WTT sept/oct/nov graduates!

Got a faint:bfp: today! So excited and happy:) I have been so doubtful and anxious these last few days, but now just feel this sense of calm. Praying for darker lines in the next few days....and that in 37 weeks time, we will be holding our third and final baby:)
Got a faint:bfp: today! So excited and happy:) I have been so doubtful and anxious these last few days, but now just feel this sense of calm. Praying for darker lines in the next few days....and that in 37 weeks time, we will be holding our third and final baby:)

Oh Addy, that is great!!! Keep us updated!
Ahhh see I told you ! :happydance: fingers crossed it's a sticky bean :) keep us updated !
My husband just asked me what I want for Christmas and I couldn't think of anything except for a baby. ..I wish it was that easy.
That's the dream Angie <3 sadly it'll have to be a new years dream if this month goes wrong.

I have a sinking feeling today, temp has gone down 2 days in a row but is still above my "this means af" temp. This time last month I was spotting pink (which I never do) let's hope I can survive the day without any of it! :(
Patience, I think we are experiencing the same issues. My temp is also dropping:( Really hoping af doesn't show early.

This may be tmi, but are you experiencing excessive amounts of cm? I don't normally check but it felt like af there was so much. I don't know if that's a good sign or bad. ..
I've almost made it through 10dpo with no spotting though, I can be happy about that I suppose :)

36.5 is still my "normal" temp, if tomorrow is lower I think I'll find up :(

I checked my cm today and it was watery and creamy, exactly like it was the days before I got my fertile cm :s this is my first checking cm though so I have nothing to compare it to though!
Testing tomorrow at 10 DPO with a FRER. I'm trying not to symptom spot but I can't help it anymore. Sore boobies came back today after being gone for a couple days and the excess CM is suspicious. I know I'll be devastated if its a BFN, but not knowing is driving me even more crazy.

Cntrygal, where have you been?? Haven't heard from you in a few days..
lovetocruise, If you get a BFN tomorrow, do not give up. I didn't get my positive until 11dpo and it was very faint. I took another test this morning and it came up pregnant right away. Good luck!!

Patience...hang in there. Good luck and lots of babydust!!
The temp of death and spotting begins :cry: I could barely get myself out of bed this morning when I saw it
I'm so sorry patience :cry: I know it hurts :hugs: We're here for you! Cry it out :cry: then book yourself a massage, pedicure, or another something special just for you. If your a wine drinker, drink some now before you can't anymore. Are you taking anything to lengthen your LP??

BFN for me...which I guess I was expecting...but still discouraging. Thanks for the advice Addy, I'll try not to lose too much hope, but I thought something would show up on a FRER by 10DPO. I'm just hoping now that af holds off at least until 14DPO so I don't have add worrying about trying to lengthen my LP on top of everything else.
Along with my wall of Multivitamins and supplements I've been taking the vit b6 family to help lp, only taking 45mg when you're meant to take 100-200, I'm already taking 3 of those vit b tablets as they're only 15mg per, then 3 other tablets it's just getting a bit much :(

Going to book me some Christmas themed nails I think :)
Congrats addy thats great news. A happy and healthy 9 months to you <3 send some of that baby dust our way :) xxxx
Addy that is so great! Congrats! :)

Patience I'm so sorry. :cry: Lovetocruise is right, do something nice for yourself and get ready for next month. I didn't end up getting my mani, just kept putting it off for a better day to schedule it and it just never got done. So book that nail appt asap!

I'm keeping my fingers crossed for you lovetocruise. :flower:

I haven't been on much lately and my visits will probably still be sporadic. I'm trying to change a few behaviors from last month that I didn't like too much. I find I can read y'alls progress and be fine, but as soon as I chime in the symptom spotting and crazy baby brain takes over. My hopefulness has not lessened, I just need to take a step back and approach this a little differently. I'm somewhere in my ovulation week & DH and I are averaging about an every other day-ish BD. I swear, keeping the baby making out of my head 24/7 has definetly helped the quantity and quality of :sex:. And ya gotta do that to get the baby so I'm gonna stick with what's working. :thumbup: I'm also going to wait until AF is late to test. I learned many lessons my first month TTC, that's for sure. :dohh:

Luck and baby dust to all you lovely ladies!
Ah we've missed you girlie! :) i understand your need to step back, sadly I'm the needy type I feel better chatting about it.

Speaking of, I've classed today as cd1 as yesterday was spotting, that put my lp up one day and their narrowed the O window next month :) also hubby is scheduled to be off work so we won't need to do any getting out of work early in order to get our bd in so I'm pleased.

Every month I learn something new, going to give it my absolute all this round!
I was expecting this to hurt but not quite this badly. Cd1 for me and I keep busting out in tears randomly. It doesn't help that my druggie cousin posted a picture of her 9th baby's ultrasound this morning on Facebook...
So sorry sweetie :( big hugs to you! It's super painful isn't it? It makes me question what I've done wrong, eaten badly, etc, we put so much into bd which makes it really forced by the end, and it is all for nothing :cry: I'm binge eating for a day or so then I'll get back to my healthy ways to try and snap out of this unlucky streak :( time to go smack your Dr for scaring you off ttc unnecessarily!
So sorry girls....keep positive. It will happen.

Babydust to you all:)
Okay ladies.. This is going to sound crazy so feel free to tell me I'm losing it but here goes. ..

This morning when I started bleeding I just attributed it to the start of af which is still the most likely scenario, but I was expecting it to increase by the end of the day and instead it seems to have stopped. So I changed my chart to spotting instead. It has only been a small amount of dark red smears so far, very little actual flow. I'm gonna wait to to see what happens tomorrow with the bleeding. .. But is it possible to have implantation bleeding at 11 dpo?

I know this sounds like I'm just desperate and grasping for straws but. ..I don't think that's the case.

Plus look at my chart... No temp decrease today.
AF is due on the 30th and I am not having any PMS other than sore BBs. Normally I have some cramping/bloating. I can't say I mind but it's unusual for me. I am resisting the urge to test until AF is late.

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