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What worked for you?

Oh my god I couldn't have put that better myself lol! This has by far been the worst pregnancy out of the 3, and now being in early labour and things could happen in a split second, I'm off ever having any more babies! They can sew me up after this baby!

Oh god, early labour!! Not good. Hope it stops and baby can cook a little longer!!
I know I'm only 31 weeks! These contractions are on and off like a good one today, the period pain is incredible!
I bounced on my ball a lot! Like all the time.
At 37+0, DH and I did it (after not doing it since the beginning of the pregnancy, and actually, fun enough, DH bday is Jan 14th, so, close to yours! and that's when we made this little guy... ahah). I lost my mucus plug. At 37+1, at 11pm, we did it. At 2:00am water broke, 5:00am little guy was born!

I understand it doesn't work for everyone, and the being nervous about doing it, but maybe doing it after so long of not doing it the body is LIKE OH GOD let's do this.

Good luck mama!
I bounced on my ball a lot! Like all the time.
At 37+0, DH and I did it (after not doing it since the beginning of the pregnancy, and actually, fun enough, DH bday is Jan 14th, so, close to yours! and that's when we made this little guy... ahah). I lost my mucus plug. At 37+1, at 11pm, we did it. At 2:00am water broke, 5:00am little guy was born!

I understand it doesn't work for everyone, and the being nervous about doing it, but maybe doing it after so long of not doing it the body is LIKE OH GOD let's do this.

Good luck mama!
Thats won it for me ... you can guess what I'll be doing tonight :rofl:
Hahah this thread is hilarious!
Unfortunately, nothing has worked for me with DD, I went till 42 wks :shock:
But I heard so many success stories, with pineapple, walking, sex, bouncing on the ball etc (DH and I were BDing almost everyday during that final few weeks). I really hope one of these works for you ladies
Waiting game was the hardest when it came to my pregnancy, especially I was dumb enough to be convinced that I somehow will go early, so basically started waiting at 36 weeks, and counted the days for 6 more weeks :x
About the pooping, I was also worried about that during labor, but ended up having a EMCS, and they also gave me laxative during the labor before the section
Good luck ladies [-o<
I too think I will be one of those people where no myth works! So I’ve just been eating spicy foods (that I already love) walking around on errands, and having sexual every so often... due date is on Wednesday, so we will see how long this little man takes to arrive!
I cant speak to the wives tales but the pooping I can. DS, I pooped during the section and couldnt poop after having him! I didnt think I'd need the stool softener....oops. dd1 and dd2, I took them and I dont remember anything funky.

Now, after my cancer surgery last year, I went weeks and tried all the normal tricks. Nothing worked. Lesson learned! This baby, I'll take those softener with no hesitation!
I'm going to try the raspberry leaf tea next, my friend said it worked for her. I just need to find some, the supermarket didn't do it.

UK folk - any ideas?
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Started the raspberry leaf tea.
On the plus side, it's tasty as hell.
And it certainly does something, baby goes mad and Braxton Hicks kick in after each cup.
No sign of labour, though.
Anyone had any luck so far. A friend said scrubbing floors helped so that's what I'm doing this evening x
Ps is any else struggling to sleep xx
I was going to try raspberry leaf this time, but when I looked into it your not allowed to take it if your at risk of a preterm labour! Knowing my luck after one cup baby will fall out :rofl:
@LoneWanderer good luck with the raspberry leaf tea!

@jkhkjnjhb8879 no luck yet here. Have gone on a long walk with the kids today and having a hot curry for tea in the hope that it'll get things moving. Have had on/off contractions since walking and lots of pressure.
Some nights I hardly sleep and others I'm dead to the world! It's definitely getting harder to get comfortable
Been taking EPO and red raspberry leaf tablets and sitting on ball... nothing. Which I’m 37 weeks tomorrow so I’m not in a big hurry this week, but mainly just want my labor to be faster than 30 hours!

Baby still super active and Braxton-Hicks have slowed down so much... I wouldn’t mind my body contracting even if it’s “not real” so that uterus is ready to go come show time! I heard that’s what the raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help with! Idk guess we’ll see!
Been taking EPO and red raspberry leaf tablets and sitting on ball... nothing. Which I’m 37 weeks tomorrow so I’m not in a big hurry this week, but mainly just want my labor to be faster than 30 hours!

Baby still super active and Braxton-Hicks have slowed down so much... I wouldn’t mind my body contracting even if it’s “not real” so that uterus is ready to go come show time! I heard that’s what the raspberry leaf tea is supposed to help with! Idk guess we’ll see!
Yikes 30 hours!! Hope its quicker than that for you!
Tea update.
Braxton Hicks slowly turning into something more regular - and painful. Especially after a cup of the raspberry stuff.
Woke up in night with horrendous stomach ache that came and went - thought it might be a bug tbh. Also high temperature and feeling a bit sickly.
Got back to sleep, woke up in morning feeling much the same. However, have improved a great deal through the day.
BH still persistent. Sometimes can't tell between baby moving and contraction - both seem to tighten the whole bump up haha! Some discomfort, not quite so painful.
Suspect we're moving towards the big event. Will keep up the tea drinking, most effective thing so far. Shall report back with any progress.
Good luck hun all that sounds promising!

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