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Where's my 11/24/11 Testers!!

Ummm, probably around about the 8th or 9th March. Although FF suggests I don't test until the 11th. But I'll probz test the 8th if I don't get AF first :)

Girls do you ever feel like AF is going to be a no show cause you actually WANT her to show?? LOL I know that probably sounds crazy but I have the HSG scheduled and now I have a fear she is not going to show cause I don't have my normal sypmtoms. I mean I don't feel preggo but I don't have my normal pms sypmtoms. UGH why does this have to be so darn hard?? And why do I have to obsess so much?
I have been trying to find the old thread and didn't realize that you have just changed the title.. lol

Cm has gone from creamy to watery. I suspect the :witch: will be here tomorrow.

Reedsgirl, I am not having any symptoms either, pms or pg! The very few that I did have, have disappeared.
Sorry Meme that was kinda my fault I asked Ashley just to change the name instead of starting a new thread so we can all stay together...

I did check my cx a while ago and had expected it to drop but it is still high and soft...and well when I took my bra off the girls hurt. Probably just last minute hope on my part that maybe I won't need the test done but I am ready if the witch is here in the morning..

God bless and sticky baby dust everyone!!
She got me :cry:
Two days early as if to kill any hope i had.
Going to have to go look for pma tablets cause its really got to me this month.
Hi reedsgirl, ashley... ladies!

I have been a bit quiet the last few days since the :witch: got me, but slowly getting my PMA back now!

That was probably our last natural cycle, next month hopefully we will start on clomid and IUI. So I guess I'll see some of you back for the March thread.

Hopefully2 I totally understand what you mean. This month really got me too. Sometimes it takes a few days to bounce back but you will honey.

Thinking of you all, and wishing you babydust, girls :dust::dust:
Hopefully so sorry she got you luv...keep your chin up dear onwards to next month. I will be right behind you.

MrsJa good to hear from you!

I don't have much to report the evil witch should be here today but no real sign of her yet and she is usually a morning shower...so maybe still in the game..doubt it but maybe. Have a blessed day ladies!!
I hope she stays away and you get your BFP reeds!!!

I've still got cramps, which are annoying. Last night when I was getting ready for bed, took my bra off and bent down to get some jamma bottoms and omg! It felt like a knife had been stabbed right into my left boob! I actually shouted ouch outloud. So unlike me. My boobs only usually hurt a few days before AF comes... if the do at all. And I've never felt anythign like that before! They didn't hurt when I got up this morning though but they seem to hurt again now. But it's only when I have my bra off and they're free to move lol.

Too early for pg symptoms though right? lol :blush:O:)

I'm just being silly lol, I know they can't be symptoms (unless I'm having like triplets! :p). I'm only 5dpo and I haven't even had a dip in my temps... I guess we'll see in the next few days.

Gona go have a nap now ^^ talk to you beautiful ladies soon :hugs:

Welcome Jennifer!!!

Reeds~well that's good the :witch: has not showed up for you! So what is the HSG injections?
Kaede it could be possible, I had symptoms at 6dpo....and I am one to get early :bfp: 's soooo good luck hun!
Anyone have any ideas wat to take for cramps? they won't seem to go away and they aren't the same as the cramps i get for my monthly cycle.
So shey did the :witch: show up or are you late now?
I usually use a heating pad, midol/pamprin or tylenol.
A hot water bottle is a good alternative to paracetamol or ibuprofen :)

Welcome Jennifer!!!

Reeds~well that's good the :witch: has not showed up for you! So what is the HSG injections?

No a HSG is the test they due with dye to see if my tubes are open.
Not sure I willl be able to get it this friday as I still have no sign of the witch...sore bbs still and lots of watery white discharge...thats a new one for me. So maybe...I am not out. LOl
Ladies where are you all?? I just did a ic and I think there is a faint line on it. Also showed it to my 14yr old daughter(she was the only one home) and she is like yeah mom there is a line there! I don't knw what to think..so confused. Guess it will show more clearly with a frer and fmu. UGH I am going crazy now. I had myself convinced I was out
So shey did the :witch: show up or are you late now?
I usually use a heating pad, midol/pamprin or tylenol.

AF for me has been out of whack since i had my LO in 08. I wouldnt have it for a month and then have it 3 months and so on so forth. this yr so far i had it the end of last month so she is being all weird on me. I never know when she comes.
Hey Shey since your unsure when she is suppose to arrive maybe a warm bath will relax you and the cramps just in case...have you taken a test incase you are preggo??

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