We started together....

Its been quiet on here today :)

How is everyone? Any plans over the weekend?

Nat, your hormones will be everywhere at the moment. Mums can sometimes give the best advice every and other times the worst haha. You would probably have never thought about it like that Nat if your Mum hadnt said. Is this for the Flamingoland holiday? x
Its been quiet on here today :)

How is everyone? Any plans over the weekend?

Nat, your hormones will be everywhere at the moment. Mums can sometimes give the best advice every and other times the worst haha. You would probably have never thought about it like that Nat if your Mum hadnt said. Is this for the Flamingoland holiday? x

I really wouldn't have thought that if she didn't put it in my mind lol i know she didn't mean to but she did, yeah flamingoland, it wont be so bad i can still text him all day and call him, i do worry about when i go abroad i still haven't figured how i am going to keep in contact with him when i am over there x
Hey Ladies!!! Was really busy with work yesterday and then got another migraine, thats the second in less than a week. Head is still hurting today but I can cope.

Not much to report with me, on cd 8 and on day 2 of temping. I'm not sure how accurate my temps are due to waking in the night, but still took it anyway.

Whats everyone got planned for the weekend? I haven't got much planned, supposed to be going out for drinks this evening but will see how my head is later, tomorrow we are going to pick our son up from his grandparents house as he's stayed over last night and is staying there tonight aswell. I miss him so much already and I've been working alot since he's been gone, so its only 2 evenings (and only til like 7pm) that I wont be seeing him as usually he's in bed anyway. But still, this morning was very quiet, getting ready for work was different, was able to watch the news and hubby made me a cuppa and breakfast which never happens as he is usually dealing with Addison and usually instead of the news we have Peppa Pig on. Sunday we have no plans, but then I have no money. Last day in work for a week!!! Yay!!!!! Got next week off, and I can see the diet going badly wrong as it always does when we are off together. :s

Hope everyone is ok? I need to go buy a handbag to go with my new dress and shoes for the wedding I'm going to a week tomorrow, we are going Friday and staying over in a hotel in Bath (where the wedding is) for 2 nights. And best of all its free because the in laws are paying. Its my hubbies sisters wedding, but it will be a little unusual because she's marrying a woman!!! I think they are both wearing dresses so will be a little strange, but I'm open minded and I think that the important thing is that the couple are in love, doesnt matter if they are gay or straight. I said to my hubby I wonder if they will have a baby...he was like they can't, I said yes they can, they can just get a sperm donor...he was really confused, I dont think he ever considered that could happen.

Morning ladies,

yes it has been quiet on here recently. I know i have been and i'm sorry for that ladies. I am here for all you ladies and i am sorry i haven't shown it much lately.

Nat i bet you can't wait until you go on your hols i wish i could. Although i am all for supporting your other halfs, just remember that you went through it to and you deserve a break so relax and enjoy yourself on holiday.

Cookie migraines are a blast aren't they. I generally get them on a monthly basis to correlate with my af. They leave me bed bound for days.

So i had my first high fertility reading today, so if i go by the normal basis that i have 4 high 2 peak and then 1 high again, then i should ovulate earlier this month on the 28th. Which means that i will not conceive in september this cycle. But i will next month. I guess we will have to wait and see.
I cant wait it will be good to get away and it will probably be my last holiday with my family, are you using a clearblue fertility monitor? I have a feeling i will ovulate earlier this cycle but not sure as i cant use opks lol well one when i get sore boobs but thats it, i havent got much planned to be honest cookie lunch and shopping tomorrow with my friend x
Yes i use clear blue fertility monitor, it says it increases your chances by 89% but last cycle it picked up ovulation.

So if the conception reading is true, this cycle is out and next cycle will be the bfp. Not that i believe it terribly much.
I've heard good things about cbfm but it is very expensive. I bought the cb ovulation test, which you put sticks in and gives you high and peak readings...used it twice and it broke. Need to ring and complain actually.

Can I get some opinions? So my son is away for 2 nights, I'd arranged to go out with friends tonight not realising that it clashed with my son not being here...not a problem, only I thought it would give me and the hubby a chance to spend some quality time together. So earlier in the week I said I could rearrange my plans and we could do something, he said no that I already have plans. But its been festering and now I'm really annoyed, I dont have any money so I text the husband saying I'm gonna cancel tonight cos I'm skint...I thought maybe it would give him a nudge to perhaps think of doing something with me...nope!! He said I'll give you £20 so you can go...so then I felt angry and I've basically had a go at him for not wanting to spend any quality time with me. He said 'Oh I'm a really bad husband offering to give you money so you can go out with your friends' I said its not the money, I dont want money I just want my husband to want to spend time with me. Every night its the same routine, I get my son into bed, do whatever I need to do, sit down for a while and go to bed because I know he'll have me up at 6am or earlier. But tonight we dont have our son, we dont have to get up early and we dont have to plan our evening around a small person. Would have been really nice if he'd thought about the fact that its the perfect opportunity for us to spend some time together. I dont remember the last time me and him went out just the two of us. He shows no interest and Im really hurt...just feel like crying. I'm quite a hot head so I know I do overreact about things, but it would be really nice if he showed some interest. I know things change when you have a child but I dont see that all effort has to completely go out of our relationship. I dont just want us to be Mum and Dad, would be nice if we had the chance to be husband and wife. The fact that I would prefer to spend time with him over my friends should give him a clue, but apparently it doesn't and he'd prefer to just sit at home on his own rather than spend time with me.

Just feel very annoyed and hurt. Bloody men!!! My husband is about as sensitive as a brick!!!

I would feel the same cookie it would be nicer for you two to spend some quality time alone its good for the relationship i understand were you are coming from.
On the otherhand my oh would prefer to spend every minute with me and i think he likes that i would rather be with him, but a little part of me makes me wonder what has happened to me i used to be all for my friends and now i hardly see them because i would rather be with oh he is my best friend aswell i get to act as stupid as i want infront of him and i always laugh, i am pretty child like i like to wind him up and tease him and see him laugh i love to see him laugh but i need to be getting back in touch with my friends its easier for them they live with their partners where as i dont x
How long have you been together? Before we moved in together me and the hubby were like that? I didn't see my friends much because my weekends were always spent with him, he was my main focus, but then we moved in together and everything happened quickly, we got a mortgage, married and had a baby in just over a year. Was a huge change, we only had a few months together as husband and wife before Addison arrived and then we were suddenly Mum and Dad. Not that I'd change having Addison, he's my world, but just find it so easy to forget to be anything other than a Mum.

You definitely need to make time for you, see friends and do stuff away from him, its especially important once you live together.

I think everyone gets like that, they fall in love and their main focus is their partner and its easy to forget to be yourself and not just one half of this couple you've become.

My husband and I were madly in love once, and I dont know what has happened, I still love him and he says he loves me, but its like all the effort and the romance that we used to have has vanished. I'd like to get it back, but I can't do it alone, he needs to make an effort. I have the obvious worries, I worry that he doesn't find me attractive, he says he does but I'm not slim, I'm getting older and I just dont feel as attractive as I used to. I think his lack of effort plays a big part in me feeling like this.

Its nice that your boyfriend is enthusiastic etc, but make the most of it while you live apart, the time apart makes the time together even better. Oh I remember it well, sometimes I wish my husband didn't live with me...I miss the excitement of seeing him, now there is no excitement cos I see him all the time.
Argh i just wrote loads to reply to u and bloody pressed back on the page by accident lol
we only spend wednesday night, friday night, saturday and sunday and sometimes sunday night together, other times i am at home caring for my mam and having me time, but by the time i do tea i just want to bath and get into bed so i dont get to see friends then, i will make a point of seeing them once i am back from my holiday and me and my best friend are going to get food and shopping tomorrow so its some time at least.

Maybe its time to have a talk with your husband, i understand alot of women dont feel attractive to their partners with age and body image as a factor, its hard to have those conversations but they can make all the difference. i haven't been feeling confident at all since the chemical so tonight i am going to surprise oh with something and relight the spark.

Now i don't want to live with oh at all because i don't want to lose the excitement but then again i cant think of anything better than spending everyday with him x
Well me and hubby have only been apart two nights since we got together, we got together 3 and half years ago. Sometimes it drives me mad as ijust want some time to myself. But everytime i bring it up he takes offence. I would take the money and go and enjoy yourself and on your way out say something like "i'm off to spend time with people who actually care" etc etc

clearblue is expensive but i got mine of ebay for a portion of the cost.
However the sticks are also very expensive. I try to get everything cheap from ebay butthe wait is sometimes a problem.
Hiya. I've been out all day to a play group and shopping. Ellie's been a little madam today, teething, stropping. She's 1 going on 13 when she starts! Bed time now for her, so finally a bit of me time, its been one of them 'how will I cope with another' sort of days haha. Good job I love her!

Cookie - I completely unstandard where your coming from, you definitely need to explain to him why your so annoyed and upset. Can totally relate, I wouldn't change Ellie for the world, she is my world, but you definitely lose a bit of the spark when you have a baby. Not sure if its the tiredness, stress etc. like you night times I have an hour to myself, do my jobs then I'm in bed early ready for the morning as she is up so early. I have a lot less time to spend doing my hair and makeup with a toddler and a lot less money to spend on clothes, so when I try to make an effort and look nice for him, it annoys me if he doesn't notice. I told my OH ages ago that we needed more time for each other and he did seem to understand, but with work, looking after Ellie, house chores, it doesnt happen as regular as I would like. I'd talk to him and tell him how you feel, he probably doesn't realise. Ask someone to babysit and arrange a surprise date or something, bet it will do you both good. X
We argue over silly things due to stress and at times he really annoys me, but when we finally do go on a date, we get on so well, I enjoy it and we seem to get a bit of the spark back for a few days, until the stress builds up again then we need another date haha. Tell him to take you out more! X
Morning!! Well got home from work and the husband had bought me flowers and chocolates. We ended up going out to dinner with my friend and her hubby, it was really fun actually...I think we needed some fun. I feel better about it all but I guess I need to wait and see if he keeps making an effort.

Weird, yesterday and today (CD 8 and 9) I have ewcm...I never usually check this early so don't know if it's normal for me. Can't be ovulation but baby dancing plenty just in case. X
Morning ladies.

Cookie: I'm glad your hubby decided to spend some quality time together. Hope you had a lovely night. I have booked a table for two for friday night. We are both looking forward to it.

Had my second high fertility reading today so i think i might ovulate around tuesday, but hubby bought up that he wants me to stop temping and using the cbfm. He says we should just to go with the flow. He just doesn't seem to get it.
Morning aww thats lovely of ur hubby cookie, glad you had a good time, me and oh had a great night we had a little blip but it turned out amazing plenty bd'ing and fun, i still cant help but secretly wish we didnt bd so much because of the fact it might have been a weaker sperm that fertilized the egg last time i am constantly beating myself up about different things that didnt work x
Personal question feel free to not answer but at fertile time do you stick to certain positions or do you bd as normal x
Morning!! How's everyone doing?

Not much to report here, weirdly still getting some ewcm...I'm hoping it will mean I ovulate earlier. Now wishing I'd got opks so that I can pinpoint ovulation...I'm trying to temp but my temperatures are all over the place, I keep waking up at night lots and so my morning temperatures aren't accurate. At this rate I won't be able to pinpoint ovulation.

Nat - I just make sure I don't go on top, as I figured gravity is not in the sperms favour in that position.

I am due to ovulate friday no signs as of yet if i dont have sore boobs by wednesday then i will pretty much consider myself out as i go away saturday, i must admit i have took a opk yesterday and will today to see if i am having any sort of fade in pattern like last cycle so i can have a bit of reasurrance or at least know whats going on.

I always steared clear of on top because i didnt used to like it, i think mainly for confidence issues but now i seem to have this new found confidence so have mainly been doing that but i will make sure i stick to other ways this week just incase x
Well opk isnt showing progression it may be a tad lighter than yesterdays but i feel better for knowing whats going on than not lol x

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