Who has circumcised their little boy?

I agree it does cause pain. My nephew as just been circumcised and he was in pain for about two weeks bless him (he is 5)

I agree it causes pain if you wait until later to do it, which is one reason we did it right away. My LO had it done when he was 1 day old and it did not cause him any discomfort. I was there for the whole procedure.
My sons were both circ'd with plastibells :)
I would imagine it would be painful on different levels for different babies. I know I delivered my son naturally, no pain medication etc... at 18 and yes, it hurt but was managable and pushing was easy as pie for me, other people I know couldn't bear the 3rd contraction without beggin for pain medication, and others just seem to giggle through, lol We all have different pain tolerances so maybe babies are the same?
My LO is circ'd. I ultimately let my DH decide. I said I would if we had a boy and upheld that deal. He didn't appear to be bothered by it, though I cried a great deal when they took him to have it done.

The argument that they are "born with it" and it should stay in tact, well, we are also born with many things that are removed preventively. Tonsils, adenoids, wisdom teeth, appendices, etc... Yes, it is common to remove those items WHEN they pose a medical problem, but I had my adenoids removed with my tonsils and 3 out of 4 wisdom teeth removed when only my tonsils were an issue and only one wisdom tooth was a problem...

Just because some of you may not agree with the decision is no reason to attack those of us that had it done. Our children are ours to raise and make decision for and it's highly insulting to call it mutilation. It was not a decision DH or I took lightly and I will not defend the reasons why we chose it. I shouldn't have to. Just like people who chose to FF, CIO, etc... there will always be two sides to the debate and heated opinions on either side. There is just no need to be insulting.

Like redpoppy said, you are better off using your voice to become an advocate of intactness rather then insult someone who has already done the procedure and can't undo it... so what's the point? Other then to insult and belittle? God willing YOU never do something other's consider wrong less you will be on the receiving end of the lashing.
I agree the pain factor will different for different babies/children. Something went wrong when they were doing it aswell so I think they may another factor in why it hurt him so much. We can remove a lot of things that cause pain. But when the risk for something to go wrong is very minimal I can't justify to have it done to MY son. Others may feel it is justyfiable

I agree the pain factor will different for different babies/children. Something went wrong when they were doing it aswell so I think they may another factor in why it hurt him so much

Awe, poor lil guy!
im saying 3 things.

my LO is not circumsised.

anyone who thinks it doesnt cause a good deal of pain to their LO is naive.

if you do get it done, use pain medication PLEASE! (the thought of not using it is making me cry)

HI hun. DS had his at day 3 he was sleeping all through the procedure & after it was done. We were discharged when he had a wet nappy. We didnt use any pain killers when we went back home, & he used to sleep all day & didnt cry at all when he was tiny so we knew he wasnt even bothered about it xx

one of the misconceptions about babys not feeling pain when/after it is done is because they go quiet, its when they go into shock from too much pain and their little bodies cant copy. babies feel pain just as well as any adult.

ive seen circumsision done, the babies strain against bonds holding them down, they dont strain till its being done. its horrific. i was sick for the whole day and still cry thinking about it.

Im adding to this post that i dont HATE anyone for their individual decisions, but i do wish more people would use pain medication if they choose to get it done.
I agree the pain factor will different for different babies/children. Something went wrong when they were doing it aswell so I think they may another factor in why it hurt him so much

Awe, poor lil guy!

And now he is due to go in again to have his little balls manually brought down. I feel so sorry for him :(
I would imagine it would be painful on different levels for different babies. I know I delivered my son naturally, no pain medication etc... at 18 and yes, it hurt but was managable and pushing was easy as pie for me, other people I know couldn't bear the 3rd contraction without beggin for pain medication, and others just seem to giggle through, lol We all have different pain tolerances so maybe babies are the same?

Difference is, is that if we are in pain we can speak up about it and get pain relief, give our consent to things.

Babies can't speak.
Where I work, circumcision is carried out for a variety of reasons, medical, cultural, religious. Whilst I personally don't like the procedure and wouldn't choose to have it done to a son unless neccessary, the thing we have to consider is that it's done safely, in a surgical environment by a competant team of practitioners qualified to do so. It must be ensured that the appropriate analgesia/anaesthetics are administered and that the LO is well enough to be anaesthetised.

Cultural/religious circumcision is always going to be carried out and the safety of the child is paramount in my place of work. Not my personal opinion.

If this offends, I apologise, it is not intended.
Eek I'm sorry but hearing about having it done without meds sounds so cruel to me. I don't know much about circumcision (if I'd had a boy I would definitley not unless it was needed) but I think if you are going to do it, at least give them medication? :nope:
Where I work, circumcision is carried out for a variety of reasons, medical, cultural, religious. Whilst I personally don't like the procedure and wouldn't choose to have it done to a son unless neccessary, the thing we have to consider is that it's done safely, in a surgical environment by a competant team of practitioners qualified to do so. It must be ensured that the appropriate analgesia/anaesthetics are administered and that the LO is well enough to be anaesthetised.

Cultural/religious circumcision is always going to be carried out and the safety of the child is paramount in my place of work. Not my personal opinion.

If this offends, I apologise, it is not intended.

I meant my personal opinion towards circ wasn't important, that the safety and wellbeing of the child was. Have just reread it and thought it looked like I was saying I didn't think LOs safety wasn't my personal concer... Och, you all get what I mean!
Eek I'm sorry but hearing about having it done without meds sounds so cruel to me. I don't know much about circumcision (if I'd had a boy I would definitley not unless it was needed) but I think if you are going to do it, at least give them medication? :nope:

It cant be done without medication during the procedure. It's done under local anesthesia. Medication is not required after the procedure unless it's done when the baby is older as it can cause pain
Eek I'm sorry but hearing about having it done without meds sounds so cruel to me. I don't know much about circumcision (if I'd had a boy I would definitley not unless it was needed) but I think if you are going to do it, at least give them medication? :nope:

Aboslutely agree with you. All of the circumcisions carried out in my hospital are done under general anaesthetic (sleeping) and appropriate penile/caudal blocks are carried out.
& babies are like adults they can express their pain & discomfort by CRYING
I think for people to change their minds their needs to be a very convincing argument and the pain one is really the one going to do it along with the reality that it's not very necessary. But even that isn't strong enough it feels to me. :shrug: As boys aren't great with hygiene and because the pain is short/fleeting and there isn't any long term damage. Plus there's always that thing in the back of your head which makes you think "but what if my son ends up needing it when he's older?".

I know the idea that if it's not broke don't fix it seems to make sense but it's so much more memorable and painful and takes longer to heal the older they get.

Also, the aesthetic thing is ridiculous as you just would never have something done to your child that hurts for aesthetic reasons. (Actually I say you would never but I know a mum who had a birthmark removed with two or three operations from her baby girls arm... she said it was so she wouldn't get picked on at school.)

That's just made me wonder, if circumcision died out, then would circumcised penises be thought of as weird and strange and unattractive and men who had to have it done would have to get prosthetic foreskins so they wouldn't feel insecure? :shrug:

Sorry... :blush: my mind goes in weird directions sometimes.... :rofl:
As for medication, I'd MUCH rather use local anaesthetic than any form of medication or general anaesthetic. :shrug:
As for medication, I'd MUCH rather use local anaesthetic than any form of medication or general anaesthetic. :shrug:

Ok, how would you locally anaesthetise the penis of a baba who's already squirming and prob crying? I don't mean to offend. I agree that giving an unneccessary general anaethetic in an under one poses risks, other than a spinal anaesthetic, there's no other way I could think to do it.

Sorry again if this offends, if it does, I'll slink away and post no more. xxx
Wow some places actually put the babies to sleep? I've never heard that before.

As I said earlier in the thread...all 3 of my boys are circumsized, they were all completely numb but not put to sleep. My DH watched them have it done and said they were upset at first from being undressed since most newborns hate that and just being held down but then calmed down and didn't seem to be in any pain when it was actually done. They seemed a bit sensitive, not really in pain that day and after that it was like nothing was ever done they didn't seem to notice it at all after that first day. But they never seemed to be in much pain anyways, not sure how long the medication to numb lasted but they weren't given anything after that.

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