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Wiget's Kitties Bump Buddies!

oh isnt she gorgeous. and yay i said team pink. :happydance: to say you were 2 weeks over she is a diddy weight bless her, she obviously needed the 2 weeks to bulk up.

my dogs didnt have any problems accepting callum, i just brought him in left him in car seat on floor and let them have a good sniff.

so i guess the race is on between lucy and her boys and me with josh for the next birth. i ve a feeling josh is gonna stay put for quite some time cos im so desperate for him to come for the wedding.

i also want him here to get rid of all this snot, i swear this pregnancy has turned me into a snot machine.

just weighed myself and to say i was under the ideal weight gain to start with i ve def caught up. i ve gained 22lb now apparently thats over what i should have gained. im pretty sure most of it is baby related though cos i dont feel fatter and i ve been wearing smaller sizes of cloths.
A very quick pop in from Greece to say massive congrats to Laura on the birth of beautiful Mya. she is really lovely Hun xx.
Oh Laura don't stress about writing it up - I have a good few weeks to go yet and u need to spend time with precious mya. How are things now you're home and have u started feeding yet?

The boys are still head down and breech and because I want to keep the birth as controlled as possible, I'm def thing of having an elective c sect at 37 weeks. That way I can guarantee my care is consultant lead by an expert in complicated multiple delivery. I have another scan on 15th at just over 36 weeks and will get it all booked in then, so three weeks to go. Just hope boys don't put in an early appearance as they're both measuring larger than a singleton baby at the same gestation - twin 1 was 5lb 13 and twin 2 was 5lb 3.
i think if it was me in your position lucy id go for a section 2.

one of my bnb friends had twins in exactly same position as yours and tried for vaginal birth, it ended in an emergency section with her knocked out, she is still traummatised by it now 5 months on.

sounds like they are gonna be litttle bruisers.
aww wow congratulations Laura Mya is gorgeous, and what a beautiful name she has :)
her weight is really good too :)

i love your pics, hope labour wasnt too bad, :hugs:

hope your feeling ok in yourself, x
thought id share some pics with you all.

callum went to the beach today with my sis.


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Awww how cute Beth! He's totally adorable :) which beach was that that they went to?
Hi ladies,

How are you all doing?

Lucy - Yeah I'm breastfeeding. Can't say it's without it's dramas, but I'm hoping that it will all get easier and I'll be a master of the art soon. :haha: In the mean time, Mya and I are working together as a team and gritting through slightly sore nipples, but it's really not going too bad at all.

Helen - I really well and my little girl is just perfect! Will get my birth story on asap. :thumbup:

Beth - Callum is gorgeous! Just think you'll soon be taking pics of Callum and Josh at Formby Beach. :happydance:

Sarah - Glad you're enjoying your holiday! :thumbup:

Bailey - How are you doing, Sweetie?

Claire - You're so right - I do love being a mum! :happydance::happydance::happydance:

Also, I've put some new pics on FB.

Take care ladies,

All my love,


Thursday 30th July 2011

13.00 - Booked in at hospital and was pleased to hear that I'd scored my own room - woohoo!! Various tests and a trace of baby's heart rate done.

14.15 - Cervical check and 1st pessary inserted. Put back on trace machine for further two hours of monitoring.

16.25 - Trace removed - no concerns.

18.00 - Slight period type pains.

18.20 - More intense period like pain and very sore lower back

18.40 - Realised that the pains were coming and going (yes this is me just realising that I was conttracting) - :dohh:

19.00 - Paracetamol & Time for the TENs machine!!! Getting less than 5 min break between contractions lasting 30 - 45 secs.

19.20 - Waters broke!!!

22.30 - Only 1cm dilation, but due to baby's heart rate I was transfered to Labour Suite and given gas and air - God it's fab!!!

23.15 - 3.5cm dilation.

Lose my timeline a bit now, but further trace of baby's HB done and due to concern that she may have swallowed some meconium an internal trace was inserted on her little head.

Then things really kick in - At 23.25, I went from 4 cms to 10 cms and had delivered, my beautiful baby, Mya, by 1.55 a.m. So I was actually only classed asbeing in active labour for 2.5 hours. I did need an episotomy as she got a little bit stuck at the end, but other than the cut, I didn't tear at all and no other stitches were needed.

So that's it - for all of my worrying about induction, I had a very quick labour, and despite some worries about us, at different points in the process, Mya and I were generally absolutely fine and healthy.

I gained a nice round 2st during my pregnancy (weighed myself on the day of the induction). I hopped on the scales yesterday, to see the damage and was very happy to see a stone gone already - :happydance: Half of that was Mya of course, weighing 7lb 3 oz. Definately less bloated-looking, although, in fairness, I didn't suffer from too much water retention and I'm over the moon that I did get any stretch marks, which my mum is taking the credit for as she says she gave me my good skin genes. :haha: Will put on a post bump pic before the end of the week.

Hope you are all happy and healthy.

All my love,

Aww what a lovely birth story :) I am so glad it all went well for you Laura and hope you are enjoying being a mummy.

Hols were nice - glad to be home though

Lucy, I think I'd go for the section as it sounds safer to me (but I am a little bit paranoid about these things so use your own judgement x)

Pics of Callum are gorgeous beth - he's adorable

Helen - so glad everything is ok with you now x

Claire - How is it being a mum to 2 now?

Bailey - you doing ok? Have you bought any more things yet?

AFM -all good, just staying positive :thumbup: and enjoying life as best I can! One of the other angel mummies wrote on FB the other day that we should enjoy every day as some don't get the priviledge to get to earth and I think she had a really good point. I am therefore trying to relax and enjoy things until I get my rainbow baby xxx

Love to all mummies, babies and bumps :hugs:
Laura, that's amazing :) Glad everything went so smoothly! How is she doing now?

Beth - Callum has been a lucky guy lately, lots of outings! Love his little suit!

Sarah I hope your vacation went well, the photo you posted was gorgeous. Keep going with that PMA hun, it can only pay off! Thinking about you often :hugs:

Helen I can't believe you are almost 30 weeks!! Hope you are feeling well :)

I've been increasingly tired lately, and I know I'm above pre-preg weight now. Just waiting until Friday to find out by how much :dohh: Excited to see her again but not excited for my GT test! It's standard here for everybody around 28 weeks. As far as buying stuff, it's slowed down sadly. Need to go over my list and get a lot of little stuff.

I think it's time for a nap :sleep:
he is lucky this week. we went to the deep today and he loved walking around looking at the fish.
its nice to have this time with him and take him places cos when josh arrives i think it will take a bit of adapting.

its keeping me busy too, passing the time. i hate this bit just waiting for him to come and knowing it could happen at any time.
aww what a lovely story Laura, glad you and Mya are doing good! & that you love been a mummy :) <3

glad you had a fab holiday sarah how are you feeling?

claire- how are you finding been a mummy to two? :)

beth - loved your photos of callum hes such a little cutie! :) not long now & josh will be here! how exciting :yipee:

bailey - i know just 10 more weeks left!! how are you feeling? im feeling ok just keep getting alot of BH and got a bad back now! =/ apart from that im ok, :)

lucy - how are you and the twins doing? hope your all good! :)

Happy 35 weeks Lucy! :yipee:

Happy 28 weeks Bailey :yipee:

& Happy 30 weeks to me!! :yipee:

well just 10 more weeks to go, i have another scan on wednesday which im hoping will be my last now, and the fluid has totally settled and all is well! :)

abigail seems to be doing well :) she seems to have found my ribs these last couple of weeks and ouch dont i know about it lol!

cant believe just 10 more weeks!! atm i keep getting BH and i have alot of back ache it seems if i walk longer then 10 mins im in agony =/

wow only 70 days to go!! :)

hope everyone is doing good :) x


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looking good hun.

josh cant come soon enough for me now. i cant breath anymore and get tired at the slightest thing.
this blooming cough is doing my head in too i had to sleep sat up last night and my bump hurts from all the coughing.

been using starflower oil and clary sage for a week now and nothing.

oh and the doc thinks i have thrush, lovely.
oh how nice! i hope when josh comes you'll be back to your normal self since been pregnant you seem to have got everything so not nice!

i hope he comes for you soon! cant wait to see pics of our next WK baby!! :) x
its obviously pay back from having such an easy pregnancy with callum.

you wouldnt have known i was preg with him til 35 weeks when my bp started to rise, i swelled up and got migrains so kept getting checked for pre eclampsia.

havent had any of that this time round thank goodness.

im having a lazy day today and callum and i are watching bolt together cuddled up on the sofa.
aww its nice that your spending as much time with him before little josh comes along :)

yeah i'd say deffo pay back hehe! you all sorted n ready for him to come now then ?? :) x
Helen that's an awesome bump! I've noticed mine has gotten bigger in the last few days so I will have to take another photo at 30 weeks, too.

Same thing here with the back pain - I generally wake up with a very sore lower back and if I do a lot of walking I pay for it the next day, plus when I'm walking my belly gets as hard as a brick!

But very happy to hear the fluid has gone down and Abigail has gone well. Hope you get some good shots Weds :)

Beth FX'ed Josh makes an early appearance for you! Hopefully the delivery makes up for how you've been feeling this time around.

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