We'll Be Over The Moon, When We Get Our BFPs In June! Newbies welcome :)

Negative. Fml.
Thanks for all the encouragement ladies. I hate all this ttc stuff, but it's nice to have a great support system.
Mirolee- what DPO are you? I am 13 DPO today and all my cramps and good symptoms have gone away !! Feeling eerily normal. Took a FRER this weekend, on 10/11DPO, and both stark white.. :/ Didn't test yesterday and trying not to at all.. but hoping I'm not out this month !!!

Can anyone answer this question-
If implantation happens 6-12 days after conception, and it takes an extra 3-4 for the hCG to double, if you use the latest dates doesn't that mean you can't test til 16 DPO? I mean I know that's still just a percentage of people who that happens to, but with all the hype over testing early doesn't this show that for some people that may just be a waste of time? (Hopefully that's me!! :))
You're not out till AF shows girly!!

My temps are all over the place, I'm crampy, OPKs are negative and I'm spotting red...WTF?!? :(
Negative. Fml.
Thanks for all the encouragement ladies. I hate all this ttc stuff, but it's nice to have a great support system.
Boo :( what DPO are you?

Mirolee- what DPO are you? I am 13 DPO today and all my cramps and good symptoms have gone away !! Feeling eerily normal. Took a FRER this weekend, on 10/11DPO, and both stark white.. :/ Didn't test yesterday and trying not to at all.. but hoping I'm not out this month !!!

Can anyone answer this question-
If implantation happens 6-12 days after conception, and it takes an extra 3-4 for the hCG to double, if you use the latest dates doesn't that mean you can't test til 16 DPO? I mean I know that's still just a percentage of people who that happens to, but with all the hype over testing early doesn't this show that for some people that may just be a waste of time? (Hopefully that's me!! :))
Some people, like myself have a longer leutal phase so we don't get positive tests until later. I got a really faint positive at 14DPO but it wasn't a really solid positive until 16DPO. That's why I try not to test early.

You're not out till AF shows girly!!

My temps are all over the place, I'm crampy, OPKs are negative and I'm spotting red...WTF?!? :(
Sorry your temps are all over the place and you don't know what's going on :( Hopefully your body figures out what it wants to do soon.

AFM, AF has made her appearance today! Woohoo! Hopefully I never have to be this excited about seeing her again.
Hi girls...
Morgan - emily didnt get her bfp till 17dpo...if im right she still got a bfn on 13or 14dpo...so dont u consider yourself out yet..

Mirolee - same goes to u...your lp has defly increased from 13dpo last mth..your chart shows your at 15dpo now...and temps r still up...ur alright girlie :)

Kara - i wonder abt your spotting...tht is really strange...however some ppl ive read do have o spotting...cud tht b it??

Emily - yaay for no signs of a cleft pallet but boo on not being able to lift danny...im sure its the regualr things tht u dont even realise your doin tht make it difficult and u have to b more aware :wacko:

Nikki -- sooo coool on hearing the heartbeat...tht must b soo soo exciting..im sure im gonna get a doppler too wen my time comes and tht wud b my fav thing to do all day :winkwink:

Ashlee - did af kick in already or no more spotting???

AFM - still no pos on opk... :coffee: i have my cd25 blood draw next tuesday...i was hoping to o by today so tht wud make it 7dpo...but with tall the spotting and stuff my cycles all wacked out...however i am trying to keep my bases covered by dtd every other day...ahh well...kinda already looking forward to next cycle and and getting the clomid days right and then being mroe excited ...:haha: ...ok confession time...i realised tht i was more impatient abt getting my baby before my sis in law announced her pregnancy...after feeling bad for a coupl eof days i feel like a calm has come over me and im in a zone where i feel like it will happen wen it has to...i think mayb uncontiously it was like a race for me in my head...eeekkk...:shrug:
Hi girls...
Morgan - emily didnt get her bfp till 17dpo...if im right she still got a bfn on 13or 14dpo...so dont u consider yourself out yet..

Mirolee - same goes to u...your lp has defly increased from 13dpo last mth..your chart shows your at 15dpo now...and temps r still up...ur alright girlie :)

Kara - i wonder abt your spotting...tht is really strange...however some ppl ive read do have o spotting...cud tht b it??

Emily - yaay for no signs of a cleft pallet but boo on not being able to lift danny...im sure its the regualr things tht u dont even realise your doin tht make it difficult and u have to b more aware :wacko:

Nikki -- sooo coool on hearing the heartbeat...tht must b soo soo exciting..im sure im gonna get a doppler too wen my time comes and tht wud b my fav thing to do all day :winkwink:

Ashlee - did af kick in already or no more spotting???

AFM - still no pos on opk... :coffee: i have my cd25 blood draw next tuesday...i was hoping to o by today so tht wud make it 7dpo...but with tall the spotting and stuff my cycles all wacked out...however i am trying to keep my bases covered by dtd every other day...ahh well...kinda already looking forward to next cycle and and getting the clomid days right and then being mroe excited ...:haha: ...ok confession time...i realised tht i was more impatient abt getting my baby before my sis in law announced her pregnancy...after feeling bad for a coupl eof days i feel like a calm has come over me and im in a zone where i feel like it will happen wen it has to...i think mayb uncontiously it was like a race for me in my head...eeekkk...:shrug:

Yep, she's here. I'm actually happy. One less thing to worry about on wedding day and I finally am onto the next cycle.

Hope next cycle goes better for you! I know what you mean about the race though. DF told me it's not one, and even if you're not really trying to race I think subconsciously we all are. We all want to be the next one. But it's nice that it's relieved a little of the stress of it all from you since your SIL announced. Hopefully that helps! Less stress equals better chances!
Omg Ashlee-yayyyy for AF!!! I know how exciting that is!! :) So happy for you to get to start with a clean slate!!

Sonia-I totally get what you mean-subconsciously, hell sometimes consciously...it is a race, everyone trying wants to be the next one everyone is gushing over about a baby. I think it's normal. DH has told me more than once it's not a race, and obviously the mentality that it is adds to the stress and I think that's why DH has been adamant. Stress definitely helps nothing when ttc!

AFM-doc said spotting can be from a drop in estrogen before O and to keep BDing so we will do just that!! Last nights temp is probably garbage from getting up in the middle of the night anyway so oh well...she said "just keep doin what you do to make that baby" :) today when I got home from work DH was waiting for me in his boxers ;) love it!
Thanks Kara! I'm so glad. At least now I know where the heck my body is at. I think I want to go the route you're going and just BD as much as possible lol. And luck you! I wish DF was in his boxers waiting for me when I got home. Usually he's in just shorts with his headphones on because he's working on a new song to release or mixing someone else's :? Usually I have to literally climb in his lap and rip the headphones off to get his attention at that point.
Negative. Fml.
Thanks for all the encouragement ladies. I hate all this ttc stuff, but it's nice to have a great support system.

I agree, you aren't out until the witch shows!

AFM, AF has made her appearance today! Woohoo! Hopefully I never have to be this excited about seeing her again.

Yay! I'm glad you don't have to worry about it now on your wedding day!

AFM-doc said spotting can be from a drop in estrogen before O and to keep BDing so we will do just that!! Last nights temp is probably garbage from getting up in the middle of the night anyway so oh well...she said "just keep doin what you do to make that baby" :) today when I got home from work DH was waiting for me in his boxers ;) love it!

Good luck! FX you catch the sticky bean this cycle :thumbup:

AFM- On cd 12 with a bit more to go. For the past few good months, I O'd on cd19 so I am hoping that pattern continues. DH and I are going to bd on cd 14, 16, 18, 19, and 20th. I figured that should cover it lol. I will probably use opks to make sure I will be o'ing around when I think,
Whoa way too much to catch up on. I apologize if I miss anyone!

Ash, yay for AF coming early! I'm so relieved for you that she came now instead of wedding day!

Disney, Sorry about the spotting, glad its not a bad thing!

Cassidy, Im still holding out hope that you get a miracle :bfp: one of these cycles. You deserve it!

Nichole, goodluck! I hope this is your cycle, and woohoo that you're O'ing regularly.

Rachel, how are you? Have you started clomid? I've heard the side effects can be a bit rough.

Morgan, from what I have read/seen, the chances of getting a :bfp: before your missed period are actually pretty low. You're better off testing a few days after AF is late, which would be somewhere aroudn 14-16dpo. Any signs of AF yet?

HWPG- goodluck this cycle, don't get your hopes crushed just yet!

AFM, nothing new. Crazy busy at work so I haven't really been keeping up with you all. My apologies, I hope you are all doing well!
Hey ladies!

Julie - It sure seems like you got good coverage this month!!! I hope you get your BFP so you don't have to go on clomid!

Ash - So glad AF came! I hope she's gone by your wedding! Will you be on your honeymoon during ovulation?

Mirolee - sorry no BFP yet, but no AF yet right?

Well I finished my clomid last night. OMG the night sweats are horrible and it makes me sleepy but I took it at 10pm every night so I just passed out a little easier each night. Last night I passed out while DH and I were about to BD...lmao. Other than that, I really haven't had many side effects. Oh yeah, they say that your CM dries up or you get hostile CM, well I started getting EWCM last night and ALL day today and it is only CD 8...but I have been reallly realllly thirsty and drinking even more water and gatorade than usual, so maybe thats why. Our offer got accepted on the new house!! We close next month! We are so excited.
Fantastic news about the house Rachel!! Yay!! So glad you guys found something and hopefully this is a quick and easy closing or you!! Also hope the side effects from the clomid are worth it and it does the trick for you this cycle!! :)
Thanks Kara! I hope so too!! We got a great deal and the sellers are getting about $25,000 more than they paid so they are set. They're paying $4000 of our closing costs, leaving all the appliances including the new washer and dryer and paying for the warranty. And $5 grand off the selling price. Boom.
Thanks Kara! I hope so too!! We got a great deal and the sellers are getting about $25,000 more than they paid so they are set. They're paying $4000 of our closing costs, leaving all the appliances including the new washer and dryer and paying for the warranty. And $5 grand off the selling price. Boom.

Rachel congrats on the house...remind me again which of the 2 did u choose??? all the best on this house closing without any complications :flower: .... tell me abt the night sweats :wacko: ...but after all the times tht ive taken clomid i think im getting better with the side effects...i used to b VERY VERY short tempered the first time i took it..all gud things r in order :thumbup:
Rachel- thats great!! So exciting
AFM still in the waiting to o game... its getting old.
Rachel-Thanks! I feel like I had a "weak" O, so I don't have high hopes...but who knows! Yay on the house! That's so exciting! I have a really good feeling for you...new house, starting clomid...I see a baby in your future too!

Kara-Glad the doc wasn't worried about your bleeding. I get spikes and dips in my chart at random times too, I wouldn't worry too much about it. Hope it's your month!

Ashlee-Yay for AF!

Cowgirl-Where are you at in your cycle? P.S. Your ticker thing in your signature stresses me out!!! Lol I do not want to think about the money I've spent on ttc so far or the hours I've spent online! I'm just going to pretend none of it ever happened...

FF gave me crosshairs today...I feel like it was a weak O though since my cervix didn't open really nicely like it usually does, lh seemed to linger up and down, and temps are really slow to rise. Oh well. I will get bloodwork for prog on Sat, so we'll see what it's been doing...
Yeah, I think the waiting to O and then the waiting for AF are the worst parts of ttc. Right before O you are trying to make sure you get the timing right and hoping your body cooperates. Right before AF everything is so confusing because it could be AF or BFP and you are just waiting, but you aren't sure what for. No wonder we get so crazy...We spend most of the month waiting for something that's not really in our control!
Gmorning ladies.. still BFN on CD30/14DPO, but using Dollar Tree cheapies now. Seeing as I've already spent over $50 this month in pee sticks, jeeesh, not okay. Period is due today, feeling dull aches low in my belly. Feeling, as I said yesterday, "eerily normal"..? Pretty much lost hope by now, bring it AF.

(But secretly I mean- FX'd for me ladies. The tests are probably wrong, this could be it! ;))

And Julie- I totally get what you said.. this really is out of our hands. And a month is a pretty long stretch of time to be wishing away. I'm ALWAYS looking forward to next week or in a few days (which always seems forever away) so that I can BD or test. The OPK's make me nutso, worrying every minute about catching Eggie before my surge ends.. and thennn you have to worry about did I lay there long enough, should we do it again later, or am I too late ?!! Then you get to the point where you've done all you can and now you have to wait through 2 WEEKS of hell and waste a million dollars testing early, all for one huge let-down. I can't even explain the way I feel when I'm intently staring at the damned stick and nothing, not even a thing, shows up beside that pretty, dark, pink line. Ugh.. then you have the emotional stress and strain on a relationship. I know we all have diff. circumstances, but I'm sure you know what I mean.. I can't even imagine how hard it is on our sig. others, too, to be pressured into giving us what we want most. At least for my man, I know he feels so bad sometimes when we talk about it.. He feels like he can't give me what I want, and that's just not true. One month will be THE lucky month, and from then on, we'll live happily ever after. :)
And Julie- I totally get what you said.. this really is out of our hands. And a month is a pretty long stretch of time to be wishing away. I'm ALWAYS looking forward to next week or in a few days (which always seems forever away) so that I can BD or test. The OPK's make me nutso, worrying every minute about catching Eggie before my surge ends.. and thennn you have to worry about did I lay there long enough, should we do it again later, or am I too late ?!! Then you get to the point where you've done all you can and now you have to wait through 2 WEEKS of hell and waste a million dollars testing early, all for one huge let-down. I can't even explain the way I feel when I'm intently staring at the damned stick and nothing, not even a thing, shows up beside that pretty, dark, pink line. Ugh.. then you have the emotional stress and strain on a relationship. I know we all have diff. circumstances, but I'm sure you know what I mean.. I can't even imagine how hard it is on our sig. others, too, to be pressured into giving us what we want most. At least for my man, I know he feels so bad sometimes when we talk about it.. He feels like he can't give me what I want, and that's just not true. One month will be THE lucky month, and from then on, we'll live happily ever after. :)

Goodmorning, I sure hope AF stays away for you and you get your :bfp:! I get what you mean completely, and you said it very well. Its so stressful and so tedious. The negative pee sticks surely don't help, either!

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