Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!

Thank you so much for thinking of us yesterday. It was a lovely day and we had beautiful sunshine so we couldn't have asked for more really.

If you haven't seen my other post in losses, here is a poem which Paul wrote for Evelyn, there wasn't a dry eye in the place when the chaplain read it out:

~ Evelyn ~

Daffodils, in bloom in spring
lay all around as Evelyn
briefly shone upon our world
Born asleep but free from hurt

Carried for twenty-two and five
with endless love and blooming smiles
She popped like candy when arrived
did somersaults while snug inside

Then in she came with such a “whoosh”
still in her waters, it’s said it’s luck
Too small for life
Still hush
A rainbow daubed the sky above

No prouder time can we recall
So humbling to see it all
Yet pangs of heartbreak as it dawned…
We’ll never get to take her home

We lay, a long and sleepless night
’til morning broke the new day’s light
We drew the courage up to ring
and waited as they brought her in

A mouth as small as Mum’s right thumb
concealed inside, her tiny tongue
Intricate hands to one day strum
or pluck the strings or bang the drums

Her head just didn’t suit her hat
Dad’s genes the likely cause of that!
And his lips too, to pout or pose
but fortune gave her mum’s small nose

Though someday it will come to all
the time when we’re condemned to soil
While us above have earned our spoils
it’s harder when it’s one so small

Our tiny girl who could have been
if given time, but anything
Yet here we stand with kith and kin
to say goodbye
to Evelyn

Although we sleep with tired eyes
with each new morn’ the sun will rise
and over time we’ll realise
she didn’t leave,
but stayed inside

AFM, I am doing ok. The tears are less but the hurt is still there inside. I guess I am just learning how to live with the pain more. I am a little concerned that I may be suffering from empty arms syndrome though as I desparately miss being pregnant and I really want to try for another baby now. I am trying to figure out if I want another baby or if I just want Evelyn back. It feels really odd.

I hope you, families and bumps are all doing ok xxx
the poem is beautiful, thankyou for sharing it with us. no dry eyes here either.

your bound to feel that way hun and there is no right or wrong way to move forward.
if you decied to try for a little brother or sister for evelyn sooner raher than later then that is just fine and im sure she will be watching out for you both.

What a beautiful poem, Sarah. That was a lovely idea and I can well believe that there wasn't a dry eye in the place, I doubt anyone could have said it better.

In terms of moving on, I totally agree with Beth it's a very personal thing and there is no right or wrong in it. You will figure out what's best for you in your own way.

Take care sweetie.


Thanks for sharing that lovely poem with us Sarah, we were all thinking of you on Tuesday.

I also completely agree with Beth, it's your personal decision...no right or wrong, just do whatever you feel is best.

Claire x
Sarah, the poem was just beautiful. Paul is very talented and I can also assure you no dry eyes here, either. Whatever your decision may be we are all here to support you along the way!

Did want to let you girls know the trip to tell DSD and DSS went just fine. I think it came totally out of the blue for them, though. Apparently they really dislike their stepsister so they were actually relieved it would be us raising their new sister or brother. DH's family was surprisingly supportive and hopefully I will be able to be over there more now.

Unfortunately things on my side of the family are messed up as usual. My mother is back in rehab for the hundredth time, she has been in and out for alcoholism and Rx drug use for at least 15 years. It's been really hard for me to know she likely won't be able to pull herself together for her first grandchild, if ever. DH has had to come home early a couple days because the stress of family stuff on top of several other things has been getting to me.

Here's a bump photo update, though :) Hope everybody is doing well, and happy new weeks again!

love the bump hun. glad the kids took it well.

sorry about your mum, must be hard for you.

AFM... cant believe i ve hit 3rd tri already.
bailey - great bump pic...coming along nicely now! :) glad your step kids took baby news so well and really sorry to hear about your mum, you could really do without that whilst pregnant :(

beth - congrats your joining me and laura in the third tri today yay!

oh look i have a honeydew melon now!! saw my MW on weds, she had a student MW with her who was really sweet but a little nervous bless her. she checked for position of baby and she looked a little confused at my MW and said...i think the baby is breech?! my MW had a check and yes LO has decided to turn around and is currently footling breech apparently it's little leg/feet are in my pelvis and it's head is up by my ribs!! apparently very common and likely to turn around in time but she advised me to research vaginal breech delivery and c-sections on the net if i didnt know anything about them (which i didn't!). if LO hasn't turned by 35 weeks I will be booked in for a scan.

Hope everyone has a lovely Easter weekend...loving this sunshine xx
Fab bump pic Bailey! Glad all went well with your step-kids. :happydance:

Welcome to the third tri, Beth - the home straight!!!:haha: How are you feeling now?

Congrats on your honeydew melon, Claire! :thumbup: Can't wait to join you next week I'm bored of being a squash. :haha:

Has anyone heard from Helen? Think she had her late 16 wk appt with the midwife on wednesday there, but I saw that she's not been on since monday. :shrug:

Lucy - Hope you and your two little boys are well (and DH of course). How's the trial going? Do you get many more appts?

AFM - Well I went into prepapration overdrive tonight - packing my hospital bag, the baby's bag and even one for my hubby. I've checked and printed my birth plan, drawn up a plan for Ozzy, who is being looked after by my in-laws when i go into labour - don't get me started on why they need a detailed plan, i'll be here all night!

I got hubby a nice new leather wallet from the baby, that i'm going to give him when the baby is born (he's been on about getting one for ages so thought it was a good excuse to splash out on a nice one). So amid my prep, i made up a little card, which i have put in the photo section reading "Hello Daddy, after all that waiting i'm finally here and I just wanted to let you know that you're the best daddy in the world! I thought you might like a new wallet to keep all those pennies, that you’re going to spend on me. I love you! ..... xxx".

Got an anti-natal physio class on wednesday night and I finish for mat leave on thursday - Yay!!! :happydance: Mum is coming up for a visit too as my hubby is going away on sea trials for 6 days. It's all going on!

Hope you are all well and enjoying the long weekend.

Love & :hugs:

hey girls :)

lovely poem sarah and i agree with beth there is no right or wrong time to move forward hope your ok hun :hugs:

wow nice bump Bailey :) its coming on lovely & glad the kids took it well :) sorry to hear about your mum taht must be so hard :(

wow beth your in the 3rd tri already it seems like its flying by for everyone! :)

aww hope baby turns claire :) its nice when you get student MW and there new to everything

how are you feeling ok laura sounds like youve been busy! but very very sweet of you to buy hubby a wallet from baby and that lil card you made will be amazing! :)

i had midwife appt and got to listen to babies heartbeat wow it was amazing!! i now have been and baught my own doppler! :D

my placenta is right at the front reason im not feeling baby as much :cry:

ive lost a stone since 7 weeks couldnt believe it but because i dont have the eggs turning into cysts making me bigger im losing weight which is good apparently as my BMI was just a tiny bit over and apparently baby will thrive no matter what so its all ok :)

one week on wednesday and i find out what baby is ! :)

haha think i should go careful with all my smileys im forever putting them lol
great that you got to hear babies heart beat and while its annoying that the placenta is stopping you feeling lo at least you know why now and can stop worrying.

cant believe your almost 20 weeks now.

im finally feeling human again after about 6 weeks of being ill, not sure how long it will last as callum has been a bit off it and managed to throw up all down me this morning.

think im gonna make a start on packing my hospital bag soon, i like to be prepared.
Helen - Glad to hear you got to hear LO's heartbeat - it's fantastic, isn't it? :thumbup: I love listening in with my doppler. It'll be your scan soon :happydance: Are you going to find out the sex?

i know beth its crazy i cant believe im nearly 20 weeks either its just flying by!

yeah im glad that i know the placenta is why i cant feel LO as much i can feel baby but just not loads lol :)

yeah Laura i am going to find out what sex is :)

and yes doppler is amazing although my LO does not like me to listen in lol it just kicks it all the time haha it was doing it when MW was trying to listen to it aswell lol

so all i hear in my doppler is THUMP THUMP THUMP and the HB far in distant lol :) lol thats exactly same noise MW was getting lol :) and she called round again to see me thursday and i had it on when she was there so i asked why im hearing THUMPING she told me its baby kicking inside lol

they also think baby lays in my back as im having lots of problems with backache & cant find any comfy position to sleep at night because if i lay on my side it really hurts near my kidneys so havent a clue lol and when she was doing HB she says baby is laid in my back not so much at the front
my placenta is at the front too helen so i dont feel josh as much as i did with callum but tbh as los get bigger it culd be a good thing cos callum was a right wriggler and made me so uncomfortable a bit of cusioning might be good. lol.

had to take callum to emergency docs today, he isnt well had a temp and spent most of the day screaming bless him. yesterday he managed to throw up all down me. he has only ever been sick 3 times now and the other 2 were when he was small and id upped his milk intake so it took me by suprise.

he has been given some antibiotics so hope they kick in soon.
hi ladies...hope everyone had a lovely easter weekend in the sunshine :flower:

laura - the wallet and notecard for your DH is such a sweet idea! and you are more prepared than me! still havent put anything in LO's hospital bag but i did wash all the clothes and blankets whilst we had this lovely weather. i havent done a birth plan yet either :blush: i guess it's because last time i bothered to do one and it didnt even get looked at when i was in labour..was a waste of time in my case but hope all of yours get followed!! not long now until you join me with a honeydew melon!

helen - its lovely hearing LO's heartbeat isnt it...bet theres no stopping you with your doppler now. i would be awful if i had one :haha: wow how exciting not long until your scan and you find out the sex! :happydance: thats brill for your weight loss aswell! :thumbup: i have gained 21 lbs now :blush: dont think easter has helped!! Frankie got LOTS of chocolate!!

beth - glad you are finally feeling better but so sorry about poor little callum, i hope he is better soon...antibiotics should hopefully help quite quickly :flower:

claire x
I'm loving this weather - hope it holds out for us.

Helen - Can't wait to find out whether you're on team pink of blue!

Claire - Well done on getting all your washing done :thumbup: I'm going to start mine next week. Loads of friends have said that their birth plans weren't looked at or due to complications they could have the things they'd put in them. I've just kept mine really basic bullet points; I don't really have any specific "wants" anyway, so i stuck to the obvious, like things i'd like to try, if it's available, like the birthpool, and of course pain relief options.

Three days until I'm a water melon :happydance:


I am going to start getting jealous of your weather over there! Now it's become muggy and too hot to enjoy outside, the AC is on pretty much 24/7 :(

Helen what date is your scan? I'm glad you got a doppler! Mine was also kicking the one that my OB used on me, I would have never guessed what the sound was on my own.

I hope Callum feels better soon Beth!

Laura and Claire you girls are so close, I can't believe it :)

We've now collected a breast pump, some health items (nail clippers, etc), all the 0-3 clothes we need aside from socks, a new car seat, a co-sleeper and bassinet in one (this one), a tub, and some toys and odds and ends. Since we are trying to buy everything on our own I think we are doing OK so far on time.

I hope everybody had a nice Easter, we bought some candy for ourselves and dyed some eggs for the dogs to have fun with. So far still no weight gained (down 9lbs from starting pregnancy weight before MS), but I think that's coming to an end soon!

Oh, and we are also expecting some 4-legged babies soon! :happydance: Two of my show quality chinchillas mated about the time I found out I was pregnant, so she is due in a week or so. All the babies are spoken for already so I'll make the most out of their two months being here before weaning.
yay for baby stuff, i decieded to get a new moses basket this weekend as i didnt really like the one i had for callum.
i love my new one.

you ll have to put pics on when the lo arrive, bet they will be cute.

i ve made a start on packing my hospital bag. all joshs cloths are in there now.
laura - it is a shame with the birth plan thing, like you said it usually depends on complications etc. I am the same as you really, will use a pool if available and to be honest i'm quite open to any pain relief this time!! i will see how i go, managed with just the gas and air last time so i know i can handle it haha! your mat leave starts soon doesnt it? my last day at work is 13th may...can't wait!

bailey - sounds like you are doing really well with all the things you have bought. its exciting isnt it! your link wont let me see the pic, but i'm sure its lovely. can't wait to see pics of the chinchilla babies!!

beth - glad you are happy with your new moses basket...bet you can't wait for little josh to be in there now. i really must start packing LO's hospital bag...will make a start this weekend...another long bank holiday weekend yay!

Looks like Asda have another Baby and Toddler event on ladies, just checked their website...lots of bargains!

misbehaving mums to be is on again tonight...does make me angry though! xxx
Bailey - my scan is a week today!!! eeek! :)
its on the 4th of May at 9am then i see my consultant after :)
what day is your scan Bailey ? are u finding out babies sex?
aww great stuff about the baby stuff your doing fine :D
you would be able to tell the difference if you had your own doppler as i wasnt quite sure either but when you listen to babies HB you know just what that sounds like then when u hear THUMP THUMP lol you will soon know thats a kick lol its such a lovely sound and puts your mind at ease im quite bad for mine i listen twice a day once in a morning and once when im in bed at night ( i got 2 packs of headphones so me and OH listen together its lovely when it started kicking and he heard for the first time he was crying it was just lovely ) i'd recommend it to anybody! :D

i have mainly everything i just wanna buy coloured clothes how some of you girls do it buying neutral all the way through is beyond me, when i first foundout i was pregnant i decided i wanted a suprise but further on looking at clothes i just think no way could i not know what im having till the day lol :) so good on you girls for doing so well :D

isnt the weather just lovely! but sometimes far too hot i nearly passed out in town the other day as i got far too hot n my had just went really dizzy n eyes were blurry i sat down n my mum got me an icecream haha she thought it was my sugars i didnt say no to the icecream haha :D

aww beth you been buying a new moses basket bet you have nearly everything from Callum do you ?
sorry about little Callum beth hope he gets better soon and antibiotics kick in fast

Claire - 21 lbs isnt much really i bet you'll lose that straight away, i lost a stone and im gonna get weighed again next week i shall see if ive gained with eating chocolate i only had one easter egg actually which OH baught me lol so i did good :p Lindt chocolate i just love haha

Laura- not long now and your a water melon!! these weeks are flying over! :D
i'd love a water birth too i was speaking to my MW about that the other day and thats something id be really interested in lol
Here's a photo of it, the side that is lower attaches to the bed, but can also be hooked back up like the other side to make it a free standing bassinet. It is going to take up so much less room for the first couple months we decided on it over a crib for now.

Helen yours is so soon!! I am really excited for you. I predict boy for you, but I am not very good with predictions on gender :blush: Just one more day til half way for you!!
Mine is May 9th but to get the doctor I wanted I have to wait until 2:45pm, the morning will be such a pain to get through. Pending baby is cooperative we will go out and get their "coming home" outfit after so we have at least one piece of new gender specific clothing.

Laura and Claire, do you plan on posting your birth stories after?

Beth I hope Callum feels better today, poor guy.

Today I will be in and out of the neighbor's basement it seems. Just spent 40 minutes there with the dogs for tornado warnings, and we'll have 2-3 more "sets" of warnings and storms today. Two days ago we had an awful storm that took down hundreds of trees and left 44,000 in my city without power :dohh:


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