Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

I had someone congratulate me at 7 weeks and after 9 weeks I couldn't be bothered hiding it anymore! I've always retained fluid badly so maybe it's water. At my scan last week baby was measuring about a week ahead of schedule. Plus I had a bit of a podgy belly b4 so baby just pushed it straight out! I've only gained 0.7 kg which is just under 2 pounds (safe weight gain by now is 10-12 pounds) , but I don't understand it, my belly is huge and I'm getting stretcharks already... So how is that possible, growth with little to no weight gain!

I'll post a pic when I get home in a few days to my computer (how dumb u can't upload from iPhone)
And people's comments don't really worry me cos I think, at least they realise I'm pregnant and not just fat! I know there's people on here upset they're not showing by 20+ weeks!
And people's comments don't really worry me cos I think, at least they realise I'm pregnant and not just fat! I know there's people on here upset they're not showing by 20+ weeks!

too true - plus there are some of us who have been asked when our baby's due when the reality is we only have 'pcos belly'!! (this has happened to me more than once!!)

So happy for you, Hopeful. It's great that you're blooming!
Still first round of clomid and CD 15 supposivly i ovulated yesturday but i didnt really feel anything :(( maybe ill ovulate late and i havent been using opks because they day they dont really work as well when you have pcos should i start using them??? or maybe its not working! ughh my mind takes so many turns and i give up on myself but then idk my spirts lift from stories from other girls well just have to WAIT!
Miss noodles sounds like the acu is doing you good then :) your calmness will help for sure :hugs:
The nhs do have long waiting list which are a pain so it's good you have something more natural to try during your wait :) march WTH that is so far away! What will that appointment be for???
How long does your af usually take? I'm 6 days past my last pill :grr: usually 5-7days in the past my af has arrived so wishing it would hurry up!!!

It's to go through my options again, maybe discuss IVF if we feel brave enough. I was referred for LOD, but I couldn't face it - it made me so anxious that I couldn't sleep at night, worrying about the risk of internal damage, especially as the success rate is only about 40% and you never really hear what happens to the other 60%!! Didn't really help that when I asked, nobody in the NHS could really give me any answers! When I last spoke with someone at the hospital they said it was a good idea not to have the surgery if I was even a little unsure - go figure!:dohh:

In terms of my AF, since I came off the pill in Jan 2011, I have had 2-3 natural bleeds, ranging from 3-7 months. Others have been forced by provera or clomid cycles. I had no bleed for 7 months after coming off the pill and my gp wouldn't even refer me to get checked out. It was only when my best friend got diagnosed with PCOS that I went back with a list of my symptoms and asked them to check me over for it, and even then I had to fight. Since, getting any support has been a nightmare.

I've taken provera this month (mon-fri last week), so hoping for AF soon. I was lucky I had some in the house - I had it left over from when I tried clomid, but I only have one cycle's dose left, hence I'm going to try natural progesterone cream.

I hope your AF comes soon. It's so frustrating having to wait! :hugs:
hi ladies! Hope we all had a brill weekend.

Dp is in a pcos panic. Usually he fears nothing and is so laid back he is almost laying down but he said he was worried i hadnt had af yet. I assured him its norm with pcos and after bcp to have a messed u cycle but he is worried about it. He is worried if i have to take clomid it wont work and we will need further treatment etc. Dont get me wrong dp and i talk about ttc alot but its the first time he has expressed his fears about it. I said if i need meds then bring it on!
But then he put a positive spin on it and commented how many kids my sisters and mum have had unaided and that i have had 3 afs on my own since april. Then his usual joke "my sperm is stromg so they will force an egg out and fertilise the crap out of it." if only......

Well i am cd 33 today. I have noticed my cervix has gone lower and hard with more white cm than usual. Last week it was high and soft (once id reached it) with clear cm. And last weekend i woukdnt leave dp alone bd wise so maybe it was late attempted ovulation?

I dont know!
Just checking in ladies. Am 9dpo today, feeling very chilled out. Not got many symptoms except for bloating, I find that I'm getting bloated after my meals but maybe I'm eating too much lol. My belly feels a little tight and weird. I'm desperately hoping this is it this time, I really, really don't want to go to round 5. Praying!
hi ladies! Hope we all had a brill weekend.

Dp is in a pcos panic....
...But then he put a positive spin on it and commented how many kids my sisters and mum have had unaided and that i have had 3 afs on my own since april. Then his usual joke "my sperm is stromg so they will force an egg out and fertilise the crap out of it." if only......

Hey, had to respond to this - my DH doesn't often panic, but when he has a 'moment' I have no idea what to say! That said, my DH comes out with stuff like your DP, and all I can do is smile - I guess they feel pretty helpless.

I know nothing about cervical position, so I can't help there, but I hope something happens for you soon.:hugs:

Good news from my end - AF HAS ARRIVED!! WOOHOO!:happydance: not to be celebrated in the way that I would celebrate a natural cycle, but it is fresh this time, as opposed to the usual brown stuff my body has been hanging on to for months by the time it decides it fancies doing something. Going to dig out the soya isoflavones and start taking them on Wednesday.

Hope Monday's treated you all well
Yey for AF!! Now you can get cracking with your next cycle :) Fingers crossed for you xx
Miss noodles- I am so JEALOUS wish that my af would hurry up I took my provera (Thursday-Monday last week) I'm 7 days past the last pill :dohh: if it hurries we can be cycle buddies :)
Hello everyone, Hope you don't mind me writing here I've had this thread recommended to me a couple of times.

I have PCOS I was diagnosed in July this year after my periods went awol when I came off BCP in October last year. I have my first appointment with Gyno tomorrow. I've had bloods thats how I have High LH levels, I also had a scan which showed cyst's on my ovaries. DH had a SA done and he is actually got above average swimmers (he was increadibly pleased with himself lol).

I just wondered if anyone could let me know what to expect, will they look to prescribing my Clomid or do you think I will have to have a hsg first. I'm in UK not sure if that makes a difference?

also any idea what sort of things I should ask.

I have had 21 day bloods once and there was no sign of ovulation, also I've never been able to pinpoint one myself with BBT of OPK's.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you soo much :)

Jojo- :hi: welcome, considering youve had your bloods done and a scan the next step is probably a hsg, my fs gave me the option to try clomid then have a hsg or have it first and then the clomid...
Think it depends on the fs, but clomid is usually one of the first meds given, please keep us all updated on how you get on :hugs:

Since you've had most test not sure what you can ask- but you can ask what treatments they're going to give you and if you will be monitored etc... Sorry not much help :blush: It's been a couple of years since my first fs appointment :dohh:

Afm- the :witch: is in the building :wohoo: I have my scan Thursday and then hopefully I can start my second round of injectable on Thursday :happydance:

:hi: everyone else I will catch up later when back from the gym :)
Hi jojo!

When I was diagnosed in April I was given Provera to
Kick start AF and clomid to try for 1 month, I had tracking
scans to see if the clomid had worked and it had so FS prescribed another 3 months of clomid. By June we had our BFP on our 2nd round of clomid :) :)

I didn't have a hsg maybe different areas do things differently?

Good luck and stick around this thread as its full of lovely supportive ladies! :)

Questions for metformin takers: are any of you on 1000mg morning and evening? if you are, did you experience alot of cramping between suspected OV and AF?

why i ask: I have had some really really bad cramps between the 3rd (suspected ov. both bbt charts showed ov on the 4th). last night they were so bad i was doubled over in pain which is very unusual. and the cramps are lower than they should be. waiting for the dr to call me back for an appt, but was wondering if this is "normal". this is also my 2nd longest cycle on met. it used to be 32-39, longest being 46. i'm now on day 40, and if ov comes 14 days before af, i still have another 6 days to go. But she usually shows 8-12 after af. *sigh* ltttc is gonna make me crazy... well, crazier than i already am!!
Hello everyone, Hope you don't mind me writing here I've had this thread recommended to me a couple of times.

I have PCOS I was diagnosed in July this year after my periods went awol when I came off BCP in October last year. I have my first appointment with Gyno tomorrow. I've had bloods thats how I have High LH levels, I also had a scan which showed cyst's on my ovaries. DH had a SA done and he is actually got above average swimmers (he was increadibly pleased with himself lol).

I just wondered if anyone could let me know what to expect, will they look to prescribing my Clomid or do you think I will have to have a hsg first. I'm in UK not sure if that makes a difference?

also any idea what sort of things I should ask.

I have had 21 day bloods once and there was no sign of ovulation, also I've never been able to pinpoint one myself with BBT of OPK's.

Any advice would be appreciated.

Thank you soo much :)


Hi :wave:

It's good that you've already had your scans and bloodwork done. I know quite a few people who seem to struggle getting even that done!

It really depends on where you are as to what happens next. As others have said, it really depends on where you are as to the next steps. It might be that you have a hsg to check the state of your tubes, or you could go straight onto a drug to get you ovulating properly. I did the drugs for 6 months, and I am now about to get my tubes checked :)

The problem with CD21 bloods is that they're only good at detecting ovulation if you have a regular 28/30 day cycle (CD21 bloods are usually about 7 days after ovulation). OPKs can be hit and miss with pcos. I find the cheap ones accurate for me, but digital ones I would steer clear of. They look for a change rather than actual levels, and with pcos your levels jump around, meaning it could detect a false ovulation.

I think you need to ask what options are available to you. I tried clomid, and then letrozole, and then letrozole with a trigger. So maybe check whether different drugs are available to you? Not all places offer letrozole (also might be called femara), but personally I found it to have less side effects, and I felt much better on that one. So definitely worth asking about :thumbup:

Make sure you make it clear what you want. If you're not happy about something, make it clear, and ask why they are choosing that option for you. Personally, I wish I would have had the hsg first, because I feel like I wasted 6 months of drugs. If my tubes are blocked, then there was no chance of it working...meaning I went through all that for nothing!

I hope you stick around here! It's always nice to have new faces. Sorry for the long reply, hope you can take away some good stuff from it!!
Jojo- I had my 21 day bloods and scan to confirm cysts- then the doc said he'd put me on 3 rounds of clomid b4 doing a SA and HSG
Hiwever I fell pregnant on first round of clomid

Good luck!
Questions for metformin takers: are any of you on 1000mg morning and evening? if you are, did you experience alot of cramping between suspected OV and AF?

why i ask: I have had some really really bad cramps between the 3rd (suspected ov. both bbt charts showed ov on the 4th). last night they were so bad i was doubled over in pain which is very unusual. and the cramps are lower than they should be. waiting for the dr to call me back for an appt, but was wondering if this is "normal". this is also my 2nd longest cycle on met. it used to be 32-39, longest being 46. i'm now on day 40, and if ov comes 14 days before af, i still have another 6 days to go. But she usually shows 8-12 after af. *sigh* ltttc is gonna make me crazy... well, crazier than i already am!!

Hey, met has done wonders for my skin, but not so much for my cycle (yet), so I can't really offer much, although I do feel more twinges and tingles in general, so its clear my body at least tries to do something! Hope you get some progress or answers soon.
Afm- the :witch: is in the building :wohoo: I have my scan Thursday and then hopefully I can start my second round of injectable on Thursday :happydance:

Yay! Pleased for you! I was hormonal as hell yesterday and ended up on a course where a colleague announced her pregnancy and refused to shut up about it all day. To make matters worse, I was paired up with her and it was a HR course, so we had to do a presentation on maternity etc, so it spurred her on some more. I do my best to be happy when I hear news, but sometimes its so hard :nope:
Ladies thank you so much! I do feel a lot more confident now. I am happy to have a hsg as I think it's good to get everything checked out that way it can be dealt with quiker (initially I put off my scan to see if I had cysts for a couple of months because I was sure I would be fine, I now really regret that because I could be furter down the road to having my baby)

If they do say I need hsg I might ask if I can go on Clomid or Ferma (if its available) while I wait if its a long time because I hate just waiting around drives me nuts :S

I will let you know what he says! Thank you all so much for replying it really helps :)

scerena glad the :witch: finally decided to make an appearance! Hope your injectibles work for you!

jojo I don't think there is a massive waiting list for a hsg...probably around 6 weeks or so? So not too bad at all :thumbup: I noticed in your siggy it says you're trying angus castus....just a pointer, you can't be taking that with any fertility drug because they cancel each other out, so if you are going to ask about starting clomid or letrozole any time soon, you will need to stop taking that first! :thumbup:

AFM, I am off on HOLIDAY tomorrow :happydance: I'm so excited to go and have some sun and a nice break away....I think I need it! So I won't be around for just over a week. But I hope I need to update the front page with lots of bfp's when I get back!!

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