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Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!

Oh Sarah I am sorry. Has af arrived yet? Can't believe you had such a positive test for it to be a chemical. Mine were extremely faint to the point of getting line eye. Great to see you're being positive though hun. Sending lots of hugs your way.

Beth hope you have a great weekend away and that callum was ok in the end.

Oh Bailey - the weather sounds really scary where you are. Glad that you are both safe. Has it cleared up a little?

Any news for us Laura? You must be on tenderhooks every day now!

Helen how's you? How's the daily monitoring going? I'm hoping its giving you some reassurance.

Nothing new to report from me. Twin one is head down but twin two is breech. My consultant wants to proceed with a vaginal delivery but I'm worried complications with twin 2 may mean that I have to go through a c section too. I couldn't handle that! Just wondering an elective c section would be less risky option. Am trying to read up about it. It seems that there's mixed views on it all. I have another scan on Friday to check on babies growth and discuss the birth with the consultant again. This will be my last meeting with him before the boys arrive. I'm likely to have them betwen 35- 38 weeks.
Beth - Have a fab weekend in York! :thumbup: Let us know what you friend thought of the presents you made her.

Bailey - Hope the scary weather has past and you're all okay over there. :thumbup:

Sarah - Hope you're well sweetie. :hugs:

Lucy - Go with your gut, hun. If you think that an elective C-section is best then go for it, no-one knows your body and your babies like you do.

AFM - Had my hospital appt with my MW this morning. The good news it LO's head has finally engaged and is currently at 4/5th's. :happydance: However my cervix is still very high and very closed. :blush: So unless something changes I have to go in to the labour ward at 1 p.m. on Thursday to have my induction started, with the hope the we'll have baby out by Friday. It all sounds very long, drawn out and a bit scary to be honest, but on the upside we should know what team I'm on by this time next week. :happydance: My hubby has always thought it was a little girl, but I think I'm starting to lean towards it being a very lazy, laid back little man, as the girls in my family are far too impatient and nosy to wait this long to see what the outside world is like. :haha:

Have a fab weekend ladies!!!

Love Laura.xxx
hi ladies....quickly popping in to say hi!

come on laura...where is that little bubba of yours?! i was expecting he/she to have arrived by now.

sarah so sorry about your chemical but brilliant you are feeling so positive for next month...fx'd for you :)

glad all you other ladies are doing so well cant wait to see all of these babies!!

bailey the weather your having sounds so scary!

beth not long for you now :)

lucy...all i can say is having a c-section isnt as bad as i thought it would be. if your young and fit you should heal quickly like me. i was driving again at 3 weeks and only took painkillers for a week. the first couple of days are painful as expected but if you have a supportive partner to help out with everything at home you will be fine.

helen - hope the fluid goes down, so glad they are monitoring you so well.

afm ollie is doing really well. he is such a chilled out baby, we are very lucky as frankie was aswell. he loves cuddles and falling asleep on my chest :) we are now formula feeding as i found breast feeding on demand very exhusting and stressful. just wasnt for me...but i really do admire ladies who can handle it. and he seems to have got into a really great feeding and sleeping routine which is extremely useful with a 3 year old to look after...much easier to plan the day and not suffering to much with lack of sleep. he feeds every 4 hours...7am, 11am, 3pm, 7pm, 11pm, 3am (or there abouts) so i only get one disturbance of sleep during the night at 3am and he takes the bottle so well that i'm only up for about 30 mins :) he always seems to poop at 3am though :( not so nice!!

take care ladies xxx
Hey Laura, that's good news about your Lo. I hope he starts to make his way into the world before your induction, but if not, then it all goes smoothly for you. I can't believe in less than 5 days your Lo will be here either way :) so exciting.

Clare good to see all is working out well with you and the little ones. Great to also hear you have healed up well from the c section. That's a great sign. Loving your attitude to formula feeding, sounds like little man is into a great feeding/sleeping pattern without too much night time interruption for you which is fantastic. Can only hope mine ate just as good:)

I've been getting mild braxton hicks contractions since last night and am starting to get worried. Need your advice girls. Did u have them too and is what I'm experiencing perfectly normal? Had one last night around 10.30pm which lasted for 5 mins and had mild period pain with it. Then had another one around 11pm again same pain with it. I then had another within that hour. They then cleared up and I went to bed. Just woke up with another one at 4am which again lasted 5 mins and then had a second within half an hour again. Is this normal or should I be freaking out?
hey girls back from york had a fab time but im totally shattered. my feet are swollen from all the walking.

cant really help you with the bh lucy cos i didnt get them with callum and and have only had to odd one this time (i think)

glad ollie is doing well claire, i have a feeling i will end up switching to formula cos bh and a toddler will be too hard.

laura really hope lo make an appearence be for fri but at least the end is in sight.
lucy i think your braxton hicks sound normal to me. i got them alot with frankie and ollie. sometimes a couple in an hour then wouldnt get any for a day or so. my whole tummy would go completely solid and would ache a little, they got really strong towards the end of my pregnancy.

beth, glad you had a great time in york. bet your shattered!! i do have to say that i think it is ALOT easier to formula feed than breastfeed if you already have a toddler. but totally worth giving it a go, it might work out ok for you hun

Thanks girls. I recon I've had around 15 bh since 4am this morning each accompanied by period pain. Think I might call mw in the morning and see what she has to say. They are starting to worry me to be honest.

Beth glad you had a great time in York. With swollen feet sounds like you need to put your feet up for a few days now :) did ur friend like the cupcakes you made?
Lucy - I'm afraid I can't help with the bh question - I haven't had any at all. Think you're right to call your MW if it's worrying you, but I'm sure everything will be fine and your body's just having a bit of a practice before your big day.

Beth - Glad you enjoyed your weekend away. Did your friend like her presents?

Claire - Ollie seems to have settled in so well. I hope my LO is as good!

Sarah - Enjoy your holiday Sweetie!!!

Bailey & Helen - Hope you and your little ladies are all doing well.

Love Laura.xxx
Nope, nothing yet. :growlmad: I have sort of resigned myself to accept that baby won't be come out until evicted on Friday. :blush:

Lucy - my OB said that you shouldn't be worried with contractions that stop for a time and come back, as real contractions will not stop. Otherwise, all I know is to keep hydrated as dehydration can cause contractions. But do call your midwife when you can. I'm sure everything is fine :) The boys will be here soon :happydance:

Claire I hope your DH is feeling better! Just saw your FB post - seems like you've had it rough in the last little bit! It's great you gave BF'ing a go but it's very important to have a happy stress-free mommy! But it's good little Oliver has been so healthy and Frankie is loving her big sister role.

Beth you need a good full day of rest! I would kill for some cupcakes right now :blush:

Laura I'm glad you have kind of a time frame right now, so excited to see if we're going to have another WK boy or girl! My guess is boy.

Helen hope you are doing well! Little Abigail will be so lucky!

We've been stocking up, too - just started on diapers. I have 30 packs of wipes and one pack of newborn diapers - I have another pack of newborns on their way in the mail plus a box of 252 size 1-2 diapers. I've also got a few cans of formula just in case. Other than that - we have basically everything we need for her. May just splurge on a few luxury non-necessity items before she gets here.
cupcakes went down a treat, i was rather chuffed with them as im not much of a cook/baker.

she also loved the album, we got everyone to write a message in it and there is room for her to stick in pics.


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Oh those look so yummy! You'd never hear the term hen night here (at least regionally), just bachelorette party. I didn't have one, DH and I kind of went went out for a night together prior to getting married and drank a bit too much!
nothing to report from midwife appointment still 2/5 engaged back again in 2 weeks.

im really short of breath today though, he must be squishing my lungs
Thanks for the advice Bailey. My bh have since the weekend become pretty irregular so I've calmed down a bit. Still very scary tho thought I was going into pre term labour. I've been told this can happen from 32 weeks with twins so am keeping my eyes peeled for a show or water loss.

Bailey certainly sounds like you've been stocking up - can't believe u have so many nappies already lol but best to be prepared. Over here in the UK we have a baby event on in tescos, its a bit like Walmart and they have all baby toiletries and nappies on offer so we've picked up a few final bits which should keep us going for a month or so once the boys arrive.

Wow Beth very impressed with the cupcakes! Bet they didn't last long! So did ur mw seen to think josh would appear early?

Laura any news for us? Friday not long away now hun x

Helen hope you're ok and that the monitoring is going well.

I'm looking forward to my scan on Friday and also planning on writing lots of questions for the consultant about my birthing options so I can make an informed decision whether to push for elective c section. I'll update on Fri afternoon.
she didnt say when she thought he would come, she didnt seam bothered at all yest, just left her student to see to me while talking on the phone about another patient, talk about breaking confidentiallity.

guess im just gonna have to wait and see when he arrives and worst case is i ll need an emergency section if he does get stuck.

im pretty sure i had 2 bh yest about 15 mins apart. i ve only had the odd one since starting on raspberry leaf so 2 close together is an approvement i think. lol.
Grrr to your mw Beth. That's so unprofessional!!! I know what you mean about them being disinterested. I asked whether the lead twin had starting engaging and mine said I can't tell. She didn't even try feeling my bump so I have no clue. She then said well u don't want it to be engaged yet anyway!!!! But what happens if it is ffs! Im hoping they'll tell me at the scan on Friday.

Good luck with the raspberry leaf tea. I've been advised not to take it as I'm expecting twins but I have no idea why lol!
oh dear i ve had a full term wobble and done a laura.

i ve just spent a fortune on a new car seat for josh. i ve just bought the maxi cosi pebble with the family fix base.

need to save up now to get callum one too cos he has a cheapish seat at the mo and im not happy with it.

been getting tightenings all day today, im guessing they are bh. they are quite uncomfortable though.

i think raspberry leaf tea is best avoided if your hight risk for a section cos it increases the blood floow to your uterus. thats prob why they say avoid in twins.
I hope those BH give you a break Beth, they don't sound comfortable at all :( Was the car seat the last thing you needed for Josh?

Lucy it's definitely a twin downside that you need twice the diapers! Good that you have got some to get you through the first month or so, though :) I stocked up on the wipes because I was able to get 10 packs free after store sale + coupon and 12 packs for just $0.49 each. Jumped on it while I could!

A TMI question here, sorry ladies - but am I the only one having spontaneous orgasms? They usually are the result of an appropriate dream for the situation but they are happening almost weekly now! They end up waking me up and DH has actually seemed to get upset about it because they are happening more and more often. I guess I should stop telling him because I don't think it's fair for me to feel guilty over something I can't control!

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