WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Wow its amazing how much easier your chart is to read in ff :) the temp movement is much more clear! Welcome to the 2ww! :happydance: let's get us some sticky beans :D

We're having a little bd holiday, that is, not doing it lol :D a well deserved break I call it, no need to squeeze it in all over the joint, just when the time and the need arises.

Will you girls be here to drag me away from symptom spotting? I'm already staring at my chart like a loonatic, I'm pretty sure I'm coming down ill but my body is like "hi, want some confusing hormone related activities? Here, have some exhaustion, nausea and random breath taking abdominal pain yay!" hrmf :/
Lovetocruise & Patience I can't believe you are both in your TWW...I'm so excited for you! Symptom spotting is hard to control. I seriously didn't think I would get all caught up in it. But seriously, how do you not!?! I was always thinking about what I was doing/eating b/c I MIGHT be pregnant. I'm going to try to cool my jets this time. On one hand it seems like such a long time before the start of my next TWW, but on the other it feels like just around the corner!

I calculated my predicted ovulation online so I'm going to sit down with DH and see what he thinks about DTD every other day during the peek. I admit, I just marked those days on my calendar. I hate to be so specific about it but obviously willy-nilly didn't work for us last month. I think romance associated with :sex: will have to go somewhat out the window.
2ww is seriously horrific, this is my third and both times I was utterly convinced I was pregnant, so insanely sure it was horrific :( every little ache twinge flicker dizzy spell headache and queasy moment makes you think "what if" when any other day of the month it'd be "eh" I'm trying to keep my obsessing to a minimum, at least I know it's pretty much impossible to get symptoms before you implant so I can start climbing the walls in a week (assuming af doesn't show up when planned which is still too early for ip imo)

The ttc bd is a challenge, we're trying to up the activities generally so it doesn't feel like such a marathon when O week comes around :D I figure it's like gymming, the more you do it the more you want to :D
My little thought for the morning, I'm a bit of an obsessionist when it comes to what supplements to take, I thought we could share things we've learned/read and ask questions :)

What I'm taking to aid general fertility:

Multivitamins (called geritol complete, said to have "a baby at the end of every bottle" couldn't resist!)
Folic acid (400mg)
Magnesium (for tinnitus/my back mostly but I hear it's good for preventing bad things)
Maca powder (in a banana strawberry/fruit smoothie with lucuma powder, protein powder and superfood green powder)
I drink one vegetable juice a day (carrots beetroot ginger lemon apple) just to try to get enough nutrients

Things I'm learning now in order to help implantation (haven't started yet) :

Brazil nuts are good
The core of a pineapple is apparently good but seems to be controversy around it
Multivitamins B (there's 4 in there but b6 is the one I'm interested in since I had a short lp last month)

Any more tips/tricks? :)
I swear I am going to enjoy this month instead of obsessing over everything. I'm also going to start doing a few odd things to up our chances, but not in the form of a supplement. I think in DH and I's little chat I'm going to implement some rules directly after BD; like laying down longer so things can get to where they need to be, maybe a pillow under my butt to help with gravity (is that totally weird?), etc. :blush:

What I'm taking is a prenatal. That's it. With you ladies using OPK's and incorporating all these supplements I feel like a total slacker. And at 34 I don't want to be wasting any time. But that just doesn't fit for me right now. So I'd be glad to add to patience's request for any bd tricks of the trade. :winkwink:
I am taking a multi vitamin and a prenatal fish oil. That is it:)

I feel like AF is on the way. I have always had cramping before I found out I was pregnant, but it always felt different. They were pains and twinges, this just feels like plain old PMS. I am starting to get very upset.....was really hoping for a Nov BFP. Feel like my TWW is over already. I can test on Saturday if the witch does not show before then.
Cntrygal, don't you worry, most of that stuff is likely unnecessary considering the amount of people that get pregnant when drinking smoking eating junk on the pill you name it... I just feel like i've been TTC longer than I have since we'd been WTT for a year before this (i know you gals will know what i'm on about <3) so I really want to just throw myself into this and get preggers :D third time lucky for me maybe ?

Addy, i've never been pregnant so I wouldn't know how to tell the difference but I hope it's not the case for you, blabla AF and BFP symptoms feeling the same and all :( i'd love to test sat but that'll only put me at 8dpo (and coincidentally close to when FF starts to predict my AF based on last months cycle) I hope it's just random aches, my abdomen has been hurting since O and that was 5 days ago now, kinda weird but i'm trying not to put too much weight on it. How many DPO roughly do you think you'll be on sat ?

I <3 you guys :)
I will be about 10 dpo on Saturday. I think I ovulated really late this cycle, so I don't think I really had a chance with such a short LP. I am on cd26 and on average my cycles are around 29 (anywhere from 26-35 days).

Feeling pretty defeated right now! Our first daughter took a really long time to conceive....our second was on the first try. I was really hoping the third time would be just as quick. I really should not complain, because I know how fortunate I am to have my girls. I will never take that for granted, but I am still disapointed.
I think your cycle will just be a bit longer then, supposedly you on average always have 14 days from O to AF even if it came later on (that's what I'm clinging on to at least!)
I guess I should not be like this, I still have a chance:) The tww is so stressful! Even the 3rd time:)
It's horrific! It's a roller coaster of being certain you're out to being convinced you're preggers :( i just want to get this ttc thing over and done with
Every time we TTC, I think it is going to be so much fun and exciting. I always promise myself I won't get so worked up and crazy about everything....but I always do!

9DPO tomorrow...so close to testing. Can't wait for this madness to end!:wacko:
I know right? Yay all the bd will be fun! No it can feel forced and puts me off, or yay 2ww will be so exciting! No it's a miserable time you either get your hopes up or spend the whole time not believing you got lucky :(

So close to testing though that's the light at the end of the tunnel! I wish I could get hold of frer in my country :(
I am 6 DPO according to FF and have been doing really good at not symptom spotting..until this morning. My boobs are soo tender that even the water in the shower stings. I keep telling myself that could be a post-ovulation symptom and not pregnancy, but...
I go back and forth in between thinking that maybe I could be to thinking no way its possible in the first month. When people call TTC a emotional rollercoaster they weren't kidding.

I also wanted to say I know exactly how you feel in that since we have been WTT for so long, that TTC doesn't seem too new...

I am only on a prenatal vitamin. If we don't get lucky this first shot, DH is going to start taking Zinc to help boost his libido.

I'll start testing Tuesday which should be 10 DPO...if I can even wait that long.
Hey well done you ^_^ gah those sore nippers are a killer! Had that all through O and a few days after, finally starting to feel normal.

Avoiding symptom spotting is the dream, I'm sticking to the thought that I can't test till the supposed ip so before 10dpo there's no symptom that is directly related to pregnancy and nothing will show on a test.

Man I just hope to get to 10dpo without af, think if I make it to 11dpo I'll have to do a celebratory poas :D

Roll on Tuesday (please please please don't let af get me early, af I can deal with but short lp again I cant)
:blush:I tested today, Bfn. I am 9 Dpo. Going to test tomorrow at 10dpo with fmu. Keeping my fingers crossed!!

Good luck girls!! Really hoping these next few days go by fast for you!!
Sorry about the stupid bfn :( let the daily poas commence! :D

I set myself up a bit here, I said to myself if my temp went below 36.4 (36.5 is my average and 36.2 and below is my O/AF temp) and then I'd accept defeat

I always take my temp an hour late at the weekend but when I saw 36.8 this morning I couldn't help feeling warm and fuzzy (its only a temp damnit) but I don't think I've ever been that high without being ill, didn't wake up feeling warm or anything.

Guess it means my progesterone levels are good? I'm a bit thick when it comes to the technical stuff but I'm hoping this is cause of the vit b family I've been taking since O :)
10 Dpo and nothing!! I still feel like Af is on the way, but am still a little optimistic as pregnancy symptoms can mirror Af. I thought I saw something in the test, but I know my eyes were playing tricks on me!! Haha. Going to keep myself busy today and pray Af does not show up!

Patience, I have no clue about temping or charting so I am no help!! But seeing something different is a good thing right? Means maybe something is happening?! Good luck with the next few days!
My temp seems to be dropping..I don't have a very good feeling about this cycle...
8 DPO and zero symptoms. This TWW is horrible! I have never gone through so many emotions in a day in my entire life.
I hate that feeling that AF might be on the way :( I kinda feel that at the mo, tomorrow is when my temp crashed this time last month so if i survive tomorrow and into tuesday morning without spotting i'll be happy, on the other hand I could be pushing my LP due to my vit b stuffs (which is a good thing), still hoping but no sign of ip, I know it doesn't always give you spotting or a temp drop but eh :(

The emotional bit super sucks, I feel pretty symptomless bar things I normally relate to AF (I don't get cramps cuz I take magnesium supplements) the only odd thing is having the occasional sharp pains still on my left side but that's probably just my back being mean. The "wait and see what my temps do tomorrow" is awful too, a day here or there can make all the difference !

Crossing my fingers tightly for you girls <3 i'll be just as happy if you get BFPs as if I did :)

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