We'll Be Over The Moon, When We Get Our BFPs In June! Newbies welcome :)

Waves- unfortunately progesterone mimics pregnancy symptoms a lot of the time and your progesterone kicks in after O which is why so many people feel they have symptoms when normally it's much too early. 6dpo for implantation is REALLLLY early. I believe the most common day it happens is 9dpo.

Yeah, that's what I read last cycle was that 9dpo was most common and I think that's around when I implanted because I got my first faint BFP around 11dpo.

I had some cramping earlier after giving my girls a bath but it seemed to settle down. I'm just ready for this 2ww to get outta here. I'm bored with it already lol.
Rachel- you are a good friend!!

Robert- glad u r caring for the pup.

Kara- maybe ull get a dog now.

Afm, I'll take a bump pic on sat.. 11 weeks. However not sure if its bump or fat. My body craves carbs when I used to never eat them.
Kara-I think it looks like you O'd based on all your signs lining up. I would blame the low temps on the baby aspirin and the blasting ac. Please don't worry! Let's wait and see what your temps do over the next few days and what your prog turns out to be :)

Morgan-I set an alarm for the same time every morning. I just reach over, get my thermometer, push the button, slide it down the front of my pants, wait for the special beeping and then go back to sleep. It's rare for DW to even notice!
lol I'm excited for you :)

Nichole-Yay! I'm excited for your apt! I don't think they will just tell you to lose weight. Make sure you bring in your charts (I just had mine on the FF app on my phone) incase they want to see them. I'm assuming they probably plan on doing a normal check-up but when you get there and talk to the nurse, make sure they know you have concerns. I think this will be good for you to get a second opinion :)

Amanda-I'm 10dpo today. Progesterone level was 4.7, so I must have had a weak ovulation again. Starting clomid on cd5 of my next cycle. AF due Fri or Sat, so just waiting...
Yay for taking a more relaxing route! I hope you see that bfp soon :)
Kudos for taking care of that puppy too! Especially with allergies...We've been taking our dogs for walk/runs too, it's great for all of us!

Rachel-What do those symptoms mean for your friend? What a good friend you are staying like that!
I've been having some random stabbing/cramping pains on my right side which is usually where I feel O pains too. I've been wondering about cysts too. Then I think I'm just being paranoid, but who knows!

Nikki-Lol on the "bump or fat"...I worry about that a lot for when I actually get preggo! I'm going to go with bump! Can't wait to see your bump pic and I can't wait for your scan!

AFM-AF due Fri or Sat, spotting should start tomorrow or Thurs. I picked my clomid up today, so I'll be ready to go! I'll just be waiting for cd5. I keep secretly hoping for a miracle though and hoping AF won't show. With such low progesterone though, I know there is basically no chance of that...
Fx'd she stay away Julie! If not, I'm glad you got the clomid for next cycle!

Ewcm for me today, seems I have a very confused reproductive system!! Argh!! Hubs is taking me to a Yankee game tonight though so I'm looking forward to it!
Amanda- That is so awesome you took that puppy in! I admire people who help abused animals. I need to start taking my dog on longer walks. He is 9 years old so idk how well he would do with running :haha:

No better time to start than now! I swear there is no better way to get in shape than to get a dog! The puppy will get his leash off the top of his crate, drag it to the couch and sit with it until you take him for a walk-- I feel so guilty that we go every time he does it. I caught it on video last night, too. hysterical.

Amanda-sooo admirable! you and Cassidy both!! those puppies and kitties need our help!!

I thought I found a stay doggie on my walk today, he looked scruffy and dirty and was very timid but had tags so I called DH to come help my wrangle him lol. We finally had him contained and this woman comes around the corner with a bone and says he got out of the house and he lives there...I wanted to call the animal people bc he didn't look very well taken care of but DH said no bc they saw us and his car and they'd know it was us...and I guess he wouldn't have much of a better life in the pound, but I'll definitely be waking by that house more often!!

I'd live to foster but our pup is very territorial and doesn't play nice with other doggies-great with humans but stinks at being polite to other pups!
We're still working on manners with other dogs, but hes young enough and abused, so im sure he will come around eventually.

Awwww Amanda good work taking in a pup <3 Love my fellow animal lovers!! <3

Thanks :) How are you doing? Where are you at in your cycle?

Amanda-I'm 10dpo today. Progesterone level was 4.7, so I must have had a weak ovulation again. Starting clomid on cd5 of my next cycle. AF due Fri or Sat, so just waiting...
Yay for taking a more relaxing route! I hope you see that bfp soon :)
Kudos for taking care of that puppy too! Especially with allergies...We've been taking our dogs for walk/runs too, it's great for all of us!

AFM-AF due Fri or Sat, spotting should start tomorrow or Thurs. I picked my clomid up today, so I'll be ready to go! I'll just be waiting for cd5. I keep secretly hoping for a miracle though and hoping AF won't show. With such low progesterone though, I know there is basically no chance of that...

Yay for starting Clomid, I hope that helps for you! Sorry about the weak O this month :( The relaxing route has been amazing, although we will see what happens as it gets close to testing time. I am so wrapped up in this puppy that I may not even test this month :)
Julie - Not to be a total dumbo, but what does a "weak" ovulation mean? I am assuming it means an egg released, but maybe not viable?

As ar as cysts go, I had horrible cysts when I had the IUD. Around ovulation they would make me double over in pain, and I would have immense pressure like I needed to take a huge BM, but there was nothing there. Then I would inflate like a balloon and the pain would be so bad I couldn't sleep... they really suck... I don't know if they are that bad for everyone of course, but if you are afraid you have them, you may want to get an ultrasound... they don't really do anything for them, just monitor to make sure they aren't growing out of control.
Thanks everyone! It was amazing. Of course it wasn't perfect just as everyone said it wouldn't be, but I just tried to ignore the imperfections lol and we had a good time.

Amanda- Where are you at in your cycle? Are you taking the NTNP route? Getting any BD'ing in? FX for you!

AFM, CD 4 here. Soooo interesting ;) If fertilitea keeps me regular like it has the past 2 months then I should be O'ing on CD12. 4 days after DH's surgery. Gonna try to get him to BD the day before so if he's not feeling up to it afterwards I may have the sliiiiiiightest chance. But we will see. We just want some answers and for him to start feeling better. Unfortunately they said it will take 6 to 8 weeks to get results back from his biopsy. SUCH a long wait :( Thank you all for the congrats btw! <3

I am sooo sorry that Dh has to have surgery, but i so hope that you get some answers out of it! I reallly hope that it is the light at the end of the tunnel, and if the biospy comes back with something, it is something that is easily manageable. Congrats again on the marriage, I can't remember if I already congratulated you or not!

I am on CD13 and we have BD'd the night before last, and will tonight as well. probably tomorrow too. We are NTNP and realllly casually approaching this ttc thing. Im not anxious about it anymore. Thank you for checking in on me :)

I booked an appointment with an actual ob/gyn for the July 2nd. It's down as a regular appointment so idk what's going to happen. I guess I will just go in and talk to them about my issues and mention clomid. I really hope this doctor actually works with me and doesn't just tell me to lose weight.
I hope it goes well! I think some doctors are really rude and aren't willing to look outside the box. Who knows, clomid could be your goodluck charm and you could get preggo on the first cycle with it, regardless of your weight!

Ashlee, the pictures are amazeballs! you look amazing and the sky in the pool picture is stunning (totally drooling over here!). Kudos on the sangria! I can't have beer so sangria is my go-to drink, along side margaritas.

Waves, I think our bodies are really deceptive. I'm CD 13 and having weird bouts of nausea and my boobs hurt. so random!

Rachel, how are you?

Morgan, same to you-- how is everything?

Nikki, how are you? hows the belly? are we going to get any belly pics soon?

Emily, how are you? Any updates?

Jury, im sorry, i am out of the loop, are you doing an insem this cycle? where are you at in your cycle?

AFM, we are ntnp and really just catching up on life. We have been Bd'ing when time permits, and im not anxious or concerned if we don't get preggo this cycle. I have come to realize that it will happen when its the right time, and I just need to have faith that it is possible and it will happen. We randomly ended up fostering an abused puppy this weekend, even though i am pretty darn allergic, and he has been keeping me up all night. he isn't house trained yet, and his past home was really abusive so everything takes a lot of time and patience, he is juuussst starting to trust us. he is like a baby, OH just loooves him too. Ill post pics when I get home-- if i have time! the nice thing is that he encourages me to get out of the house more, I have been taking him on long 45 minute runs twice a day (before and after work), so i have been getting a lot of exercise!
I LOVE that you said amazeballs lmao. I don't know very many other people that do. Thank you though, I'm super stoked to see the rest of the pics. I keep popping over the the studio here at work and asking if they're done yet lmao. It was white peach sangria and soooo yummy, most people couldn't tell it was alcohol lol and they were drinking out of quart sized mason jars so it was dangerous lol.
Kudos on fostering the puppy! I wish I could do that but I already have the legal limit for dogs in my county :?

HI ladies, sorry I have been MIA. I was at work yesterday for 22 hours....ugh I feel dead. I convinced my friend to come in to the ER yesterday bc she had been having a headache and neck pain and stiffness. We did a lumbar puncture and her opening pressure of the CSF was over 55 which is CRAZY CRAZY high! So we admitted her but there were no beds so we were boarding in the ER. I stayed until about 1 am when her mom finally got here from GA, and one of the nurses came running in and begged me to clock back in because the ER was so crazy and they needed help....So I did. And I stayed till 7am this morning....then I slept for 4 hours, went back to the hospital to see my friend, went to our inspection, then went back to the hospital to sit with my friend again for a few hours...Good thing is that I got today off, I go back tomorrow then I am off for 4 days!!

In the good ole ttc world, I have been having a lot of pressure feelings in my lower abdomen when I sit down since yesterday. Then today I started having really bad heavy, cramping, pulsating pains on the left side. It's def not O pain because I know that already happened. I'm worried I might have a cyst :nope: Which normally are no problem but I just have a strong feeling that I have a huge cyst in there thats going to cause a torsion or something since I am not being monitored and I took clomid....I'm nauseated and this pain is going down my leg and to my back. Hmmmp. Maybe I am just over tired.

Ashlee - your pics are beautiful!
Thank you! I love them they turned out amazing! WOW! such a long work day! I hope you get lots of rest! Hope your friend is okay. Also really hope that you don't have a cyst :?.

Waves- unfortunately progesterone mimics pregnancy symptoms a lot of the time and your progesterone kicks in after O which is why so many people feel they have symptoms when normally it's much too early. 6dpo for implantation is REALLLLY early. I believe the most common day it happens is 9dpo.
The cycle that I got my BFP my progesterone was SUPER high the week after O, that's why I felt extremely nauseous. More nauseous than I did during the pregnancy.

Rachel- you are a good friend!!

Robert- glad u r caring for the pup.

Kara- maybe ull get a dog now.

Afm, I'll take a bump pic on sat.. 11 weeks. However not sure if its bump or fat. My body craves carbs when I used to never eat them.
Can't wait to see your bump!

Kara-I think it looks like you O'd based on all your signs lining up. I would blame the low temps on the baby aspirin and the blasting ac. Please don't worry! Let's wait and see what your temps do over the next few days and what your prog turns out to be :)

Morgan-I set an alarm for the same time every morning. I just reach over, get my thermometer, push the button, slide it down the front of my pants, wait for the special beeping and then go back to sleep. It's rare for DW to even notice!
lol I'm excited for you :)

Nichole-Yay! I'm excited for your apt! I don't think they will just tell you to lose weight. Make sure you bring in your charts (I just had mine on the FF app on my phone) incase they want to see them. I'm assuming they probably plan on doing a normal check-up but when you get there and talk to the nurse, make sure they know you have concerns. I think this will be good for you to get a second opinion :)

Amanda-I'm 10dpo today. Progesterone level was 4.7, so I must have had a weak ovulation again. Starting clomid on cd5 of my next cycle. AF due Fri or Sat, so just waiting...
Yay for taking a more relaxing route! I hope you see that bfp soon :)
Kudos for taking care of that puppy too! Especially with allergies...We've been taking our dogs for walk/runs too, it's great for all of us!

Rachel-What do those symptoms mean for your friend? What a good friend you are staying like that!
I've been having some random stabbing/cramping pains on my right side which is usually where I feel O pains too. I've been wondering about cysts too. Then I think I'm just being paranoid, but who knows!

Nikki-Lol on the "bump or fat"...I worry about that a lot for when I actually get preggo! I'm going to go with bump! Can't wait to see your bump pic and I can't wait for your scan!

AFM-AF due Fri or Sat, spotting should start tomorrow or Thurs. I picked my clomid up today, so I'll be ready to go! I'll just be waiting for cd5. I keep secretly hoping for a miracle though and hoping AF won't show. With such low progesterone though, I know there is basically no chance of that...
FX AF won't show for you and you won't even have to use the clomid!

AFM, I'm CD9 today, hoping for O on CD 16 or 17 since that would be normal. Really hoping this doesn't turn out as another 43 day cycle. Temp dropped from 98.05 yesterday to 97.46 this morning so hopefully that's good news and I'm back on track! Going to start SMEPing tonight or tomorrow I think.
i'm starving. anyone else? i'm only cd7, so it's not ovulation hunger, i'm just SO. HUNGRY. and i have to get groceries after work - not a good combo.
Ashlee, Amazeballs is one of my favorite words, hah! That sangria sounds sooo yummmy. We use mason jars as glasses in my house-- i love them! they have a fun country feel (and I saw them using them on duck dynasty and had to have them, hahahahah). The puppy is so fun. If I wasnt so allergic i would have many many more!
Omg duck dynasty is our favorite!! We've decided on Jayce if we have a little boy!! Hahaha!!

I have the mason jar wine glasses they use on the show too...keepin it classy!! Haha :)
My husand and I are Duck Dynasty fans also. He walks around saying "Happy Happy Happy" now and also says Jack after sentences lol.

I had to change my appointment to the 5th because DH really wants to go. He knows I am TERRIFIED about getting news that I can't conceive or something so he wants to be there for me. I told him I probably wouldn't get bad news with this appointment but he doesn't care.

Man do I love this guy <3
Omg duck dynasty is our favorite!! We've decided on Jayce if we have a little boy!! Hahaha!!

I have the mason jar wine glasses they use on the show too...keepin it classy!! Haha :)

My husand and I are Duck Dynasty fans also. He walks around saying "Happy Happy Happy" now and also says Jack after sentences lol.

I had to change my appointment to the 5th because DH really wants to go. He knows I am TERRIFIED about getting news that I can't conceive or something so he wants to be there for me. I told him I probably wouldn't get bad news with this appointment but he doesn't care.

Man do I love this guy <3

We are sulking right now because there isn't a new season on, BUT the reruns are still great! I miiiggghhht have a duck commander sticker on my car. just maybe :)

Nichole, I'm glad DH is going with you, the extra support is always good :) I'm sure it will all be fine! Are you going to the Petaluma Kaiser?
My husband and I are Duck Dynasty fans also. He walks around saying "Happy Happy Happy" now and also says Jack after sentences lol.

I had to change my appointment to the 5th because DH really wants to go. He knows I am TERRIFIED about getting news that I can't conceive or something so he wants to be there for me. I told him I probably wouldn't get bad news with this appointment but he doesn't care.

Man do I love this guy <3

We are sulking right now because there isn't a new season on, BUT the reruns are still great! I miiiggghhht have a duck commander sticker on my car. just maybe :)

Nichole, I'm glad DH is going with you, the extra support is always good :) I'm sure it will all be fine! Are you going to the Petaluma Kaiser?

DH saw this cutout at walmart and just HAD to have me take a picture of him next to it :haha:

I am going to the Kaiser in Santa Rosa. This is the doctor I am scheduled to see https://mydoctor.kaiserpermanente.org/ncal/provider/kristinmurray/about/professional/?refUrl=cyd
Who is in charge of starting a new August thread? We're getting close! June went by sooo quickly!
Nichole, I see Dr. Peter Heinlein in Terra Linda and I ADORE HIM. He is great-- I highly suggest him if you can get into the terra linda ob/gyn
I'll keep him in mind but I don't think I would be comfortable with having a male gyno. I feel weird with a woman going there as it. I am prudish in that way lol.
Sorry you are having a rough day Amanda :hugs: I hope it gets better

I looked up your gyno and the pic he has up on the Kaiser site is slight scary lol. He looks a little crazy in it.
I'll keep him in mind but I don't think I would be comfortable with having a male gyno. I feel weird with a woman going there as it. I am prudish in that way lol.

I felt the same way, until I saw him for an emergency appt one day. I don't think I will ever go back. he is so much more gentle, he listens far better, and he is really easy to get a hold of, even being the chief of the ob/gyn dept there! OH did a clinical rotation there with him during nursing school and said he was an amazing doctor.

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