We'll Be Over The Moon, When We Get Our BFPs In June! Newbies welcome :)


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Dec 14, 2011
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Hi All! I am Amanda, OH and I are currently trying to concieve our first after a miscarraige in October. I am 22, OH is 25 and we are anxiously awaiting our :bfp:. Ladies, should we do introductions again?

A lot of us have been together on these threads for a while, and we call each other by our first names for the most part. Here is a list of our members, and please feel free to let me know if I missed anyone! Cheers and lots of :dust: to the start of a great summer and lots and lots of :bfp:'s!

TTC - Rachel
Hoping - Kyla
Lausie - Laura :blue: EDD 10/10/13
Jury - Julie
Bubs - Emily :blue: EDD 11/1/13
Pdx - Sonia
Disney- Kara
Golds - Nikki EDD 1/18/14
Over- Alissa
HWPG - Mirolee
Clynn - Cassidy
asmcsm- Ashlee :angel: 5/8/13
NDT - Nichole
Robert - Amanda
Waves - Waves :angel: 6/6/13

SmallTownGirl- ST, STG
Farrell- Farrell
Cowgirl07- Katrina
Miss LaLa- LaLa
littlesteph- Steph

****************************************************************************Some of us also decided to get 'baby predictions' by Suzy Rayne. Here are her predictions for us:

#1- June :bfp: from May Cycle. EDD Feb 11th 2014
#2- 2016
#3- 2019

#1- June :bfp: from May Cycle. EDD Feb 15th 2014
#2- 2017
#3- 2018

Amanda(RobertRedford)'s :
#1- June :bfp: from May Cycle. EDD Feb 21st 2014
#2- :bfp: late 2017/early 2018

Rachel(TTCaWee1)'s :
#1- July :bfp: from June Cycle. EDD Mar 27th 2014
#2- late 2016

Ashlee(asmcsm)'s :
#1- July :bfp: from June Cycle. EDD Apr 3rd 2014
#2- :bfp: mid 2017

Julie(jury3)'s :
#1- July :bfp: from June Cycle. EDD Apr 9th 2014
#2- :bfp: early 2017

#1- August :bfp: from July Cycle. EDD Apr 26th 2014
#2- :bfp: 2017
#3- :bfp: 2019

ST's (SmallTownGal)'s
#1- September :bfp: from August Cycle. EDD May 30th 2014
#2- :bfp: late 2016
Hey Amanda! Thanks for making the new group!

For any new comers, here's my story....
I'm Rachel, TTC #1 for 10 months now. I'm currently 4 dpo. DH and I are both 30. My issues are low antral follicle count (9), slightly elevated fsh and somewhat normal amh. Oh and a uterine septum. We are on our last cycle or two before we do iui with drugs...also might call my OB to try one round of clomid with timed intercourse. I took soy iso this month for the first time...we'll see if it did anything in 10 days!!
Yay to a new thread!

I am Nikki (28). I have high prolactin levels and have a tumor (benine) in my brain causing this problem. DH (25) had 0%morph then with supplements (15 of them) he got to 2% morph. We were told we had a 1-2% change of ever conceiving naturally. Therefore, I was waiting for AF to arrive so we could start IUI or IVF (we were looking at loans and everything). Well she never arrived, and to our surprise we are now 7 weeks preggo! Miracles happen.

Since these girls have been a great support group, I couldn't go anywhere without them during this journey. We all have our ups and downs, but we are in this together.

I'm Ashlee, I'm 23 and DF just turned 25. We are getting married in less than a month. We have been TTC since January this year. In April I got my BFP after starting to drink Fertilitea and taking prenatals and Evening Primrose Oil while using OPKs. On May 6th I started having some bleeding then on May 8th it was confirmed I was miscarrying. The reason for miscarriage was a blighted ovum. Now we're are TTC for our rainbow baby. FX he/she comes soon.
Nikki, I still get butterflies hearing that you are pregnant! It is soooo wonderful to hear that you are pregnant, and it was done entirely naturally, when you had the odds against you! :)
Feeling nauseous today again, FX I'll get my BFP and am not just getting sick. DEbating whether to take my first HPT on Monday when I get back from camping or just wait for AF to be a no show...thoughts?
Hi All!! :)

I'm Kara, 28 and DH is 31, we got pregnant in February and suffered a MC in April. I am seven weeks post D&C and waiting for AF so that we can start trying to make our rainbow. Really hoping to be on CD1 soon and see a nice sticky June :BFP: !!

I feel like this is going to be a lucky thread ladies!! EEeeek!!
Thanks for the new group, Amanda! :)

Most of my info is in my sig but here's what's not that's most current: I'm a worrier, and even with all that's going for me, considering my situation, I struggle with worrying about what isn't going for me. Going for an MRI this Monday to check for a benign tumor that could be causing my slightly high prolactin level (it's 33) just so the FS knows the cause if there is one that can be found and it's not a mystery, then the FS will prescribe me cabergoline to get my level down to normal. Lap surgery for endo revealed endo in left ovary and adhesion to the uterus, and some polyps and fibroids on the outside of the uterus - ovary was freed and all endo, adhesions, polyps and fibroids removed. Tubes and inside uterus clear and healthy looking. AMH was optimal at 6.3 before surgery and FS says it will take just a little hit from the left ovary losing a bit of its reserve when the endo was removed from it, but I had reserve/AMH to spare and it will still be optimal, just not as optimal (and the right ovary is unscathed). Had 10 follicles on each ovary before surgery, which is great (lefty won't be quite so good now, but had reserve to spare so will still be great/good, so they say). FS is giving me a greater than 90% chance of ultimate success if I take it all the way through the shared risk IVF program if necessary. FS is hopeful that just the lap surgery and the drug treatment for the high prolactin will do the trick, and is recommending we try 6 more months natural [with the carbogline on board] before moving on to fertility drugs/IUI/etc.

In other news, they still haven't given me my urinalysis results to tell me if I have a bladder infection or not (which I must have, I just need confirmation and meds), grrr. I'm heading down to the FS office to pick up a physical copy of the MRI order (just in case the hospital wants it and forgot to tell me) and I'll ask them while I'm there and hopefully they have the results, because ouch.

So DH came home this am and told me his best friend and gf are preggo. They haven't even been together long. Grrrrr.

Arrrrrr. Unfair.


Good luck, BBW! :dust:


Welcome, Morgan :flower: and I'm so sorry for your loss! :hugs::hugs::hugs: What a heartbreaking and scary thing to have to go through! I'll be keeping you and your family in my prayers. Maybe Jaxon will be your guardian angel, watching over your new ttc journey...

Ah, Columbus, not too terribly far from where I live (in the Cincinnati area).

I'm rooting for you! Hope you get your rainbow bfp soon! :dust:


Nikki, I totally understand why you are worried, but try not to worry - easier said than done, I know. Most people with disappearing symptoms are totally fine, and it's a totally normal thing that can happen, from what I've read. (I know, I freaked out about early O and that's a totally normal thing that can happen sometimes, too, so I can't talk!) Try and assume it will be fine. I have a feeling it will be fine, and I'm praying on it. It can't hurt to call your doctor and see if he can ease your mind though. :hugs::hugs::hugs:


Waves, :hugs: I can understand you being frustrated, even at this early stage. I started getting frustrated/worried at cycle #3, and even at cycle #1 I was gutted not to be PG already, even though loads of people had been trying longer than me. I highly rec a book called "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant". It's helped me stay...well, saner than I otherwise would be. ;) :haha:


Disney, glad your first acupuncture went great! :) It's surprisingly relaxing, isn't it?


Hm, Ashlee, I've been finding it less stressful to wait for AF to be a no show, myself...
The FS just called, just as I was about ready to leave, and yep, bladder infection. They've called in antibiotics to my pharmacy, yay!
ST - Ugh! I can't believe they haven't given you your results or meds yet! I would go to the store and get the AZO Standard urinary pain relief it works wonders to make it less irritating.

I originally said I wouldn't take an HPT until after missed AF but I'm a POAS addict so it's really hard having 10 HPTs in my cupboard and not using them. Monday would make me 14DPO if I actually ovulated when I think I did which is how long it took to get my last very faint BFP. But like I said, I'm not positive I O'd :? I just hate waiting around
Yay for meds, STG! I always get the AZO UTI pills to take in addition to the antibiotics for the first day while the antibiotics are kicking, just to make it more comfortable!

Ashlee, tough one..I would wait. But, I am a POAS junkie and would cave at some point. I would just be careful not to get your hopes up-- your cycles can still be off from the MC and its not unusual to have an anovulary cycle (yet, on the otherhand, so many people are extremely fertile right after a MC)
Yay for meds, STG! I always get the AZO UTI pills to take in addition to the antibiotics for the first day while the antibiotics are kicking, just to make it more comfortable!

Ashlee, tough one..I would wait. But, I am a POAS junkie and would cave at some point. I would just be careful not to get your hopes up-- your cycles can still be off from the MC and its not unusual to have an anovulary cycle (yet, on the otherhand, so many people are extremely fertile right after a MC)

I know :? It's a tough decision. I really don't know what's going on this month with my cycle so I'm just not sure. But I think that if I wait too long to take a test I'm probably going to go crazy.
OH and I have had a rough time with TTCing for the past few weeks. I never really knew how stressful it could be to TTC. We have decided that if we don't get our :bfp: this month, we are going to take a few months off from ttc-- ill prob get back on BC for a few months (my cycles come back immediately so im not concerned). We realized that we need some time to focus on us and our relationship instead of putting all that energy into ttc.

I have been wanting to take a vacation (thinking Thailand) and we have been putting off a lot of potential vacations because it was "well, ill prob be preggo and we cant travel abroad". So I think we're going to take a vaca to Thailand or Bali, and also start looking for a new house-- we have a 2 bedroom, I want a 3 bedroom. His grandpa just passed away, and left behind property in Mexico (near baja) so we also want to take a quick trip down there to spend some time there before it is sold. His sister and cousins want to come with, and it would be a bummer if i was preggo because I wouldnt be able to drink and party with them-- and truly, the whole point of the trip would be to go celebrate his grandpa, who was the most outrageous partier i have ever known.

If I do get preggo along the way-- great. If not, its only a few months and everything happens for a reason, our time for a baby will come!

I'm new to this forum, thinking it is going to save my life with all these wonderful people! I am 20, just got MARRIED in the hospital NICU in April. Suffered a horrendous car crash and lost my son Jaxon at 12 days old. :cry: He was so precious, my angel baby. Still fresh wounds from that, but have decided to TTC this month. Using an OPK for the first time. VERY ANXIOUS always, TTC is such a stressful thing :wacko: but I am hoping to relax a bit having a huge support group! :)

Our first was conceived after 2 months of trying.. amazing.. only wish it was that easy this time!!! Just really wanting a little bundle of joy.

Good luck and lots of BABY DUST to you all, hoping for LOTS of BFP's this June!!!

:baby: :baby: :baby:

I'm new to this forum, thinking it is going to save my life with all these wonderful people! I am 20, just got MARRIED in the hospital NICU in April. Suffered a horrendous car crash and lost my son Jaxon at 12 days old. :cry: He was so precious, my angel baby. Still fresh wounds from that, but have decided to TTC this month. Using an OPK for the first time. VERY ANXIOUS always, TTC is such a stressful thing :wacko: but I am hoping to relax a bit having a huge support group! :)

Our first was conceived after 2 months of trying.. amazing.. only wish it was that easy this time!!! Just really wanting a little bundle of joy.

Good luck and lots of BABY DUST to you all, hoping for LOTS of BFP's this June!!!

:baby: :baby: :baby:

I love your picture, Morgan! SO precious! GL TTC'ing!
I can't believe it's time for a new thread already...

Anyway, I'm Amanda. OH & I are both 27, engaged to be married a year from today. Together we have a 13 month old daughter & I also have a 7 year old daughter from a previous relationship. I've also had a m/c around 7-8 weeks (in 2006) & a chemical pregnancy (Aug 2011, the cycle before I conceived my daughter.) After giving birth, I went on the Implanon for birth control and then we decided to TTC #3 in time before our wedding next year and I had the Implanon removed on April 10th. I started TTC right away after reading so many stories of women conceiving just days after having it removed but that didn't happen. I got my first AF on May 6th, started temping this cycle and O'd on CD14. I'm now 12dpo with 3 BFNs and AF would be due on June 3rd. I've decided not to test again until AF is late.

I don't have very many symptoms and have a feeling I'm out for this month. However I've felt more nauseous today than previous days. Nipples are a little more sore/sensitive than other days and I'm pretty bloated but I'm not putting too much faith in these symptoms just yet. Good luck to everyone else :)

Waves, :hugs: I can understand you being frustrated, even at this early stage. I started getting frustrated/worried at cycle #3, and even at cycle #1 I was gutted not to be PG already, even though loads of people had been trying longer than me. I highly rec a book called "The Impatient Woman's Guide to Getting Pregnant". It's helped me stay...well, saner than I otherwise would be. ;) :haha:

Thanks :)

Sorry for my crapness!! I have been pants with logging on recently.

As mentioned we found out this week we are having a boy, very happy bunnies!!! :dance:

I hope you all have a successful month in June, I hope to see Suzy's predictions come out good!!

How are you feeling Nikki?? 7 weeks already???! Blimey!
Congrats Laura!! I thought you weren't finding out though. I wouldn't be able to either.

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