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Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

A friend of mine wants to throw me a "sprinkle." I said okay as long as people don't bring gifts. I said if they want to bring something what I really need is freezer meals I can put in the crockpot. Same here--DH doesn't really cook, and I get tired of takeout.
A friend of mine wants to throw me a "sprinkle." I said okay as long as people don't bring gifts. I said if they want to bring something what I really need is freezer meals I can put in the crockpot. Same here--DH doesn't really cook, and I get tired of takeout.

That's a great idea: a post baby meals shower! My overenthusiastic neighbour wants to throw me a shower. Didn't have one with first and no intention of having one now. She really needs some grandchildren of her own. She is set on inviting everyone and anyone she knows (but I don't know these people!)...tried to tell her that's not my style but afraid she might do it anyway. I hope she drops the idea. Today, she gave me a jar of homemade jam ... Made in 2010! Not an expert on food safety, but not too sure about that one. What do you think?
Mmm not sure I'd take the risk with the jam.

I feel the same with baby showers. Feels like you have a gathering just for gifts, doesn't sit right with me. I like the idea of getting people to help fill the freezer though as that's really useful.
We think it'll be Erik Terry. We've changed our minds from original middle name. Erik was the friend that passed away who was with us when DH had his accident. And terry was his fathers name who sadly died from cancer 5 years ago. He was a big supporter of our IVF journey and it's sad he's not here to see we got there in the end.

Perfect name with a perfect story behind it!:flower:
Yeah, I'm not a fan of showers, especially second showers. I'm questioning the "sprinkle" idea because I'm afraid even with a "no gift" stipulation people will still bring gifts. All my basics from my daughter were gender neutral (including blankets, sheets, swaddles, some clothing, etc.) so I really don't need anything!

This website says homemade jam lasts for 1-2 years... so yeah, 2010 doesn't sound like a good idea! https://www.eatbydate.com/other/condiments/how-long-does-jam-last-shelf-life-expiration-date/
Thanks. I ditched the jar & will try the others 2015 tagged jams when I'm not pregnant anymore.

How is everyone doing? I seem to be having a good week. Eating very healthy this week and hoping to ease of on the weight gain by not snacking on ... Cookies, breakfast cereals, chips & chocolate bars ... Problem is that I go to bed and am hungry an hour later. Luckily I'm too lazy to get up to eat.

Xmas is approaching fast & we are catching up with many friends over the holidays! Its great. Time will fly by fr these last 2nd tri weeks!

Thanks. I ditched the jar & will try the others 2015 tagged jams when I'm not pregnant anymore.

How is everyone doing? I seem to be having a good week. Eating very healthy this week and hoping to ease of on the weight gain by not snacking on ... Cookies, breakfast cereals, chips & chocolate bars ... Problem is that I go to bed and am hungry an hour later. Luckily I'm too lazy to get up to eat.

Xmas is approaching fast & we are catching up with many friends over the holidays! Its great. Time will fly by fr these last 2nd tri weeks!


I am so trying to eat good but here in my office there are cookies EVERYWHERE, all kinds, people just make them and bring them in and because I am pregnant they think I need to eat more of EVERYTHING!! I have my glucose test Monday and I was aiming to beat it this time around even know the odds are against me... We had a luncheon today and of course its full of amazing pastas and what not. I hate being pregnant around the holidays!!! So maybe I am better off failing my glucose test and goingon the diabetic diet for the rest of my time :(.
I just don't seem have enough room to eat right now. I'm also not as hungry anymore because of the space restrictions. I'm thankful as I don't need to gain over 6.5 lbs a month. If I eat too much I'm in pain. I even have tons of baking at home right now.
I've been baking up a storm but saving it all for when my family comes for a week.

I did make up a big batch of Chex Mix and gees that stuff is addictive!

For regular meals I feel like I can't eat much but then I often end up having a snack later on. And I'm still feeling tired so sometimes I end up grabbing something sugary for a boost in the afternoon.

My 2 year old has decided she is over naps so it makes for a long day when I'm home with her. I still make her go to her room for quiet time but it is almost more exhausting to deal with her. She insists on sleeping in her pack n play (has since our trip to Canada in October), and during her naps she now routinely takes out the mattress and throws it on the floor, takes off her pants and diaper, and ends up standing in the pack n' play with no base in it and screaming. Or she poops her pants. Has anyone gone through this? I'm really hoping those naps will come back, especially for when the baby is born!
I can't bake to save my life, but I blame it on the oven instead.

I don't think I eat less now, but my ribcage feels pretty compressed when I sit.

I would get rid of the pack&play. It might take a couple of days fr her to forget, but toddlers live a lot more in the moment then we do. Pack it away when she doesn't see and tell her Santa needed it .... make something up...

I'm not dealing with nap-terrors, but here are some tips.
Active mornings (playgroups, outdoor play!!!, play dates, ...) I go out between 9-11 every day.
Create after lunch a little routine of reading a book, going potty, closing the curtains. I used to always say: its nap time fr yr feet & toes, nap time fr your eyes & nose, naptime fr yr ears & lips...let me kiss yr fingertips.
Be explicit. I don't say to go to sleep. I ask to stay in bed. Or to put your head on your pillow & close your eyes. It's easier fr tods to understand that.
When my boy really plays up, I tell him that I will take away his dodi (soother) or his panda if he comes out of bed.. And I follow through...which inevitably leads to more upset & meltdowns. I always force myself to let him protest & cry at least 5 full mins. Then I go in very calm and tell him he can have it back if he stays in bed. That usually works & he's exhausted himself to the point where he's knackered. Luckily it doesn't happen often anymore.

When my boy skips his nap (preschool 3 afternoons), he's tired by about 6(first meltdowns). Goes to bed 6.30-7.00 ish. With a nap he goes to bed around 8. He always sleeps till around 7.30am. If he goes down fr nap, he still sleeps 2-3 hours. (Heaven!!).
How does yr little girl sleep? How long does she normally nap?

Just fib at work & tell them you've got the GD & can't have all those goodies!!
A few weeks behind you guys but getting full quicker here these days too. I'm getting through the day by snacking. Lots of fruit etc. Dim sum lunches etc. Thankfully still can't get enough fruit so nice and easy to cater for.

Can't wait for Christmas now. A few days doing zilch is exactly what I need.

Hope you're all doing ok!
Mmm chex mix is really good....I am going to make some caramel corn with the popcorn twists, so addicting. I am not making it until the last couple of days or I will eat it all.

As for toddler bed time refusal. Yes making them good and tired can help and with my boys too much can do the opposite. The best advise is to be consistent and don't back down. I am usually strict and will return them many many many times. But I also understand the whole not having energy for the fight.....as I rather just lay down with my LO instead of getting him to nap by himself....he is 22 months and I thought he would be our last....I enjoy cuddling with him....soon it will be me laying on our bed as he is screaming in his crib. i just don't have time for that right now as we need time. But I do agree also with the removal of the the pack n' play. Good luck with it all. not an easy thing to do while pg.

So we have a birthday party this weekend, and then I am holding xmas eve and xmas supper at my house so I am feeling just a tad bit over whelmed with all the things I need to accomplish as i still have some crafting I need to finish as people have ordered from me for their xmas presents. I am going to have to get my boys really involved in the cleaning and my dh is going to have to step it up too.
Allfrthegirl: you've got a lot on your plate! Promise yourself that you'll take a few days where you'll just rest and recover a bit from the hectic days! This might be your usual busy-ness, but don't wear yourself out too much and get caught out with colds & viruses in your last trimester. Your little guys are bound to get sniffles in the winter months & I wld hope you can be spared! Xx
105 days to go ... In my mind it'll be less than 100 really. I know no pregnancy is alike, but can't imagine going all the way to 40wks. It's going to be though if I do.
I'm waiting with GD test till after the holidays, just in case it wld turn out positive. Clinic told me to go between 24 & 28 weeks, so I'll go in the beginning of January. After meals & our 2 birthdays (OH & I)! That way I'll squeeze in a nice worryfree meal & dessert with my hubbie!
I definitely will try and not be over worked. I have been doing all the pre cleaning and planning so that it isn't too hectic for me or anyone for that matter.
Finished work today for a week and a half. Helping hubby though so in work with him for 4 days but far less stress than being at my work.

Managed to get the last of my Christmas shopping today. Still some cards to write but a lot of them posted today. So behind this year!
Thanks for the nap tips everyone! Until now she has been a great napper (at least after a rough first few months... she was a reflux baby and I did a lot of work getting her to learn to fall asleep on her own. By about 5 months, though, I could do my little nap routine with her and then just put her down and walk away. She started sleeping through the night at around 8 months and for a while it has been great. She was taking a nice 2-3 hour nap every afternoon in her crib and then sleeping through from 7:30 at night or so until 7:30 a.m. until just before her 2nd birthday. Then she climbed out of her crib so we had to take her crib away. That's when the trouble started. For a while she slept at night in her toddler bed just fine, but naps were trouble. I guess I'm so used to just putting her down that I don't have any tools. So I would just put her down and leave, and then eventually either she would fall asleep on the floor or not nap at all, in which case I move her bedtime up to 6:30 and she sleeps until about 7.

I guess what I need to do is take the pack 'n play away and put her in the toddler bed for naps and bedtime, and keep putting her back in when she gets out, huh? Or checking every 5 minutes. I think bedtime will be fine--once it is dark she doesn't get out of bed.

The funny thing is she won't nap in the car anymore either. During our trip she fell asleep just once in the car--yesterday at 4:30 in the afternoon! She used to fall asleep in the car at her regular naptimes, but not anymore.

I know 12 hours of sleep is on the low end of what a toddler needs, so I'd like to reinstate the nap if I can. She naps fine at school on a cot.
It worked! Thanks for the advice on naps, ladies!

Today I started our nap routine early, at 12:15. I took down the pack 'n play and we read books in her bed (I usually read to her in a chair), and then I spent about 20 minutes putting her back down. She tried getting hyper (jumping up and down, throwing her stuffed animals around), but with some persistence DD is now taking a nap! Hooray! I guess I was misinterpreting her hyper signs as not being tired, but really, she was testing my boundaries and trying to see what she could get away with.
Awesome glad you were able to get her to nap. Our children will try to test us for ever I swear!! Good for you for being consistent!! Good mommy work!

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