Who has circumcised their little boy?

Just curious - and treading lightly here so as not to start an argument - sorry mods - but I gotta ask.... to all those opposed to doing this - will you pierce your daughter's ears as a baby - before she can "request" it?

I haven't had a girl - so I'm not sure that I would or wouldn't... but I think I'd say no - not until she wanted it done. But I know lots of people that do... and that certainly hurts A LOT (I remember the pain from when I had my ears pierced at age 5).

Thats obviously only done for "looks"....
Just a side note - I've seen a good share - in my single days - lol - and I have never seen one that was NOT circ'd, except in pics. I think un-circ'd looks yucky - but thats probably just because its what I'm used to...

As far as kids now-a-days though - I believe the stats here are about 50/50 now. But in my own generation, the stats for circumcision were a lot higher... probably very close to 100% - cause like I said - I don't know anyone my own age that hasn't had it done.

I find this whole topic a lil bizarre and interesting! :coffee: I have never ever seen a circ willy, its pretty rare round where i live in the UK. There was one boy who had it done in my whole year at school due to med reasons and he was severely picked on for it. They used to take the piss and say he cudnt have a proper wank. For me i prefer the natural look, i find the uncir'd far more attractive. :flower:
i didnt have my lo circ'd. my husband being from the US where it is apparently the norm wanted it done to begin with. We did some research together and found out a bunch of information. Basically that its not medically neccessary. so we didnt do it.

i dont think people should get it done for ANY other eason than if its a medical issue. and numbing cream or a local anethestic should be used. anyone who thinks that it is not painful is very naieve

I totally, totally agree. Religion (IMO) would not make me cut a part of my baby off no matter what it said. And it really annoys me when people pick and choose what parts of their 'faith' they choose to follow e.g jewish people will circumsise their boys as it is part of their faith but would this be the same people who have sex when not married? But this is just my opinion and i don't want to start an argument about it :flower:
Unless it is for religious reasons i don't understand why anyone would do this.

It has risks and is completely unnecessary. Nature intended it to be there. Why would you want to hurt your child?

I'm going to stop before i start to get cross.

see i dont understand that....if its not ok to intentionally hurt your child, why does religion make it ok? :shrug:

the ONLY reason it should be ok is for medical reasons. Relgion is not a valid enough reason to me, no religion should require that of a child.

In the UK its not the norm to have a child circ'd, in the US it is. But slowly its changing because people are doing more research, because there is more information now avaible on the internet and in books about circumsision, people now have the ability to find out that its not a neccessary procedure and therefore the tide is changing. Which i think is great.

Now if that same tide could make waves in the religious corner that would be great too!

Im not anti-religious in any way, i just dont beleive that religions should require that a child (boy or girl) should be circ'd without medical reason.
Nevermind - my poll got locked. Ah well. I thought it was going as smoothly as this thread - with nobody getting rude - just stating opinions.... and I was just curious really.

Talk about jumping the gun....
i never even considerd it as it is not the norm in uk. i wouldnt anyway unless for medical reason. i have never seen a circumsised willy either. at the end of the day its not my willy so not really my decision.

Hehehehehe well said!
Hmmmmmmmmmm if an ancient religion (don't even start me on that religion malarkey) asked you to cut off another part of your babies perfect, precious body would you do it? IMO (and it is only IMO) it's almost on a par with female circumsion. Please don't start a slanging match about it though x

If it was a religion that I believed in than, Yes of course. Otherwise, I wouldn't be a very good follower of that faith.

Im not religious, so i dont know for what reason its done under religious circumstances. But why did god produce a boy with a piece of skin on his penis for man only to remove it? doesnt make sense sorry if this offends, but just confuses me :wacko:
Just curious - and treading lightly here so as not to start an argument - sorry mods - but I gotta ask.... to all those opposed to doing this - will you pierce your daughter's ears as a baby - before she can "request" it?

I haven't had a girl - so I'm not sure that I would or wouldn't... but I think I'd say no - not until she wanted it done. But I know lots of people that do... and that certainly hurts A LOT (I remember the pain from when I had my ears pierced at age 5).

Thats obviously only done for "looks"....

I wouldn't pierce my child's ears either. I wouldn't cut/remove/punch a hole in any part of their body.
I wouldn't pierce my child's ears either. I wouldn't cut/remove/punch a hole in any part of their body.

here here!

I know in a lot of books and articles they call circumsision "mutilation", i always wondered if it should in someway fall under the category of "abuse"?

I mean you wouldnt take a knife to your child, but its ok for a doctor to do? :growlmad:

I dont agree with it personally, but each to their own opinion.

EDIT: What i said was worded badly - I meant if books are calling it mutilation, im surprised they havent gone as far as to call it abuse?
oh dear its just gone to pot ...

I wouldn't pierce my child's ears either. I wouldn't cut/remove/punch a hole in any part of their body.

here here!

I know in a lot of books and articles they call circumsision "mutilation", i always wondered if it should in someway fall under the category of "abuse"?

I mean you wouldnt take a knife to your child, but its ok for a doctor to do? :growlmad:

really - seriously? abuse? thats taking it a tad far. nobody is doing it at home with a dirty knife... its being done by a doctor (or rabbi?) in a sterile setting with set procedures..... geesh. come on.

and cute picture btw!
Just fyi - I'm not upset by that comment... just responding to it... No need to lock the thread imo.... its all good. Everyone is entitled to their opinions.
I wouldn't pierce my child's ears either. I wouldn't cut/remove/punch a hole in any part of their body.

here here!

I know in a lot of books and articles they call circumsision "mutilation", i always wondered if it should in someway fall under the category of "abuse"?

I mean you wouldnt take a knife to your child, but its ok for a doctor to do? :growlmad:

that's going a little too far....

I love my son more than anything or anyone in the world... and what we had done by a licensed medical professional is far from abuse.

I am all for everyone having their own opinion... so please don't lock this thread I do not want to get in to it any further... but that comment really bothered me :\
If you read through all these posts ( like i have) you will see something we all have in common.... We all did what was best for our sons in our personal opinions. I say we all deserve a pat on the back for doing what we think is right for our LO's instead of not giving a rats A**.

Anyways i chose not to circumsize my LO because we did not see a need for it. My OH isn't and is very clean and never had any problems.
Although the day i had my son OH's family came to see him while we were in the hospital and ganged up on me to get him circumsized. OH's Brother in Law even went on to say it will make him grow taller if you get it done. WTF! 0.0 was all that ran through my head.

Anyways to each there own. Lets just all remember we all chose what we wanted out of love for our LO's. :hugs:
I dont want this thread locked either and ims orry my post bothered you, im just pointing out that if it can be called mutilation then maybe some do consider it abuse. I mean if so many people are against it because its "cruel" then what else could it be categorised as?

anyway i dont want to turn this into an arguement, I agree that everyone is entitled to their opinion. I also beleive everyone here does what they think is best for their situation with their baby and as long as they are happy with their decision and everythings ok then im happy for them! I dont think anyone is a bad or lesser mother to their child for their own decision and reasoning.
OH's Brother in Law even went on to say it will make him grow taller if you get it done. WTF! 0.0 was all that ran through my head.

things like that make me shake my head in disbelief! I understand those who may have been lead to believe there are medical benefits, and things like that, but silly things like that i just dont get!

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