Weight Loss support Thread

just want to wish you all the best of luck girls!

your all doing fab, keep going!


Breakfast: Special K

Lunch: Sunday roast

Dinner: Boiled egg

Drinks: 1 x dr pepper zero, orange juice
Woohoo, ive measured myself this morning before i got ready and ive lost a total of 5inches, 1 1/2inches of my waist and hips and an inch of my thighs and chest! (ok, the chest bit will be cos my milks all gone now.)
i am joining you ladies tomorrow!!!!!
ticker is added, 23 pounds to go *hide*

diet will be starting off on detox,

aka, fruit+veg mainly,weight watchers soup, ocassional grilled chicken, mullerlight + loads of water!!!
I am in!
I am going to start very very soon a diet. It is a very strong diet but my sis did it and lost 3 kilos in one week.

She was hungry all the time, but come on, u wana get thin, then u have to starve.

I will be updating myself on this as soon as I start with it.
Sorry, not updated for a while but here goes..........

My OH now weighs 15st 2lbs he was 16st 11lbs when I posted on the 4th Jan. So thats 1st 9lbs lost in less than a month :headspin:

He's been doing really well, and has been eating healthy and just cutting out junk and fizzy drinks & started going to the gym at lunch time!

Breakfast: 2x Shredded wheat

Lunch: Cous Cous & vegtables or a weight watchers soup

2pm Apple

Tea: 2x steamed fresh salmon, steamed veg, potatos or plain noodles

Something low fat for pudding

He's also been making his own soup....was so yummy! And swapped pasta & rice for wholemeal!

He's not been drinking anything fizzy just lots of water, black coffee or cordial.

He has treated himself a couple of times but not over indulged!

He ran 6 miles on Sat & I'm sooooo proud of him!
Wow you all are doing great!

I thought I would join in as I am currently trying to manage my weight right now too. I started Atkins last week and have lost 8.5lbs so far and I am feeling great. I only measured myself on Saturday so I don't know my inches lost yet.

Start weight 208.5lbs
Current weight 200lbs
Goal weight 150lbs

I am going to start excersing too, I plan to get on the treadmill after work today, and maybe the elliptical trainer too.
stsrted my slimming tabs yesterday, and on boots scales i weigh, 12 stone 3lb :D

my ticker hasnt taken off the 5lb ive lost :(

fixed it :D
Weighed myself this morning and ive lost another 5lbs, so thats 13lbs lost altogether so far :happydance:

Ive also lost a total of 9.5inches.

Im getting abit sick of feeling constantly hungry tho!!!!
How is everyone doing?

Admittedly i havent been doing to well, i lost 6lbs then put another 3 back on lol :(

I am starting again today (i say that everyday lol) getting my excersie bike out later and going to do that an hour a day, plus i walk everywhere and its very hilly here.

i heard of a healthy eating plan where you dont mix carbs and proteins together, anyone heard of this?

My friend said its the best way to lose weight, i know the basics of carbs and protiens but im a bit confussed about cereal....is milk protien and cereal carbs? so that would be a no no then right?

lunch dinner and snacks i know what i shoud eat, but im stuck for breakfast, any ideas?

Where do i get a weight loss ticker from? i dont think it will fit in my sig so im going to put it on my facebook page if i can so i can keep track

im stuck in a rut at the mo, cant seem to get past 11st. With the weather and stuff i cant seem to motivate myself to get exercising. im gonna make an effort starting this week and try to get the dog out for a nice long walk eveyday.

im sure you'll have that weight off soon enough layla.
well im gutted and feel really defeated today

I have been taking these slimming tablets since sunday and i have felt the affects, i have had so much energy i havent been able to stop and im never hungry, im eating 3 small meals a day only coz i know i have to eat, not coz im hungry. i have been to the gym and im walking alot more, takeing the hilly ways rather than flat ways.

So i thought rather than wait till saturday to weigh, id have a sneeky peek today coz i was so cinvinced i must have lost something...........i have gained 2lbs! :(:(:(

I just dont get it, i know its still VERY early, only 3 days lol but i cant understand why i have gained and not lost, im exshasted on these tablets, they are making my body so tired but my mind and inside my body is racing so im constantly on the move, its hard to epxlain but hopefuly that makes sense and you will get what i mean.

im not sure what to do now, wether to carry on, up my dose or just forget it, try for a baby now and worry about it after.

*huff* :(

forgot to say, what ever i eat at teh mo is going right through me, not sure if its the tablets doing that, so surely that should make me lose weight too!

How is everyone doing?

Admittedly i havent been doing to well, i lost 6lbs then put another 3 back on lol :(

I am starting again today (i say that everyday lol) getting my excersie bike out later and going to do that an hour a day, plus i walk everywhere and its very hilly here.

i heard of a healthy eating plan where you dont mix carbs and proteins together, anyone heard of this?

My friend said its the best way to lose weight, i know the basics of carbs and protiens but im a bit confussed about cereal....is milk protien and cereal carbs? so that would be a no no then right?

lunch dinner and snacks i know what i shoud eat, but im stuck for breakfast, any ideas?

Where do i get a weight loss ticker from? i dont think it will fit in my sig so im going to put it on my facebook page if i can so i can keep track


yes, I know that and it really works!

it is down to the fact that for each of them another enzyme is needed for the body to digest the food and apparently those two enzymes interfere with each other, so food cannot be digested properly if eaten together.

yes, cerals and milk you can't mix if you want to stick to this theorie!

cerals, sugar...are carbonhydrates and milk is protein.

vegs and fruits are neutral and can be mixed with each of them.

as an idea for breakfast you can have e.g. bread with tomates, bananas, salad

omlette with vegs, e.g.mozarella omlette with herbs and tomatos

cheese with vegs

eggs with cheese

breakfast is the most tricky one to find sth suitable :hi:
vegs and fruits are neutral

apart from lentils, beans, potatoes

potatoes are carbonhydrates, beans and lentils proteins as far as I remember

we had a big poster in the kitchen of our shared student flat and we sticked to it religiously :hi:
sorry 'bout the jamming, but I cannot edit here!

the good thing 'bout it is you do not need to reduce your portions and will loose weight all the same :baby:
I'm currently 13.4stone :cry: :saywhat:

My goal for mid April is 12.9stone.

::walks off embarrassed::
I will get down to 12.5 stone before falling pregnant! :hissy:

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