We'll Be Over The Moon, When We Get Our BFPs In June! Newbies welcome :)

No AF hung around for 5 days...CD 6 today and she is GONE! I took an HPT before I started the clomid just to be sure and it was stark white. I'm pretty confident that was a chemical and not faulty lines. On a positive note, it means that 'something' worked...

I took my 4th dose of clomid tonight...tomorrow is the last day! I hope it works, but I'm not getting my hopes up. DH goes back to days this week :happydance: That means more :sex: <----btw this smilie grosses me out lol. I know I've said this before, but I am going to try hard not to test early since last cycle was so crushing. I really have no desire to even test at all, but we shall see when the time nears.

In non-TTC news, we found two houses today :happydance: one is nice in a perfect location, the other is beautiful with everything we want in a crappy location. The second one is in a beautiful neighborhood but surrounded by trailers!!! No offense if you live in one...I'm just not a fan. And I'm not talking about the nicer looking trailers, these are like torn up dirty trailers. Then you get to the neighborhood and once you are in it you have no idea that it is surrounded by crap....So I think we are going to put an offer on the 1st one...if only the second house could be in the location of the first one...Oh and we got $1000 back today from the other house...still lost the other thousand, but at least we got some back.

Ugh I go back to work tomorrow for two days, then off for two, then back for SIX in a row!!! :dohh:
i usually use digital opks is it easier or harder to use opks that arent digital
I have only used the dip ones bc I test so frequently when it gets close to O. The best ones I have found are the CVS brand ones that come with 20 sticks. They have always been accurate. I've tried ICs, answer brand and dollar store cheapies and they all blow. A lot of ladies on here use digis though. It's just a matter of personal preference
Hello ladies,
ive been off relaxing this month. I had a chemical pregnancy may 22nd, on may 21st there were 2 tornados that hit base and i started spotting a chocolate color. Next day very heavy period and cramps... i was 6 weeks 3 days.:angel:

My husband is going to do a sperm count but we have worked sooo much we keep missing the lab.

Hope everyone is good
I know I've said this before, but I am going to try hard not to test early since last cycle was so crushing. I really have no desire to even test at all, but we shall see when the time nears.

I agree... after getting BFPs for like 4 or 5 days straight last cycle and it ending the way it did, I'm going to try my hardest not to test until AF is due/late this next time.

Finally in my "fertile period" or whatever so BD starts tonight.
Mirolee-How exciting! Can't wait to see how your testing goes :)

Lala-I'm sorry to hear that :hugs:

BBW-I really like the digis bc there isn't really any guessing. This month I used the wondfos off Amazon and they were more confusing bc you're trying to guess if the line is the same color as the test line or not. It's really what you feel comfortable with though.

Rachel-LOL That smiley grosses me out too! Yay for the house..It seems impossible to find the perfect house, I completely understand!
I'm sure we will be right behind you on starting the clomid. I hope it gets you preggo quickly!

Kara-Lol...wasted by accident. I'm sure that was hard for you, I can't even imagine... :hugs:

AFM-Almost positive opk Fri, super positive yesterday, and almost positive today. I've had light cramping yesterday and today, today was more on my right side though. Cervix looks like it's closing, so assuming I O'd today. We inseminated Wed night, Fri night and this morning. I'm hoping it's a good thing for us this month. We actually had a romantic time Sat after our donation, the first time we've been successful at it after a donation since we started ttc! DW keeps saying, "it was made with love this time" and thinks it will be positive lol Plus we did an AM donation today for the first time. So hopefully it will be lucky. However, I don't think my prog will be where it needs to be. I'm assuming we will be on to starting clomid in July...hope I'm wrong!
I've been obsessing about twins all day. Our tarot card reading mentioned twin girls in both my timeline and DW's timeline. My first cousins are twins and our donor's first cousins are twins. Plus if we use clomid....and apparently being overweight increases your chances twins (which is weird since it also lowers your chance of conception). So, there's a chance we could! I'd be excited if we did lol
Thank you. I was gonna try opks that arent digital since its cheaper but think ill keep using them so i dont have the added stress
hey ladies
FRER this morning was negative. still no spotting. hm. probably i will get my period on the plane tomorrow! oy vey!
PS. ashlee, i meant to write "you're wedding is so close! yay how exciting!" but apparently, instead, out came gibberish. haha. so i'm saying it in this post - yay! the wedding is so close!
Morgan, Any news? I'm hoping your silence is a good sign!

Cassidy, any chance of a bfp this cycle?

Rachel, goodluck with Clomid! I really hope that it is the answer for you! It must be reassuring knowing that you can get pregnant.

HWPG, goodluck! Are you going to keep testing or wait for AF? I hope she doesn't decide to show on the plane. that would be terrible!

Waves, how are you doing?

Jury, I am hopeful that this cycle is for you! If not, Clomid next cycle! Twins would be really fun (and really exhausting!)

Ashlee, how are the wedding plans coming? Any signs of AF/BFP?

Nichole, how are you?

Lala, so sorry! :hugs:

AFM, nothing exciting, on CD5 and AF is gone. We are ntnp and just relaxing this cycle. I'm really going to try not to think about it at all. My cycles have been pretty standard at 29/30 days, so I will test if AF hasn't shown up by then. A little bummed, if AF decides to show this cycle, it will be on July 1st-- the day we go away for a vacation. Oh well! Happy Monday all, I hope everyone had a great weekend.
Morning ladies!! I thought about you all this weekend, haha it's funny. I find myself wondering what everyone's doing a lot actually!

And AWH EMILY- I was perusing your FB pics and awww lil Bub is too cute, and the lil belly, too!! I really regret not taking week-by-week photos. I only took ONE PREGO PIC at 24 wks, and looking back I wish I'd seen the progression, all of the sudden it was like WHOA! (here I'll attach, just bc :)) Lol.. anyways.. totally jealous!! :)

This weekend was great, I attached some pics so you can see. Tested every morning with FRER/FMU but BFN everyday... :brat:
So expecting AF within a day or so. Can't wait to start again.. :dohh: Dull cramps all day today and yesterday, blah. May get wasted, too, this weekend (lol to whoever it was I saw who did the same :thumbup:) Guess that's one perk to the let-down. Hmm it's been a good 11mos/year since I've had a drop of alcohol, so that should be good.. :headspin: haha.

Ooh also would like to get my first tattoo soon- found an awesome little stanza I'd like to incorporate, somehow-

I will fear no evil,
For he is with me.
And I will go to my child in heaven.
And we will be together,
Forever, at last.

Pretty, eh?

For Emily- only prego pic I've got, at 24 WKS.

Cute lil' cupcakes for Dad :)

Awww, love birds :blush:

We had amaaaazing seats!!!

My lil' Kilo, growing up so fast!!!

Haha too bad I locked the keys in the car, in the middle of nowhere. Had to wait on AAA to come rescue us.. lol silly me. But I'd really love to hear some more updates on what's going on with everyone else!!
Morgan, Sorry about no :bfp:! Next cycle! I'm glad you're able to stay so positive about it.

We had mimosa's all day yesterday for fathers day-- OH and I made crepes and had a big brunch at our house with both of our families, then went to his parents for dinner and margaritas..Hello tipsy Sunday! I had made a bit mimosa bar, and a buffet style crepe making station, it was a really nice fathers day. I was exhausted after brunch and took a 2 hour nap before dinner while OH and his dad watched the baseball game in the den. I love naps but I was SO groggy afterwords. OH was calling me a zombie, haha.
Morgan - You had a beautiful pregnant belly! :) And my husband is a HUGE Reds fan!!! We went to Phoenix this year for spring training and got to meet all the players. He tries to go every year and it is the highlight of his life. His whole office is decorated in Reds theme. I even painted it gray and red for him.

Remember ladies! You're not out till she comes!

Lala - I am so sorry to hear about your chemical. :( It is so crushing to hear of this happening so often.

AFM, had my scna on Friday and baby has no sign of a cleft lip! There is no way to check the palate, but in scans they can see baby swallowing and there is no reflux through the sinuses, so it's unlikely there is a cleft. What a relief! However, my placenta is lower than initially suggested. While it will most likely correct by 28 weeks, I am on strict instruction to not life more than 20 pounds, so I will not be holding Danny for a while. :(
It's really hard, even logistically speaking! In and out of shopping carts, the car, into his booster for dinner, in and out of the tub, etc. Makes life a little more difficult... But I am still so grateful baby is healthy!
Morgan - You had a beautiful pregnant belly! :) And my husband is a HUGE Reds fan!!! We went to Phoenix this year for spring training and got to meet all the players. He tries to go every year and it is the highlight of his life. His whole office is decorated in Reds theme. I even painted it gray and red for him.

Remember ladies! You're not out till she comes!

Lala - I am so sorry to hear about your chemical. :( It is so crushing to hear of this happening so often.

AFM, had my scna on Friday and baby has no sign of a cleft lip! There is no way to check the palate, but in scans they can see baby swallowing and there is no reflux through the sinuses, so it's unlikely there is a cleft. What a relief! However, my placenta is lower than initially suggested. While it will most likely correct by 28 weeks, I am on strict instruction to not life more than 20 pounds, so I will not be holding Danny for a while. :(
It's really hard, even logistically speaking! In and out of shopping carts, the car, into his booster for dinner, in and out of the tub, etc. Makes life a little more difficult... But I am still so grateful baby is healthy!

OH is the same way with the Oakland Athletics. He lives for the green and gold. We went to Arizona for spring training this year, and went to investors weekend, so we got to have dinner with all the players, he got to take batting practice with the team. I'm pretty sure he was in heaven!

I'm so sorry about your weight restriction and placenta issue, I really hope it corrects itself quickly! HUGE yay and relief that the baby has no sign of a cleft lip!
Cassidy- No AF yet.

Rachel- Good luck on the clomid! I hope it works!

LaLa- So Sorry about the chemical :( :hugs:

Julie- Good luck! Really hope the insem worked this time!

Mirolee - I know! 6 days!!! Stressed out, especially since I think AF will make her appearance on wedding day :?

Morgan - Sorry no BFP :/ Hopefully next cycle!! Your father's day present for DH is so sweet.

Emily- So glad baby boy is okay and no cleft lip, one less thing to worry about! Sorry about the weight restriction though :( I bet that's hard with Danny.

Amanda- Your father's day sounds fun. I LOVE crepes.

AFM, temps have been dropping so pretty sure AF will hit on wedding day which really frustrates me, I really don't need one more thing to worry about right now. But at the same time I'll be glad that I have a starting point for next cycle. Hopefully get my rainbow baby.
Robert- your dates seam wrong to me... maybe its my preggo brain, but you would only be on CD19-ish on July 1st.

Emily- when did you start your bump pictures.... debating when to start mine. Also when do people start looking at day cares?

Cassidy- ( I believe you were the one that asked) fathers day was great. I got DH 2 cute little onesies for the baby. One was "kinda" for me.... it said "Daddy and I both know mommy is the boss" and the other one said "haggin' with daddy" and it was a daddy frog and a baby frog and the best part is it had a frog hat! Otherwise we had DH's family over for dinner and his parents gave DH a gift card to babies r us...which was nice!

Lala- SOOOO SORRY!!! must hurt. However, so glad you are ok from the tornado's.... where are you based?

Morgan- thanks for the photos...so cute!

Rachel- I suggest house #1 ( I feel like I am watching housing hunters)... to be honest location is what will sell your house one day (when you are ready for that step).

AFM, I am in my "2WW" until my next scan (july 1st) and then we will be telling people. DH CANT wait to spread the word... he excited.
Nikki - I started at 6 weeks because I started showing way sooner with this one that with Danny! BUT with Danny I only took a handul of them... I just didn't think about it too much.
But I think starting at 12 weeks would be a good starting point. That's usually when the ball starts rolling!
I am not too sure about daycares since Danny has never been in daycare, but I would think that when you are on maternity leave would be a good time since you can go to visit them and you'd have time to get on waiting lists if need be. How much time do you get for maternity leave?
Emily- HAHA maternity leave (I laugh because mine sucks!). I get 3 weeks paid vacation every year (that must used or I lose it). So I can use that, however I believe Ill be taking a few days off in Sept. Otherwise I am allowed to take as much time as I want unpaid. So DH and I haven't really discussed what we want to do. I can also "Work from home" a little bit during my leave and get paid for it. So I am thinking about taking 6 weeks off (some paid, some work from home and some not paid).

My DH can also flex his hours. So I can ask him to do 4-10hour day and then he can take the baby (for the most part) and I can work from home (or go into work) a little the other 3 days.

I don't totally know what we will fully do. We have money saved up so if I have to fully take some time off unpaid it will be fine. I guess I just don't fully know what to expect.
Emily- HAHA maternity leave (I laugh because mine sucks!). I get 3 weeks paid vacation every year (that must used or I lose it). So I can use that, however I believe Ill be taking a few days off in Sept. Otherwise I am allowed to take as much time as I want unpaid. So DH and I haven't really discussed what we want to do. I can also "Work from home" a little bit during my leave and get paid for it. So I am thinking about taking 6 weeks off (some paid, some work from home and some not paid).

My DH can also flex his hours. So I can ask him to do 4-10hour day and then he can take the baby (for the most part) and I can work from home (or go into work) a little the other 3 days.

I don't totally know what we will fully do. We have money saved up so if I have to fully take some time off unpaid it will be fine. I guess I just don't fully know what to expect.

Is it because you work for the Fed that your mat leave sucks? I know state workers in California get the same raw deal...

Are you entitled to any state disability from the state? I know you won't get any paid time from the Fed, but you may want to look into Short Term Disability if offered by Colorado.
ya basically. I mean we get good medical and retirement (is OK!) ... but leave SUCKS until you have been with them like 20 years.

What is yours like?

EDIT: the nice thing is MAX ill pay to have this baby is $500.... so that is nice. (assuming DH has the ability to change our insurance in time... which he should)

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