Aw hayley thats great about the scan! glad its an early one, at least you wont be sitting around all day worrying about it!
Sorry to hear you're starting to suffer too, Jane

it was at about your stage that mine started getting worse. get yourself straight to physio if you can, a specialist obstetric one, the sooner you go the better! Dont bother with the general physio's, they dont have a clue about pregnant women.
Aw bexx

i really really feel your pain honey. Its so friggin hard at the beginning anyway, let alone when they scream and cry and puke all the time

you're doing really really well, though, and i promise you it gets so much easier in time! PM or email if you ever need to have a bitch about it all and get it off your chest

Sorry to hear your pain is coming back

def. get back to the physio! im not too sure what our obstetric physio's do for postnatal care but she told me that if i am doing okay, just call and tell them i'd like to stay on open review so i can call and arrange an appt. any time.
Erin, oh yes i forget how much those anti-depression meds can mess with your... bodily things, lol. Although maybe if you're forced not to symptom spot, it will make this cycle easier for you emotionally
HOpe i havent forgotten anyone!! Serious baby brain at the moment. Pelvis is even better again today its amazing. I mean, it still hurts, and the walk down town was really hard work, but the difference was that when i got to the breastfeeding group i wasnt in agony and after a quick sit-down, i felt alright

Hooray! really hope that my hips stay in the right place now.
Hope everyone's having a good day xxxxx