yay helen so pleased your little baby is all ok, lovely pic
Bailey I hope your doc appt goes ok tomorrow and try not to worry about lack of symptoms. Everyone is different, its these strange hormones I guess!
Laura I completely agree with Beth
they only show the most entertaining labours on one born because it makes good tv. I love watching it!!
This is my labour story
1.30am Waters break, call maternity and midwife advised me to go back to bed to try and get some more sleep.
2.00am me and DH drove over to my mums (15mins) as she offered to take us to hospital and we were both very exciting and nervous so we just put on a film as we were both wide awake.
3.00am started noticing mild contractions, which felt like mild period pain. So went and had a bath, then had a banana for energy lol that was my mums idea!
5.00am contractions gradually getting stronger and more often. Quite painful but coping ok
just didnt want anyone to touch me or talk to me, kind of went off in my own little world! DH called maternity ward again who asked to speak to me in between contractions, which were every couple of minutes at this point. They asked me to come down to hospital.
5.30am got to maternity ward, had internal examination and I was 8cm dilated wohoo!! I remember being so pleased with myself for getting that far without pain relief haha but I was straight on the gas and air when they offered it to me.
7.30am - fully dilated, started pushing! Midwives moved me around the room in all different positions, crouching, standing leaning against the bed, kneeling on the bed, lying on my back. They were monitoring baby and she was fine so they let me carry on pushing for quite a while.
11.00am still no baby and I was getting tired they decided to send me off in an ambulance to a different hospital (they got me there in 8 minutes!!) as they thought they might have to assist with either a drip to make my contractions stronger or forceps to help me etc and the hospital I was in was quite basic (not going to that one this time just incase).
11.30am lovely midwife looked after me, she asked what position I wanted to be in
I said on my back. They got me a mirror
sounds awful but it really did encourage me when I could see babys head appearing. I heard her mention a drip (which I really didnt want) so I started pushing with all my might
I really focused and found an inner strength from somewhere?
12.30pm Frankie finally arrived!! 7lb 13oz! and I did it all on my own in the end
yippee! I was so proud of myself. Such an amazing experience! Honestly ladies try not to worry, it is painful but it cant be that bad if me and beth are doing it again!