Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

hope everyone's doing well I was doing fine but today I seem to be sick all of the sudden headache body ache, nauseous hot and cold flashes hit me all at once while I was at work. So now I'm home on the couch :( can't go to sleep; not sleeping just kinda blah...I'm cd13/14 if I'm calculating right...I dont symptom check so for me to notice it's kinda big.. any who just ranting everyone continue to have a great day.
hope everyone's doing well I was doing fine but today I seem to be sick all of the sudden headache body ache, nauseous hot and cold flashes hit me all at once while I was at work. So now I'm home on the couch :( can't go to sleep; not sleeping just kinda blah...I'm cd13/14 if I'm calculating right...I dont symptom check so for me to notice it's kinda big.. any who just ranting everyone continue to have a great day.

Aww hun i hope you are ok soon!
Take care
I've got big fat ovaries too :( one is 8 times the size it should be and the other is 4 times it's normal size. I've found that changing my diet has massively helped. My belly isn't as swollen and I feel generally much better. Big fat ovaries suck!

Do you think evening primrose might help?

Its strange as a blood test showed my hormone levels normal, the doctor who did the scan mentioned this and winked and said I should be ok but still speak to my gp in 10days.
Im seeing her on 28th june, can't wait.
I think I will re-evaluate my diet too.


I'm not sure. I've never used EPO. Sorry. Changing my diet is all I did and it made a huge difference. I've started taking fertilaid as well. I'm hoping that helps too. It did the last time I was taking it.

I will discuss all options with my gp.
My diet needs sorting. I work a 12pm to 8pm shift so i usually end up with a microwave meal for tea in work, bleh! I sometimes take meals i have cooked in advance so i will make more of them instead.

If you want any tips on what to eat more of or avoid, just let me know. Good luck xx
I got some hpt for next week in hopes AF doesn't show up a week from now. I am hoping a baby is nestled inside instead. Tonight hubby and I are off to a baseball game with some friends. I figure it will be nice to enjoy myself and relieve some stress. Hope everyone is having a good day.
I got some hpt for next week in hopes AF doesn't show up a week from now. I am hoping a baby is nestled inside instead. Tonight hubby and I are off to a baseball game with some friends. I figure it will be nice to enjoy myself and relieve some stress. Hope everyone is having a good day.

Sounds good you are going to have a good night. Enjoy!
I hope you get your bfp next week.
My af hasnt arrived yet although im experiencing cramps and watery cm so i guess she will come soon then i can begin my next cycle.

Take care xxxx
If you want any tips on what to eat more of or avoid, just let me know. Good luck xx

That would be great thanks love.
Do you have long cycles? Im on cd31 and still no af, i have been having cramps last few days so i guess its due any day.
If you want any tips on what to eat more of or avoid, just let me know. Good luck xx

That would be great thanks love.
Do you have long cycles? Im on cd31 and still no af, i have been having cramps last few days so i guess its due any day.

I have varying lengths of long cycles. The last few have been 6 weeks apart. This one though was 8 weeks. I started the fertilaid on Friday and AF showed on Sunday. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence though. Seemed a bit early for it to have helped with that. The main things I cut out completely were tea and coffee and alcohol. I changed to whole meal bread and pastas and started snacking on fruit. I'm a sucker for crisps and had to cut them out completely. There's a PCOS diet that you can look up and print off. Just google 'Midland fertility pcos diet' and it'll pop up. Even if you don't have PCOS, you should see a difference xx
Hi, I would like to join this forum if that is alright with everyone? I don't usually join websites like these, I mostly just read them. However, after reading some of the posts on here, I relate so closely to the majority of you and it truly amazes how many others there are out there like myself.
So here is my story. My husband and I are ttc baby #2. I know for a lot of you, you are working on #1, so I would like to say that I am very blessed to have had the chance to experience prenancy/child birth once already. We weren't married, nor were we trying what so ever. We were actually young & I was on BC & Metformin, (I had already been diagnosed with PCOS at a very young age). We were aslo using condoms on and off. I got pregnant with my daughter, had a postivie pregnancy test as soon as I missed my period, and had zero complications throughout my entire pregnancy. Delivered a 7lb, 20inch baby girl at 37 weeks gestation, and she is now a perfectly happy & healthy 2 year old.
But, seems like this time around, we are having a difficult time concieving. (Of course now that we are actually married, live togeher, on our feet, & are trying....instead of being careless and not wanting a kid.) We have been trying for 7 months, and I realize that isn't a lot compared to years like some of you have been. I have started my period like clock work every month, but this month I truly believe I was pregnant, seeing as to how I was 9 days late, and you know your own body. But yesterday, I started some light spotting that started off brownish, and today has become a more pink-red color, and a little heavier, but still not enough to even fill a pad over the day. I don't know if maybe I'm having some issues with my menstrual cycle, or if there actually may be a chance for pregnancy??? I tested 4 days after my missed period & got a negative. I'm not sure if PCOS can affect a HPT or not? I've both that it can, and that it cannot. I feel absolutely insane. To some extent, I think my mind is playing tricks on my body, making myself think I am pregnant when I am indeed not. I feel little flutters/movements every now and again, my back absolutely kills me, I haven't had my same apetite lately, and now my menstrual cycle is off. But then I think at the same time I KNOW my own body and I AM pregnant.....but then I play it off because I don't want to get my hopes up.
What do you ladies think???? Am I playing too much into it and PCOS is just messing with my menstrual....or do you think there may be a chance of pregnancy??
If you want any tips on what to eat more of or avoid, just let me know. Good luck xx

That would be great thanks love.
Do you have long cycles? Im on cd31 and still no af, i have been having cramps last few days so i guess its due any day.

I have varying lengths of long cycles. The last few have been 6 weeks apart. This one though was 8 weeks. I started the fertilaid on Friday and AF showed on Sunday. I'm not sure if it was a coincidence though. Seemed a bit early for it to have helped with that. The main things I cut out completely were tea and coffee and alcohol. I changed to whole meal bread and pastas and started snacking on fruit. I'm a sucker for crisps and had to cut them out completely. There's a PCOS diet that you can look up and print off. Just google 'Midland fertility pcos diet' and it'll pop up. Even if you don't have PCOS, you should see a difference xx

My first cycle after bcp was 33 days which i thought great it should even itself out now but still nothing. Im moody, craving salty foods and carbs and my boobs feel heavy but not sore. My cm is non existent so af will come soon. Im trying to remember how my cycles were before I was on bcp, I just remember them been heavy and painful but I dont recall them being long maybe bcp as messed things up abit.

Where do you get fertilaid from? is it perscription? My doctor will probably say no to meds at the moment and will have me back and fourth for blood tests.

I will defo look up the pcos diet. I havent drank since I was 21 (now 26) I just dont like the taste of alcohol bleh! But I love tea so I will cut down or maybe go back on green tea instead. Like you I am a sucker for crisps I can take down a huge bag of doritos in one sitting and think nothing of it :wacko: so crisps will be no more.

Just a thought, I was talking to my big middle sis via text as she knows we are are ttc (im closer to her) and she has no problems and it took her 11 months to fall pregnant with my neice after several years on bcp and before that it took 6 months for her periods to go to normal, shes roughly every 32 days. But I thought its good to know that even women without pcos or cysts still takes time to catch the egg.

Hi, I would like to join this forum if that is alright with everyone? I don't usually join websites like these, I mostly just read them. However, after reading some of the posts on here, I relate so closely to the majority of you and it truly amazes how many others there are out there like myself.
So here is my story. My husband and I are ttc baby #2. I know for a lot of you, you are working on #1, so I would like to say that I am very blessed to have had the chance to experience prenancy/child birth once already. We weren't married, nor were we trying what so ever. We were actually young & I was on BC & Metformin, (I had already been diagnosed with PCOS at a very young age). We were aslo using condoms on and off. I got pregnant with my daughter, had a postivie pregnancy test as soon as I missed my period, and had zero complications throughout my entire pregnancy. Delivered a 7lb, 20inch baby girl at 37 weeks gestation, and she is now a perfectly happy & healthy 2 year old.
But, seems like this time around, we are having a difficult time concieving. (Of course now that we are actually married, live togeher, on our feet, & are trying....instead of being careless and not wanting a kid.) We have been trying for 7 months, and I realize that isn't a lot compared to years like some of you have been. I have started my period like clock work every month, but this month I truly believe I was pregnant, seeing as to how I was 9 days late, and you know your own body. But yesterday, I started some light spotting that started off brownish, and today has become a more pink-red color, and a little heavier, but still not enough to even fill a pad over the day. I don't know if maybe I'm having some issues with my menstrual cycle, or if there actually may be a chance for pregnancy??? I tested 4 days after my missed period & got a negative. I'm not sure if PCOS can affect a HPT or not? I've both that it can, and that it cannot. I feel absolutely insane. To some extent, I think my mind is playing tricks on my body, making myself think I am pregnant when I am indeed not. I feel little flutters/movements every now and again, my back absolutely kills me, I haven't had my same apetite lately, and now my menstrual cycle is off. But then I think at the same time I KNOW my own body and I AM pregnant.....but then I play it off because I don't want to get my hopes up.
What do you ladies think???? Am I playing too much into it and PCOS is just messing with my menstrual....or do you think there may be a chance of pregnancy??

Welcome to the thread!
The only thing I can say is do a HPT or go to the doctor for blood tests.
I think my mind is playing with me, Now that I know I have enlarged ovaries with cysts I feel more aches and twinges than ever before.
Doctors here in the UK are slow to get treatment so when I next see mine Im going to press for any meds that will help me ttc #1.

Mumface - fertilaid is all natural and can be bought over the internet (I got mine from Amazon). It's got all the vitamins you get in a multivitamin plus some extra herbal additions as well. If you get meds from the doc, I wouldn't take them and fertilaid. It may counteract the affect of the meds. Check it up on google. There's loads of info on it everywhere you look.
welcome, feelscrazy. The only thing that can influence a hpt is hcg being present in your urine...which would not be from your pcos. Personally, I think that if there were a chance of pregnancy, you would have had a positive by now, especially seeing as you tested after AF was due. However, there are women who don't get a positive for some time!

I agree with mumface, either keep testing until you get a positive or go to see your doctor. A blood test will show exactly how much hcg is in your blood, rather than a hpt which is more of just seeing whether or not there is any there.

I hope you stick around, and that you get it all sorted soon!
Well it happened...I knew it would..

My best friend who started trying the exact same time as me told me that she is pregnant. She took the hpt last night and found out. I'm so excited for her but at the same time...a part of me feels like crying. I tell myself that this is my cycle. That i have nothing to worry about but I still cry.

*wipes eyes*

These last few days i feel like the one who got left behind. I am a little scared right now...

I am trying not to read into anything...

But my af isn't due until next tuesday. Today I went to the restroom and there was a little bit of discharge and a touch of blood. Nothing major but just a touch. I've had little twinges and sharp pains on my right side but no cramps or anything.

I haven't had my normal migraine before my AF or anything that would mean anything.

Last week I was EXTREMELY tired as I have been this week. I have been sleeping a lot more than I have normally. My body can't get enough sleep.

What's going on? I don't want to get my hopes up too high and check for every symptom known to man...but is this good or is this bad? Is my AF coming early?

I don't know what to do...or think...

Maybe I'll just make some tea and relax. Not obsess... I am a little scared right now...

I am trying not to read into anything...

But my af isn't due until next tuesday. Today I went to the restroom and there was a little bit of discharge and a touch of blood. Nothing major but just a touch. I've had little twinges and sharp pains on my right side but no cramps or anything.

I haven't had my normal migraine before my AF or anything that would mean anything.

Last week I was EXTREMELY tired as I have been this week. I have been sleeping a lot more than I have normally. My body can't get enough sleep.

What's going on? I don't want to get my hopes up too high and check for every symptom known to man...but is this good or is this bad? Is my AF coming early?

I don't know what to do...or think...

Maybe I'll just make some tea and relax. Not obsess...

Oh I hope its your cycle this time!
Its hard not to pick at every tiny twinge or tired feeling, I have been doing it since day one and I think last week I finally made myself sick. I had a funny upset stomach all week, a headache that just would not budge, very short temper and I was very very tired too. This week I feel kinda ok, the upset tummy has gone but I believe it was down to me worrying as I rarely get upset tummy.

Stay strong, we can get through this!

xxxxxx :hugs::hugs:
Yes I actually want AF to arrive so I can start my next cycle. Im not as crampy today and feel pretty calm compared to the last few days, they say that PMS normally eases off before your period or as it starts so Im thinking by the weekend AF will be here.
OMG i cant believe i want AF?! I used to sometimes take bcp back to back so to avoid AF but now I want it to start its unreal?! :shrug:

Either way we will still bd every other night until AF arrives incase I ovulate late. Cant wait to see my doctor on 28th, I have a list of questions for her regarding ttc with elarged overies.

Isnt it funny how retail therapy really helps? Today I had some time to kill before I had to start work so I looked around some clothes shops with my friend. I treated myself to a new top and straight after buying it I felt great so started work with positive energy. Oh yeah and why is all the materinity wear drab? What do they think pregnant women lose their fashion sense? I was looking at it thinking what the heck is that? My friend, who has two children, said when you are ready to pop you dont care what you look like and would wear a tent if you were comfy enough :haha: Not me.....:wacko:

Anyways, I have waffled again lol!
Best get back to work.

:dust: to all and extra to ghinspire! everything will be ok! :dust:

That sounds so good. I am SO SO hoping that this is your month!!!

When are you testing?!?! Because my AF is due Wednesday :)
Thanks mumface, I feel sooooooooo much better today, seems like everyone in my office is coming down with this 24hour bug...

Ghinspire: Hope this is your month!!! I am a little scared right now...

I am trying not to read into anything...

But my af isn't due until next tuesday. Today I went to the restroom and there was a little bit of discharge and a touch of blood. Nothing major but just a touch. I've had little twinges and sharp pains on my right side but no cramps or anything.

I haven't had my normal migraine before my AF or anything that would mean anything.

Last week I was EXTREMELY tired as I have been this week. I have been sleeping a lot more than I have normally. My body can't get enough sleep.

What's going on? I don't want to get my hopes up too high and check for every symptom known to man...but is this good or is this bad? Is my AF coming early?

I don't know what to do...or think...

Maybe I'll just make some tea and relax. Not obsess...

I really hope for you that this is your month, and it would be great to go through it all with your friend as you mention (even if youre not pregnant this cycle, you'll get there, and you'll go through it together. Dont worry.)

I think for now ^^^^ that is the best piece of advice we can give, and you can give yourself :) xX

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