+ WTT baby number 1 +

I have noticed there is a rather big baby boom atm! Makes me even more broody noooo!
I'm not realllly worried about labour but I have recently found out that my local hospital now has a birthing centre and no longer offeres epidurals or any emergency baby care, I'd have to be transferred to a diff hospital now :( Although I do want a natural birth I like to have the option. I'm also worried cos I suffer from anxiety, even more so when hormonal, and am on citalopram eepers. I don't want to be forced to come off them really but I don't want to hurt my baby so its a hugee descision! Bring it all on though a challenge is good! xx

A lot of people still take anti-anxiety medication during pregnancy. The benefits might outweigh the risks in your case. If you had a massive panic attack while pregnant then that's not good for anyone! Then again, it might be a good excuse for you to come off them. I used to take Citalopram, coming off it was pretty bad for a few days but a massive relief as I hated the side effects.
I would like to go without drugs as well, if possible. I would rather have the pain, and heal more quickly, with less risk for myself (and baby). I have no worries about needles, but getting one in my spine is not something I want!
I'm cool with having drugs. It's not like you get an award for having a natural birth!

I totally agree, some women see to think that somehow you're less of a mom if you opt for drugs, but I want to be able to enjoy the moment my child comes into the world to the fullest.
My sister just had a baby, she said that she would reccomend drugs unless you are particullarly at higher risk. I think I'm going to go in with an open mind, since labor is different for everyone there is no right way, I think I just want to be educated so I can make the best decisions for me and baby.
another friend just announced her pregnancy. I've never had such jealousy issues before. I just want it to be my time already. :nope:
I would like to go without drugs as well, if possible. I would rather have the pain, and heal more quickly, with less risk for myself (and baby). I have no worries about needles, but getting one in my spine is not something I want!

I think if it comes to it I would have it - but I've had a needle in my spine (had a lumber puncture at 24); certainly put me off!!! However I, too, am going in with an open mind - I'm hoping to get a birthing plan together quite quickly after getting pregnant - together with my OH and my midwife.
Yes, I think having an open mind is the most important thing. We can all have plans, but when it comes down to it, we have to do what is the best for both baby and ourselves when the actual time comes!
Well I stepped on the scale for the first time in many weeks and I'd gained 3 pounds. :( That's a lot for a relatively short amount of time! I've gotten so careless lately.. so back to counting calories and making a real effort to get moving on a regular basis. I'd dropped down to just 2-3x a week!

Made it out for a run this morning.. wanted to go to the gym but realized when I got there that they didn't open until 9a on Saturday, so I ran outside instead. Was nice, actually. :) Hard to complain when your view looks like this, though:

another friend just announced her pregnancy. I've never had such jealousy issues before. I just want it to be my time already. :nope:

:hugs: I know how you feel, chick. I was never jealous of other girls before (never really had a reason to be... :haha:) but now it's like everywhere I go every woman I see has a kid! I feel so left out all the time. It sucks. :cry:

But that's what BnB is for. :happydance: for this site!
Well I stepped on the scale for the first time in many weeks and I'd gained 3 pounds. :( That's a lot for a relatively short amount of time! I've gotten so careless lately.. so back to counting calories and making a real effort to get moving on a regular basis. I'd dropped down to just 2-3x a week!

Made it out for a run this morning.. wanted to go to the gym but realized when I got there that they didn't open until 9a on Saturday, so I ran outside instead. Was nice, actually. :) Hard to complain when your view looks like this, though:


wow stunning view! :D
Ohhh, ill join! :).

Im WTT #1 for 2 years, so i can finish college!. I think my worst fear of all is going to be the needles and the pain of labour!. Im not really bothered about morning sickness to an extent, but if it gets that bad im in hospital!..So thats some of my worrys...And stretch marks are gonna be pretty bad :(

And post natal depression, is quite scary as well since my mother had it with my brother! :|

Cant win with pregnancy can you? hehe!
Well I stepped on the scale for the first time in many weeks and I'd gained 3 pounds. :( That's a lot for a relatively short amount of time! I've gotten so careless lately.. so back to counting calories and making a real effort to get moving on a regular basis. I'd dropped down to just 2-3x a week!

Made it out for a run this morning.. wanted to go to the gym but realized when I got there that they didn't open until 9a on Saturday, so I ran outside instead. Was nice, actually. :) Hard to complain when your view looks like this, though:


Beautiful! I am worried about stepping on the scale again as well. I am so close to my weight loss goal - well I should say, WAS, about 3 weeks ago, but then I got lazy and the sweets and junk food have gotten a hold of me. Your post is motivation to me to get back on track as well! What do you have to lose, if you don't mind me asking? I think my goal is about 5 lbs. now, so getting there, yet feel so lazy and off right now!
Beautiful! I am worried about stepping on the scale again as well. I am so close to my weight loss goal - well I should say, WAS, about 3 weeks ago, but then I got lazy and the sweets and junk food have gotten a hold of me. Your post is motivation to me to get back on track as well! What do you have to lose, if you don't mind me asking? I think my goal is about 5 lbs. now, so getting there, yet feel so lazy and off right now!
I was the exact same! I was 148lbs, lost down to 133 before the wedding, then gained 10 in just a few months post-wedding. :nope: In March through the beginning of April I was really good - eating healthy, cut out all the junk, going to the gym 5x a week.. lost down to 136. But in the past few weeks I've been lazy and eating whatever I wanted again. :( Weighed this morning at 139.4..

So I guess I'd like to lose ~5 pounds. It's just vanity weight of course, but it still matters to me. More than the scale I'd like to tone up though, so I'm going to track my measurements too.

As a bit of side note - am I crazy, or does anyone else ever kind of ask themselves why bother? Haha! Part of me wants to get really fit and whatnot, but another part of me can't help but think that in 9 months I'm going to be TTC, and since I'm far from overweight (BMI of 20.5 right now), it seems like it only makes sense to just keep my weight in check until then.. since all my hard work would go down the drain once I got pregnant anyway I assume, lol. I'm sure being fit would be good for pregnancy though, and if nothing else it gives me another distraction to pass the time.. but still, the thought crosses my mind. :blush: :haha:
As a bit of side note - am I crazy, or does anyone else ever kind of ask themselves why bother? Haha! Part of me wants to get really fit and whatnot, but another part of me can't help but think that in 9 months I'm going to be TTC, and since I'm far from overweight (BMI of 20.5 right now), it seems like it only makes sense to just keep my weight in check until then.. since all my hard work would go down the drain once I got pregnant anyway I assume, lol. I'm sure being fit would be good for pregnancy though, and if nothing else it gives me another distraction to pass the time.. but still, the thought crosses my mind. :blush: :haha:

I think like this sometimes...but then, I need to ignore that, as I'm not as lucky as you. :haha: I was a skinny little thing up til about 22, and with one thing and another my highest weight got up to a horrific 12 stone (I'm not very tall, before anyone yells at me for that statement!!). I've lost a stone so far, and want to lose another 1st 10lb or 2st if things go well towards the end of the weight-loss. That way I'll have a very healthy BMI when we start TTC, and if I'm fit as well, the damage done in pregnancy won't be as bad as it would be if I stayed my current weight, for example.

I have this idea of 'cumulative damage' in my head, I don't want to pile a load of pregnancy weight on top of what I have already!! I know I'll gain quite a bit of it back in pregnancy but at least I won't be adding it to any excess weight, if that makes sense? And hopefully it'll be easier to get rid of after birth if there's not as much of it!

Sounds like you're already pretty well on top of it though, I'm jealous of your 20.5 BMI! :laugh2:
As a bit of side note - am I crazy, or does anyone else ever kind of ask themselves why bother? Haha! Part of me wants to get really fit and whatnot, but another part of me can't help but think that in 9 months I'm going to be TTC, and since I'm far from overweight (BMI of 20.5 right now), it seems like it only makes sense to just keep my weight in check until then.. since all my hard work would go down the drain once I got pregnant anyway I assume, lol. I'm sure being fit would be good for pregnancy though, and if nothing else it gives me another distraction to pass the time.. but still, the thought crosses my mind. :blush: :haha:

I think like this sometimes...but then, I need to ignore that, as I'm not as lucky as you. :haha: I was a skinny little thing up til about 22, and with one thing and another my highest weight got up to a horrific 12 stone (I'm not very tall, before anyone yells at me for that statement!!). I've lost a stone so far, and want to lose another 1st 10lb or 2st if things go well towards the end of the weight-loss. That way I'll have a very healthy BMI when we start TTC, and if I'm fit as well, the damage done in pregnancy won't be as bad as it would be if I stayed my current weight, for example.

I have this idea of 'cumulative damage' in my head, I don't want to pile a load of pregnancy weight on top of what I have already!! I know I'll gain quite a bit of it back in pregnancy but at least I won't be adding it to any excess weight, if that makes sense? And hopefully it'll be easier to get rid of after birth if there's not as much of it!

Sounds like you're already pretty well on top of it though, I'm jealous of your 20.5 BMI! :laugh2:
Haha, oh I totally understand your 'cumulative damage' line of thinking. I'd feel exactly the same..for me, I was referring to that last stretch. Right now I've still got squishy bits, but overall feel like I'm at a pretty healthy weight. Ideally, I'd like to be a lot more tone/fit than I am, and that's what I'll start working towards..but half of me just keeps singing "this is silly, this is silly..." hehe.

It doesn't help that my DH is a twig no matter what or how much he eats and eats and eats. I lost about 35 pounds several years back, and ever since I just go through waves of "not caring" what I eat (in quotes because it's relative.. I eat more junk and stop counting, but I'm still somewhat mindful overall), then checking in every so often, dealing with the 5-10lbs I've let creep on, and then start all over.. haha. Eventually I'll learn that it's better to just keep it off. ;) It's so hard when our house is always stocked with goodies though!
Well done you for losing 35lb! :D What do you do to keep it off?

I know what you mean about the unfairness of husbands eating mountains and never putting a pound on, mine's a bottomless pit! :haha: Ok he doesn't still have the six-pack he had when I first met him at 22 (we're both nearly 30 now), but he's still unfairly slim for the amount he eats.

My total target is 38-42lb, and I hope hope hope I can keep it off once I get there - I'm so fed up of being overweight! I'm used to being slim, but two episodes of needing anti-anxiety medication made me put on weight very easily, and beyond losing 10-12lb now and again, and putting it all back on again, I've never really done a huge amount about it. I refuse to spend my 30s stressing about my weight though, so now is the time to sort it once and for all!
For me it was pretty easy to keep off - in losing, I discovered (for the first time) how many calories were in all the things I was putting in my mouth! I was pretty shocked.. I've always been fairly active, so it was my diet doing it to me. After I cut out a lot of the really ridiculous staples of my former diet (some completely, some just became rarer treats), it just stayed off..with the caveat of the small swings I mentioned before. I live strongly by the calories in, calories out method, and even when I'm in my "careless" phases, I still have the rough math running in the back of my head. When I need to lose the pounds that have crept back on, I just make that math less rough. :)

That said of course, I'm still fairly young (24), so my metabolism is helping a bit too I'm sure!

My DH literally is a stick. He has the reverse problem - he can't seem to put weight on, lol. We went to an all inclusive resort for our honeymoon and he ate and ate and ate and drank and drank.. all week he kept talking about how much weight he must be puttin' on. He was SO mad when we got home and he realized he'd actually LOST a pound. :rofl:
I was the exact same! I was 148lbs, lost down to 133 before the wedding, then gained 10 in just a few months post-wedding. :nope: In March through the beginning of April I was really good - eating healthy, cut out all the junk, going to the gym 5x a week.. lost down to 136. But in the past few weeks I've been lazy and eating whatever I wanted again. :( Weighed this morning at 139.4..

So I guess I'd like to lose ~5 pounds. It's just vanity weight of course, but it still matters to me. More than the scale I'd like to tone up though, so I'm going to track my measurements too.

As a bit of side note - am I crazy, or does anyone else ever kind of ask themselves why bother? Haha! Part of me wants to get really fit and whatnot, but another part of me can't help but think that in 9 months I'm going to be TTC, and since I'm far from overweight (BMI of 20.5 right now), it seems like it only makes sense to just keep my weight in check until then.. since all my hard work would go down the drain once I got pregnant anyway I assume, lol. I'm sure being fit would be good for pregnancy though, and if nothing else it gives me another distraction to pass the time.. but still, the thought crosses my mind. :blush: :haha:

I am close to a BMI of 20.5 as well, but can still see the jiggly bits - sounds like we're pretty much the same in that area. And like you, toning is what I need to work on and have been extremely lazy with lately! I'm only 5'4"-5'5"ish though, so any extra seems to show easily - wish I had more height!

In terms of the gaining during pregnancy, I also think that once in a while. But one of my main motivations is that knowing if I am really fit going into pregnancy, and then hopefully remain as fit as possible throughout, then the recovery should be much quicker as well. That's my hopeful thinking anyways!
I am close to a BMI of 20.5 as well, but can still see the jiggly bits - sounds like we're pretty much the same in that area. And like you, toning is what I need to work on and have been extremely lazy with lately! I'm only 5'4"-5'5"ish though, so any extra seems to show easily - wish I had more height!

In terms of the gaining during pregnancy, I also think that once in a while. But one of my main motivations is that knowing if I am really fit going into pregnancy, and then hopefully remain as fit as possible throughout, then the recovery should be much quicker as well. That's my hopeful thinking anyways!

That's the reasoning that keeps me moving forwards, too. :) I love the idea of being fit and pregnant..and hopefully if I've worked hard beforehand then that'll be the motivation to stay active during.

It's nice to have someone in the same boat as me! Maybe we can inspire each other. :)
It's nice to have someone in the same boat as me! Maybe we can inspire each other. :)

We should definitely keep in touch - it seems that we're on a fairly similar timeframe as well!

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