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Weight Loss Club for a BFP!*Weight loss thread 51lbs!***13 BFP's

I need ato lose a total of 20 lbs to be in the non-obese weight range..
Jsmom, congrats on the weight loss! If you lift 3 pounds, you will see that it is quite some weight. Keep up the good work! :) Don't forgot to update me on that hypnosis guy! :)

Thanks! I will give my little hypnosis review this weekend, hopefully. Meanwhile, don't buy it. LOL!!!
We hiked last Sunday for two hours, it was awesome. My Hubby was sweating and i wasnt. So I wore the backpack (water, etc, about 15 lbs) on the way back, uphill and i got a great sweat and some soreness! It was great, can't wait for spring weather!

How are you feeling?
are there any ladies who are losing weight without going to gym.. and doing it at home?
Im trying to lose weight 6 kilo is mygoal but main goal 12 kilo! .. but iam going to do it at home and maybe 1 once a week at the gym!
inspiration and lots of informationnnn pleaseee :D

ohh congratzz for those who've losttt some weight!

I work out at home and the gym. My daughter wanted me to come home and workout so thats what I did. Lol. I have a contour kettlebell that I love and I do that two times a week. I have weights that I lift, just twenty pound bar bell. Well I should start off by saying I do 100 crunches daily, 15 leg lifts x 3 sets, 3 - 1 minute planks, 3 sets of 15 pushups, and 3 sets of 15 lunges, usually in the morning. I also do five minutes of jumping rope. When I get home I pick a video to do. I have several different ones that I choose from. I went to the gym to learn the basics, I've got that down now so that I eventually won't be going back when my membership is over. That's my goal. At the gym I do 30-45 on the arc trainer or 30 mins on the elliptical and 15 on the stair climber. So anyways I alternate. I did a Bootcamp at the gym and I learned a lot from that last July-September. Very hard and very fun! I also like to go rollerblading, ice skating, biking, swimming, or jogging with my lil family. My daughter jogs or rides her bike. Lol . Anyways I mix it up all the time. Since I did the book camp I was able to complete The Firm exercise video series. They are great 20 mins videos that really really get you working out, hard for beginners. You sweat like crazy in twenty mins! Therw are 12 videos in the set. I sometimes alternate those videos, since those are 3x a week, and my morning crunches etc routine the other morning.
Anyways, I hope this helps you a little.
Hey ladies! hope you all are doing well.

ASFM: I've given up sodas for the past few weeks and I can feel the weight dropping. I have yet to weigh myself, but will do when I get to a scale.

Hey hun welcome, good work on dropping the soda and the weight loss xx :happydance:
Hi Tigerlilly,

It's been a struggle, but I've managed to lose a few pounds in the last few weeks, my clothes are a little loser. Yay. I think it was 3 lbs since my post, can't remember. But I'm happy to see somekind of loss! Lol

Weights been back and forth for me :growlmad: I can't yet bring myself to go to the gym :nope: but i'm aiming to be more active in my everyday life, walking the girls (dogs) lots of gardening, flower and very big veg gardening and good old physical spring cleaning and then i'm going to add the gym. I know that just going to the gym and then sitting on my butt all day is not the answer i need to cj=hange my life for good and thats the challenge!:dohh: well done on the weightloss lady Mwah x
Thank you Tigerlily! It wasnt easy to stop the sodas! How are you doing?
Thank you Tigerlily! It wasnt easy to stop the sodas! How are you doing?

Not much has really happened with the weight been up and down last couple of weeks, need to knuckle down a little more, i think x
I have been watching youtube videos of people before and after weight loss pics, what inspiration! Check them out. Some showed like 50 people before and after with music. It's great!
i love these videos, but i do feel a little cheated when it turns out to be a gastic lap band! hmmmmmm
i love these videos, but i do feel a little cheated when it turns out to be a gastic lap band! hmmmmmm

Me too, but I don't listen to the gastic bypass stories. I just like to watch the pics of before xnd after and listen to the music they chose to play throughout the video. There is a guy at my work that had gastic bypass in Jan. He has lost 40 lbs already. It took me a year to lose 60 last year. I'm really struggling with the last fifty. But I will do it the old fashion way. It just sucks to see him drop that weight so fast & i work my butt off everyday while he kust sits there & eats like a bird. Meanwhile I've seen him eat lunch.from mcdonalds, what!!!!! And not a salad either.....grrrr!
Ok Leikela,

I read the book & listen to the hypnosis cd. The book is an easy read and I don't agree with some of it.
His main points are:

1. Eat when your hungry
2. Eat what you actually want.
3. Eat consciously and enjoy every mouth ful. (Twenty bites and put silverware down between each bite).
4. Stop when you are think you are full.

He describes each one and then he does a lot of little exercises in the book about picturing yourself in certain situations which preps your mind for the cd.

The cd is just him talking in a mellow tone voice and you count backwards from 300 while he starts a visual exercise. I can tell you that I fell asleep three times during the first session and i am not a napper! He says its normal to fall asleep. Anyways, I thought I might as well give it a shot all week, why not. Lol. It did help me fall asleep at night which i dp have trouble with at times. Anyways, I listen and tried to just let my mind relax and picture myself thinner. So this week I haven't been snacking when I'm bored and I havent felt hungry. I haven't changed anything except listen to this cd. I guess I will listen to it next week also just to see if I do snack more often or not. It's weird though, I've been making really healthy choices and I'm always picturing myself thinner in my head without even thinking about it, I know its weird. So i don't believe the #2 rule or some of the others, like eat until your full. That's just my opinion. I don't think this is worth buying, the only think it help me do was think about my thinner self and my confidence, etc. So that's my review, there wasn't anything special about it. I don't know why i was nervous about the cd, I guess i just didn't want him to take over my mind. Lol. But it just a thought process. And now when i choose my foods to eat, I think about my thinner self & if i eat it now, I will just have to work harder longer. There are still a cheat day. And he does say to still enjoy the foods you like and never to restrict a food because your mind will always want it even more later. So just be conscious of the decisions you make now with your food choices and what goes in your mouth. And enjoy every bite of food you do eat. The longer it takes you to eat, the more you will feel fuller and stop eating before being overstuffed. Anyways that's it. Hope I explained it well enough. Im glad I gave it a shot and at least read what it was all about instead of never knowing. But this just isnt for me. Maybe if I didnt have hypothyroidism/hasimotos disease, it might work. I might try the adkins lifestyle. I read hundreds and hundreds of reviews of people eating this way and losing weight finally and eating better and not spending hours and hpurs exercising. Lol. Who knows. Lol
Thanks! I will give my little hypnosis review this weekend, hopefully. Meanwhile, don't buy it. LOL!!!
We hiked last Sunday for two hours, it was awesome. My Hubby was sweating and i wasnt. So I wore the backpack (water, etc, about 15 lbs) on the way back, uphill and i got a great sweat and some soreness! It was great, can't wait for spring weather!

How are you feeling?

I just read your review on it. Thanks for posting it! Wow, it doesn't sound like there is much to his "plan". Hey, at least it help you fall asleep! LOL Yeah, I don't think it will be something I will actually buy. Oh and I too have hypothryoidism! I am being monitored more closely now and they just upped my dose. As far as how I am feeling, not so good. Nausea is pretty much constant now and I have no energy no matter how long I sleep. I am trying to not feel sorry for myself though. Others have it much worse off than me and this is only temporary! :)
Thanks! I will give my little hypnosis review this weekend, hopefully. Meanwhile, don't buy it. LOL!!!
We hiked last Sunday for two hours, it was awesome. My Hubby was sweating and i wasnt. So I wore the backpack (water, etc, about 15 lbs) on the way back, uphill and i got a great sweat and some soreness! It was great, can't wait for spring weather!

How are you feeling?

I just read your review on it. Thanks for posting it! Wow, it doesn't sound like there is much to his "plan". Hey, at least it help you fall asleep! LOL Yeah, I don't think it will be something I will actually buy. Oh and I too have hypothryoidism! I am being monitored more closely now and they just upped my dose. As far as how I am feeling, not so good. Nausea is pretty much constant now and I have no energy no matter how long I sleep. I am trying to not feel sorry for myself though. Others have it much worse off than me and this is only temporary! :)

I have lost a total of 10 lbs and I also recieved my first ever BFP!! Both today. Wow 10 lbs thats all it took.
I have lost a total of 10 lbs and I also recieved my first ever BFP!! Both today. Wow 10 lbs thats all it took.

Wow!! Congrats MrsChap!!! That's awesome, 10lbs & a bfp! H&H nine months to you :). That is great to hear!!! Great job!

Congrats to you both on the weight loss and the BFP!! H&H 9 months to you! :)
I lost about 25 lbs last year, though I wasn't trying super hard. Should have tried harder. I've continued to watch what I eat though and feel much healthier. I know I should lose weight before TTC, but it's so hard! I need to do it though so maybe the support on this site can give me another jump start!
I am too! I gained A LOT when I got pregnant with my son. I barely gained anything the first 20 weeks..then from 20-30 about 20 lbs then from 20-37 weeks about 20 more pounds! So far Ive lost 46 pounds with eating healthy and exercise. No extreme dieting since I know that is not long lasting. I am 5'8 167lbs and I would LOVE to be at least 155lbs before getting pregnant again. My goal weight for now is 160. I use myfitnesspal.com

Add me if you like! ashtonscoggins :)

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