Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

Great to hear you booked progress! Sounds like she's doing a good job at being two & you did great too! I hope she settles into a routine again soon.

Isn't it lovely when they sleep through the nights? I'll miss that the most when little monkey arrives. I dread the lack of sleep...
I need sleep.....I don't do well when I don't sleep. If I am not in bed before 10pm (usually up around 7am) I can tell that my patience is very thin and I cry way more often. I will be taking a nap today too. Maybe not the usual 2 hrs that my LO naps for but at least an hour. I had troubles getting out of bed this morning, most likely just because I haven't worked in awhile.
Sleep deprivation is just the worst. I'm not looking forward to that again.

Total nap failure today. We were driving home from brunch with DH's parents when DD nodded off at 12:30. I thought I could move her up to her bed--she stayed asleep and drowsy until I put her down. Then once I took her shoes and coat off she asked for her blankie and was quiet for a bit. 15 minutes later I heard her up in her room talking--she was out of her bed reading a book. I tried for over 45 minutes to put her back in her bed, get her to lie down, etc. but she just got more and more hyper. Then I tried rocking her to sleep because I knew she needed the nap, but everytime she started to drift off she'd lurch herself awake and start crying or screaming "no, no, no." Or asking to be put into pajamas. Or for milk. Sigh. I guess I can't miss that nap window by even 5 minutes or I'm toast.

Anyway, I'm hoping for an easy baby next time but I'm not holding my breath. Apparently my husband was the kind of baby that would fall asleep anywhere, anytime, and stay asleep. Definitely not what my daughter is like!
If I believe my MIL then my OH NEVER had tantrums & it didn't hurt to deliver him in the slightest & she was back to preprego weight as soon as the full 2 hour labor was over! Thank G... They put babies in a separate room in the hospital in those days, so she could sleep after such hard work...

Those good old days ... Where memories have faded ... In fact, there seems to be a complete amnesia fr any 'negative' behaviour that my OH displayed in his youth. He was a little angel. (And then I talk to his father & hear the truth!! Hahaha! ). It drives me mad!

Take the granny memories with a grain of salt...Soon, you won't remember either!
Another MiL who thinks her son was perfect and could do no wrong. Shocker lol.

Bit of a panic here through the night. Woke up in a lot of pain. Went to the bathroom and it just got worse. Felt I was going to faint with the pain then started being sick. Happened a couple of time then stomach got upset. I started to worry I was going into premature labour but I put my sensible head on and noted no waters broken and no signs of plug coming away. Was horrid though. Hoping just a 24 hour bug.
Well my MIL doesn't think he is could do no wrong......BUT......she has a very strange fascination with him....the way she talks about how good looking he is and how he should model, and wear all these GQ, Calvin Klein type clothing, or how well he would be doing this or that, blah blah blah.....just weirds me right out.....I love the man and do talk about how sexy he is, from time to time......she is way overboard. Just have never heard a mother talk about their son so sexually before. :shock:

Bekah ~ that sounds horrible. I get that sometimes when I get a really bad indigestion attack. it is scary when we are in that much pain. I hope you feel better very soon!! :hugs:
Oh my. Your mil sounds unique. Think I'd be creeped out if my mil slow about my DH like that.

Thank you. Do feel better now, just a bit tender around the stomach. Hope I don't get that too often as is very unpleasant.
Oh my. Your mil sounds unique. Think I'd be creeped out if my mil slow about my DH like that.

Thank you. Do feel better now, just a bit tender around the stomach. Hope I don't get that too often as is very unpleasant.

For me taking Zantac helps.
Not heard of Zantac. Will look for it though. Thanks!
Hello ladies, sorry I have been MIA work has been crazy and I am trying to wrap up some projects and things by year end as i am off the last week of the year... I am on day 54 of my "cold".... I have the worst sinus congestion which causes a cough. I have been tested for everything under the damn sun and it comes back negative so pregnancy it is. I am so upset, I did not know a person could blow out so much snot in a day. I have gone through 14 boxes of tissues, vix vapo, I have tired all the medications i am allowed and have now given up. I use the neti pot but its only temporary relief. I am all out of things to do and now this has just become a everyday norm. I get so upset at times because I will cough so hard and I recently popped a blood vessel in my face. And my husband says to me yesterday "so how are you enjoying this pregancy?" Really? I enjoy being pregnant, I enjoy feeling the baby but when I can't get through the damn day with out peeing myself from coughing and sneezing and blowing my nose its depressing. And I go for my glucose test next week, I have already busted out my GD cook book and crap.

On a positive note my presents are wrapped and ready to go, just a few gift cards to pick up. I hope you all are well!
Aww sorry hopeful. Sounds rough. At least you have wrapping up work stuff to look forward to.

How many weeks into your pregnancy are those of you in work planning to work up to. I'm hoping to keep going for as long as possible. Maybe up to 37 or 38 weeks if doable.
Hopeful I have been suffering from the nasal plague for ever now and like you am miserable about it. I just have learnt that if it is here to stay I just need to learn to love with it. I also too pee myself all the time, I am never anywhere with out a pad!
I have been bragging about how wonderful I've been feeling the past few days. Well, today all my energy has been zapped out of me. We entertained yesterday and even though I didn't do a big cook up, I'm still cleaning up the kitchen today. I'm sooooo tired. I took of my tods pyjama at 1pm today!!! Seems my energy levels are either great or they are non-existant.
Last time I worked up until my waters broke at 36 weeks, but originally planned to continue up to 38 weeks. I think it would depend on your job whether to finish early & chill the last few weeks. You can plan to work all the way, but let your work know that you might start your prego leave 1 or 2 weeks earlier depending on your health. That sounds pretty reasonable.
I have been bragging about how wonderful I've been feeling the past few days. Well, today all my energy has been zapped out of me. We entertained yesterday and even though I didn't do a big cook up, I'm still cleaning up the kitchen today. I'm sooooo tired. I took of my tods pyjama at 1pm today!!! Seems my energy levels are either great or they are non-existant.

This is me.....
Ah, mother in laws... mine isn't too gaga over my husband because his brother is the golden genius child and my husband was apparently the more dimwitted one. (This for a guy who got straight As all through school and finished a PharmD with perfect grades--the dimwit!). And his sleeping all the time is mainly used as evidence of how he is the "slow one."

I'm planning to work as long as possible so that I can extend my leave after the baby is born. I figure if I go into labor at work I'll deal with it--I teach at a university that has a medical campus, so there's a hospital right there. Not the one I'm planning on delivering at, but if it's an emergency and labor seems to be going quickly I could even walk over.

Sorry some of you have been feeling sick. I had pregnancy rhinitis with my first and it was pretty annoying to deal with--similar to what All and Hopeful are describing.
Aww sorry hopeful. Sounds rough. At least you have wrapping up work stuff to look forward to.

How many weeks into your pregnancy are those of you in work planning to work up to. I'm hoping to keep going for as long as possible. Maybe up to 37 or 38 weeks if doable.

Thank you... I am do April 9th, I plan on working from home up until the 8th which is a Friday. Fingers cross, I am taking the 12 paid weeks I get and an additional 2 of vacation which will bring me back towards the end of July. THis is if everything goes as I want it to, but we all know how that works.... How much time are you taking?
Hopeful I have been suffering from the nasal plague for ever now and like you am miserable about it. I just have learnt that if it is here to stay I just need to learn to love with it. I also too pee myself all the time, I am never anywhere with out a pad!

I am sorry you too are going through this, its so depressing at times and not attractive at all!! Each morning I wake up and hope that its done and about 10 minutes of being up and giong I am coughing and its there in full force. :hugs:
Ah, mother in laws... mine isn't too gaga over my husband because his brother is the golden genius child and my husband was apparently the more dimwitted one. (This for a guy who got straight As all through school and finished a PharmD with perfect grades--the dimwit!). And his sleeping all the time is mainly used as evidence of how he is the "slow one."

I'm planning to work as long as possible so that I can extend my leave after the baby is born. I figure if I go into labor at work I'll deal with it--I teach at a university that has a medical campus, so there's a hospital right there. Not the one I'm planning on delivering at, but if it's an emergency and labor seems to be going quickly I could even walk over.

Sorry some of you have been feeling sick. I had pregnancy rhinitis with my first and it was pretty annoying to deal with--similar to what All and Hopeful are describing.

That is good for you that you are on a cmapus which is set for medical issues, that is why I am working from home the last week as I am a operations manager at a bank and I do NOT want to be here when my water breaks!! My hospital is 10-15 away but still I would be mortified and feel really bad for whoever had to clean up after me as the cleaning staff does not speak English and is not very friendly in our building! If you don't mind me asking what do you teach at your University?
Hopeful I have been suffering from the nasal plague for ever now and like you am miserable about it. I just have learnt that if it is here to stay I just need to learn to love with it. I also too pee myself all the time, I am never anywhere with out a pad!

I am sorry you too are going through this, its so depressing at times and not attractive at all!! Each morning I wake up and hope that its done and about 10 minutes of being up and giong I am coughing and its there in full force. :hugs:

It is mean that way isn't it? Goes away just enough to think maybe just maybe, and then nope just kidding!! :gun: I have to have a box of kleenex with me where ever I go....and of course I have to wear just not any pad but a poise pad....almost diaper like.....because I have been at work blow my nose not thinking I have to pee at all and almost empty my bladder with one blow.....:nope: night time for me seems more frustrating because it feels like my nasal passages are full and then nope guess I just have swelling do to blood not mucus.... :trouble: Add that to all the other things that are making me uncomfortable is just not fun!

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