Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

I'm new here and I hope its okay to join you guys. I was diagnosed in Nov, 5wks before our wedding day and after 11 months off bcp with no af. Took one cycle of Clomid in spring, but wound up in a&e with ohss and the worst pain ever, then got told not to have sex because it could rupture my ovary (which was over double the size of the other)... Been told that IVF not an option for now due to ohss risk and was on wait list for ovarian drilling, but have pulled myself from the list in favour of some more natural approaches first - acupuncture, soy and natural progesterone cream.... On day 48 at the mo, due to take provera for 5 days from tomorrow, then its time to try the 'natural' method!

I know I'm young compared to some, but I find it so upsetting when people tell me I have time on my side - it doesn't help at all. That extra time really means I have more time for broken dreams, financial insecurity and desperate attempts to achieve something so natural.

Oh well! Thanks for reading, I'll keep you posted
MissNoodles i know exactly what you mean! Im 19 years old but i know that it could take years before i get preggers. because of my pcos so time is actually not on my side dont worry just ignore those people becasue the people who arent onbord with your choice arent really your friends they should support you in everything especially when it comes to having a child! :)
Ok, its 6am on a Saturday and I'm wide awake. Alarm went off a few mins ago temp. My temp has risen for the fourth day in a row, so AF is actually coming on its own - so excited! Temp usually sawtooths, but this is a welcome change - going to put off taking the provera and see what happens :)
Hi miss noodles! Yes it annoys me when people tell me im stll young. I know that! I am 26 and we started ttc in april this year. Like you i want to do it naturally if possible. My doctor said she would send me to an fs in october but i think we will leave it til new year as i dont want xmas ruined with thoughts of clomid -is it working etc....
Since april i have had 3 af on my own so thats got to mean my body is doing something. Dp is super confident we will have a bfp by xmas but i am not so hopeful. Besides, it took my sister 11 months to concieve and she doesnt have pcos or anything.

Ghinspire i hope you are ok and i am sending you happy thoughts! :hug:

Rain angel i am sorry i cant help with your charts as i dont temp but i would like to see what one looks like if i every decide to temp in the future.

Afm.....cd24, cramps, dry cm, heavy boobs, dry to no cm, moods as in omg dp how much louder can you chew????
Seariously im like chew louder thats great.
I dont think im in the bfp running now as all these feelings prob mean af is lurking.
Buuuut......its another af i had on my own :) :)

Welcome Miss Noodles! I understand what you mean about the age thing. Even those closest to me (with children and no PCOS) say oh don't you worry oh people have children into their 40's but the problem we're experiencing is happening NOW and it unpredictable and heartbreaking and regardless of the advances to support us trying to conceive it's a tough journey. It almost suggests like it's not a real problem until you've run out of time but what good is it then??? I've had a similar response from my DR so excuse the rant but it's still getting to me now!

I dont temp regularly either as I kept forgetting my BST but would have a look at your chart if you'd like as I had previously managed to spot a pattern on my before AF - none whatsoever for ovulation though as, like this month, I've had no O or AF (yet)

Like we were saying before only PCOS girls cheer at the sign of AF because it means your bits and bobs are working!!! :(

Hope everyone I having a good weekend

welcome, miss noodles! You definitely won't be judged here for how old you are...everyone here has heard the same sort of things, and are going through similar situations, and it's nice to have somewhere to congregate and know that no one will judge!

rainangel, by all means post your chart and we can all take a look. I'm not amazing with charting anyway, but I know roughly what it should look like!

ghinspire, sending massive :hugs: your way! I think it's good that you're taking some time to chill, even though you must be missing running. You're going away soon though, right? So that's going to give you some nice relaxation time. Definitely agree with you, babies in the new year :thumbup:

mumface, I hope AF stays away for you!

Cocomia, I had the same response from my doc. Firstly, he tried to tell me that I wasn't ready to start ttc yet because I was too young...I was like, and how do you know what I am or am not ready to do?! Professionals don't always know best....despite all their qualifications!!!

AFM, AF came in full force this morning. So now I am done with the drugs. I have a laproscopy booked for october 9th, which I am REALLY scared about! But I know I need to do it, and I'm hoping that will reveal some other stuff about maybe why the drugs aren't able to work. However, if it does come back that my tubes are blocked or something, I'm a bit gutted that they didn't do this before I went through 6 months of drugs...I might have already gotten pregnant by now if I had :(

But onwards and upwards! Hope everyone is enjoying their weekend, and has something fun planned! I'm just chilling, trying to get rid of this awful pain!! GRRRRRR!!
Thank you all for your kind words and support, its nice to hear I'm not the only one who gets wound up by people speaking without thinking - although its not so nice to know that SO many people suffer in this way. Saw my acupuncturist today - he said I'm much calmer and he commented about my skin being clearer - all these little things mean we're one step closer.

Enjoy the rest of your weekends ladies!
At least we arent alone.
My doctor told me the average age of conception is 31. I said I'd want to be concieving my second baby by then lol!

Well today is my second day of clomid cd 7 :) first round!! so far no side effects well its only the 2nd day i did get really...sleepy the first day though took a nap and felt better. now i think i had a heat flash yet again it was hot today?! haha im over thinking things. ive never read so much in my life. reading peoples stories and reading how their first round they got preggers! and twins and tripletts so many positive stories that i cant believe im only a couple pills away to maybe having a baby!! i know i shouldnt get my hopes up for a first time go around baby but i have faith! and ill be BD'ing so i cant misss a day!! LOL. love you girls and baby dust to all of you.
Hey mumface - cracks me up when Drs say stuff like that - just because so many women choose a career over a family, doesn't mean everyone is going to - some of us want to be young and energetic to offer our children an active lifestyle. AND so what - most of those women trying at 31 will not have PCOS, blocked tubes, endo, or any of the other problems and get pregnant in a matter of months. Grr grr grr.... Rant over. Clearly a sore point for me!

Babylove, hope Clomid works for you. Before I started TTC I knew a few women who got pregnant on it within three cycles, so its powerful stuff! Wasn't to be for me, but that's okay - it messed with me emotionally and my DH was ready to go stay at his mother's - not everyone suffers like that, but I decided its not worth risking my relationship or getting upset over! Babydust to you!

As for me, temp dropped 0.2f today, but its negligible, so not too worried. My acupuncturist gave me some herbal vials to take to help my brain to rest when I'm sleeping. The acupuncture was really uncomfortable yesterday - so many in my tummy, but he tells me my symptoms are reducing, so I guess I have to place my faith in him. He also talked about guanyin, the Buddhist god of mercy and said I should look her up - apparently she's the one that will give us a baby. I'm atheist, but curious about Buddhism, so going to do some reading. Perhaps this is a spiritual journey as well as a fertility one!
So sorry af got you nlk, good luck for your laparoscopy, don't be frightened hun, it's honestly not that bad, and I was pregnant within a year and a half of mine :flower:
Ok, here's my chart. please bear in mind, I didnt remember to temp every day (im still getting used to it)


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Hi everyone. Tested today and BFN so just waiting on :witch: showing. She should be here by this time tomorrow. Taking AC this cycle again as I got a positive OPK this cycle after taking AC.
Got my fingers crossed for next cycle.
Ok, here's my chart. please bear in mind, I didnt remember to temp every day (im still getting used to it)

I don't chart so can't help I'm afraid but I hope someone on here is able to shed some light on it for you xx
Rain angel, do you temp to .0, or .00? You would get a more accurate chart if you had a thermometer that read to .00! I would have said you might have ovulated between CD17 and 20, looking at the jump in temp, but i think it's difficult because of the gaps, and the fact that you don't have a whole cycle's worth of temps yet. I know it gets much easier to read your chart a few months in, and not necessarily on the first cycle, because you need to know what is the norm for your body. Sorry I can't be more help :shrug:

MrsC10, sorry for the BFN :( How long have you been taking AC for now? Has it helped to give you better cycles? I am thinking about taking it, if I have to wait a while for my IUI on the nhs....after I've had my surgery though!
Rain angel, do you temp to .0, or .00? You would get a more accurate chart if you had a thermometer that read to .00! I would have said you might have ovulated between CD17 and 20, looking at the jump in temp, but i think it's difficult because of the gaps, and the fact that you don't have a whole cycle's worth of temps yet. I know it gets much easier to read your chart a few months in, and not necessarily on the first cycle, because you need to know what is the norm for your body. Sorry I can't be more help :shrug:

MrsC10, sorry for the BFN :( How long have you been taking AC for now? Has it helped to give you better cycles? I am thinking about taking it, if I have to wait a while for my IUI on the nhs....after I've had my surgery though!

Hi nlk. It hasn't really helped shorten my cycles by much, but I have noticed that the only cycles I ovulate are during cycles when I take AC. I don't use it every month. I keep hoping that my body will start O all by itself, but so far it hasn't. If I get a +OPK this cycle as well, I'll know that the AC is working as I've never had a positive two months in a row xx
Hi Rainangel - I do chart, but I'm reasonably new to it and my chart sawtooths both before and after ovulation (though its hard to tell if I've o'd at all!). I find charting difficult - waking up each day and not knowing what I'm getting (often starting the day pssd off!), but my hormones are a bit more messed up than some I've seen in forums etc. Stick with it and try to take them at the same time each day - I focus on the fact that theyre evidence for the gynae and endo docs so that I can get the right treatments when the time comes.

As for me, my temp plummeted by 1 whole degree today with no show from AF, so I've shoved a provera down my throat already in an attempt to coax my body into doing something, anything it should! Will post one of my charts this evening, just on the off chance anyone else has something similar going on.

Happy Monday ladies, have a great day
Rain angel, do you temp to .0, or .00? You would get a more accurate chart if you had a thermometer that read to .00! I would have said you might have ovulated between CD17 and 20, looking at the jump in temp, but i think it's difficult because of the gaps, and the fact that you don't have a whole cycle's worth of temps yet. I know it gets much easier to read your chart a few months in, and not necessarily on the first cycle, because you need to know what is the norm for your body. Sorry I can't be more help :shrug:

MrsC10, sorry for the BFN :( How long have you been taking AC for now? Has it helped to give you better cycles? I am thinking about taking it, if I have to wait a while for my IUI on the nhs....after I've had my surgery though!

my thermometer has .00. i wasnt sure which one i needed to use, .0 or .00.

im kinda confused, as my opks are coming up almost positive and AF sure feels like she's on her way. (She should be here tomorrow)
Hi Rainangel - I do chart, but I'm reasonably new to it and my chart sawtooths both before and after ovulation (though its hard to tell if I've o'd at all!). I find charting difficult - waking up each day and not knowing what I'm getting (often starting the day pssd off!), but my hormones are a bit more messed up than some I've seen in forums etc. Stick with it and try to take them at the same time each day - I focus on the fact that theyre evidence for the gynae and endo docs so that I can get the right treatments when the time comes.

As for me, my temp plummeted by 1 whole degree today with no show from AF, so I've shoved a provera down my throat already in an attempt to coax my body into doing something, anything it should! Will post one of my charts this evening, just on the off chance anyone else has something similar going on.

Happy Monday ladies, have a great day

ive done it before, but ive found i didnt do it correctly. i hafta have 2 months to take to the FS, so i wanna make sure im doin it right. i dont think i am :shrug:
Rain angel, do you temp to .0, or .00? You would get a more accurate chart if you had a thermometer that read to .00! I would have said you might have ovulated between CD17 and 20, looking at the jump in temp, but i think it's difficult because of the gaps, and the fact that you don't have a whole cycle's worth of temps yet. I know it gets much easier to read your chart a few months in, and not necessarily on the first cycle, because you need to know what is the norm for your body. Sorry I can't be more help :shrug:

MrsC10, sorry for the BFN :( How long have you been taking AC for now? Has it helped to give you better cycles? I am thinking about taking it, if I have to wait a while for my IUI on the nhs....after I've had my surgery though!

my thermometer has .00. i wasnt sure which one i needed to use, .0 or .00.

im kinda confused, as my opks are coming up almost positive and AF sure feels like she's on her way. (She should be here tomorrow)

According to the book Taking Charge of Your Fertility which is like a Bible for charting, it says that .0 is sufficient to record temps. .00 can almost give too much detail and therefore be confusing. You are simply looking for a temperature shift where temp rises for 3 days in a row and stays elevated until AF arrives (or hopefully stays elevated completely because you get a BFP!) GL - look at mine in my signature if you like

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