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Where's my 11/24/11 Testers!!

I was kind awondering about the rabbit...lol. I have one vision in mind and well lets say I have a toy that is called a "rabbit" and I was hoping she wasn't meaning that. LOL

Welcome JamerC77!!

Ladies I am so so confused..did take a test BFN. I believe I am 7/8dpo but I just took off my bra and the girsl HURT!!! Mostly on the sides..they had only being sore on the sides in my bra(and that had stopped today) and normally during my 2ww I do get sore but its my whole bb...not sure what to think...oh and I have cm that is still lotiony and it (tmi) just feels like it slips out every once in a while. UGH..I hate this. I did check my cx it high and closed feeling..like the tip of my nose. It was sft and high.
I was kind awondering about the rabbit...lol. I have one vision in mind and well lets say I have a toy that is called a "rabbit" and I was hoping she wasn't meaning that. LOL

Welcome JamerC77!!

Ladies I am so so confused..did take a test BFN. I believe I am 7/8dpo but I just took off my bra and the girsl HURT!!! Mostly on the sides..they had only being sore on the sides in my bra(and that had stopped today) and normally during my 2ww I do get sore but its my whole bb...not sure what to think...oh and I have cm that is still lotiony and it (tmi) just feels like it slips out every once in a while. UGH..I hate this. I did check my cx it high and closed feeling..like the tip of my nose. It was sft and high.

Hi ya Reedsgirl, glad i am not the only one who thought of the 'toy':winkwink: Im with ya on the sore BBS but Im worried its just a sign of AF, the only real dif for me from last month is that I have these veins showing through now and to check I was not seeing things, I asked my OH to check and he said he could see them to and normally he tells me straight - Mind you he did quip about what man would turn down a woman flashing their bbs at them, in jest I threw the first thing that came to hand at him - a jaffa cake lmao!!

On a serious note my bbs are sore behind the nipple if that makes sense, its kinda like a dull ache and if I press on them I feel more of a dull ache/more sensitive. Sorry I cant be of anymore help - gosh this 2ww is going to be the death of me, it is mental torture, Im now technically 9 DPO as it is 1:32am. I am caving in in a few hours and doing one of the cheapy poas 10miu's. Wish me luck, im wishing you loads try not to worry about the BFN ( I know easier said then done!!) but its still early and as long as the witch dont turn up we both still have a chance!! I think those PMA tablets are kicking in again!!

I was kind awondering about the rabbit...lol. I have one vision in mind and well lets say I have a toy that is called a "rabbit" and I was hoping she wasn't meaning that. LOL

Welcome JamerC77!!

Ladies I am so so confused..did take a test BFN. I believe I am 7/8dpo but I just took off my bra and the girsl HURT!!! Mostly on the sides..they had only being sore on the sides in my bra(and that had stopped today) and normally during my 2ww I do get sore but its my whole bb...not sure what to think...oh and I have cm that is still lotiony and it (tmi) just feels like it slips out every once in a while. UGH..I hate this. I did check my cx it high and closed feeling..like the tip of my nose. It was sft and high.

Hi ya Reedsgirl, glad i am not the only one who thought of the 'toy':winkwink: Im with ya on the sore BBS but Im worried its just a sign of AF, the only real dif for me from last month is that I have these veins showing through now and to check I was not seeing things, I asked my OH to check and he said he could see them to and normally he tells me straight - Mind you he did quip about what man would turn down a woman flashing their bbs at them, in jest I threw the first thing that came to hand at him - a jaffa cake lmao!!

On a serious note my bbs are sore behind the nipple if that makes sense, its kinda like a dull ache and if I press on them I feel more of a dull ache/more sensitive. Sorry I cant be of anymore help - gosh this 2ww is going to be the death of me, it is mental torture, Im now technically 9 DPO as it is 1:32am. I am caving in in a few hours and doing one of the cheapy poas 10miu's. Wish me luck, im wishing you loads try not to worry about the BFN ( I know easier said then done!!) but its still early and as long as the witch dont turn up we both still have a chance!! I think those PMA tablets are kicking in again!!


YAY I love them PMA pills! I know what you mean about the bbs and the veins are a great sign!! I can't go by them unfortunately I always have them from breatfeeding. But I did notice that when I had my chemical that they showed alot more...so fx crossed for you. Its only 7:40pm here and I will be off to bed soon as I have to be up at 4am...ugh I hate mornings. And with the dreams I have been having I haven't been sleeping they are so vivid and weird
its 1:46am here I just cant seem to sleep at the moment. Oh hun I know what you mean about the dreams, can you make sense of them at all? Im having nightmares I have had 4 now this month!! anything I can do to help just let me know x x
oh thank you littlebear!! And I am here for you as well. No to be honest my dreams make no sense and some of them border nightmares..at some points I am scared but they move on to something else quickly. I have all different ones...work, babies, kids, dh and family and sometimes it about zombies at walmart!! I have no clue what to think
oh thank you littlebear!! And I am here for you as well. No to be honest my dreams make no sense and some of them border nightmares..at some points I am scared but they move on to something else quickly. I have all different ones...work, babies, kids, dh and family and sometimes it about zombies at walmart!! I have no clue what to think

Oh reedsgirl what is this 2ww doing to us both!! One nightmare I had was that I had two children and they were kidnapped and drag off through long tall grass I woke up screaming and the other half had to make me a cup of tea!! (Please no British sterotyping lol!!)

Right as i dont want to scare either of us before we go to bed I'll say this I once dreamt I was stuck in the middle of a Macdonalds Chocolate doughnut and the only way to get out was to eat my way through it lol!!
oh what a awful dream...

and well the choclate donut dream would of also been a nightmare for me as I do not like doughnuts...so you pooor thing!! I hope you have sweet dreams tonight and God Bless you dear..and no British sterotyping here...wish my dh would wake up when I have one so your lucky to have ones that does.
Thanks hun sweet dreams to you two and here's hoping to our BFP's soon x xnight night x x
well I think im out ladies. when i wiped this morning after going to the toilet, I had a little bit of fresh blood. havent had any since but im not holding my breath. im having a break next cycle from temping, just going to be "normal" for a month. ;)

best of luck everybody and here's plenty of :dust:
well I think im out ladies. when i wiped this morning after going to the toilet, I had a little bit of fresh blood. havent had any since but im not holding my breath. im having a break next cycle from temping, just going to be "normal" for a month. ;)

best of luck everybody and here's plenty of :dust:

Hay hun, no chance it was IB? thanks for the best wishies, Im throwing some :dust: straight back at ya, I have my fingers crossed for you, me and everyone on here x x
I had brown spotting about 3 days ago and I personally think that FF made the wrong choice of when I ovulated. If I take it from when I think I ovulated, then I should be 12DPO and AF is due. I was bad and took a test just before and it came back negative so I'm 99% sure its over for me :)
Many thanks though mylittlebear :)
ohh hun Im sorry to hear that, Im ttc without OPK's or anything else yet as I think that just will add to the already high stress the 2ww cause's. Is that what you are doing next month? I was so naive at the begining I thought I would come of the pill and hay poof, preggers but no!! it's like you spend all that time trying not to be and when you want to be you cant :(
Awww, sorry to hear that billylid.

Looks like you and me back in the 2WW next month, hey babe?:hugs:

Good luck to the rest of you ladies - hope you all get a good night's sleep and no more crazy dreams :dust:
Yeop MrsJA, another cycle to endure but we will make it eventually :)
billylid sorry to hear that, has she come full blown now? or still spotty? if still spotty i would still think positive you never know hun! I guess we can all roll on to March no AF here yet but isn't due until Sat but i know she is coming...:af::witch::growlmad: damn biotch!

:dust: :dust: :dust:
my damn ticker didn't update I hate when they start just not updating, IDK whats up with that!!!
Well, I don't think I am going to start testing until tomorrow.

My nipples started to become so sensitive yesterday afternoon, especially the left one.

Besides having an increased appetite, I didn't have any symptoms with my son until around 6 weeks or so. And the first couple of tests that I took were negative, even after I missed a period, so don't give up hope!

My "m" is flashing on my CBEFM ... just tempting me to POAS, but thankfully I ordered some and they will not be in until wednesday - I am not due for AF til Friday night / Sat morning. We shall see if I can resist a run to the $tree. Been a little crampy since 2 DPO, lighter now but doesnt help that DH had a dream last night I got a BFP this month ... d'oh.
Ummm, yeah Mr Rabbit is my little toy haha... I thought it was quite an ingenius way to keep all my little swimmers in lol... saves me buying softcups aswell XD And! It's functinoal lmao:winkwink:

I'm gona stop now before anyone think sI'm a bit of a perv :dohh:

Sorry if I confused anyone hehe :blush:


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