I dont know - just the way im feeling i spose.
Yesterday OH and we were arguing all day about stupid bloody mirrors in the bedroom i wanted him to put up and we were arguing contant all day about it and other things!!
Also got some spotting yesterday and this morning, I cant remember if I told you i didnt take my progesterone this month to see if anything was going to happen, perhaps my cycle is regulating if spotting is anything to go by.
Just incredibly pissed off today - all i seem to do is work, clean, cook, sleep and get back up and start again - i have nothing to look forward to, no more holidays for me until Xmas, no babies, just feel like screaming and crying.
I get home at 6 (oh is home at 4.45) then have to cook dinner, walk dog, make lunch for next day, then by the time i have a shower and eat its about 9pm and time for bed!!!
Just sick of it and if i didnt have a mortgage to pay i would seriously quit working and live off the government - everyone else seems to be and are better off than i am.