Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

That's ridiculous, ghinspire! How did they not tell you? Glad you're getting it sorted now, though! I think it's a good idea to go see your normal doctor. I'm sorry you're feeling so down :hugs: maybe you just need to take some time and spoil yourself a bit....focus on you and your OH maybe?
I agree with nlk, i bit of you time works wonders. Yeah i would be angry too if i was told.days later i had a uti. :hug: ghinspire! You will concieve a sticky bean soon!

Im cd 21 today and keep getting twinges so its a sign af is on the way, dp said my breasts looked 'lifted' last night after my bra came off. they do feel kinda heavy....another typical af sign.
Im ready for a cry. I feel crap! I missed my bus today and for some reason i wanted to cry.....? Cry and eat! Just had pasta with red pesto and still hungry.....pasta is pure carb and i assume no good for pcos ladies but i just fancied pasta and pesto mmmm twas yum. Still hungry tho!
I dont think we have hit the jackpot this cycle as all my feelings point towards af.

I'm sorry to hear that, mumface :( Although tbh, I feel the same as you! I'm currently CD27 (just had to work that out!!) and feeling as though the witch is right around the corner. I've been stupidly hungry recently as well...maybe it's the up and down weather?!

So, yesterday morning, when I went to the bathroom, there was the smallest amount of pink CM, but only when I wiped. I panicked, because I thought AF was here, and spent most of the day after that crying my eyes out, because it's my lat drug cycle. I just felt so defeated. But actually....nothing since then? It was literally just that one time, and I've been checking ever since but absolutely nothing! What is going on?! I never spot before AF is due anyway, which is why it was quite heartbreaking. AF also shouldn't be here until friday/saturday, because on letrozole my cycles are 30 days. So what was that for? I don't particularly feel like it could have been IB, because it's wayyyy too late for that...I think? The only thing I can think is that, if it WAS IB, then it won't stick because by the time it gets to releasing enough hormone, AF will be here and ruin it.

I'm sure I'm looking way too deeply into this. I'm not ready to give up yet, but at the same time, I don't think I'm ready to be crushed again.
Not sure what to say nlk as i dont understand about what meds you are on.
But i am hoping you will be ok and im sending you :hug:
Nlk, u can have later ib, I Had some at week 7. It could be further nestling in as they do for first few weeks. Possibly u just missed the first lot? I know I never saw a first lot. That said you would prob b showing a pos hpt by now (don't know when u last checked) GL
Hi everyone!!! just poking through to see how everyone is doing..trying catch up on all these threads lol. Hope everyone is doing good and in a happy place :)

So far...I have no earthly idea what cycle day i am...i can figure this out easily but no worries i'm guessing i have another week...haha af might even show tonight. Anywho me and hubby are relaxing and "not trying"...Work has us both stressed out to the max and i'm strongly contemplating another job that will allow flexiblity once i get my BFP this job will not work for me with a baby... I've taken myself off the metformin i feel i need to learn my body on its own and then re introduce the medicine....

Also i just got news that my younger sister is almost 4 months pregnant...i see her at least once a month...she just turned 19 and completly confused...she is thinking adoption but unsure of what she wants to do since she is bearly making it by herself. Me and hunny have talked about taking the baby but we are unsure as that would put a big halt to us TTC our own and we would be at the mercy of my sister until she decides what she wants to do.. Do we stop TTC until she decides..Do we keep TTC and take the risk of having two babies....Its big decissions for everyone......

BabyDust to all :)
Ive got cramps. Could be af lying in wait or could be a bean setting up camp......who knows, its exciting.
Cd 22 and crabby as hell!

PeachyP the only advice i can give is be there for your sister. If you adopt it will be good as yoir sister can.still.see baby and he/she will stay in the family. Take care.

:hugs: ghinspire and gl, nlk! I hope the spotting was the bean burrowing in tight!

PeachyP, I don't have any words of wisdom for you but I'm thinking about you!

AFM, went to the doctor this morning for an ultrasound. The doctor wanted to do a natural cycle with my hsg, but there's absolutely nothing on either ovary on CD12 so they're going to wait for my bloodwork to come back and then I'll probably go ahead and start Letrozole this cycle. It was kind of what I expected to hear, but it was still really discouraging.
Stayhopeful i hope it all works out in the end.

I had a dream last night i was holding a baby girl and i was scared of hurting her as her head was floppy like a newborns. Dp was saying relax but i was getting upset! She wore a pink and white baby grow amd i was sat on my sofa with her in my arms.
I love baby dreams!
:hi: all

Stayhopeful- I hope it all works out for you soon hun :hugs: gl with the letrozole :)

Nlk- could be IB your not out until the :witch: shows!

Peachy- such a big decision, I am sure you will all make the right one :hugs:

Mumface- what a lovely dream :) baby dreams are the best :)

Afm- I started provera today so I can get on with my next injectables round, I had no patients waiting for af this cycle!

:hi: to everyone else I haven't read back through the thread :)
I have been lurking and checking how you are all just leaving you all lots of dust and hugs xxxxx

:dust: xxxx
nlk, I had IB at around 5 weeks, just a couple of spots of brown when I wiped, so it is possible to get it a little later on, I found out I was pregnant at about 3+6 so I was convinced I must be having a miscarriage, but nope, it was late IB!
I am tire now. Came home from work at 9:15pm and thought this place is a dump! So i started sorting my clothes, shoes, bags, teddy bears and all the rubbish i have hoarded and now i hae 6 big bags for the charity shop. We have been threatening a clear out for weeks so i started it tonight. Dp said i was possessed but you know when you get fed up of seeing the same old garb laying around it really gets to me after a bit. Now half my clothes are in charity bags its my excuse for a shopping spree......!
My excemas flared up again its so sore :(
Sorry for such a random post and i hope we wre feeling good!!

I like a good clean out every couple of months, mumface. It makes me feel better :thumbup:

I'm pretty sure AF is on the way. I've had more spotting yesterday morning, and now today as well, but it's now brown. I figured if it was spotting, I should have already had a positive hpt by now. Even though I think AF is pretty much here, I have this stupid feeling that the spotting might have been really late ib...but if it was, then it wouldn't bode well anyway. But it's just a feeling I can't shake, iykwim?
I have cramps too, they were bad upon waking and thought af had come for me but no trace. My cramps have subsided a bit now. Im hoping it might be implantation but thats just me getting ahead of myself as usual.
Im assuming im 28 day cycle so i plan to test on 6th september cd29 if no af.
I dreamt my sister announced on facebook she was 2.5 weeks pregnant and was upset as didnt want anymore children (which in reality she doesnt but thinks like me as in what will be will be)
I got myself upset and said to dp how dare she be sad! We have been tryig and would love nothing but a baby and she dares be sad?? It.was just a dream.....
Ps im also feeling super emotional. I briefly thought about my grandad today, he passed away 15 years ago and today he came to my thoughts and i felt a lump in my throat like i wanted to cry.
I really think af is coming!
Mumface, I'm the same. AF actually hasn't shown. The pain was so bad this morning, I took paracetomol and got my hot water bottle out, all in preparation...but it was a tiiinnnnnyyy bit of brown spotting, again! I think you have more of a shot than me though tbh, because you're about 5 CDs behind me :haha: I don't think I should be feeling like this on CD29!!

Maybe feeling emotional is a good sign?! I only feel emotional because I keep thinking AF is here, and that upsets me :haha:
question for you ladies. if i post my temp chart, would anybody be able to give me an opinion on it? i just started charting it, and still trying to remember to temp as soon as i get up, but im told my temps are too low.
I have been to so many doctors and had so many tests it's insane. I had my heart checked out since I had really high blood pressure 152/112 is WAY too high. Luckily all the tests seem to be coming out with good news. I still haven't gotten back my hormone levels from the pregnancy test to make sure that the miscarriage is over.

*deep breathe*

I haven't been doing much but resting and taking my antibiotics for my UTI. Monday night will be my last dose. I'm also on high blood pressure medication and some anxiety medication to get myself calm again.

It really sucks that I can't run. They just said I needed a two week break so that I don't hurt anything or start bleeding again. I'm hoping by next week I will be allowed to run again. It always makes me feel better to work out. And I definitely thought since I have two cycles where I'm not going to be trying I can kick up my workout plan and maybe lose some more pounds other than the 12 I have lost by December when we start trying again.

I'm finally going to see a FS once I get all the bloodwork back. I'm hoping we can get a plan started and get a baby in by the new year.

Thinking of everyone and hoping you're having good things happen to you.
question for you ladies. if i post my temp chart, would anybody be able to give me an opinion on it? i just started charting it, and still trying to remember to temp as soon as i get up, but im told my temps are too low.

Of course, post and we can have a look.

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