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Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!

you lucky bugger, i ve only had the odd one while asleep. no fair im the single gal and the only way i can get them. lol.

tbh i didnt really need the car seat i just wanted one, i have everything else.
hi girls :)

sorry i havent been on recently as you know im at the hospital alot of the time =/

i had a big detailed scan today and abigail is healthy shes fine, the fluid has gone back down to normal and shes measuring normal, which means i've just gotta watch her movements now ;) & i dont need to worry about her been big :)

shes now weighing at estimate 2lb13 at 27 weeks she was 2lb7

im having another scan on the 13th july which will just make sure the fluid hasnt gone up again, then after ill just be seeing consultant! :)

how are you all feeling?

how are you laura? not long now chick & your LO will be here, i cant wait to see if its a lil boy or lil girl! bet your so excited! :)

hope to see pics soon! hurry up LO and make an appearence! :)

ive been having BH lately too, when i was getting monitored the other week i wondered what the hell was happening as i was having tightenings, n midwife called a consultant to have a look at the monitor due to it showing i was having lil tightenings but ofcourse they told me it was just BH.
this is abigail with her eyes open :) :cloud9:

she has one eye open lol and her hand over her other one :)


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thats excellent news. so relieved for you. so have they stopped the daily monitoring now.
Hi Ladies,

Sorry I haven't been on - internet issues. :growlmad:

Beth - Your cupcakes looked fab! :thumbup: Lucy's right, you should go back to your mw if you are concerned - they know you had a difficult labour with Callum, so they should be more supportive and informative, when it come to discussing Josh's birth with you.

Lucy - Enjoy your scan tomorrow! :happydance: Good for you having your questions prepared for them - like you say you need the info to make an informed decision.

Helen - Abigale's scan pic is amazing!!! :thumbup: I'm so pleased that the fluid has reduced and she's a happy, healthy little lady. :happydance:

Bailey - Don't think you can ever have too many wipes and nappies etc - I must have more the 500 nappies and I don't know about wipes, but whenever the supermarkets have a baby event I buy more. Got another 108 Pampers Newborns yesterday, as there's an event on at ASDA. :haha:

Claire - Love your pics of Frankie and Oliver on FB - they are adorable! :thumbup:

Sarah - Hope you're enjoying your holiday Sweetie. :thumbup:

AFM - I have to book into the hospital at 1 p.m. today to have my induction. I believe they'll do the first pessary this afternoon after they've done some trace tests. So I'm hoping that by this time tomorrow I'm well on my way to becoming a mum. They'll go through the whole process three times, before considering any other options, I'm just preying that the Prostin works earlier rather than later. I'm afraid I don't have a posh phone that goes on the internet, so I'll not be able to update you guys until they let me come home. So happy 'new weeks' to you all, for today and tomorrow, and I'll speak to you when my bump is a baby :baby: - wish me luck!

Love and Big :hugs:

good luck laura! :) very excited for you! i really hope the Prostin works quickly. how crazy your LO was supposed to be a June baby and its going to be a July baby...well unless he/she decides to make an appearence before midnight!!

DH got me one of those cards to use the tv/phone/internet in your hospital bed and i ended up using the internet in there...when ollie was peaceful and sleeping :)

sarah hope your having a fab holiday.

lucy hope your scan goes well.

bailey you sound very prepared...believe me you will get through soooo many wipes and nappies!

helen your scan pic of abigail is lovely, so pleased the fluid has reduced.

beth sorry about your midwife appt...what a joke! sometimes i just wish they were more understanding, that is so rude of her! i think you should speak to her about your concerns again, perhaps call her?

can't wait for the next widgets kitties baby to arrive!

thankyou Laura :)

goodluck for today and i cant wait to hear your update soon that your LO has arrived, i hope it doesnt take too long for the prostin to work, :)

not long now hun & you'll be a mummy :yipee:

thankyou claire :)

how are you feeling? hows frankie & ollie? :)

happy 27 weeks Bailey :yipee:

happy 34 weeks Lucy :yipee:

& happy 29 weeks to me! :yipee:

hope you are all feeling ok xx
Good luck Laura!! Can't wait to hear the news :) So excited :happydance:

Helen I'm so glad that things look good with Abigail. I'm sure that gives you some peace of mind. Are you very far from your hospital?

I feel like an idiot, just called to sign up for my pre-natal class and they are so full! I will be 34 weeks when I take my first class and 38 weeks when I take my last one, if baby will hang on that long. They are once a week for 2 hours. I wanted to take the all day course but I couldn't get in until 8 days before my due date!

And my BF'ing class isn't until 12 days before my due date. I feel like I am going to be so unprepared :( But I did pick a pediatrician and and have made it to third tri, so at least I can feel good about something getting done!
oh what a day, just got home from spending the day in a &e with my gran, she had a fall this morning and looks like she has broken her hip. :dohh:

im starving cos only has toast this morning so just ordered a donimos pizza.

bh have started up again as well this past hour good job the car seat arrived today, cant wait to have a play after tea.
Sorry to hear about your gran Beth :( Hope she recovers quickly! Broken hips are very painful. My maternal grandmother has been falling quite a lot in the last few years - they've just not gotten round the clock nurses for her.

Enjoy your pizza!
oh no beth, your poor gran :( yum dominoes is my favourite!!

laura surely you are a mummy by now.... :) very excited to see pics and find out which team your on and hear your birth story! xxx
well looking at facebook laura has had the baby, no idea of details yet though.
Hi Ladies,

I'm so sorry it's taken me so long to update, we were kept in hospital an extra night for monitoring (will explain why later) - we didn't get discharged until 4 p.m today. Beth thanks for you pm, I would have txt but i didn't get you mobi no until I just logged in.

Well I am very excited to announce that we are the proud parents of a beautiful baby girl! Mya was born on 1st July 2011 at 1.55 a.m. weighing 7oz 3lbs.

Will get my birth story on asap.

Love to you all.




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Aww Congrats Laura. She's beautiful and I love her name :) Hope you're all doing well now ur home and ozzy has welcomed her into the house :) you'll have to let me know how that went as I'm a bit worried about our dog poppy.

Looking forward to hearing all about the birth but well done u, she is the most perfect little girl x x x
Thank you Ladies.

Lucy - I asked our dog walker how best to introduce Ozzy to the baby and bless her she gave me a whole plan for him. It worked a treat! From how he was left when we went in to hospital, to him staying over with my in-laws, to the actual into introduction. I'll type it up and email it to you if you want, then all you'll have to do is add in the specifics for Poppy.


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