Young PCOS'ers! ~ 35 BFPs down!! ~

hellooo! i am currently updating on my kindle from my hotel room in egypt! morning sickness has hit me like a truck this morning so i am steering clear of the sun for a bit!

hope all you lovely ladies are ok i did try to read through the latest posts for an update but this thing is soooo slow!

bfp 14 cant be too far around the corner??

sending hugs n dust xxxx
It has been a rough morning for me. I had a horrible night of sleep. Now I'm sipping coffee in the middle of the afternoon and crying.

My best friend, who I am going to the beach with went to see the doctor today. She is officially 10 and a half weeks along. She heard the baby's heartbeat even though it was a bit early. I cried and I wasn't even there. How special is that sound?

I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. I feel like it won't ever be me.

The doctor said that he thought she was farther along. She had ovulated late I guess.

*sighs* I feel like I'll never have a little heartbeat inside of me. That I'm only destined to be an aunt.

So right now I'm an emotional wreck of emotions just crying and crying into my coffee.
Oh my god. I just rang into work sick. I physically feel ok, yet I just projectile vomited the length of the hallway! I rang my boss n said I'm happy to come in, but I can't guarantee what will happen! He said stay away lol
Hi all,
Looking for advice from experienced clomid ladies.
I am on second clomid round, 50 mg. As you can see from my signature, I ovulated on cd 30 first round. Today is cd 23 and no real signs of ovulation!
Doc isnt monitoring me at all, just gave me a batch of clomid pills and said do 3 50mg rounds and then we'll move you onto 3 100mg rounds.
I phoned him after 1st round to say I still had a 6wk cycle and should i up the dose but he said no and repeated the intitial instructions.

Well, now it looks like i am heading for another long cycle I really dont want to do a 3rd 50mg. I want to up myself to 100mg next cycle.

What do you think? Should i go ahead and up it withouth telling the doctor? He is just my GP, not a FS or anything.

I understand there are issues with overstimulation etc, which makes me nervous about upping it with no monitoring but I really dont want ANOTHER long cycle!!!!

If you're already o'ing, I'm not sure I would up it. I started on 50mg and o'd, but my doctor thought it was too strong of a dose because my endometrial lining was thin and I was releasing 2 follicles each month, so he dropped it down to 25mg hoping it would help. If you're already o'ing on your current dose, you run a chance of over stimulating if you go up.

I had a scan today and even on my third round of 25mg, my lining is stil really thin and I have 3 mature follicles. I haven't o'd yet, it should be this weekend or Monday. The doctor feels like I'm not responding well to the Clomid. He referred me to a FS and also decided to start me on Metformin. But when I called the FS, she had a cancellation and could see me on Monday, so my OB told me to wait on the Metformin and see what the FS says.

I'm having a hard time with being referred to a FS... I feel broken. Has anyone else had experience with Metformin?
I wouldn't up the dose if you are already ovulating. But maybe you could ask for the trigger shot with your dose, to make sure that you release the egg?

If you up your dose, and the dose you are already on is doing okay, you could hyperstimulate. I did, and it was the worst experience of my life. But only now have I found out that the symptoms I was having was because of that...I just assumed that was to be expected! I had chest pains, couldn't breathe, was in pain a lot of the time....don't do it without your doctors approval!
Hey everyone I've been sorta MIA on here but just wanted to update, I've been taking to an old high school classmate who had pcos like text book, she has gone through the clomid, metformin, hormones and finally conceived her son by IVF (he is 2 :)

She did say that she was on metfirmin a few months before starting I have revamped my ttc...I am just taking metformin until I feel my body is regulated, I started both at the same time and I feel that my body wasn't ready looking back. So I have taken the 3rd cycle of clomid this month..I won't take it again until October...only because I dont see my FS until January..I didn't want to use all of my clomid cycles and be out in limbo for 3 months. We are "not trying" we are just letting things happen, my honey and I have been on mini weekend trips and I'm pretty much booked every week to do we are keeping busy. I wish you all the best those BFP are coming :) I'll update on my progress in a few weeks :)
Hi Ladies. Can I join? Last year I was diagnosed with PCOS, but following a blood test and an ultrasound in November a nurse called me and said I don't have PCOS, then just this month talking to my nurse she said we should revisit me taking metformin for my PCOS! Anyway how were you ladies diagnosed and what have you done to treat it? I'm currently on my second round of clomid and will go back on metformin next cycle if I don't get a BFP. (I know I should have stuck with metformin last year but the diarrhea side effect in the first few weeks was interfering with work so I stopped after 2-3 weeks.) I have long irregular cycles, but I do believe I ovulate on my own, though I have a luteal phase defect (and low progesterone) and spot significantly before AF arrives each month.

How long are your cycles? Mine are about 63 days. I have an internal ultrasound appt on Monday to begin testing for PCOS. How do you know you are ovulating?? I wish I could figure out if I was! Good luck to you!! :dust:
Hi all,
Looking for advice from experienced clomid ladies.
I am on second clomid round, 50 mg. As you can see from my signature, I ovulated on cd 30 first round. Today is cd 23 and no real signs of ovulation!
Doc isnt monitoring me at all, just gave me a batch of clomid pills and said do 3 50mg rounds and then we'll move you onto 3 100mg rounds.
I phoned him after 1st round to say I still had a 6wk cycle and should i up the dose but he said no and repeated the intitial instructions.

Well, now it looks like i am heading for another long cycle I really dont want to do a 3rd 50mg. I want to up myself to 100mg next cycle.

What do you think? Should i go ahead and up it withouth telling the doctor? He is just my GP, not a FS or anything.

I understand there are issues with overstimulation etc, which makes me nervous about upping it with no monitoring but I really dont want ANOTHER long cycle!!!!

If you're already o'ing, I'm not sure I would up it. I started on 50mg and o'd, but my doctor thought it was too strong of a dose because my endometrial lining was thin and I was releasing 2 follicles each month, so he dropped it down to 25mg hoping it would help. If you're already o'ing on your current dose, you run a chance of over stimulating if you go up.

I had a scan today and even on my third round of 25mg, my lining is stil really thin and I have 3 mature follicles. I haven't o'd yet, it should be this weekend or Monday. The doctor feels like I'm not responding well to the Clomid. He referred me to a FS and also decided to start me on Metformin. But when I called the FS, she had a cancellation and could see me on Monday, so my OB told me to wait on the Metformin and see what the FS says.

I'm having a hard time with being referred to a FS... I feel broken. Has anyone else had experience with Metformin?

I'm on metformin at the moment, started on 500mg a day, now on 1000mg. Haven't had any bad side effects so far. I haven't O'd since November so just hoping the met and losing some weight will help.
Hi all,
Looking for advice from experienced clomid ladies.
I am on second clomid round, 50 mg. As you can see from my signature, I ovulated on cd 30 first round. Today is cd 23 and no real signs of ovulation!
Doc isnt monitoring me at all, just gave me a batch of clomid pills and said do 3 50mg rounds and then we'll move you onto 3 100mg rounds.
I phoned him after 1st round to say I still had a 6wk cycle and should i up the dose but he said no and repeated the intitial instructions.

Well, now it looks like i am heading for another long cycle I really dont want to do a 3rd 50mg. I want to up myself to 100mg next cycle.

What do you think? Should i go ahead and up it withouth telling the doctor? He is just my GP, not a FS or anything.

I understand there are issues with overstimulation etc, which makes me nervous about upping it with no monitoring but I really dont want ANOTHER long cycle!!!!

If you're already o'ing, I'm not sure I would up it. I started on 50mg and o'd, but my doctor thought it was too strong of a dose because my endometrial lining was thin and I was releasing 2 follicles each month, so he dropped it down to 25mg hoping it would help. If you're already o'ing on your current dose, you run a chance of over stimulating if you go up.

I had a scan today and even on my third round of 25mg, my lining is stil really thin and I have 3 mature follicles. I haven't o'd yet, it should be this weekend or Monday. The doctor feels like I'm not responding well to the Clomid. He referred me to a FS and also decided to start me on Metformin. But when I called the FS, she had a cancellation and could see me on Monday, so my OB told me to wait on the Metformin and see what the FS says.

I'm having a hard time with being referred to a FS... I feel broken. Has anyone else had experience with Metformin?

Thanks for the advice. I think i will wait and see what happens this second cycle, day 24 and no ovulation yet. Think if i get to day 30 without O'ing i will go and see doc to discuss further.
I am aware of the overstimulation risks which is why i am dubious but as i am not being monitored, i dont know what the clomid is many follicles or if my lining is thin. I think it might be as my first af on clomid was only 2 days of painful but light bleeding...i take it this must mean there wasnt much of a lining to shed. :shrug:

I need to get answers from my doctor. :dohh:

I hope you have more luck on the metformin.xx
It has been a rough morning for me. I had a horrible night of sleep. Now I'm sipping coffee in the middle of the afternoon and crying.

My best friend, who I am going to the beach with went to see the doctor today. She is officially 10 and a half weeks along. She heard the baby's heartbeat even though it was a bit early. I cried and I wasn't even there. How special is that sound?

I guess I'm just feeling sorry for myself. I feel like it won't ever be me.

The doctor said that he thought she was farther along. She had ovulated late I guess.

*sighs* I feel like I'll never have a little heartbeat inside of me. That I'm only destined to be an aunt.

So right now I'm an emotional wreck of emotions just crying and crying into my coffee.

Chin up hun. I am on the positivity highway at the moment. Like you, the last couple of cycles i have thought 'Its not going to happen to me' but now i am trying to be really positive and imagining it happening to me! I believe it will help.
My sister was diagnosed with incurable cancer a week after giving birth to her only child, they didnt think she would make it to his first birthday. Well he was 2 last month and she is still here and doing well. Her cancer will never go but i believe her positive attitude made a massive difference to the way she responded to treatment.
We can do this!!
A little bit down today :( Just back from our local supermarket. Everywhere I looked there was either pregnant women, families with new born babies or something pregnancy/infant related. My husband took a short cut through the baby aisle and picked up a pack of nappies and put them in the trolley. He laughed but I could have cried. He saw the look on my face and quickly put them back. I know it was just a joke but I felt so heart broken that I've not given him something that he really wants. A real low day today :( xx
Hi ladies, can I join?

I'm 24 and was diagnosed with PCOS about two years ago, but that was before TTC. A sonogram showed cysts and blood test showed higher testosterone (which, if I'm being honest, makes me a little embarrassed to admit to people who don't have PCOS, as if I were less of a woman as a result even though I know that's silly). We really kicked up the TTC this month because I really hope we can do this without meds before my next exam in October. My temps are a little weird and they get kind of low sometimes. I just got my first positive opk today though, at CD 20. Last time I was off BC prior to TTC, my cycles are 60-80 days long, so I'm feeling hopeful since my last two cycles ere normal length. I didn't do anything different really. Well, since my diagnosis I switched to organic milk. Do you think that makes a difference? I'm not overweight and haven't changed my eating habits. Just getting lucky maybe. Hopefully this month is it for us. I'd love to have an April baby!
Hey everyone!

How are you all today? :-D
*hugs* to all those feeling down. I hope you all feel better soon. I know it is really hard to be positive some days. PCOS is an absolute pain. :-(

UPDATE: well I thought i was out yesterday as I start bleeding. Not heavy but enough to use a pad...but then today, it's gone. Just a little pink on the toilet roll (sorry TMI!!) so i just don't know what's going off!! :shrug:

Btw, just watching the opening of the olympics...gosh we have gone to town! lol. And i know it was on last night, I decided to record it so I could just fast forward the boring bits....gosh I love the Sky box :-D
Hey everyone!

How are you all today? :-D
*hugs* to all those feeling down. I hope you all feel better soon. I know it is really hard to be positive some days. PCOS is an absolute pain. :-(

UPDATE: well I thought i was out yesterday as I start bleeding. Not heavy but enough to use a pad...but then today, it's gone. Just a little pink on the toilet roll (sorry TMI!!) so i just don't know what's going off!! :shrug:

Btw, just watching the opening of the olympics...gosh we have gone to town! lol. And i know it was on last night, I decided to record it so I could just fast forward the boring bits....gosh I love the Sky box :-D

We watched it live, the whole thing with the fields and chimneys and thing about the NHS was a bit weird but I loved it after that. Loved Mr Bean and Bond and the Queen. We were sat here like "no way is that going to really be the Queen" and then she turned round and it was!

Afm, nothing to report. Few cramps here and there but nothing else happening so far.
I hope everyone feel ok soon enough. :flower: Everywhere I go its bumps, babies and baby things I cannot get away from it!
A good comedy movie, a big bar of chocolate and tickles with DP sorts me out.

Well....went to visit my niece today and I on a high! She is tiny and seems so fragile! I love her soooo much!
I really was suprised I didnt get emotional (we had a good old laugh once we all got comfy with a cuppa) or go away feeling like its never gonna be me etc but I went home and thought, sod it, I am not going to be negative about pcos anymore. So I have pcos but I can be helped if need be and my bfp will happen when its meant to.
Seeing my new born niece and holding her made me so happy and appreciative that I stopped worrying about the what ifs and if I can'ts, It made me think of "When I am a mum...." and "The day we get a bfp we will jump around the flat like fruit loops!"
Me and DP were just discussing the above and both agree to get on with our lives and stop thinking pcos and ttc all the time and go with it. If I have another 50day cycle then I have another 50day cycle, what the heck can I do about it? Worrying wont make me any better.
Also we admitted we havent enjoyed sex as much this week. My fault really I was like Im probably gonna ovulate this week so get to bed.....that attitude is a major passion killer isnt it? Sex should be spontanious lol!
So we will bd whenever the fancy takes us which, to be honest even before ttc was 3-4 times per week anyway so no change there.

So as my signature suggests Qeu Sera Sera.....

Ohhh I began taking vit B Complex as it can help hormonal imbalances and I checked today and had blobs of EWCM!
Screw you PCOS! We will beat you!
Hopeful - those are lovely names! :hugs: I am glad everything is going for you and baby!

TTC with PCOS - do a test! I need some of your will power as I think I might be in my 2ww now!

Welcome Applemuffins - I am sure organic food might make a difference as it has less e numbers and chemicals etc, given me ideas now for another diet revamp lol!
But yes my cycles are whacko after bcp, I stopped bcp in April to ttc, cycle1 was 33days...not bad but cycle2 was 54 days ggaahhh! Maybe it was me stressing that made it worse. No more stress now.
I too felt less of a woman knowing I had pcos but yet my hormone levels were 'normal' less of a woman because I feard I couldnt concieve and I was letting dp down.
I am also hoping for an April baby as its my birthday that month so double celebrations!

Thanks mumface! We picked until we know the sex it's little zo-jay!

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