Are Family...I've Got My BnB Sisters With Me!

just a quick drop in too say and so glad all is well im mi you will see from me very few messasge that i have been worried about you!! good to hear from you and sorry about the spd its sounds horrible you poor thing but it will be worth it in the end!! will catch up later as got to pick the kids up from school xx
Phew, i *think* im finally all caught up now!

Lisa, its SO GREAT to read that you had a normal textbook cycle! I mean, of course it would have been even more amazing to see you get your BFP but it must be a relief to have a normal cycle after everything you've been going through. thats a fab start, right? :)

Erin, i totally understand why you feel you'd be better off being more active in a different group. tbh, part of the reason why i have been so absent is feeling like im rubbing my pregnancy in peoples faces. I mean, i have no idea how it must feel to have been trying for as long as you and hayley have been :hugs: i really hope its your time soon.

Hayley, im sorry for the bfn :( hopefully a couple of cycles off of the clomid will give your body a nice rest. Must be exhausting :hugs:

Loobs, im really sorry to hear about your dad, thats awful :( so worrying. And i feel your pain on the fanny pain, haha. good old spd!! not long left now though eh, you'll get through it and itll all be worth it!

Bexx, again, i loved your birth story!! how are things going with the little man? first babies are such a massive shock to the system, i hope you are coping alright with it all. Dont forget im always on the other end of an email if you ever want to talk about breastfeeding or anything like that xxx

Claire, you're having a girl!! thats so amazing!! really happy for you honey :) I think ours might be pink but we'll see, im glad we didnt find out but i totally understand why you did! it was so hard not to ask at the scan, lol.

Jane, i cant believe you're halfway through!! and hooray for team yellow! So you reckon yours might be a little man then? eeep its all so exciting :)

I hope i havent forgotten anybody! Again, im really sorry for dropping off the face of the planet. please do add me on facebook if you havent already, its Imogen O'Reilly, im on there a lot as i can check it on my phone.

Right, my little monkey is asking me to play with the playdoh with him so i'd better go :) im really enjoying spending time with him, i feel sad that it wont be just me and him any more so its nice to really make the most of it.

I hope you dont mind me butting in! Im mi i cant believe i have found you! I have thought about you & mickey c loads!

Ive seen a few posts & kinda know whats been happening.

How are things going for you now?

I dont know really where i belong on b&b now :cry:

I'm still a cerazette casualty im mi, i went back on it in Jan lol, what an idiot!

Back off it now, been off it for 3 weeks so back to square 1 for me, im not going to obsess over it this time though!

Everything back to normal for me now, hubby is home & everything going good!

Anyway, sorry for butting in but i have not spoke to im mi since Oct!

Lolly xx
Bexx, again, i loved your birth story!! how are things going with the little man? first babies are such a massive shock to the system, i hope you are coping alright with it all. Dont forget im always on the other end of an email if you ever want to talk about breastfeeding or anything like that xxx

Thanks hun, so lovely to see you posting here again. I do post the occasional update on facebook, but I'm a bit lazy there lol.

You're not kidding about the massive shock bit lol - I don't think being hit by a speeding train would knock me so hard. :D In all honesty, it's exhausting and there are times I wonder what the heck I've gone and done, but other times I look at him and think he's just so beautiful it has to be worth it. :kiss:

The breastfeeding has not been as easy as I'd hoped, but somehow I've stuck with it and I *think* things are getting easier. I have flat nipples and Zachary has a mild tongue-tie, so latching on can be painful sometimes and I suffered very badly from cracked nipples during the first few days. Thank goodness for lansinoh gel and nipple shields is all I can say. :D

I also got a morale boost yesterday as Zachary's weight has already risen to 7lbs 2oz - almost 8oz over his birth weight at just 12 days old! So I must be satisfying him lol.

So sorry to hear you have SPD, I totally sympathise as I had it too. I always found getting out of things (bed, chairs etc) to be very difficult and I got stuck when kneeling on the floor a few times. Unfortunately, it got considerably worse for me as the pregnancy progressed, particularly over the last 2/3 weeks and I was finally given crutches the day before I had Zachary. I didn't need them after the birth, but it was still quite painful for a few days. Then I had another physio appt and they popped my sacrum back into place (again!) and it's not too bad at the moment. I do have a slight limp on one side however and when I've been in one position for too long it takes a while to loosen up and feel properly flexible again. I'll probably go back for another check-up before my 6-week self-referral limit to make sure all my pelvic bits are where they're supposed to be lol.
aww its so nice to see you again lolly :) You should totally stay here with us and post here, the joy of this group is that we've got ladies from all different stages of their journey. Its hard to believe that we all met whilst TTC and now our Bexx is a mummy! how are you feeling since being off the cerazette hun? have you had any funny effects? you know, i dont think i ever really got back to normal after it, my cycles were always strange, its a friggin' miracle that i actually managed to stay pregnant this time!!

How is everyone today? My SPD is playing the hell up, feel like (how loobi perfectly worded it earlier) ive been whacked in the fanny repeatedly with a baseball bat, lol. really need to clean my house today but i just dont know if i can manage it! Getting really fed up now, feel like ive been cheated, i was SO enjoying being pregnant which was a miracle because i didnt really like it much with #1, and then this starts :dohh: but mustnt complain, i know how lucky i am and only got 13 weeks left until Flump is due.

Much love to you all xxxx
ah we posted at the same time!

Have they not offered to snip the tongue tie? its really worth pushing for it hun, they often wont offer because they dont realise how important breastfeeding is to some mums, so you need to make it very clear to them that your breastfeeding relationship is important to you and that you need the procedure to be carried out. It only takes a second, i dunno why they make such a fuss about doing it. You'd be able to kiss goodbye to the nipple shields too, which would be a bonus as they often cause way more problems than they solve. :hugs:
Aw im just an idiot for going back on it im mi! Feel alright really, been 23 days off it now so just need to play the old waiting game again! I went straight back into a regular cycle again but with everything that happened just went back on it in Jan as couldn't be bothered with the hassle of af! IDIOT!

I think most of you guys from cerazette casualties got ur BFP after i left?!

Aw well, i'll just need to wait it out & have plenty fun :sex: in the meantime.

Lolly x
ah we posted at the same time!

Have they not offered to snip the tongue tie? its really worth pushing for it hun, they often wont offer because they dont realise how important breastfeeding is to some mums, so you need to make it very clear to them that your breastfeeding relationship is important to you and that you need the procedure to be carried out. It only takes a second, i dunno why they make such a fuss about doing it. You'd be able to kiss goodbye to the nipple shields too, which would be a bonus as they often cause way more problems than they solve. :hugs:

No, it's so mild they didn't even notice it at the hospital - only when the community MW heard him cry the other day did she mention he might have it and that it might explain the problems he was having latching on.

I'm not too bothered now though, the BF is getting better day by day and I've only had to use the nipple shields maybe half a dozen times since buying them. I just find them handy to have when he's been cluster feeding and my nipples are a bit over-worked lol.

If the BF fails to improve though, I'll see if it's an option. I'll have a chat with my HV about it when she visits this afternoon.
hope everyone is well?
just wondered if anyone wanted to have a guess on my baby sweepstake which i copied from im mi :blush:


bexx hope little one is doing wel and yourself? xx

clare bet its good to be in 3rd tri now :happydance:

loobi how are you? thinking of your dad :hugs: any signs of little one yet not long lovely

im mi lovely to have you as a friend on facebook, really feel for you and the SPD you poor thing :hugs::hugs:

lisa hows things , thinking of you :hugs:

hayley and erin really wishing you all the best my loves xxxx :hugs::hugs::hugs::hugs:
morning ladies, sorry i haven't been on much, laptop had a virus but it's all sorted now :thumbup:

got an important week this week, steve & his dad have a mediation meeting about a nasty woman. they did £13,000 worth of work for her & then she refused to pay them even though the job was perfect. this is one step away from going to court so hopefully she coughs up the money. its been going on for 18months so it has crippled us. we have hardly any savings now! makes me so angry grrrrr!!! plus she is a doctor & owns 2 5bed houses & has bragged about being a millionaire!

i haven't been up to much, reallly skint so just trying to watch every penny at the mo, not much fun!

how are you all? x
Hopefully everything gets worked out and he gets the money the crazy lady owes him!

Doing pretty good here, kinda brooding over weddings right now. In the thought process that I would like to get married before we TTC, which would mean by Summer 2011...:haha:
i hope so, steves really worried that she will get away without paying but we will have to wait and see. i think it will go to court to be honest.

we got married in august last year. we did a fairly cheap wedding but it was fab :thumbup: mad to think it has been a year nearly. amazing feeling when you call him your husband :happydance: what sort of day do you want? we had a bbq instead of a sit down meal so everyone mingled & chatted to eachother & then a traditional wedding reception with cheesey disco.

not much to update on ttc, just a waiting game now. i dont even have a test day in mind as i'm not sure when :witch: is due this cycle.

well i'd best get ready for work. it's been really hard to get back into it after a week off. i think i had the post holiday blues yesterday. feeling alot happier today though.

have a great day ladies xxxxx
hello hello...

hayley, i wondered what it was coming up this week.. what a dragon refusing to pay.... i hope she is made to pay....hate peoplelike that...
i havet been in here myselfmuch, been feeling very low to be honest, i am so unhappy here... not with m own life, i love my family to absolute bits, but where welive is shit,i really want to go back to UK but while wehave thehouse hanging over us its not possible.. but we are in such huge arrears with the mortgage since gary been out of work for so long, i reckon we will lose it by the end of the year.....

and i amin so much pain with my spd too... and the drs here just fob you off saying its part of being pregnant, don give a shit that i have other kids to take care of and cant barely walk sometimes cos of it....

sorry to moan, i know i am very lucky to be expecting, i amnot complaining ...

dd is due any day.... so ihave to go thru labour with her feeling lke this too, which is gong ot be difficult... i hope they give me a chair and are nice to me, cos i am gonna be an emotional wreck as it is watching her go thru it etc..

anyway..... lotsa love
aw loobs, im so sorry you are suffering so much :( Some doctors are just shite arent they, i know a couple of people who got SPD and were just told it was a part of pregnancy. hell, even my otherwise fantastic midwife the first time around told me the same (although it was very, very mild in comparison to this time around). You should ask to see someone else for a second opinion hun, its not fair that you are having to suffer without any help. Theres not much that the physio's can do but they can give you exercises to strengthen it and a girdle to hold everything together :hugs:

Hayley, thats awful!! what a horrible woman!! Makes me so furious, bloody rich b*stards getting what they want without a care for anybody else. I hope she pays up soon, or is made an absolute fool of in court!!!!

ooh Jane, i will definitely have a go on your sweepstake!! :D and yeah, its great to have you on fb finally :hugs:

Laelani, wedding planning is a lot of fun :D We did our big day for less than £1200, we had a lovely time and everybody said how great it was. How exciting for you! have you thought about setting a date yet?

As for me, well... just plodding along really! starting to feel very pregnant indeed, get breathless all the time and get heartburn constantly. Thankfully i am still able to get comfy in bed at the moment, my bump is a bit smaller than it was with Jack although over the last couple weeks its really shot out! Had my test for Gestational diabetes on monday so have to call them up today to get the results. im sure it'll be fine, ive had no symptoms or anything so fingers crossed :)

Hope everyone is having a good day xxx
i hope so, steves really worried that she will get away without paying but we will have to wait and see. i think it will go to court to be honest.

we got married in august last year. we did a fairly cheap wedding but it was fab :thumbup: mad to think it has been a year nearly. amazing feeling when you call him your husband :happydance: what sort of day do you want? we had a bbq instead of a sit down meal so everyone mingled & chatted to eachother & then a traditional wedding reception with cheesey disco.

not much to update on ttc, just a waiting game now. i dont even have a test day in mind as i'm not sure when :witch: is due this cycle.

well i'd best get ready for work. it's been really hard to get back into it after a week off. i think i had the post holiday blues yesterday. feeling alot happier today though.

have a great day ladies xxxxx

I'm really undecided what kind of day I want. I would like to have a fairly traditional ceremony with a buffet/grab and go kind of reception meal. We are planning to have it in the fall of next year (I could have a bump for this!) and do it at either my future inlaws place or at the OH's aunt and uncle's house. Both have beautiful backyards that are huge! I guess I really can't complain that we are planning to get married next year instead of the year after like originally discussed.
haha ah weddings.... i was 38 and half weeks pg when i got married.... dh sister was emigrating to oz, and he wanted her at the wedding so we rushed , dont get me wrong i had a lovely day, but it was difficult to enjoy the cheesy disco in the evenng etc, cos ihad elephant feet etc..... plus never got to wear a nice dress, i had seperates a skirt and blouse and felt really uninteresting as a bride,couldnt even have flowers cos of me bump i had no where to hold em.... maybe one day, if we ever get rich, we willhave a nice blessing... three years til we are 25 years married maybe then willbe good.... better get saving haha...

ooooh this little man is pushinghis head intomy ribs and his feet intomy fanjita ...not at all comfy..... lotsa love girls...
Yeah that's my fear, feeling not like a bride. The more I think about it the more I am apt to wait until 2012 anyway if we have a fall wedding. I really don't want to get married pg. Oh well I'm sure we will get it all figured out.
definately, whatever you decide to do, it will fallinto place and you will be happy.....xxxxx
had some terrible news yesterday loves :cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry::cry: my best friend of 20 years lost her little boy noel 7 weeks old bless him :sad1::sad1:he just stopped breathing in the bath shes a nurse at bristol childrens hospital so he was in the best possible hands she tried to get him breathing again but no joy.
i feel lost at what to do i told her im here for her not matter what time of day or night and what with being pregnant its going to be a hard few months as really dont wanna rub it in her face but also dont wanna push her away. she even phoned last night to make sure i was ok, i said please dont worry about me bless her shes such a great friend
she had a miscarriage last year, then her grandad dad so they name her son after him

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