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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

I am almost done, just a few santa gift we need to finish up with, and some stocking stuffers. The majority is done though.
Done. Got nothing! Granny got all the presents fr our boy ... About 5 of them including a huge crane truck. That'll do him fine. We are not getting him even more! And we are going present free fr each other. We'll go to the restaurant fr our birthdays (28 Dec & 03 Jan) and will buy a new cooker on boxing day. That'll be it.
We don't have family around...all in Europe & were in Canada.
I'll do an online session with chocolate & flower deliveries fr grannies & beer deliveries fr grandpas.

Great to not have to think about good presents.
Can't stop but counting down to the end of December. I'm not quite sure when the last trimester officially starts, but in my mind I'll be in third trimester in the beginning of January!

23 weeks now! Xx (trying to fix my signature, but with little luck...am a tech dummie)
Can't stop but counting down to the end of December. I'm not quite sure when the last trimester officially starts, but in my mind I'll be in third trimester in the beginning of January!

23 weeks now! Xx (trying to fix my signature, but with little luck...am a tech dummie)

Awesome you are finished xmas shopping. :thumbup:

I believe, depending on which site you read, week 27 or 28 will be the third trimester. So only four/five more weeks to go!!:happydance:
I am almost done, just a few santa gift we need to finish up with, and some stocking stuffers. The majority is done though.

That is good to hear, I have a few stocking things left to get and a couplegift cards other than that I can start wrapping soon... :happydance:
Can't stop but counting down to the end of December. I'm not quite sure when the last trimester officially starts, but in my mind I'll be in third trimester in the beginning of January!

23 weeks now! Xx (trying to fix my signature, but with little luck...am a tech dummie)

I am just the opposite, I want to slow down, this is my last baby and I want it to drag... Plus I know I will have gestational diabetes again and I hate the test and the pricking of the finger 3 times a day and my OB now has me going at 24 weeks instead of 28 (3rd tri).... So Merry Xmas to me!!
Zilch Xmas shop in done so far. Been manic at work and short staffed at home so run ragged. Will get around to it eventually. Maybe I'll go online this weekend and just blitz it.
Have my twenty week scan on Saturday. Can't believe I'm now half way there now.
This week is dragging! Normally the weeks go fast, but this week I had to slow down as I'm having so many Braxton-Hicks contractions. If I walk, or bend over, i get BH! I'm probably not drinking enough, but that's really hard fr me. I'm just NEVER thirsty, so I have to track with a personal bottle. And, as soon as I drink some more, I get cramps & that's my signal to pee. Since I'm pregnant, I don't feel the normal pee pressure, I just cramp in lower region. I might as well wear a diaper or glue myself to the toilet seat. Really annoying. Didn't have so much BH with first one.
Oh just had a 3 week cycling holiday in Vietnam, was home 1 weekend & is now skiing fr a weekend with his friends.
For some reason his friends are all single...grrrr... Starting to get really annoyed now. He works hard in a stressful job & earns well. We have always given each other a lot of freedom...and I'm normally fine with it... But after 3 weeks of evenings alone as tod goes to bed at 7 I'm a bit fed up. I'll make it clear he's used up all his privilige tickets now. He's a good man, but just like a child...give him a finger & he'll take the hand! Time to set boundaries again.
Aww that's a lot of trips away. Think he's trying to fit as much in before baby arrives and feels needed at home? I'm guessing it doesn't feel real to guys until the baby is actually here.
Aww that's a lot of trips away. Think he's trying to fit as much in before baby arrives and feels needed at home? I'm guessing it doesn't feel real to guys until the baby is actually here.

I know! It doesn't help that my libido is down to -45C as well. He's great with our 3 yr old, but it took him about 2 years to take on that role. He's one of those dads who leaves the caring to mum & finds it difficult to connect with babies. At least Fin is a lot of fun & dad can bond even more with him once we have our little one.
I'm better when they get s bit older too whereas DH is great with babies. I prefer it when I can talk to them rather than trying to second guess what it is they want/need. Hoping it's different when it's my own.
Hopefully a quiet word letting him know how you feel will help.
Hi Becah, I'm sure it will. I'm not worried about our relationship, it just needs a little tweaking at the moment.

I'm sure it'll be different with your own as you'll literally be attached to baby and you'll be in tune more with their needs from very early on. Let's hope you (and all of the April babies) get an angel temperamented baby! Are you finding out the gender today?
I know! It doesn't help that my libido is down to -45C as well. He's great with our 3 yr old, but it took him about 2 years to take on that role. He's one of those dads who leaves the caring to mum & finds it difficult to connect with babies. At least Fin is a lot of fun & dad can bond even more with him once we have our little one.

My libido is strange....I want the closeness but when it comes down to doing the act I don't have much feeling down there so I get frustrated, seems useless. It is more that I want it because I want to feel again more than "horny". I am sure DH is just as frustrated as I.

My DH is the same way. He left the parenting up to me (I just continued and really didn't involve him for many different reasons in the beginning), as my three older ones are his step, for so long. When it came to watching the boys while I was working it was hard for him. He is working on it as he knows he needs to connect more, but it is hard to over come when I have enabled him for so long.

Bekah I am sure it will be different with your own child. The bond is definitely different! It will feel more like second nature vs being frustrated al the time....(Don't get me wrong they are trying, but you will have this love that is so immense that you won't know what you did without your baby)
Thanks ladies. I really do hope so :)
Had our scan this morning and we are team blue. All going well and no issues detected. Looking healthy so far. He was being awkward though. Kept using its hand to block nose pics and hiding when she tried to get the face. Decided to start kicking when legs being looked at too. Think he's camera shy, lol.
Thanks ladies. I really do hope so :)
Had our scan this morning and we are team blue. All going well and no issues detected. Looking healthy so far. He was being awkward though. Kept using its hand to block nose pics and hiding when she tried to get the face. Decided to start kicking when legs being looked at too. Think he's camera shy, lol.

That's cute! Glad all is fine! You will be amazed how early their temperaments will show!! And welcome to the boys team!

I'm 2 boys & done and very happy! (This is what I tell people in general so they don't ask questions about having a third & nip comments about trying fr a girl in the butt). Annoyance Avoided!
I think parenting fr fathers is different all together. I don't mind it that he didn't get too involved at the baby stage, I'm pretty happy he's good now though. We have different styles, but agree on boundaries & vision. But owh... It's hard to let go & let oh be a parent without me butting in, but I realize that I have to. He'll take on his father role more and more with this baby on the way & he needs to feel capable & confident. And Finley needs to know that daddy is in charge too. It's more of an exercise fr me in letting go when OH plays with Finley. It's hard.

After birth oh will have vasectomy & we'll be more relaxed I think in our S-life. We didn't use birth control as I had quite a bit of side effects with different options. So, our S-life was distorted by counting & pulling out. Finley wasn't planned & this one was conceived a week after agreeing to try fr 1 year. I'm so looking forward to the stage of not worrying about pregnancy. I apologize fr my straightforwardness.
My dh got fixed while I am of this time so less chance of a surprise baby this way :haha:

I am the same though. Tons of different reactions to different preventative methods.
No worries about being straightforward, Q! That's what's so great about this site.

Congrats on being team blue, Beccah! Join the club!

I'm pretty much down holiday shopping but yeah, I put a big load onto UPS. It's even worse because my parents are spending the holidays here so for some reason my mom figured she would just mail all the gifts here--even the ones that will have to back to Canada. Um... okay. She totally went overboard so I'm trying to keep things small for my daughter. She's getting one bigger item, an art easel, and then some smaller things like a puzzle, a toy wallet, etc.

We put up our tree today so it is starting to look Christmassy!

I'm not looking to rush through this pregnancy either--it will probably be my last. We had trouble conceiving (DH's sperm analysis was pretty bad) so I haven't thought much about whether we'll take any drastic bc measures afterwards... I definitely couldn't handle a third in another two years and by that point I'll be 40... but part of me wonders if it would be cool to get a surprise baby at 43 or something. Am I crazy? I'm probably crazy to even think that.

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