Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Glad the test went well, Bekah.

Good luck with the potty training, Hope! My daughter just turned 2 and we had some success, with her sitting on the potty and usually going a few times a day (usually pee), but then we went on vacation and got off track. I need to get her back on track. What worked to start was letting her go with no diaper and either just training pants (not the disposable kind) or no pants, and then letting her sit on the potty a lot. I'm really hoping she'll be out of diapers by April.

WE moved her to a big girl bed earlier, since she climbed out of her crib a bit before her 2nd birthday. But she won't nap there and will only nap in her pack n' play, and lately she's asked to go to sleep at night in it too. Feels like we are going backwards...

I have a lot of shifting to do for the new baby. I have to move DD to the guest room and keep the nursery as it is (we did a gender neutral nursery for her). DD's room has a new Ikea bunk bed we have to install, and then I have to move the guest room stuff to my current office, and move my office up to our bonus room. It's just too overwhelming and obviously I can't do it alone, but DH isn't eager to get started for a while.

Oh, and I gave the names I like but not the ones DH likes, which are names like Brianna and Sophia and Ariana and Kelly for girls. Which are fine but not my style. He wants something more popular/modern. He hasn't suggested any boy names yet.
My Z is 20 months now and be just a year when this one comes and I don't think I am going to be moving him anytime soon. He is such a tiny little guy, and still moves around way too much in the crib for me to feel comfortable to move him just yet. One of the benefits to having a big family is that they want to do the things their siblings are doing, which has made switching beds way easier for me. (so far)

We are not really getting "ready" for baby other than washing and putting away clothing. Baby Declan will be co-sleeping with me as it is way easier BFing that way. Oh and buying some more cloth diapers and a sit and stand stroller. Other wise I have everything still from Z.
So I had my scan today and the two SCH spots I had before have consolidated into one long, skinny one. I think that is good news, hopefully. The baby is measuring two days ahead and the ultrasound tech was able to get a "potty shot" and thought it was a boy! For those of you who have had babies before, did you get an ultrasound that early and were they right? I'm 14.5 weeks. I think that's still early but it did look pretty obvious...
It can be hard at that stage. To be for sure you have to look at the angle of the nub. If it points up then its a boy if it points down a girl. You have a pic we can take a gander at?
I don't have a pic of the nub. She showed me the "potty shot" from below, so yeah, I'm wondering...
I never understood the "nub" as to what people are talking about.... Anyone explain, I feel silly asking lol.

So I was looking through the 2nd trimester section and was scrolling through a post when I came across a posters signature where she lists out all her children and the losses she has suffered as well, which she now has a journal and a post on the loss of her daughter at 5 days old. She shared pics of all the children she lossed at the various ages and I sat here in tears reading her story and now I am freaking myself out. She is one brave woman and her family is amazing but I don't know what I would do in her place. I NEVER read stories like that but I don't know what made me look and now I regret it, but she has so much love and positive thoughts that it makes me feel some what better.

Well now I depressed myself. I hope all you ladies are well and feeling good.
Hopeful, she must be one strong lady and have some wonderful support around her.

Full of cold here. Git appetite back yesterday and no sickness then middle of the night felt full of cold and sickness back. Ugh!!!
I never understood the "nub" as to what people are talking about.... Anyone explain, I feel silly asking lol.

So I was looking through the 2nd trimester section and was scrolling through a post when I came across a posters signature where she lists out all her children and the losses she has suffered as well, which she now has a journal and a post on the loss of her daughter at 5 days old. She shared pics of all the children she lossed at the various ages and I sat here in tears reading her story and now I am freaking myself out. She is one brave woman and her family is amazing but I don't know what I would do in her place. I NEVER read stories like that but I don't know what made me look and now I regret it, but she has so much love and positive thoughts that it makes me feel some what better.

Well now I depressed myself. I hope all you ladies are well and feeling good.

I found an explanation a couple weeks back on the gender predictions page. I asked for predictions following my 12 week scan. 1 said girl, rest said boy. Will find out at 20 weeks either way.
I have the anatomy scan on November 16, so I guess I can confirm then. I did go through today and pull out the gender neutral clothes I had from my daughter, plus things I inherited from my sister's kids. I have a good start--lots of onesies and sleepers--so that's good. I have a bit of an addiction to buying baby clothes but I'm going to try to hold off especially if they are wrong.

Is everyone else planning to find out? Did I already ask that? (pregnancy brain)
Desperate to know here. Haven't bought a single thing yet. Guess I keeping thinking it may bring bad luck this early. We did think January sales would be a good time to buy so are constructing a list so know exactly what we're after when sales start so not tempted by stuff we don't need and don't waste time looking at options. We should know the gender at the beginning of December so that should help with our purchase choices.
I am dying to know, all my co-workers say boy, but I have my fingers crossed for a girl as I want Emery to have anu older sister!! I have not purchased one thing and will not until I know the gender and again have all the reassurance that babty is good. I have so many girl things and I will be kind of sad if I have to get rid of them or won't need them. We are only having 2, I don't really want to have more as I approach 40 and 2 is a good number that I am happy with.

There are days I think I can feel movement but wonder if its stretching or gas!! Bekah I hope you feel much better soon, I am fortunate that I have never experienced MS so I feel for ladies who do!!

I hope everyone has a good weekend, I have to wrap up shopping this weekend for Emery's 2nd bday which is the 28th. My mom is having a party for her the 8th of November so all my family can attend but we are doing something special with her on her day.
Happy birthday to Emery! Hope she has a great day.

You guys have great willpower not to have purchased anything yet! I'm a bit of a shopaholic in comparison.

So I got a call from my midwife and they say that the last scan I had shows I have placenta previa. Sigh. The tech didn't mention that at the actual ultrasound. They are still just recommending pelvic rest and taking it easy, which is good. I'm worried about what I'd do if I had to go on bed rest. I guess call in the grandmas. They are just going to monitor it and hope that it moves up as my uterus grows. If it doesn't, I'll have a scheduled c-section which isn't my plan but would actually be okay. It would mean DH could arrange for time off work and I could arrange for my mom to come to look after Penelope (and me). BUt i'm worrying, of course...
Try not to worry as still early days and time for things to move. It's good you've got support around to help out.
Agreed ^^^ You are still very early, and baby and your uterus has tons of growing to do yet. I too had that once and it moved and cleared the cervix in more than enough time before he was born.
That's good to hear, ladies. Thanks! I'm hoping things will be okay.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We drove up to the mountains just for one night to see the fall colors. I've been getting tension headaches and feeling crappy the last few days so it wasn't super fun driving down winding mountain roads ... but the views were pretty.
That's good to hear, ladies. Thanks! I'm hoping things will be okay.

Hope everyone had a good weekend. We drove up to the mountains just for one night to see the fall colors. I've been getting tension headaches and feeling crappy the last few days so it wasn't super fun driving down winding mountain roads ... but the views were pretty.

Just take it easy, i am sure all will be ok, but call in the grandmas anyway, its always nice to have a break!! I too live in an area where I can drive and see the changing colors and we love it!! I love the smell in the air, not that I love the changing temperature to cold but its a nice transition...
Headaches have been bad for me this time. Though the mountains sound lovely!!

Weekend was ok here though a nasty cold is going through my house now. My Z has running a fever for most of the night and up every 30min-1hr, so I didn't sleep much, and now starting to get sick.
Well today is Emery's 2nd birthday and I can't believe how fast time is going by, I wish she was still my little girl all bundled in swadle in my arms, now I have to chase her around to get a kiss and hug... I am so over emotional and I hate it, damn hormones! I feel like this pregnancy is dragging yet I don't want it to go fast as its my last.
It does go fast and with each child I found it to go faster and faster....it sucks. Specially because they do things faster than the last because they want to be just like their bigger siblings.

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