Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

Hun its totally normal :hugs: I think we all have them days they're very depressin :hugs: just know that when you have your child you will appreciate them so much more- I can't wait to be tired etc from my own baby it's all I've wanted for years :)

I think some get the most precious gift in the world so easily and do not web realise how lucky they are :dohh:

:hugs: :hugs: :hugs: :hugs:
Thank you. I feel like such a b*tch when I get upset over these things. You never know someone elses troubles, but it doesn't make it any easier. I guess you just have to wish them all the best and hope that you're next x
Stay positive hun it's so hard but I guess it's all we can do, I totally understand how you feel though :(

I hope you will be next :hugs: our babies will be over-loaded with love hun :)
Does anyone else have days when it feels like the whole world is pregnant but them? And no matter what you do or how much you try to manage the things in your life to reduce stress and eat healthily and make sensible choices, fate comes along with his nasty plan and makes you feel poo poo poo...

I see all my pregnant friends and friends with kids (of which there are many) and I am so happy for them and for the joy and completeness most of them feel in their lives. But, and this is where it's hard, I hate it when they complain about being tired and needing to wee all the time, when they tell me (absent mindedly) that I'll understand how rubbish pregnancy is when it's my turn, that they hate the cost, the lack of sleep, the mess.

Sorry. I'm feeling a bit woe is me and really quite tragically desperate for some good news. Every week for the past few weeks someone else is pregnant and I have friends confessing they're about to start trying for their second because they 'don't want them too far apart' - bully for you, mate - some of us would just love to have one.

Rant over. Not that I feel any better. Hopefully a good night's sleep should put me right.

You're totally not alone. My SIL is always moaning about her 3 year old daughter when she's playing up, she's said to me a few times "never have kids" and I'm thinking if only you knew. I've promised myself that if I'm ever lucky enough to get pregnant, I'm not going to moan about any of the sickness/swelling/discomfort if at all possible or about any of the stuff that comes along with having a child as its going to be a long road to get there (it's been a year so far) and I know it'll be worth it in the end. I'm having my 2nd af since stopping bcp last September and I'm not going to lie, the cramps have been horrendous, but you know what, if I have to go through this to get my bfp then that's fine. I'm not going to bitch about it to everyone. Others may feel differently, but that's how I feel.
Does anyone else have days when it feels like the whole world is pregnant but them? And no matter what you do or how much you try to manage the things in your life to reduce stress and eat healthily and make sensible choices, fate comes along with his nasty plan and makes you feel poo poo poo...

I see all my pregnant friends and friends with kids (of which there are many) and I am so happy for them and for the joy and completeness most of them feel in their lives. But, and this is where it's hard, I hate it when they complain about being tired and needing to wee all the time, when they tell me (absent mindedly) that I'll understand how rubbish pregnancy is when it's my turn, that they hate the cost, the lack of sleep, the mess.

Sorry. I'm feeling a bit woe is me and really quite tragically desperate for some good news. Every week for the past few weeks someone else is pregnant and I have friends confessing they're about to start trying for their second because they 'don't want them too far apart' - bully for you, mate - some of us would just love to have one.

Rant over. Not that I feel any better. Hopefully a good night's sleep should put me right.

I am definitely having one of those days too. One of my best friends hasn't told me yet, but I'm almost positive she's pregnant and it hit me hard. Tomorrow would have been my due date.
Does anyone else have days when it feels like the whole world is pregnant but them? And no matter what you do or how much you try to manage the things in your life to reduce stress and eat healthily and make sensible choices, fate comes along with his nasty plan and makes you feel poo poo poo...

I see all my pregnant friends and friends with kids (of which there are many) and I am so happy for them and for the joy and completeness most of them feel in their lives. But, and this is where it's hard, I hate it when they complain about being tired and needing to wee all the time, when they tell me (absent mindedly) that I'll understand how rubbish pregnancy is when it's my turn, that they hate the cost, the lack of sleep, the mess.

Sorry. I'm feeling a bit woe is me and really quite tragically desperate for some good news. Every week for the past few weeks someone else is pregnant and I have friends confessing they're about to start trying for their second because they 'don't want them too far apart' - bully for you, mate - some of us would just love to have one.

Rant over. Not that I feel any better. Hopefully a good night's sleep should put me right.

i live in that world, 24/7.

my friend's pregnant and has no home, no way to get medical treatment, and cant even afford prenatals. but SHE can have a baby, and I can't?! everyone around me is pregnant it seems. And the rude things people say... yeah, it all sucks.

I hope you feel better soon. :hugs:
Nexis, I see you've been prescribed met. Your doctor should be upping the dose, or giving you provera. I totally agree with hopeful. you need to be making a ruckus!!

I'm going to make sure that I get them to do something more because this is just ridiculous. It's just a pity that my appt was rearranged from August to October and my GP won't up the dosage as metformin for PCOS isn't a licensed use for it, so they're leaving it to the hospital. Obviously I want to start ovulating but at the moment I just really want AF/withdrawal bleed as I really don't feel right not having anything for such long stretches.

yes, it is. i was having 6 months between af (OR MORE!) and they put me on met. when it didnt work, they upped it. i just had it upped again, and now im bonkers again.

have they done ultrasounds, etc?

Originally I had blood tests, slightly high testosterone then an u/s that did show some cysts and one ovary was slightly larger. Had more bloods at hospital but can't get those results till I go back in october. Fs said she expects it will show low progesterone too and was a bit surprised this hadn't been checked previously.

you're in a far better boat than i. ive had zero testing in the PCOS department. my u/s was clear showing no cysts, etc. no blood work done either, other than thyroid. they should be able to call you and tell you your results.

The hospital won't ring me as they'll give me the results next time I go.

:witch: is most definitely here. I got up at 6am as I couldn't sleep because of the cramps. I've taken ibroprufen and grinning and bearing it, this is the first af I've had (reasonably) on my own since last November and I promised myself I wouldn't moan about the cramps too much as I'm just glad she's finally here. Hoping they subside a bit later as I'm getting my nails infilled :haha:

i hate when they do that. its quite annoying when they wont answer a simple question.

ooh, congrats! hopefully things calm down so you can get your nails done!

Thanks :) the cramps did calm down a bit so it was ok getting my nails done. They got a bit worse earlier but dh went and got me some new neurofen for period pain tablets and they've done the trick. Spent the afternoon in my pyjamas with chocoloate watching the avengers film :blush:

ooh, i know how that goes. i spent a better part of my weekend in my pjs which some chocolate and a video game. this was the worst af ever. im hoping its over by tomorrow as im going to get my hair done. just my luck, it'll get worse!:dohh:

I hope it gets better for you getting your hair done! I really don't feel like doing anything today but my best friend has a tribunal today as the dwp are trying to kick her off incapacity benefit so I'm going with her.

Lots of ibuprofen and a heat pad and i made it thru the appt. its so annoying! but she seems to be leaving the building, which is good. im on my days off, and i'd like to do something besides lie around and moan!
Hi everyone:hi:

My name is Ashley, I'm 25 and I have PCOS. I was diagnosed not even a month ago, but I think I had it since i was 16. I'm currently taking 500mg ER Metformin 1/day, but have an appointment this Friday to have my dosage up'd because I don't think anything is happening on just 500mg 1/day.

It seems all my friends around me are getting pregnant as well. Just found out today a friend is pregnant and it cut a hole in my chest. I'm trying to be happy for all my friends, but I want a child so bad. My DH & I even have our names picked out for a boy or girl. I just hope someday it will happen to me.
Good luck to everyone TTC w/ PCOS:dust:
Hey Nexis, I came off bcp last Jan and didn't see AF until July, so I feel your pain. Even then, go said there was nothing wrong and it wasn't until I went in weekly in tears, begging to be checked over (friend had just been diag with PCOS, same symptoms) that they listened. I had to force the issue of a scan because they said my bloods were fine. The cramping sucks and it takes a strong person to admit that you need to take the rough with the smooth and just get on with it. My mum always says you're only given a burden as heavy as you can carry, and the strongest and wisest carry the most. In that case I feel like ironman some days and as wise as an owl....

Thank you all for your words of support. It's sad and frustrating when you hear people complaining about their pregnancies, or if children are left dirty or overweight, or shouted and cussed at by their parents. DH regularly tells me that if we can't have our own baby he would find infinite comfort in adopting a child who has not yet received the love and support they deserve in life. As horrible as I feel inside, its reassuring to know I'm not the only one who feels this way.
P.S. jojo I love your avatar/picture. I want to print that and put it on my fridge.

I found it on google, I'm seriously considering having it made into a canvas lol!

Miss Noodles I think we all have days like that, I love my SIL and her 5 kids. But the other day she was saying she would have liked to have had them a bit closer together and I just thought, at least you had them!! Don't feel bad though its completely understandable.

Also I have vowed to my mum that I will never ever complain about morning sickness, (in fact secretly I'd love to start throwing up every morning, I think I would be excited becuase I think I would be pregnant).

Big big hugs to everyone :hugs: this journey sucks a bit but it will be worth it when we all have our bubbies! Can't wait to see some BFP's, got a feeling we might get some soon :)

Hi all im back! Wow i have been mia for what feels like yonks!
Nexis i am glad af has come, at least you can start a new cycle.
So much to catch up on! :hugs: to all!

Afm well......i am cd 43 and yesterday i thought af was on her ugly way as i was spotting and had cramps for days but today nothing. May have been IB but i tested bfn on monday night so perhaps not.
Now i am starting to feel depressed but trying not to be as dp moans when i am negative about it.
I read the posts about ppl feeling tired with their kids and i would be the same, i wouldnt dare moan! Id relish every moment. Of course we will get somedays where we'd be like omg give me a break but i guess thats normal.
I think i will go back on my word and ask my gp for an fs referal in october. Im going to tell dp this tonight as i dont want to delay things further.
I just want to curl up and cry today whats wrong with me????
I had my scan this morning-
2* 9mm*
1* 11mm
All on the right ovary and *loads of other smaller ones like normal (pcos)

5.8 lining
I have to carry on injecting for a week with the same dose, they don't want to upp the dose as they only want one follicle not all 3 to grow again (which happened when they upped my dose last time) so we shall see, things are on track...

:hi: mumface :) hope you're doing well??

Hippiekins We totally understand how you feel rant away here :) I hope the higher dose of met helps you hun :hugs:

Miss noodles hope you're feeling a little better today??

Nexis how is af treating you???

:hi: to everyone else I'm on my phone so hard to catch up properly...
I had my scan this morning-
2* 9mm*
1* 11mm
All on the right ovary and *loads of other smaller ones like normal (pcos)

5.8 lining
I have to carry on injecting for a week with the same dose, they don't want to upp the dose as they only want one follicle not all 3 to grow again (which happened when they upped my dose last time) so we shall see, things are on track...

:hi: mumface :) hope you're doing well??

Hippiekins We totally understand how you feel rant away here :) I hope the higher dose of met helps you hun :hugs:

Miss noodles hope you're feeling a little better today??

Nexis how is af treating you???

:hi: to everyone else I'm on my phone so hard to catch up properly...

Somewhat better today. Quite crampy this morning but I manned up and went for lunch with DH and BIL. I'm ok atm and I think she might be winding down now so that's good :D
That's good hun :hugs: hope she is gone ASAP so you can start ttc again :)
I had my scan this morning-
2* 9mm*
1* 11mm
All on the right ovary and *loads of other smaller ones like normal (pcos)

5.8 lining
I have to carry on injecting for a week with the same dose, they don't want to upp the dose as they only want one follicle not all 3 to grow again (which happened when they upped my dose last time) so we shall see, things are on track...

:hi: mumface :) hope you're doing well??

Hippiekins We totally understand how you feel rant away here :) I hope the higher dose of met helps you hun :hugs:

Miss noodles hope you're feeling a little better today??

Nexis how is af treating you???

:hi: to everyone else I'm on my phone so hard to catch up properly...

Good for you - glad things are on track.

AFM, I'm still more grumpy than I really should be :cry: been up and down to the bathroom several times to stop my mind being idle and avoid the risk of tears at my desk.

Going to my bestie's for dinner and a baking sesh this evening though. Proper night off from the kitchen renovations and a well deserved break for DH too.

Question for you all, as I have no idea whether I'm imagining things or not - I've been getting twinges in what I can only imagine is my left ovary. I've CLEARLY been a little sensitive of late :)blush:) and I'm also a bit headachy and nauseous. Are these O signals?!!! The only time I've previously felt like this was when I was on Clomid, except all these symptoms were so much more severe (and culminated in a trip to A&E), so I don't want to get my hopes up, but maybe... do you think.... ? :shrug:

Would be interesting to hear...

Mumface :hugs: I hope it starts to feel a little easier again soon and you can regain some of your optimism. x
I'm not sure but the twinges are definately a good sign and the hormonal change as your hormones change during o so fx'd :)

I hope you have a nice night with your friend and I hope you feel better soon, ttc can be emotional at times bless ya I hope the night with your friend takes your mind off it all for a while :hugs:
How many more days are you on your injectables for? I don't envy you one bit - my friend is undergoing IVF and had to excuse herself to have an injection. It's definitely something we'd pursue, but it seems so scary. Fxd you get good news this cycle.

Baking helped - we're doing cupcakes for a wedding, so I've just churned out 72 of them and we will spend tomorrow frosting them. It's a nice thing to do and the couple are lovely, which helps!
hi ladies,

today i went for one more follicular study on CD15 ... and Dr resulted same as was on CD11 ... and he said may be PCOS ....

m little tensed, what this new thing happening with me, although now i have to wait for my periods so will go through some hormonal tests...

just join here so u Ladies who already go through it, ket me what will happen if my PCOS identified??

any suggestions, advice.....plz
Having a really rough day today, it would have been my due date. I'm just waiting on AF so I can start my next round of letrozole and injectibles. I feel like this will never happen.
Having a really rough day today, it would have been my due date. I'm just waiting on AF so I can start my next round of letrozole and injectibles. I feel like this will never happen.

Hello Stayhopeful, nobody knows what the future holds and its always hard wanting something which you're not certain to receive. Last night my friend and I were saying that you can physically go out and change or buy most things in life, but the gift of your own child is something very different. This message has stuck with me.

I hope that over time things get easier for you and your wishes come true. I hope that in the mean time you're able to find the strength inside you to carry on and learn from your journey. I believe it will get easier with time - I don't like the idea of being as upset as I am for a long while.

Stay hopeful sweetie. You never know when good news is just around the corner

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