Will be 37 due in April 2016 anyone else?

I hear you....Though I thought for sure I would be early specially with all that was going on last week....but now I'm not so sure. Plus I am huge (always measuring 2 weeks ahead with fundal height)....though I stopped gaining weight two weeks or more ago. I have been stuck at the one weight forever now it seems. The only time I go up feels like when I have a very salty something...next day I go up like 2lbs.... but it just drops right back down.
Ack! Just wrote a long post and accidentally shut the page!

Anyway, it is getting really close for us! Looking forward to seeing the first baby pics!

My parents are in town and they helped us set up the baby's room and DD's room today. DD is sleeping in her new room for the first time tonight. I'm glad because it just has her bunk bed, a little chair, and one container of books. Normally she wakes up early and strews stuff all over her room (books, clothes, diapers) so this will be much easier to maintain.

Her room was the guest room. We moved the full bed that was in there into the nursery and reconfigured it, so now I have a place to go lie down if I want to nurse the baby, or if DH is snoring, of if DH has to wake up early and I don't want him to wake the baby.

Now I'm trying to figure out what to do about DD's daycare. It's about 17 minutes away. If she stays there, that's basically 40 minutes round trip twice a day, and I'll have to take her there myself 1-2 days a week because it is in the opposite direction of DH's work. She goes 3 days a week. There are a few centers closer to our house but they all require 5 days a week. And I love her current daycare. The other option is to get DH's parents to take her to daycare, but then I'll have to interact with them every day and ward them off from trying to basically move in. ;) What to do...?

I have a ton of stuff I want to finish up at work before the baby comes, but other than that at least the house feels set. My mom froze a bunch of food for us to have when he is born.
Oh, and I feel like my belly is packed fully of baby, too, and can't see how he is going to get any bigger! I've gained 16 pounds as of my last appointment but I'm measuring a tad big each time. It seems like it is all knees and elbows in there pushing and poking me all the time.
Penelope: seems your nursery & DD set up is the same as mine. I like it. At least one parent can be human after a bad night...
Maybe consider a temporary pick up schedule fr DD where yr in-laws do the commuting. If that proves too taxing, switch.

Allfrthegirl: you must be glad not to put it on anymore... I dread every doctors visit. Has Declan dropped yet?

Today people are saying how different my belly is looking from last week. I think it's lower? I don't know anymore...
Been told baby is lower here too. I don't know though, I just feel big.

The nursery room set up sounds great. Our nursery was a twin bed guest room before we started, and we've left one of the beds in there.

Anyone else getting really bad back ache?
I think some nights my DH wishes we had an extra room to sleep in instead of sleeping against the wall. I already take up 3/4 of the bed. :haha: But that isn't happening with this many kids running around. :rofl:

Penelope ~ I hope you can figure out something out that will make you life a bit easier with taking DD to daycare. Eventually you will have a routine down pat I am sure.

Qmama ~ I am very happy not to be gaining any more. I am the very heaviest I have ever been EVER and the numbers freak me out. With you first they drop a week r so before hand....when you have had multiple children then they don't fully drop until labour.... Though he will pop in and out as he helps my cervix change..... He is low though for sure. When I sneeze though some days it feels like the spasm of it pushes him down so dang hard it feels like my cervix has all this pressure it wasn't ready for and it bloody hurts!! Doesn't happen all the time, but I swear one of these sneezes will end up breaking my waters.

Bekah ~ I did have a pretty bad backache around 30-34 weeks. I found his position to really dictate the state of my body....still do just its different right now.
Allfrthegirl: Big congrats on reaching full term!! Let the labour watch begin! I'm so excited, I feel like a teenager!!
i see my OB today and this starts the weekly appt from here. Wonder if he will check my cervix or not. I know the strep B test will be today so who knows.

I am glad you are excited.....I not excited just yet....when labour starts for real then I will be excited
Excited for you too allforthegirl. Will be watching for updates. :)
Name has been decided on: Quinn. Oh spent a couple of hours browsing & cldn't find any names he really liked more than Quinn. Yippie!
Yay for having a name. Makes it feel even more real I think.
Quinn's a great name! So how many of us have names and how many are still in limbo?

We're in limbo.... and DH keeps changing his mind on names I thought we had both agreed on. I don't think we have any right now, except maybe Franklin.
Franklin is a lovely name.

We have a name, Erik Terry after the dear friend and FIL sadly no longer with us. Quite an old fashioned name and not heard either used for many years. I can't help but picture our little man in cord trousers, a tweed jacket and a flat cap, haha. I suspect social services will be onto us for fashion crimes against children.
Just a thought. If anyone fancies linking up on Facebook as well let me know and I'll PM you my full name so can find us on there and friends request.

Have any of you told others what you're having? We've kept the babies sex to ourselves. (Except for me sharing on this page)
Well I am sure that it is obvious, but yes we have a name :haha: We have told our family and close friends what we are having, but I didn't tell my coworkers or anything. We haven't even told anyone on FB that we are pg, as I don't need comments from anyone in regard to our family choices.....plus since it is another boy brings on a whole new territory for people to make unnecessary comments.

As for FB I am up for that.....but I would ask all comments about the upcoming little man be hush hush.
I've PM'd you. Lips are sealed, typing fingers too, lol.
Erik Terry is sweet, and I love picturing a little Scottish lad in his tweed! My sister's husband is from the UK and when her son was little, she used to find him some little tweed type outfits to wear. So cute. Also a navy peacoat!

So I guess I'm the only one on the fence with names, huh! We need some more ideas. Franklin flies mainly because my daughter has been saying "Frankie" when we ask what the baby should be named.
Bekah~ for some reason I didn't get the PM :shrug:

Penelope~ I am sure you will find a name you both like..... Two of mine were literally a fight with my first husband. My second didn't have a name for about 5 days.... the statistics lady was going crazy with us :haha:

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