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What worked for you?

Tea update.
Braxton Hicks slowly turning into something more regular - and painful. Especially after a cup of the raspberry stuff.
Woke up in night with horrendous stomach ache that came and went - thought it might be a bug tbh. Also high temperature and feeling a bit sickly.
Got back to sleep, woke up in morning feeling much the same. However, have improved a great deal through the day.
BH still persistent. Sometimes can't tell between baby moving and contraction - both seem to tighten the whole bump up haha! Some discomfort, not quite so painful.
Suspect we're moving towards the big event. Will keep up the tea drinking, most effective thing so far. Shall report back with any progress.
Good luck!! All sounds promising.

Ive been inconsistently contracting since yesterday but nothing much is happening. Super frustrating.
Yikes 30 hours!! Hope its quicker than that for you!
Yes! Both my kiddos were long dramatic labor/deliveries! I would really love to end this stage of life with a wonderful easy experience lol!
Yes! Both my kiddos were long dramatic labor/deliveries! I would really love to end this stage of life with a wonderful easy experience lol!
Fingers crossed!!

Once again I've woken up and still not gone into labour. It's starting to get super frustrating:dohh:
Ive had a few contractions since getting up and had one about 4am.. but not sure whats going on tbh.
I'm exhausted today.. so god help me if I go into labour!!! Had a hot curry again last night but clearly baby is not ready to come :dohh:
Oh gosh this thread is funny. U guys are cracking me up.

I haven't been doing anything to being anything on yet and then out of the blue on Sunday I went to my normol monitoring appointment and right when I was on the monitor contractions started.
The midwife was like can u feel those because ure having contractions and there regular. Yes I cud feel them but thought nothing of it at first.

I was supposed to be going home after that appointment but because I was contracting they kept me in and I was send round to the delivery suite.
I was wired up to the monitor again and oh gosh the contractions got soooooo painful. And were following a pattern and becoming closer stronger and longer. When I had one it seemed to last forever. Of coarse it was only about a minute or 2 but everytime I felt one building I was like oh no no no because I just new it was gonna hit that peak.

Anyway I was having 3 big contractions every 3 mins. I wasnt timing them myself I just cudnt because of the pain. My mind cudnt even function to time them Haha.

Long story short I had 9 hours of regular painful contractions. Some were unbearable. How womon do it without pain medication I do not know but those womon deserve a meda . Just wowsers.
Anyway as I was saying I had 9 hours of this. DH went home as advised to get all the hospital bags etc so he did.
But after 9 hours surprise surprise it all bloody fizzled out.
The midwife was so shocked she was so sure I was going to have my my baby in arms yesterday but nope still here.
They did let me go home yesterday late afternoon and I've been told go strait back if they get like that again.

Having a few mild contractions today and lots and lots of EWCM. Induction has been brought forward to this Sunday 22nd September due to the cholestasis.

App on YouTube theres a thing called labour dances. Think I may have to go check them out. Just for a laugh. Also theres a drink u can make it's called
Midwives brew. It's also on youtube.
Not Brave enough to try that one but l mite have a look at the labour dancing and have a little go. Hehe.
Fingers crossed!!

Once again I've woken up and still not gone into labour. It's starting to get super frustrating:dohh:
Ive had a few contractions since getting up and had one about 4am.. but not sure whats going on tbh.
I'm exhausted today.. so god help me if I go into labour!!! Had a hot curry again last night but clearly baby is not ready to come :dohh:

Try lunges hon. Sounds like ure body is trying to go into labour. I hope it happens soon hon. Thinking of you. Its horrible being kept awake by contractions. X
Oh gosh this thread is funny. U guys are cracking me up.

I haven't been doing anything to being anything on yet and then out of the blue on Sunday I went to my normol monitoring appointment and right when I was on the monitor contractions started.
The midwife was like can u feel those because ure having contractions and there regular. Yes I cud feel them but thought nothing of it at first.

I was supposed to be going home after that appointment but because I was contracting they kept me in and I was send round to the delivery suite.
I was wired up to the monitor again and oh gosh the contractions got soooooo painful. And were following a pattern and becoming closer stronger and longer. When I had one it seemed to last forever. Of coarse it was only about a minute or 2 but everytime I felt one building I was like oh no no no because I just new it was gonna hit that peak.

Anyway I was having 3 big contractions every 3 mins. I wasnt timing them myself I just cudnt because of the pain. My mind cudnt even function to time them Haha.

Long story short I had 9 hours of regular painful contractions. Some were unbearable. How womon do it without pain medication I do not know but those womon deserve a meda . Just wowsers.
Anyway as I was saying I had 9 hours of this. DH went home as advised to get all the hospital bags etc so he did.
But after 9 hours surprise surprise it all bloody fizzled out.
The midwife was so shocked she was so sure I was going to have my my baby in arms yesterday but nope still here.
They did let me go home yesterday late afternoon and I've been told go strait back if they get like that again.

Having a few mild contractions today and lots and lots of EWCM. Induction has been brought forward to this Sunday 22nd September due to the cholestasis.

App on YouTube theres a thing called labour dances. Think I may have to go check them out. Just for a laugh. Also theres a drink u can make it's called
Midwives brew. It's also on youtube.
Not Brave enough to try that one but l mite have a look at the labour dancing and have a little go. Hehe.
Oh gosh what a nightmare!!! I was totally expecting to get to the end of that reply and see that you had him not that you got sent home!!

How exciting that you'll have him so soon!! Fingers crossed he makes an appearance before then but if not it's not too long to wait!
Evening primrose oil!! Swear by it... Massage the oil on to your cervix <3
Oh gosh what a nightmare!!! I was totally expecting to get to the end of that reply and see that you had him not that you got sent home!!

How exciting that you'll have him so soon!! Fingers crossed he makes an appearance before then but if not it's not too long to wait!

I'm having some contractions now hon but there not that painful.
Prob just crappy Braxton hicks.
I've been bouncing on my ball today and doing lots of dancing and lounges and star jumps.
Just sent hubby out to get some chili peppers and may have to pin him down later hehehe.
Dought any of it will work but I never know hahaha.

It's so weird because I keep thinking today is Monday but it's not its Tuesday eeeeeek.
Hope the rest of the week flys.
37 weeks today and eager to deliver before 40 weeks! (Totally fed up of feeling like crap if I'm honest!!!)

Any tips on getting things moving?
Ask your doctor to strip/sweep your membranes! Had this done with both my boys. Put me into labor with second son only two days later. :)
Evening primrose oil!! Swear by it... Massage the oil on to your cervix <3

Ooooow where do u get that hon. I wander if that will make the ring of fire less fiery when baby is crowning hahaha.
Ooooow where do u get that hon. I wander if that will make the ring of fire less fiery when baby is crowning hahaha.
When used in high doses 1000mg it acts as a very strong prostaglandin hence they say don't use until after 36 weeks. I used it with dd for a weeks and my waters went a few days after @38 weeks when examined they could pop my waters. Strait away due to cervix being very favourable I also dialated quickly.... With my ds I didn't use it.... Got induced for hypertension cervix too high and thick for my waters to be broke I also dialated slower... Coincidence... Personally I don't think so... I'll be using from 35-36 this time too xx
I also know a few ladies on here from dd1 that swear by it... It won't cause no harm x
Red raspberry leaf tea, eating 6 dates a day, clary sage essential oil!
No luck here hon.
Really thought I wud go into labour on my own but it hasn't happened.
So induction is today.
Hope my cervix is ready to go and I wont need the balloon they mentioned:shock:
No luck here hon.
Really thought I wud go into labour on my own but it hasn't happened.
So induction is today.
Hope my cervix is ready to go and I wont need the balloon they mentioned:shock:

Good Luck Sugger!!

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