Who has circumcised their little boy?

I wouldn't have Jacob circumcised unless it was for medical reasons.
My OH (Jakes Dad) had to have his foreskin taken away at a young age as it was causing problems.
I find it offensive.

Free will doesnt mean you can insult people. Im pretty sure you wouldnt tell someone they mutiliated their son by getting him circumsized to their face...I guess your hiding behind your computer screen

there is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning a religious practice, and there is no reason it should cause offense. even if people are following the practice for religious reasons, they surely should understand and agree with those reasons, not just do it because they are blindly following it. religion can be questioned even by those who follow it.

i can see why people are offended by SJT, she's been pretty blunt, but it's a very emotive topic on both sides so it's really to be expected. i happen to agree with what she is saying.
I personaly wouldn't circumcise my son if I was to ever have one because it's just not something we do in our family etc. I wouldn't ever tell someone it's wrong though or disagree with someone doing it.
I'm not trying to be offensive. I'm not thinking of hurting anyone. I don't need to hide behind anything. I would quite happily say it to yours or anybodies face. I'm blunt yes but I don't see why I should sugarcoat something to protect others. Id be lying otherwise.
I find it offensive.

Free will doesnt mean you can insult people. Im pretty sure you wouldnt tell someone they mutiliated their son by getting him circumsized to their face...I guess your hiding behind your computer screen

there is absolutely nothing wrong with questioning a religious practice, and there is no reason it should cause offense. even if people are following the practice for religious reasons, they surely should understand and agree with those reasons, not just do it because they are blindly following it. religion can be questioned even by those who follow it.

i can see why people are offended by SJT, she's been pretty blunt, but it's a very emotive topic on both sides so it's really to be expected. i happen to agree with what she is saying.

I agree, I don't find what she says offensive. I don't agree with circumcision except for medical purposes. I know there are instances where the foreskin is too tight etc. I don't necessarily agree with it being done for cultural reasons but I do respect that it IS done because I respect other cultures. However what I simply cannot even begin to try and accept is that someone could put their baby through that for no good reason. Good hygiene is not a reason to do it, a boy can have good hygiene with a foreskin, it's just a matter of them being taught how to clean properly which is surely much easier and less invasive then removing their foreskin. I have seen pictures of babies having the operation and it's very upsetting. I just couldn't do it.
You don't need to sugar coat it. You just need to say it in a way that isn't so desrespectful. You see what I am saying?
I wouldn't get Jake circumcised, no. :)
Never been with someone whose been circumcised either. It's not something that really i've ever thought about.
I don't really like the idea of it, but that's just me :nope: I wouldn't like it if someone cut me down there because it was hygienic or whatever.
Lol o no the controversial topic has arisen again!!! Lol xx
I'm bothered by SJT's posts and I don't believe in circumscision at all...

I believe this is a public forum with so many different Mums on here from so many different places, cultures, and reigions and we should be respectful to the others using this forum and I think we all have enough common knowledge to know when something would be terribly rude and offensive or not. We should all consider everyone else in here and be as polite and respectful as possible, and there are times I should even take my own advice here :blush:

As I said, I personally wouldn't want to do it, and my son isn't circ'd but I know people who have and I haven't/wouldn't pass judgement on them. Just as I couldn't have my daughter's ears pierced either, but I don't pass judgement on people who have. If it were so terrible it wouldn't be done IMO... again, there is worse going on in the world that needs worrying :flower:

:hugs: to any others who may have had their feelings hurt, and :hugs: to the angry people who sound like they need one.
Whether people decide to circumcise their boys or not, everyone is doing what they believe to be the best thing for their child. Can we all not just accept that and respect each other?
I have personally found quite a few peoples comments offensive on here and I am not strictly religious or particularly for/against circumcision. I won't pinpoint them as I don't wish to argue with anyone. Its ok to have strong opinions about such subjects but you still have to be careful how you word things so you don't offend people who feel differently. Unless you don't care who you offend.
I'm not trying to be offensive. I'm not thinking of hurting anyone. I don't need to hide behind anything. I would quite happily say it to yours or anybodies face. I'm blunt yes but I don't see why I should sugarcoat something to protect others. Id be lying otherwise.

I've known people like you in real life and you're all the same. Honesty is not the best trait in the world which trumps all other traits in humanity. Things like compassion, empathy, connecting, listening and being open to other people and their views are all pretty good traits. All types of unsavoury characters can go around saying "well at least I'm honest". Hitler was honest about hating Jews. I'm surprised adults reach maturity and still go around barking "well at least I'm honest!". If someone thought slavery was a good thing and they finished with "well at least I'm honest and I'd say it to trafficked woman's faces" SOME people may think it's a really big and clever and great trait but others many wonder what they were bragging about.

It's okay to be against circumcision, and it's even okay to say you think it's cruel from your cultural perspective, but to try and insult people who practice it, to try and brand every parent who does it a mutilator and to think you're really big and clever because you're not afraid to question authority/religion/culture/other people's choices or you're not bothered about anyone's perspective or culture or feelings make you seem, to me, irrational, immature and very self involved.

You can't even claim to actually be any sort of activist who would like to see a change in people circumcising their boys as surely you can see that your opinion does nothing but drive people who do circumcise far away from you and your opinion. If you really cared about those babies maybe you'd try an approach that didn't drive that wedge so blatantly? Or would achieving something like that be against your moral code of rude and blunt honesty above all else?

So really, it's about feeling big and clever and superior. You say it isn't but what else is it? Oh, yeah, sorry it's honest as well.
I'm not trying to be offensive. I'm not thinking of hurting anyone. I don't need to hide behind anything. I would quite happily say it to yours or anybodies face. I'm blunt yes but I don't see why I should sugarcoat something to protect others. Id be lying otherwise.

I've known people like you in real life and you're all the same. Honesty is not the best trait in the world which trumps all other traits in humanity. Things like compassion, empathy, connecting, listening and being open to other people and their views are all pretty good traits. All types of unsavoury characters can go around saying "well at least I'm honest". Hitler was honest about hating Jews. I'm surprised adults reach maturity and still go around barking "well at least I'm honest!". If someone thought slavery was a good thing and they finished with "well at least I'm honest and I'd say it to trafficked woman's faces" SOME people may think it's a really big and clever and great trait but others many wonder what they were bragging about.

It's okay to be against circumcision, and it's even okay to say you think it's cruel from your cultural perspective, but to try and insult people who practice it, to try and brand every parent who does it a mutilator and to think you're really big and clever because you're not afraid to question authority/religion/culture/other people's choices or you're not bothered about anyone's perspective or culture or feelings make you seem, to me, irrational, immature and very self involved.

You can't even claim to actually be any sort of activist who would like to see a change in people circumcising their boys as surely you can see that your opinion does nothing but drive people who do circumcise far away from you and your opinion. If you really cared about those babies maybe you'd try an approach that didn't drive that wedge so blatantly? Or would achieving something like that be against your moral code of rude and blunt honesty above all else?

So really, it's about feeling big and clever and superior. You say it isn't but what else is it? Oh, yeah, sorry it's honest as well.

Haven't read the rest of this thread (sorry, but I know how these things go) but I just had to comment on this.

Redpoppy, that is one of the best posts I have seen in a very long time. Nice one :thumbup:
I'm not trying to be offensive. I'm not thinking of hurting anyone. I don't need to hide behind anything. I would quite happily say it to yours or anybodies face. I'm blunt yes but I don't see why I should sugarcoat something to protect others. Id be lying otherwise.

I've known people like you in real life and you're all the same. Honesty is not the best trait in the world which trumps all other traits in humanity. Things like compassion, empathy, connecting, listening and being open to other people and their views are all pretty good traits. All types of unsavoury characters can go around saying "well at least I'm honest". Hitler was honest about hating Jews. I'm surprised adults reach maturity and still go around barking "well at least I'm honest!". If someone thought slavery was a good thing and they finished with "well at least I'm honest and I'd say it to trafficked woman's faces" SOME people may think it's a really big and clever and great trait but others many wonder what they were bragging about.

It's okay to be against circumcision, and it's even okay to say you think it's cruel from your cultural perspective, but to try and insult people who practice it, to try and brand every parent who does it a mutilator and to think you're really big and clever because you're not afraid to question authority/religion/culture/other people's choices or you're not bothered about anyone's perspective or culture or feelings make you seem, to me, irrational, immature and very self involved.

You can't even claim to actually be any sort of activist who would like to see a change in people circumcising their boys as surely you can see that your opinion does nothing but drive people who do circumcise far away from you and your opinion. If you really cared about those babies maybe you'd try an approach that didn't drive that wedge so blatantly? Or would achieving something like that be against your moral code of rude and blunt honesty above all else?

So really, it's about feeling big and clever and superior. You say it isn't but what else is it? Oh, yeah, sorry it's honest as well.

I'm not trying to be offensive. I'm not thinking of hurting anyone. I don't need to hide behind anything. I would quite happily say it to yours or anybodies face. I'm blunt yes but I don't see why I should sugarcoat something to protect others. Id be lying otherwise.

I've known people like you in real life and you're all the same. Honesty is not the best trait in the world which trumps all other traits in humanity. Things like compassion, empathy, connecting, listening and being open to other people and their views are all pretty good traits. All types of unsavoury characters can go around saying "well at least I'm honest". Hitler was honest about hating Jews. I'm surprised adults reach maturity and still go around barking "well at least I'm honest!". If someone thought slavery was a good thing and they finished with "well at least I'm honest and I'd say it to trafficked woman's faces" SOME people may think it's a really big and clever and great trait but others many wonder what they were bragging about.

It's okay to be against circumcision, and it's even okay to say you think it's cruel from your cultural perspective, but to try and insult people who practice it, to try and brand every parent who does it a mutilator and to think you're really big and clever because you're not afraid to question authority/religion/culture/other people's choices or you're not bothered about anyone's perspective or culture or feelings make you seem, to me, irrational, immature and very self involved.

You can't even claim to actually be any sort of activist who would like to see a change in people circumcising their boys as surely you can see that your opinion does nothing but drive people who do circumcise far away from you and your opinion. If you really cared about those babies maybe you'd try an approach that didn't drive that wedge so blatantly? Or would achieving something like that be against your moral code of rude and blunt honesty above all else?

So really, it's about feeling big and clever and superior. You say it isn't but what else is it? Oh, yeah, sorry it's honest as well.

Very well said! :thumbup:
I'm not trying to be offensive. I'm not thinking of hurting anyone. I don't need to hide behind anything. I would quite happily say it to yours or anybodies face. I'm blunt yes but I don't see why I should sugarcoat something to protect others. Id be lying otherwise.

I've known people like you in real life and you're all the same. Honesty is not the best trait in the world which trumps all other traits in humanity. Things like compassion, empathy, connecting, listening and being open to other people and their views are all pretty good traits. All types of unsavoury characters can go around saying "well at least I'm honest". Hitler was honest about hating Jews. I'm surprised adults reach maturity and still go around barking "well at least I'm honest!". If someone thought slavery was a good thing and they finished with "well at least I'm honest and I'd say it to trafficked woman's faces" SOME people may think it's a really big and clever and great trait but others many wonder what they were bragging about.

It's okay to be against circumcision, and it's even okay to say you think it's cruel from your cultural perspective, but to try and insult people who practice it, to try and brand every parent who does it a mutilator and to think you're really big and clever because you're not afraid to question authority/religion/culture/other people's choices or you're not bothered about anyone's perspective or culture or feelings make you seem, to me, irrational, immature and very self involved.

You can't even claim to actually be any sort of activist who would like to see a change in people circumcising their boys as surely you can see that your opinion does nothing but drive people who do circumcise far away from you and your opinion. If you really cared about those babies maybe you'd try an approach that didn't drive that wedge so blatantly? Or would achieving something like that be against your moral code of rude and blunt honesty above all else?

So really, it's about feeling big and clever and superior. You say it isn't but what else is it? Oh, yeah, sorry it's honest as well.

You seriously kick ass with words redpoppy!

im saying 3 things.

my LO is not circumsised.

anyone who thinks it doesnt cause a good deal of pain to their LO is naive.

if you do get it done, use pain medication PLEASE! (the thought of not using it is making me cry)
im saying 3 things.

my LO is not circumsised.

anyone who thinks it doesnt cause a good deal of pain to their LO is naive.

if you do get it done, use pain medication PLEASE! (the thought of not using it is making me cry)

HI hun. DS had his at day 3 he was sleeping all through the procedure & after it was done. We were discharged when he had a wet nappy. We didnt use any pain killers when we went back home, & he used to sleep all day & didnt cry at all when he was tiny so we knew he wasnt even bothered about it xx
I agre it does cause pain. My nephew as just been circumsised and he was in pain for about two weeks bless him (he is 5)

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