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Where's my 11/24/11 Testers!!

:lol: Kaede never thought of that, I have used a tampon so it doesn't leak LMFAO!!!
That's a point I never thought of that? Mind you i like the idea of using a 'rabbit' instead, that would make it fun lol (its poss that was too much information lol!!)
Lol, sorry :p

But I find it helpful because I find it hard to climax through penetration lately and at least the way we're doing it gives me a chance to fully enjoy myself lol. And it helps prevent getting the bed messy lmao.

But yeah, I will leave that subject for now lol :D

hehe, but there is a post on here stating that it helps if the 'lady' enjoys herself too, if you know what I mean ;) hehe. So all us girls could say in the art of ttc it is imperative that our DH's make sure we have our little moment too ;)
Normally DH is amazingly good at giving me my moment lol. I just think the stress of TTC is getting to both of us a little bit at the moment. I'm sure it will pass though :D

Anyway, bedtime for me I think. Night night ladies, catch up with you all tomorrow ^^

billylid sorry to hear that, has she come full blown now? or still spotty? if still spotty i would still think positive you never know hun! I guess we can all roll on to March no AF here yet but isn't due until Sat but i know she is coming...:af::witch::growlmad: damn biotch!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

still spotting at the moment. she should of arrived yesterday. temp has gone down again though so she is still coming :(
billylid sorry to hear that, has she come full blown now? or still spotty? if still spotty i would still think positive you never know hun! I guess we can all roll on to March no AF here yet but isn't due until Sat but i know she is coming...:af::witch::growlmad: damn biotch!

:dust: :dust: :dust:

still spotting at the moment. she should of arrived yesterday. temp has gone down again though so she is still coming :(

Ohhh hun, im sorry to hear that, I have not started temping yet so not sure how that works or how relaible it is, but I have got my FX'd for you that you get your BFP soon x x
Normally DH is amazingly good at giving me my moment lol. I just think the stress of TTC is getting to both of us a little bit at the moment. I'm sure it will pass though :D

Anyway, bedtime for me I think. Night night ladies, catch up with you all tomorrow ^^


Night night hun, sweet dreams x x
My "m" is flashing on my CBEFM ... just tempting me to POAS, but thankfully I ordered some and they will not be in until wednesday - I am not due for AF til Friday night / Sat morning. We shall see if I can resist a run to the $tree. Been a little crampy since 2 DPO, lighter now but doesnt help that DH had a dream last night I got a BFP this month ... d'oh.

I did the same thing. Instead of going to a store, I ordered some. That way I can't test until they arrive, which will be the day before AF. :haha:
My "m" is flashing on my CBEFM ... just tempting me to POAS, but thankfully I ordered some and they will not be in until wednesday - I am not due for AF til Friday night / Sat morning. We shall see if I can resist a run to the $tree. Been a little crampy since 2 DPO, lighter now but doesnt help that DH had a dream last night I got a BFP this month ... d'oh.

I did the same thing. Instead of going to a store, I ordered some. That way I can't test until they arrive, which will be the day before AF. :haha:

I brought x25 10miu's and as soon as they arrived I have been to afraid to use them :(
oh my girls...what did I miss?? So sorry I missed the "rabbit" conversation!! LOve that invention!! Good thinking!!

Nothing new with me this evening...other that I burnted spaghetti noodles because of my bnb obsession!!! LMAO..

You girls keep me going. I did break down and bought some frer and will test in the am but I am so up and down with it this month but I really think it is cause of the tissy I worked myself into around OV time...haha maybe that fit resulted in a BFP.,.. I HOPE SO!!
I hope so to for ya hun and you are right you girls have kept me going - Thank you all x x

LMAO at the burnt spaghetti, let me know when you are cooking next and I'll set a reminder for you, I'll beep through cyber space for ya hehe

FX'd are still crossed for all of our BFP's soon x x
Thanks littlebear. LOL That is the exact reason we eat out alot! I love to try to cook to be honest but I usually am disappointed with my result...and well lets just say my lovely family is pretty picky about burnt food!!

YOu have any sypmtoms today?? Did you get any sleep last night...I still had dreams but not as bad and I got up on time YAY for me. I did come home and take a 2 hour nap.
Can you believe I stayed up all night watching old CSi's I just could not sleep, finally dozed off about 10am this morning and was awake again within three hours!!

Do you think watching CSI might not help with the bad dreams!! lol.

I think I am feeling down as I dont have any sym's now execept sore BBS and those weird veins are still there!! I keep going thrh the it will/wont happen frame of mind!!

PS dont worry if when you cook it goes wrong I experiment all the time and when it goes wrong I just say 'oh well take away tonight' ;)
How many dpo are you now?? The "coming down with something" could be a GOOD sign!!
I just going to test for the heck of it..usually once I do I am okay with whatever..I know I took one the other day but I covinced myself that it is a invalid test cause it was in the middle of the day! LOL
it's 1:26am in the morning so I am now tech onto my 10th DPO, I have the tests but just dont wanna see a BFN, silly I know I brought a bumper pack of cheapies, I think I should take a leaf out of your book and just do a test!!

I like the middle of the day theory - i may use that myself lol....how many DPO's are you now??
Oh and I forgot to mention I love CSI!!

I think I am 9dpo..so tomorrow will be ten..af is due on 13dpo...I think. LOL It all really confuses me. The one thing I am going to dedict myself to next month is...

1. BBT
2. Getting a HSG
3. Lose weight
4. Not to obsess in my2ww. I will be doing alot of praying about all these things!! May need some help from you all as well
Hun, Im here for you all the way, anytime you wanna chat just let me know x x. Anyways we are not out yet for this month, so lets get some PMA going and keep those FX'd for this month still x x
And me for you!! Okay I just took a big girl and PMA pills!! haha I love those pills. hahaha

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