jr is 17.4lbs at 7 months. He gets weighed at the dr with clothes on and i first i found it weird but maybe there some new techology scale that lets you weigh them with clothes on
ha reading back i sound silly
13lb8oz as of yesterday, she's dropped back down into the 25th centile but i'm not fussed, she's happy and healthy. I had the most useless hv weigh her, she was the kind that causes a fuss over everything, Raphi has an umbilical hernia which is almost completely better and she started asking about it [she didnt even know what it was ] and got all worried and asked if i'd got a second opinion on it, then she said i should take her to see the gp about the red marks on the back of her neck which i thought all babies were born with and they eventually faded??
Well I weighed myself then weighed myself holding her and there was a 19.5lbs difference but she was only just under 13lbs 2 months ago, how could she have gained 6lbs in two months? . She has grown 2inches though so I guess its possible?
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