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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

I've felt a solid mass if laid on one side for a long time. Feels like it could be babies back against my tummy. If I then roll over it moves again. I've not felt anything more than a couple of flutters. If I'm honest that could just be a little bit of gas, lol. Can't wait to start feeling bump properly moving though.
My bump is quite tidy and almost perfectly round.
Hubby is now calling me fatty. It used to be my FIL's nickname for me because I'm so small. So far I've put on 6lbs in 19 weeks.

Hope you're all doing well.

We've done no pressie Christmases in the past as I don't see point of spending for sake of it. They've been perfectly lovely. This year we are spoiling ourselves though as it's the last Christmas just the two of us and we know in future it'll all be about the little one.
Bekah that very well could be baby....I have gotten that this time and previous times too.

I have been feeling a bit off....another cold is going around the house. My LO is just not a happy camper and really trying my patience.... But that doesn't seem to be my biggest issue at the moment. My hips and belly have been very sore already! I got up to pee and felt like I needed to hold up my belly as the muscles were cramping and tender.....No not labour, just tired muscles. I was doing so well up until now....I hope everything will settle down and I will be able to resume normal life again. Though the last few days I have been more active so I need to sit my butt down and relax today before work.
Sorry you're not feeling well. I'm just coming to the end of a cold. More of a cough now. I'm drinking hot water on a lemon with honey. It's really helped ease the coughing. Hope you can shake it off soon.

The pain doesn't sound good. Have you tried the bump supports? I was thinking about buying some for when I get bigger.
Sorry you're not feeling well. I'm just coming to the end of a cold. More of a cough now. I'm drinking hot water on a lemon with honey. It's really helped ease the coughing. Hope you can shake it off soon.

The pain doesn't sound good. Have you tried the bump supports? I was thinking about buying some for when I get bigger.

I do actually have one....only problem is when you have varicose veins they recommend against the belts. It can make them worse and I have really bad ones just in that one leg I have the swelling in the ankle. So I am trying not to wear it...:dohh: One evil vs another....

I am just going to try and keep walking to more of a minimum and not go every day. More like walk every other day or less. Just stick to house hold stuff on the rest days. If that still doesn't help I think I am going to try and go swimming or floating :haha: to help take some of the weight off.
I got told that he may have a really good job very soon. Someone I know was highering and he sent everything off to head office right away. So hopefully we will here when he starts soon.
That's great news. Fingers crossed he hears soon. Must be a weight off your minds.
Swimming definitely helps! I went quite often when I was pregnant with my daughter. I just hate going in the winter. We have a pool at the gym we go to but it is so cold and I hate having wet hair. (I sound like such a whiner, I know). My daughter loves to swim though so I should start taking her. My husband has been taking her once or twice a week, and it gives me a break to rest or do some work.

Good luck to your hubs with the job hunt!

Bekah, you are lucky to have a nice round bump. I seem to carry high, I think. Whenever the baby grows the bump just gets shoved up higher so I look like an egg. ;) I've gained 6 or 7 pounds so far and am hoping not to gain too much this time around. With DD I gained 23 or so which wasn't bad. Is it supposed to be one pound a week from here on out?
The latest email I had with weekly updates says it's a lb a week from this point too. They do keep saying we only need 200 calories more than normal. Would help if I knew how many calories is normal for me in the first place, haha.
I think I am gaining more than that :blush: I feel like i am getting so huge....

I too gained about 7 pounds up to 20 weeks.....though now it is closer to 13-15 and I am now at 24 weeks....I was actually hoping to gain a bit slower...

Goodness this cold just seems to be getting worse. I have to work this morning, I hope I don't have to stop to blow my nose a thousand times. I am not going to be very efficient if that is the case. I am going to come home and just sleep the rest of the day if I can....At least hot honey and cinnamon water is soothing on my throat.
A pound a week? That sounds like a lot. I think I might cry if I go on doc's scales in 3 weeks...Just before Christmas!! I hope the weight gain will ease of a bit.
It's absolutely wonderful everyone keeps on saying how BIG I look. Even my oh went : omg you looked like this when you popped last time & whoever says prego women are sexy is lying...mmmmmhh... No sex fr him this week!
I'm almost 23 weeks, gained 15lbs already and am eating not excessively!!
Ladies; did you go full term with yr previous babies? It's a subject that interests me as my water broke at 36 weeks and was induced 2 days later without signs of labour.
Hello ladies, sorry its been a few days so much going on... I had to friends pass away on the 25th, one in a horrible car accident involving a drunk driver, he left behind 2 kids and a wife and my other friend from school way back had a brain aneurysm and just died and she was a single mom to a 4 year old girl. So depressing... Even with all that I had a nice Thanksgiving with my family and have completed about 85% of my Christmas shopping. Hubby and I just do 1 gift for each other and stockings.
Ladies; did you go full term with yr previous babies? It's a subject that interests me as my water broke at 36 weeks and was induced 2 days later without signs of labour.

I went to the day with my first....induced at 37 weeks, due to constant contractions for 5 weeks straight with my second, induced at 38 weeks with third due to other medical issues, forth to the day of EDD, and fifth about a week over due.

Oh my about your DH...:trouble:

Hello ladies, sorry its been a few days so much going on... I had to friends pass away on the 25th, one in a horrible car accident involving a drunk driver, he left behind 2 kids and a wife and my other friend from school way back had a brain aneurysm and just died and she was a single mom to a 4 year old girl. So depressing... Even with all that I had a nice Thanksgiving with my family and have completed about 85% of my Christmas shopping. Hubby and I just do 1 gift for each other and stockings.

My condolences, what a sad day for you. Though I am glad you were able to have some enjoyment amongst it all. Death is sad, but we must keep moving forward, they would want you to enjoy life.:hugs:
Hello ladies, sorry its been a few days so much going on... I had to friends pass away on the 25th, one in a horrible car accident involving a drunk driver, he left behind 2 kids and a wife and my other friend from school way back had a brain aneurysm and just died and she was a single mom to a 4 year old girl. So depressing... Even with all that I had a nice Thanksgiving with my family and have completed about 85% of my Christmas shopping. Hubby and I just do 1 gift for each other and stockings.

It's times like this we appreciate each other & we don't take each other fr granted. Glad you had a good Thanksgiving. Counting down to Christmas now!
So sorry, Hope. I've had a few too--my uncle died suddenly last week, and then a graduate student in our department passed away this weekend. So sad this time of year.

I went to 2 days before my due date with my daughter. Who knows this time?

I think the 1 pound a week is a rough guideline--I think with my daughter I gained 1 pound some weeks and others none. It also slows down toward the end, I believe.

Now that I"m finally feeling better from my stupid cold and the placenta stuff is healed I'm planning to start doing some exercise. I went for a nice walk with my daughter yesterday but it is hard to call it brisk exactly when following a dawdling toddler. I'm always so tired on the days I work though--just want to curl up with a blanket. We had rainy cold weather today which doesn't help!

Hope your cold gets better, All.
I don't know how people do it right now! Working & managing the household?! I'm just a SAHM at the moment as I quit job with horrible first trimester & its harder now to keep on top even though my job was at home too (home daycare with 3 tods). I was so much more organized & now I'm all over the place. I'm just happy to get house tidy by the time my oh comes home now.

Allfrtgegirl: how's the job hunt going? Are you able to enjoy time together?
I am trying to enjoy the time we have together now as this new job will be busy for him. So getting as much as I can get done with him home. Just have to pull him off his game to do things though. Still haven't heard anything about the job fx before the end of the week.
How is everyone doing with Xmas shopping and what not? I have to admit I did a lot online, I bet he UPS truck man hates me!! I found so many awesome deals online and its not like we are getting Emery a lot she is 2, my mom and sister spoil her so she will be just fine... My husband and I just do 1 gift and stocking stuffers, I like watching other people open gifts. I like the holidays overall because the time with family. But I will say I had to be specific with my MIL for my daughter as she buys crap stuff for example when she was 1 last year she got her things which were small she could shove in her mouth and this thing she was hitting people with, I mean common sense. So this year I gave her a list of suggestions and told her no trinkets and such, plus we don't have room for little things, I have pets as well.

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