I am so excited!
Did you guys see the family centre?
Big smocks on the little ones and art supplies galore!
Very fun.
It looks like we would have to do this on Sat, Jan.2 to work with our family visit schedule and our plane tickets. And to make it on a weekend when the family centre is open.
Tyff, I saw that exhibit, too.
David and I were AGO members for a few years when we were living in TO.
I bet there is a decent cafe right in the AGO.
I know many very good eating spots in Toronto, but I do not know how baby-friendly any of them are. Especially as we would be a larger group with maybe strollers?
We are planning to bring our backpack carrier for Simon, as that keeps him up and interested, but that still takes up a big space.
I will check out the AGO cafe, and see what is nearby that might suit families and still be really good food!
Does that work for everyone else?