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Where's my 11/24/11 Testers!!

Reeds!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! OMG!!!!!! Where is the pix of ur test?!!?!? :)
Kaede sorry to hear about the lice, I had that as a kid with really long hair and it was horrible to get rid of....
Yeah Im at my mums now. She's going to see if I got rid of them all. It sucks lol, my hair is really thick and quite long (mid back) so it's a biatch to do lol

well I posted another thread about getting pregnant on ur period :blush: I know nasty eh? one girl responded if your cycles are shorter it's possible, well this past cycle was only 25 days my usual are 28....so whatcha think? i still put 28 days on my ticker anyway...
Hmmm, I know it's possible but I don't know how common it is? I don't know anybody who it's happened to...

Yeah idk we shall see but omg I have this sharp pain on my left side...its like a pinching pain not a cramp ...:shrug::shrug:
Sorry, here but watching Karate Kid. Fantasmic film :D

Oh, and good news. My mam reckons I got all the beasties. So I'm gona dye my hair tomorrow to make sure I fry the eggs too :) Then will be completely clear :D

I hate the little feckers. That's the problem with having such long hair. The beasties hide! :mad: lol

Sorry ladies it has been a busy morning. I did take a frer with fmu and its still so faint I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. I am thinking that.....
A) I really am pregnant and little bean just implanted.
B) My body is playing a cruel game with me and I am having another chemical pregnancy.
C) My days are just off but I know when I OV and my cycles have always been 28/29 days and I have had one 30day cycle but that was the first month I started clomid.
D) I am going CRAZY!!

I tried to take a pic but the line is so faint it doesn't show up. I don't know what to think.

Here are my sypmtoms...funky watery/white discharge, sore bbs but only a little and mainly by my armpits and today I have a sore throat and I am a bit sleepy all the time. Thats it. I don't really feel pregnant...
Sorry ladies it has been a busy morning. I did take a frer with fmu and its still so faint I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. I am thinking that.....
A) I really am pregnant and little bean just implanted.
B) My body is playing a cruel game with me and I am having another chemical pregnancy.
C) My days are just off but I know when I OV and my cycles have always been 28/29 days and I have had one 30day cycle but that was the first month I started clomid.
D) I am going CRAZY!!

I tried to take a pic but the line is so faint it doesn't show up. I don't know what to think.

Here are my sypmtoms...funky watery/white discharge, sore bbs but only a little and mainly by my armpits and today I have a sore throat and I am a bit sleepy all the time. Thats it. I don't really feel pregnant...

Wow, those symptoms sounds alot like mine haha, apart from the discharge... normal amounts of that lol. Maybe if u do get ur BFP it'll be good news for me getting mine too :p

If there is a line though that's good :D When is your appintment? Maybe wait a couple days for HCG to buld up and test again :)

I'm so excited haha!

Sorry ladies it has been a busy morning. I did take a frer with fmu and its still so faint I think my eyes are playing tricks on me. I am thinking that.....
A) I really am pregnant and little bean just implanted.
B) My body is playing a cruel game with me and I am having another chemical pregnancy.
C) My days are just off but I know when I OV and my cycles have always been 28/29 days and I have had one 30day cycle but that was the first month I started clomid.
D) I am going CRAZY!!

I tried to take a pic but the line is so faint it doesn't show up. I don't know what to think.

Here are my sypmtoms...funky watery/white discharge, sore bbs but only a little and mainly by my armpits and today I have a sore throat and I am a bit sleepy all the time. Thats it. I don't really feel pregnant...

Wow, those symptoms sounds alot like mine haha, apart from the discharge... normal amounts of that lol. Maybe if u do get ur BFP it'll be good news for me getting mine too :p

If there is a line though that's good :D When is your appintment? Maybe wait a couple days for HCG to buld up and test again :)

I'm so excited haha!


My appt for my HSG was for this Friday the 5 of MArch. I will have to reschedule it if she decides to show up cause they want to do it on certain cycle days...I plan on testing again in the morning and monday if she still hasn't showed call my doc and ask for a blood test Idon't know what else to do. I can honestly say at this point I am scared but trying to be hopeful.

I would love for a BFP for both of us. FX
Yeah, a blood test will hopefully tell once and for all :) I reeeeally hope it's your BFP :D then you won't need the appointment at all :D

Aww Reedsgirl! if there is a faint line then you maybe preggers. But I hope you find out if it is positive. Best of luck to you. I know I will get mine sometime in March hehe.
yay reeds !! sounds promising!! i would defo ask for a blood test too...that way you know it's a def. yes or no KWIM?! Good luck hunni, and I hope you can get a picture on here hehe! so we can tweak it and do all that good stuff to find that line :lol:
Hello there! Okay, so a tiny update!

When I got up today I went to the loo and checked my CM :blush: and it was like a wierd creamy yellowish colour... but it doesn't smell funky so it can't be an infection. Is that normal?! :S This is my first month properly checking my CM so got nothing to compare it to. Do you ladies get creamy yellow coloured CM in the 2WW?! >.< Haven't had a chance to ask as I've been out most of the day.

My temp went down 0.2c again this morning to so I went form being only just over the coverline yesterday to being just below it :( I have a horrible gut feeling I'm out this cycle.


(btw... what is KWIM? :blush:)

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