What type of Birth did you have? (with your youngest)

I've had 2 vaginal deliveries, first with epi and second without.
Completely drug free vaginal delivery. In early labour for about 16 hours, established labour for 8 hours and then 40 mins pushing (2nd degree tear). I loved the whole thing! :happydance:
i think the results wont be very acurate if the vaginal delivery is the option for natural vaginal delivery (ie. no meds etc) because int he uk a lot of people use gas. needed a gas n air option!

By natural vaginal delivery I mean everything from natural until assisted. The options list would be as long as my arm if i added... with gas&air... with Pethadine... with diamorphine etc :flower:
I had a vaginal delivery with an episiotomy and ventouse to help get lo out, I didn't have any pain relief(not by choice), I only had the numbing things for the episiotomy :flower:
Perfect water birth using gas and air. My labour was perfect, I didn't tear get cut or even have so much as a graze :cloud9:
After almost 5 hrs of pushing I finally had a forceps delivery and a very bppdy sore episiotomy.

Yes, I did say 5 hours....
i had an emergancy ventouse delivery.narrowly missed and emergancy c section phew lol
I picked emergency section as that's what it was recorded as but was more scheduled. SPent three days having pesserys for induction at 41+4 so by 41+6 when nothing had happened, no dilation or contractions they had to get him out somehow! the section was arranged for the next day but they found me a slot.
Had ventouse to turn his head, then delivered him all by myself!!
My births were very similar for both boys: inductions and back labour, so I opted for the epidural. Two straightforward, easy births, no complications. :thumbup:
Vaginal birth with no pain relief - she was determined to arrive quickly (she arrived by herself on the day she was due to be induced) so no time for anything!
Assisted vaginal delivery - emergency forceps due to fetal distress. Awful but I'd do it again for him :flower:

Wasn't impressed that I had to have a spinal block after I'd given birth! (was taken to theatre for over 2 hours to be stitched up) xx
Emergency C section under a general (for speed as spinal block wouldn't work) after a failed induction.
brooke was a natural birth after inducation for poor growth labour was 5hours 20 mins and she was out in 3 pushes think i only pushed for like 5 mins it was very quick no pain relieft either,

no stiches only a small gaze it was called a perfect birth from the midwifes to me it was bloody sore lol.

i would do it all again but i cant she is my 4th and im not allowed anymore
Apologies in advance this could be a long one

DS - Vaginal delivery after 54hrs 50mins of contractions, 1hr 10min pushing. I had pethadine and G&A, 3rd shot wore off about 5hrs before pushing. He was also back to back

DD - Vaginal delivery in hospital. I had planned a home birth but lost clots at 1.30am at 39+5 so ended up induced as they were worried the placenta could be coming away. I managed on Natal hypnotherapy until 7cm then started on G&A, I had half a shot of pethadine about 20mins before she was born but they didn't realise she was coming when they gave it (no one thought to look or believe me when I told them she was coming) my labour from them breaking waters to he being born was 5hrs 10min although I did start contracting at 3am
Vaginal delivery using only gas and air.
2.5 hour labour after induction. x
I had a normal vaginal delivery, tried gas and air and couldnt get on with it, had pethadine which wore off and delivered without anything lol
Vaginal delivery with an epidural AND forceps :( Narrowly missed the emergency c section by begging them not to take me! x

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