Welcome to the 'Two Week Wait'

AF arrived this morning.... Pardon my french, but I don't know what the fuck is going on. I had ALL the signs. Dizziness, nausea, sore nipples, tender breasts, EVERYTHING. It's been a year and every freaking month, I am just devastated. I'm tired of trying to conceive. I just wanted to get my Christmas BFP so badly and had convinced myself that I was going to get it.

How are you doing, sarah_anne? I totally understand your frustration. When you want it so badly, it's hard to understand why it's not working. Been there. Are you going to go to the doctor?

I'm okay. Still devastated as I really thought this was my month. We've been going to a fertility specialist for just over 2 months now. I've had blood work, a sonohistogram, and more blood work. Nothing came back abnormal on my first bloodwork except that my AMH levels were a little bit low for my age. They should be around 15, but I'm at 12.9. He wasn't too concerned as they saw 3 very healthy follicles on my sonohistogram. He said that it was a little hard to see my left ovary on the sonohistogram, but that he wasn't concerned. No fibroids, polyps, or any scar tissue from my first c-section showed up. They did blood work 2 weeks ago to see if I ovulated, but the clinic was then closed over the Christmas holidays, so I have to wait for an interpretation until the new year. I looked at the numbers myself and my LH levels were still within the norm, but I don't know what that means. It was 4 and the normal for that phase is 1 to 25, so I don't know if that means I did ovulate or not. I just want some answers. They said I have insulin resistance and that could be contributing to it a bit, but he wanted to check everything else before prescribing me some metformin. He said on my first visit that I will get pregnant again as I've been pregnant twice before (first was a miscarriage at 6 weeks, second was my gorgeous 3 year old daughter), but it seems to be taking forever! It took 6 months the first time and then I miscarried and got pregnant with my daughter the very next month. I'm just frustrated..

How are you doing?
Ok help BNB, I believe I ovulated late but DH 5 days before I wiped the egg white discharged. I DH late tuesday and wiped egg white discharge Sunday, my calendar said I was supposed to ovulate that Friday. I really want this but just not sure if my dates lined up. My calendar said that i was fertile but if I ovulated a day late would I still be in my fertile days. I took a test yesterday just out of being anxious because i started to have abnormal lower back pain and pressure but my urine was heavily diluted and came out negative. Please help has anyone been in my shoes with the dates?
Ok help BNB, I believe I ovulated late but DH 5 days before I wiped the egg white discharged. I DH late tuesday and wiped egg white discharge Sunday, my calendar said I was supposed to ovulate that Friday. I really want this but just not sure if my dates lined up. My calendar said that i was fertile but if I ovulated a day late would I still be in my fertile days. I took a test yesterday just out of being anxious because i started to have abnormal lower back pain and pressure but my urine was heavily diluted and came out negative. Please help has anyone been in my shoes with the dates?

First.. DH = Dear husband, I think you mean BD, which is Baby dancing/sex.

Sperm can live up to 5 days in the body, so its possible.. but most women ovulate after they see the egg-white cm, which means you could have ovulated on Monday. When you see egg-white CM, try to get your other half in bed to have the best chance of conceiving.

I think you still could have a chance... How many days past ovulation are you?
Hi Girls,

I start my TTW today,
TTC cycle with Clomiphene and had my shot yesterday.

Good Luck to All TTCing
Hi all, this is my first post on a forum and after reading and reading I decided to join.
I'm 15dpo and af due on the 23rd normally averaging at a 34 day cycle. I miscarried on the 20th dec and after having 2 successful no problem pregnancies it has hit me hard. I'm confident that I felt and signs of ovulation and although no bleeding am pretty sure I had implantation pains last week over 3 days coinciding with horrendous head ache. After saying this I now am having twinges and increase of cm and expecting to see my af every time I wipe. Sorry tmi.
I have done way too many tests over the last week.. All with BFN..! I'm torturing myself and borderline obsessive as my head is telling me I'm pregnant. Is it because I want it so much.! Does any of this sound familiar with anyone else.? Would be interested to hear.. �� x
Hi ladies,

Mind if i join you? I have started my TTW started today as i had my FET today 2 beauitful 5 day blasts were transferred :) my beta test will be on the 1st of feb.
Hi all, this is my first post on a forum and after reading and reading I decided to join.
I'm 15dpo and af due on the 23rd normally averaging at a 34 day cycle. I miscarried on the 20th dec and after having 2 successful no problem pregnancies it has hit me hard. I'm confident that I felt and signs of ovulation and although no bleeding am pretty sure I had implantation pains last week over 3 days coinciding with horrendous head ache. After saying this I now am having twinges and increase of cm and expecting to see my af every time I wipe. Sorry tmi.
I have done way too many tests over the last week.. All with BFN..! I'm torturing myself and borderline obsessive as my head is telling me I'm pregnant. Is it because I want it so much.! Does any of this sound familiar with anyone else.? Would be interested to hear.. �� x

I think I just had a Chemical Pregnancy- The thing that is really getting me is my "period." normally heavy, clumpy, regular and cramps!- this one was mostly blood- red- much lighter than normal, like MAYBE two regular tampons a day (normally it's super the first few days) NO CRAMPS!- then I get a very faint postive line- time line below- I can't post a picture cause I just joined.
1.2.16 Ovulation Peak-
1.6.16 Tender breasts
1.10.16 Nausea and headache am 6po
1.14.16 tender breast and tired
1.16.16 tender breast and pulling cramps lower left side 12dpo
1.18.16 "period" started laster 3-4 days with NO cramps
1.21.16 am test faint positive. 17dpo breasts no longer tender, but nausea comes and goes

I can't figure out if I'm leaning towards implant bleeding or chemical pregnancy-
Welcome to all the new ladies!

AF was due yesterday and did not arrive! My cycle is usually 28-29 days and today is day 30! I've been trying not to symptom spot, but my new one for this cycle is that I lactated a little bit of milk/colostrum a few days ago. I stopped nursing my daughter 2.5 years ago, so I don't know what the hell caused that. I'm praying that this is finally it. I tested with a super cheap test this morning and it was BFN, but I don't trust those damn things. I never got a positive on the ovulation tests and I have no faith in the pg tests. If it still hasn't come by tomorrow or Monday, I will test with a FRER.
Hi all, this is my first post on a forum and after reading and reading I decided to join.
I'm 15dpo and af due on the 23rd normally averaging at a 34 day cycle. I miscarried on the 20th dec and after having 2 successful no problem pregnancies it has hit me hard. I'm confident that I felt and signs of ovulation and although no bleeding am pretty sure I had implantation pains last week over 3 days coinciding with horrendous head ache. After saying this I now am having twinges and increase of cm and expecting to see my af every time I wipe. Sorry tmi.
I have done way too many tests over the last week.. All with BFN..! I'm torturing myself and borderline obsessive as my head is telling me I'm pregnant. Is it because I want it so much.! Does any of this sound familiar with anyone else.? Would be interested to hear.. �� x

I think I just had a Chemical Pregnancy- The thing that is really getting me is my "period." normally heavy, clumpy, regular and cramps!- this one was mostly blood- red- much lighter than normal, like MAYBE two regular tampons a day (normally it's super the first few days) NO CRAMPS!- then I get a very faint postive line- time line below- I can't post a picture cause I just joined.
1.2.16 Ovulation Peak-
1.6.16 Tender breasts
1.10.16 Nausea and headache am 6po
1.14.16 tender breast and tired
1.16.16 tender breast and pulling cramps lower left side 12dpo
1.18.16 "period" started laster 3-4 days with NO cramps
1.21.16 am test faint positive. 17dpo breasts no longer tender, but nausea comes and goes

I can't figure out if I'm leaning towards implant bleeding or chemical pregnancy-

It could be implantation bleeding! If you got a BFP after it, it means that your HCG level is at least high enough to show on a test! Go get a blood test and ask them to check again in a few days to make sure it's going up. They might be willing to do an ultrasound too after 6 weeks.
Hi all, this is my first post on a forum and after reading and reading I decided to join.
I'm 15dpo and af due on the 23rd normally averaging at a 34 day cycle. I miscarried on the 20th dec and after having 2 successful no problem pregnancies it has hit me hard. I'm confident that I felt and signs of ovulation and although no bleeding am pretty sure I had implantation pains last week over 3 days coinciding with horrendous head ache. After saying this I now am having twinges and increase of cm and expecting to see my af every time I wipe. Sorry tmi.
I have done way too many tests over the last week.. All with BFN..! I'm torturing myself and borderline obsessive as my head is telling me I'm pregnant. Is it because I want it so much.! Does any of this sound familiar with anyone else.? Would be interested to hear.. �� x

I think I just had a Chemical Pregnancy- The thing that is really getting me is my "period." normally heavy, clumpy, regular and cramps!- this one was mostly blood- red- much lighter than normal, like MAYBE two regular tampons a day (normally it's super the first few days) NO CRAMPS!- then I get a very faint postive line- time line below- I can't post a picture cause I just joined.
1.2.16 Ovulation Peak-
1.6.16 Tender breasts
1.10.16 Nausea and headache am 6po
1.14.16 tender breast and tired
1.16.16 tender breast and pulling cramps lower left side 12dpo
1.18.16 "period" started laster 3-4 days with NO cramps
1.21.16 am test faint positive. 17dpo breasts no longer tender, but nausea comes and goes

I can't figure out if I'm leaning towards implant bleeding or chemical pregnancy-

It could be implantation bleeding! If you got a BFP after it, it means that your HCG level is at least high enough to show on a test! Go get a blood test and ask them to check again in a few days to make sure it's going up. They might be willing to do an ultrasound too after 6 weeks.

I've taken about two tests since then and it's been negative. I was thinking of setting up an appointment anyway cause I'm due for my yearly. I would like them to also do blood work to make sure everything is good everywhere else. I'm still be very safe with what I do and eat. If it was a chemical pregnant, doesn't that increase the chances of becoming pregnant next cycle?

Sorry the tape was dirty- the second one was taken 3 days after "af" started- the last one was taken the 4th day
Hi all, this is my first post on a forum and after reading and reading I decided to join.
I'm 15dpo and af due on the 23rd normally averaging at a 34 day cycle. I miscarried on the 20th dec and after having 2 successful no problem pregnancies it has hit me hard. I'm confident that I felt and signs of ovulation and although no bleeding am pretty sure I had implantation pains last week over 3 days coinciding with horrendous head ache. After saying this I now am having twinges and increase of cm and expecting to see my af every time I wipe. Sorry tmi.
I have done way too many tests over the last week.. All with BFN..! I'm torturing myself and borderline obsessive as my head is telling me I'm pregnant. Is it because I want it so much.! Does any of this sound familiar with anyone else.? Would be interested to hear.. �� x

I think I just had a Chemical Pregnancy- The thing that is really getting me is my "period." normally heavy, clumpy, regular and cramps!- this one was mostly blood- red- much lighter than normal, like MAYBE two regular tampons a day (normally it's super the first few days) NO CRAMPS!- then I get a very faint postive line- time line below- I can't post a picture cause I just joined.
1.2.16 Ovulation Peak-
1.6.16 Tender breasts
1.10.16 Nausea and headache am 6po
1.14.16 tender breast and tired
1.16.16 tender breast and pulling cramps lower left side 12dpo
1.18.16 "period" started laster 3-4 days with NO cramps
1.21.16 am test faint positive. 17dpo breasts no longer tender, but nausea comes and goes

I can't figure out if I'm leaning towards implant bleeding or chemical pregnancy-

It could be implantation bleeding! If you got a BFP after it, it means that your HCG level is at least high enough to show on a test! Go get a blood test and ask them to check again in a few days to make sure it's going up. They might be willing to do an ultrasound too after 6 weeks.

I've taken about two tests since then and it's been negative. I was thinking of setting up an appointment anyway cause I'm due for my yearly. I would like them to also do blood work to make sure everything is good everywhere else. I'm still be very safe with what I do and eat. If it was a chemical pregnant, doesn't that increase the chances of becoming pregnant next cycle?

Sorry the tape was dirty- the second one was taken 3 days after "af" started- the last one was taken the 4th day

If it's negative, then it could have been a chemical pregnancy. I would definitely schedule an appointment with a doc. I don't know if chemical pregnancies increase the changes of becoming pregnant next cycle, but I know miscarriages do, so I suppose it would be the same. Most doctors say not to try for the first cycle after a miscarriage or chemical pregnancy though to give your body time to right itself.
Hi all, this is my first post on a forum and after reading and reading I decided to join.
I'm 15dpo and af due on the 23rd normally averaging at a 34 day cycle. I miscarried on the 20th dec and after having 2 successful no problem pregnancies it has hit me hard. I'm confident that I felt and signs of ovulation and although no bleeding am pretty sure I had implantation pains last week over 3 days coinciding with horrendous head ache. After saying this I now am having twinges and increase of cm and expecting to see my af every time I wipe. Sorry tmi.
I have done way too many tests over the last week.. All with BFN..! I'm torturing myself and borderline obsessive as my head is telling me I'm pregnant. Is it because I want it so much.! Does any of this sound familiar with anyone else.? Would be interested to hear.. �� x

I think I just had a Chemical Pregnancy- The thing that is really getting me is my "period." normally heavy, clumpy, regular and cramps!- this one was mostly blood- red- much lighter than normal, like MAYBE two regular tampons a day (normally it's super the first few days) NO CRAMPS!- then I get a very faint postive line- time line below- I can't post a picture cause I just joined.
1.2.16 Ovulation Peak-
1.6.16 Tender breasts
1.10.16 Nausea and headache am 6po
1.14.16 tender breast and tired
1.16.16 tender breast and pulling cramps lower left side 12dpo
1.18.16 "period" started laster 3-4 days with NO cramps
1.21.16 am test faint positive. 17dpo breasts no longer tender, but nausea comes and goes

I can't figure out if I'm leaning towards implant bleeding or chemical pregnancy-

I too believe that its implantation bleeding. Especially since you've gotten a positive reading. Have you tried to test again?
Yeah, I've tested like crazy, they've all been neg. I'm seeing up an appointment this week with the doc. I feel nauseous, and felt heavy yesterday. Def want to make sure everything Is ok
Yeah, I've tested like crazy, they've all been neg. I'm seeing up an appointment this week with the doc. I feel nauseous, and felt heavy yesterday. Def want to make sure everything Is ok

Huh. That is very weird. If you're getting BFN now, then it probably was a chemical pregnancy. Did you get more than one BFP? It could have been the test, although false positives are very rare. Good luck at the Dr!
AF still hasn't arrived for me! Testing with a FRER in the morning. I've never had a cycle this long, so hopefully I'll get some answers. Tested with a cheapie this morning and it came up BFN, but I don't trust them at all since I never got a positive on the OPK tests that came with it.
AF still hasn't arrived for me! Testing with a FRER in the morning. I've never had a cycle this long, so hopefully I'll get some answers. Tested with a cheapie this morning and it came up BFN, but I don't trust them at all since I never got a positive on the OPK tests that came with it.

Took a FRER this morning and it was a huge BFN. :(

I am so sick of this! I hate being devastated every single month!
Well ladies, I am SUPER confused. I had a blood test last night and am still awaiting the results. AF kind of arrived today, but it was super light and accompanied by light cramps. Blood is kind of pinkish orange and not bright red, like it usually is, so I don't know if this is light bleeding for implantation or just my AF being wonky.
Couldnt resist. All these cramps and went to the restroom in the middle of the nihhg for the second time in 4 hrs. DPO 11 very faint BFP. might have to zoom in but its there.


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    2016-01-27 02.46.52.jpg
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Well ladies, I am SUPER confused. I had a blood test last night and am still awaiting the results. AF kind of arrived today, but it was super light and accompanied by light cramps. Blood is kind of pinkish orange and not bright red, like it usually is, so I don't know if this is light bleeding for implantation or just my AF being wonky.

hoping good things for you!! I think I had a chemical pregnancy two weeks ago, I finally got in for blood test and came back negative. How many days has it been and have you gotten a bnp?

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