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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Congrats on the girl! I know it is hard to be worrying all the time, but it sounds like it is benign so that is good news.

Do you have any name leads?

So far the ones my husband and I agree on are Elliot (not sure how to spell though), Augustus, and Benedict. I'm not sure if any of those are the right name for this peanut though. My daughter is Penelope, which suits her to a T. I want something similarly spunky and fresh sounding, but not too unusual. Would love suggestions!

Oh, and I had my scan and the subchorionic bleed is gone, and my placenta has moved up. So that's a big relief.
Hi ladies, well results are in and we are having another girl!! i am super excited, just naming is going to be difficult. I would have posted sooner its just taken me time to deal with the fact that they found a cyst on her brain, which they don't seem concerned about but as a mom its bothering me a lot. I feel I have not been able to enjoy this pregnancy at all and its killing me. So there is my update.

Sorry to hear you're worried. I'm sure it'll be fine as doctors are not concerned. I wld be worried too though! I have my scan tomorrow. I had a troublesome 1 st trimester with bleeding & vertigo & stress, but my little Boy survived! It was very stressful and I'm so hoping everything will be okay tomorrow.

Penelope: I really like the name Benedict. But how wld it be shortened by friends? I like Elliott as well, but hubby feels that's way too popular. So, its been vetood.

I was hoping I cld chat with you ladies as I've not got a prego buddy fr April & we're bound to get more uncomfi as we go along.
Hope all goes ok with your scan qmama.

I'm worrying about mine in a couple weeks. I had an appointment with my midwife Friday and she called Monday to say my iron levels were even lower and was a concern so waiting for the consultant to decide what to do.

On a plus note my morning sickness seems to have ended :)
Congrats on the girl! I know it is hard to be worrying all the time, but it sounds like it is benign so that is good news.

Do you have any name leads?

So far the ones my husband and I agree on are Elliot (not sure how to spell though), Augustus, and Benedict. I'm not sure if any of those are the right name for this peanut though. My daughter is Penelope, which suits her to a T. I want something similarly spunky and fresh sounding, but not too unusual. Would love suggestions!

Oh, and I had my scan and the subchorionic bleed is gone, and my placenta has moved up. So that's a big relief.

Great news re your scan.

We've picked names that have strong meaning to us.
Our name choices are Erik Stuart if it's a boy. Erik was a friend who was with us when hubby has his accident and Stuart is name of 4 guys who bent over backwards to help us in the months afterwards. So we associate the names with big hearted people. Sadly our friend Erik passed away a couple years ago.

If it's a girl she'll be called Hazel Liesbeth. Hazel was hubbies intensive care nurse. She was amazing and we're still in touch almost 8 years on. Liesbeth (Erik's wife) was also with us when it happened and an amazing support.

I prefer our girl names as think they roll off the tongue better but know the names all mean so much to hubby.
Congrats on the girl! I know it is hard to be worrying all the time, but it sounds like it is benign so that is good news.

Do you have any name leads?

So far the ones my husband and I agree on are Elliot (not sure how to spell though), Augustus, and Benedict. I'm not sure if any of those are the right name for this peanut though. My daughter is Penelope, which suits her to a T. I want something similarly spunky and fresh sounding, but not too unusual. Would love suggestions!

Oh, and I had my scan and the subchorionic bleed is gone, and my placenta has moved up. So that's a big relief.

So glad to hear the bleed is gone and you can rest easy!! No names here, we have decided to take a time out and give it a few months and it just annoys me lol. I love the name Benedict that is a strong name which would fit lovely with Penelope, but I do like Elliot as well... I am glad you can agree on not one but 3 names must be nice!!! :thumbup:
Hi ladies, well results are in and we are having another girl!! i am super excited, just naming is going to be difficult. I would have posted sooner its just taken me time to deal with the fact that they found a cyst on her brain, which they don't seem concerned about but as a mom its bothering me a lot. I feel I have not been able to enjoy this pregnancy at all and its killing me. So there is my update.

Sorry to hear you're worried. I'm sure it'll be fine as doctors are not concerned. I wld be worried too though! I have my scan tomorrow. I had a troublesome 1 st trimester with bleeding & vertigo & stress, but my little Boy survived! It was very stressful and I'm so hoping everything will be okay tomorrow.

Penelope: I really like the name Benedict. But how wld it be shortened by friends? I like Elliott as well, but hubby feels that's way too popular. So, its been vetood.

I was hoping I cld chat with you ladies as I've not got a prego buddy fr April & we're bound to get more uncomfi as we go along.

Of course you can chat with us, the more the merrier!! I can't wait to hear how your scan goes, please kep us updated!! A little boy sounds wonderful, I am gald you were able to get through a not so nice 1st trimester!! :flower:
Congrats on the girl! I know it is hard to be worrying all the time, but it sounds like it is benign so that is good news.

Do you have any name leads?

So far the ones my husband and I agree on are Elliot (not sure how to spell though), Augustus, and Benedict. I'm not sure if any of those are the right name for this peanut though. My daughter is Penelope, which suits her to a T. I want something similarly spunky and fresh sounding, but not too unusual. Would love suggestions!

Oh, and I had my scan and the subchorionic bleed is gone, and my placenta has moved up. So that's a big relief.

Great news re your scan.

We've picked names that have strong meaning to us.
Our name choices are Erik Stuart if it's a boy. Erik was a friend who was with us when hubby has his accident and Stuart is name of 4 guys who bent over backwards to help us in the months afterwards. So we associate the names with big hearted people. Sadly our friend Erik passed away a couple years ago.

If it's a girl she'll be called Hazel Liesbeth. Hazel was hubbies intensive care nurse. She was amazing and we're still in touch almost 8 years on. Liesbeth (Erik's wife) was also with us when it happened and an amazing support.

I prefer our girl names as think they roll off the tongue better but know the names all mean so much to hubby.

I absolutely love the name Hazel, its beautiful I was vetoed for that name, so I hope you get to use it!! I think its wonderful that you are using names in which have such strong meaning to your success of your husbands well being. Weh is your scan again???
Scan should be first week of December but not had my appointment through yet. Will chase it up if haven't had letter tomorrow.
Hope all goes ok with your scan qmama.

I'm worrying about mine in a couple weeks. I had an appointment with my midwife Friday and she called Monday to say my iron levels were even lower and was a concern so waiting for the consultant to decide what to do.

On a plus note my morning sickness seems to have ended :)

Scan went great! A bit disappointed with the level of the image, as it was pretty blurry. The tech showed me the leg, and I cld not make it out at all. The 13 wk scan was so much clearer. All is well though. Still measuring a week ahead, so hopefully I'll deliver mid to end March! Hoping to go full term this time.

Are you taking anything as 'iron supplements'? I was low in first pregnancy & took 'natural liquid iron' which is easier to digest & you don't get super constipated. My midwife recommended a daily Guinness as well!! I drank probably half a stout each day. Might have been an old wife's tale, but I never got really deficient. Don't get too exhausted though as iron lets bacteria multiply quickly. So, take that rest when you feel low esp in this winter season! Let us know what yr consultant says!
Qmama - good reminder about iron supplements! I've been tired (and fighting a cold) and could probably use the boost. Sorry the scan wasn't so clear--I think it really depends sometimes on the equipment and then probably how the baby is positioned and such. My earlier scan was much clearer as well.

Those are nice names, Bekah! It is great to have names with meaning behind them. I like Erik with a k, and Hazel is really pretty.

Thanks for the name feedback. Apparently Augustus is a little too out there, huh? I think Gus would be a cute nickname though. Benedict would probably get called Ben (but too similar to Pen? Although we call Penelope Polly). Elliott is the most popular of the three but is in the top 200 or so in the US, but then my daughter's name has gotten really popular too (now top 50 I think!). Things can change pretty quickly--Penelope was at I think 142 when we named her and then it jumped a lot (probably thanks to the Kardashians). Anyway, our ideas will probably change. Earlier in the pregnancy with P. I wanted to call her Anna or maybe Clara and at what point Victoria, but then we landed on Penelope and it just seemed to suit her when she was born.
PenelopeJones: even though I'm not a fan of Augustus, I do like the short name Gus more than Ben. Gus is actually is a really cool name!! Ben seems a bit plain compared to that. Now I think Augustus is a better name. Sorry to change my mind.
Congrats on the girl! I know it is hard to be worrying all the time, but it sounds like it is benign so that is good news.

Do you have any name leads?

So far the ones my husband and I agree on are Elliot (not sure how to spell though), Augustus, and Benedict. I'm not sure if any of those are the right name for this peanut though. My daughter is Penelope, which suits her to a T. I want something similarly spunky and fresh sounding, but not too unusual. Would love suggestions!

Oh, and I had my scan and the subchorionic bleed is gone, and my placenta has moved up. So that's a big relief.

Great news re your scan.

We've picked names that have strong meaning to us.
Our name choices are Erik Stuart if it's a boy. Erik was a friend who was with us when hubby has his accident and Stuart is name of 4 guys who bent over backwards to help us in the months afterwards. So we associate the names with big hearted people. Sadly our friend Erik passed away a couple years ago.

If it's a girl she'll be called Hazel Liesbeth. Hazel was hubbies intensive care nurse. She was amazing and we're still in touch almost 8 years on. Liesbeth (Erik's wife) was also with us when it happened and an amazing support.

I prefer our girl names as think they roll off the tongue better but know the names all mean so much to hubby.

Love that you can connect your name choices to strong people you know. That is really great! It makes you feel connected probably already. I feel we will have to grow into our name. We didn't have Finley's name when my water broke early. Two days and 7865 names later we finally settled. And now he's a real Finley. He's petit & full of life!
Oh and I don't have such a personal strong connection with someone to choose their names. On the contrary: oh doesn't want to know anyone with the name of choice.

The only name that we've agreed on so far as it being an option is Quinn or Quinlan. I loved this name since day 1 & managed to plant it in OH's brain!!! Inception ... It works! Now I have to make sure that he doesn't find out its a unisex name. He still thinks Finley is a boy's only name. Sssjjjj...
Yes I'm on iron supplements. Hoping now the morning sickness seems to have ended I'll feel better. Energy levels are on the up so a positive sign.

Name choosing is so difficult. Just glad hubby has had names in mind for a while.
I thought choosing a name for this one would be hard, as we have so many boys already, but the moment I saw it it was perfect, and DH agreed. As I had to agree on the second middle name.....which I really don't like.......Manford. We won't really be using it. On most things it will say Declan James M. The only place it will be written is on the birth certificate.

Funny P, I like Augustus. I think it is cute too.

Sorry so many of you are battling with low iron. Not fun at all.
Declan and Quinn (or Quinlan) are both great names! I like Finley too!

Had a midwife appointment today but nothing too exciting--just a regular check in. I do get to wait until January for my next visit, when I'll have to do the dreaded glucose test. But they gave me two organic juice boxes instead of that icky drink so that's not too bad.

What do you all think of Orion for a middle name? My husband's name is Ryan, so I thought it would be sort of like son of Ryan. And I like the Greek mythology link to Penelope...

And I agree that Ben is kind of boring as a nickname. You can also get to Gus from August or Augusten or Augustine... we'll see what else DH and I can come up with.
I like your thinking! Orion as O'Ryan! It's a funny anecdote when you're trying to explain it to them when they are older. Great that there is a link with Penelope too. It feels like a very new name though, while Augustus or Benedict aren't modern. Orion might be a better fit with Elliott. Then again, who uses middle names?
Declan is a cool name. Ethan is our son's middle name. I love it. Might give Zander (Sander) a go and see what oh thinks. Sander sounds better in my native Flemish as name will have to work in English and Dutch.
Allforthegirl: I'm only ever going to have 2 children of my own. And I'm happy that I found out that I'm having another boy. I had to say goodbye to the fact that I'll never have a Mother-Daughter relationship like I have with my mum. I'll just have to make my relationship with my boys extra special! Given yr choice of nickname, have you made peace with it? Forgive me if you think I'm rude.
Allforthegirl: I'm only ever going to have 2 children of my own. And I'm happy that I found out that I'm having another boy. I had to say goodbye to the fact that I'll never have a Mother-Daughter relationship like I have with my mum. I'll just have to make my relationship with my boys extra special! Given yr choice of nickname, have you made peace with it? Forgive me if you think I'm rude.

Well it isn't about having another boy, I will love him to death like all of the others. Though I still have moments of sadness for never having a girl, as this too is our last. (DH has been fixed) I have good days and bad days, as it is a process. I truly thought I would have at least one girl.

I chose the nickname 'my beautiful' because he is. He has such a beautiful face. I fell madly in love with his face!

So as for have made peace with having another boy sure, as for peace of never having a girl, I am not sure I will ever be ok, but it will get less and less the more I work on myself.
Have a great weekend everyone!! We are supposed to get lake effect snow, I can't believe its the end of November and we have had none.... I am in Buffalo, NY one of the snow capitals of the US!!

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