We Waited-It-Out Successfully!

Glad I read this. LO is 14 months and still not going through the night.
She won't even go down in her cot most nights.

I've got 4 LOs and have had it pretty easy until now, they was going through from 2.5 weeks, 3.5 weeks and 7 weeks, think I'm now making up for it now lol

At the moment I'm putting her down in her cot which is in my bedroom at about 8, sometimes she goes sometimes she doesn't, if she does she's usually awake within 2-3 hours. She much prefers sleeping in someone's arms or in my bed.

I always said that I wouldn't let her sleep in my bed so young, when desperate for sleep though that seems to have gone out of the window.
Here's a little giggle for all of us sleep deprived mommies


OMG too_scared I have had another bad week & this was just what I needed!!!
Brought a smile to my face on this Monday morning! Pretty much sums up a majority of people I come across with babies who sleep so well.

Last night was the worst for me, I actually went to bed when he did at 8pm in case i had another bad night (Saturday wasn't great!) but last night was the tip of the iceberg. Went down at 8pm, woke at 11pm, had a bottle, went back down until 1.30am screamed and was awake until 4am! Then awake at 6.30am. & now I'm at work Zzzzzz.:coffee: he has a cold & is teething so I know that's why were still having this bad patch but it am an emotional wreck right now. I spoke to my mum this morning who told me my sister was like it from birth until she was 2! & basically told me to "ride it out" hasn't filled me with much confidence lol.
I honestly don't know what to do right now, I am honestly struggling!
How he manages to be so perky on so little sleep is beyond me, I am currently walking around like a zombie!

Just got to keep reminding myself whats important I guess!
She sttn! 7-6:45. Without a peep! I cant believe it. Even when she has had a good night recently there was always at least one wake up! I really needed that I had had zero sleep the night before as was up until 3am with her then bashed my ankle on the way back to bed so in pain from that didn't sleep a wink until 6am and only for an hour.

Doubt tonight will be as good but that was awesome!
Tuesday wasn't to good but Wednesday and Thursday have been better. Last night only one wake up at 11pmish and Wednesday only one wake up and milk at 4am.

Lets see what tonight brings.

I really wish I could have a date at which sleepless or interrupted sleep becomes a distant memory!
That's brilliant Jessy!! I hope she continues to improve for you :)

Molly had her jabs yesterday, and has been a bit grotty today but nothing too bad. She went to bed at 7.30 this evening, and just woke for a feed and went straight back to sleep. As soon as it gets to 1 am, she has been waking every hour until she wakes up between 7-8. Bloody exhausting!
That's it. I give up all hope of Molly ever sleeping.

She had her MMR jab last Tuesday and has been utterly miserable since. Crying all the time, REALLY clingy and sleeping like utter crap, poor little monkey :(

I've got an infected wisdom tooth, and I've had about 12 hours sleep since saturday.

I'm also getting a bit sick of peoples "advice" when it come to sleep. "Put her down to self settle" or "leave her to cry" they say. Well she has self settled a handful of times, and how about I leave YOU to cry when I shove your opinion where the sun doesn't shine! GAH!!


I did, however, have a lovely hot bath and a gloriously cold glass of wine this evening.
I hear you re sleep advice. I just don't talk about it anymore and people know not to ask!

We have another cold her so sleep is once more back to utter crap! Come on spring!!

Hope molly is feeling better and your tooth ache subsides. Will you have to get it out?
I'm sorry Molly isn't sleeping well. :hugs: I hope she settles from her mmr shot soon.

I hope your tooth is better soon too. I had an infected tooth once before. It hurt so so badly. I really feel for you. :hugs:

I do the same as Jessy, I don't bother to tell anyone about Finn's sleep. No one is ever going to convince me about cio or any of that baloney so I just either don't talk about it or I just let it roll off. :hugs:

Jessy, I really hope B feels better very soon and doesn't get another bug for a good long time. :hugs: Last winter was like that for us. It's very sad to see them sick like that.

Things have been crazy here. I am currently in the hospital on bed rest and Finn is with his daddy at my in laws' house. He is fighting going to sleep very hard but sleeping through when he does. But, he's only getting 8 hours a night. I've been able to get him to nap (by nursing him to sleep) when they come to visit so he is getting a little more sleep but definitely not enough. I'm really hoping to be able to go home very soon so it should make bed time a little easier. But, maybe not because I've been told I have to wean him. I'm completely broken hearted. That was not something I had even considered so it's going to be tough. :cry:

I hope you're all well and your babies all slept great.
Oh Jessy! Another cold, that's such a shame as B was doing so well with her sleep. I hope it passes quickly!

I'm so sorry to hear about all of that TS, I hope it's not anything too serious that you're in hospital for. That sucks that you'll have to wean Finn even though you don't want too :(

Molly is still sleeping like crap, and had a HUGE meltdown at both nap and bed time today. So draining. I bought some night time rescue remedy as it's been recommended by lots of "sleep experts" and is totally safe for babies. We'll see how and if it works!

I haven't had my wisdom tooth out as the guidelines have changed, and you have to of had two infections within 6 months for them to whip them out. They gave me anti biotics instead and they seem to of done the trick :thumbup:
Thank you :hugs:

So... Last Sunday I had some bleeding and was transported by ambulance 225 km away to the hospital and basically told I had to wean my son because of placenta previa. Bleeding that could lead to hemmoraging and a ton of other very scary things were discussed. The next day I was told I had to stay in that city until baby comes and in hospital for at least a week then on lots of restrictions. Many other scary things were discussed, including how much blood of my type they were keeping on hand for me. I was told it would be a medical miracle if my placenta moved. Then Tuesday morning I was told my placenta had moved! And that baby is a girl. <3

I was discharged yesterday and then today I saw my ob. She said no restrictions and everything was back to normal. I can continue to nurse and I can lift Finn! What a roller coaster!!

So, now we're back home in our house and hoping so hard that Finn sleeps longer than 8 hours tonight!!

I hope the antibiotics help very quickly. :hugs:
One amazing night (wed) and a decent night last night. Only up 4:20-5:30 wanted mill then back to sleep.

We put a pillow under her matress to help her breath and seems to work wonders!
Should have said wed night was 7-6:15! She hardly napped that day though.
I'm glad the pillow is helping her sleep. I hope she feels better very soon. :hugs:
Sophie slept through the night last night :happydance: First time since she was about 7 months old and that was the only other time :haha:

I actually feel so refreshed and un-zombielike!

I expect we will be back to normal tonight but after weeks of being awake pretty much all night I just have to share my happiness :haha:

She is having a long nap this afternoon as we are going to see the Singing Kettle (music show) tomorrow afternoon so will miss her nap! Hoping for a late wake-up tomorrow so she manages to sit through the show without grumping :haha:
One amazing night (wed) and a decent night last night. Only up 4:20-5:30 wanted mill then back to sleep.

We put a pillow under her matress to help her breath and seems to work wonders!

Aiden has his cot bed permanently elevated with blocks. It really helps his sleep as he has chronic congestion.

1st night in his new bedroom last night and he slept 7-6.45.
Ds2 is now 5 weeks and is a much better sleeper than Aiden. Last night he slept 9-1.45 had a quick feed then slept until next quick feed at 5.45 and is still asleep now. Fingers crossed so far no sign of CMPI or silent reflux with DS2. He is a chucker upper but it really doesn't bother him, it's just a wee bit messy lol.
TS that's amazing news! I'm so pleased for you that everything has worked out well, and you're having a little princess! :hugs:

My infection has gone now thank god, and Molly has settled down from her jabs back to her cheerful self.

Also, she self settled to sleep tonight! I've been putting her in her cot when she is drowsy as she will rarely fall asleep when fed anymore unless she is exhausted, but that has been resulting in a meltdown. So, tonight after I'd fed her, I let her mooch about on my bed as she seems to really like the soft blanket I have on my bed. I stroked her back and shushed her for a few minutes before she batted my hand away haha, then laid on her belly blinking heavily and peacefully drifted off. I even managed to move her into her cot without her flinching!

I don't know if she associates my bed with sleeping more than her cot, or if it's because she could smell me on the bedding, but it worked like a charm. I was also laying on the bed next to her, so that might of helped too?

I'm so doing this from now on. Then once she has mastered falling asleep on my bed and I have a little routine that works, I'll wean her off of my boob onto a bottle and then eventually start putting her in her cot to self settle.

I need to her her properly on the bottle and self settling/setting for OH by July as I'm going away with a friend for a night so OH is in charge (and shitting himself already :haha:)
Thank you :)

That is great!! I hope she continues to get better and better at self settling.

Finn is back to waking all night. I think he's still off from the few nights away from me. :( Poor little guy. He actually went to sleep tonight without tears so hopefully that means he's starting to feel secure again. :cry:

I hope you're all well and your little ones are all sleeping soundly.
How has Finn been for the last few days TS?

Molly had a MOTN Party from 10 pm - 2 am last night, and then woke me up at 7 am :nope:
The past two nights have been better, thanks. :)

How are you guys?
Haven't updated this in a while! Sleep is still meh here. Usually up for 1.5 hours somewhere between 1-3am. We did have another sttn last week but very few and far between.

Hope everyone is ok.

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